USAID Impact Photo Credit: USAID and Partners

Archives for 2010

2010: A Year in Review

With 2011 on the horizon, USAID looks at back at its accomplishments in 2010. Read more >>

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In the News

USAID in the news during week of December 27, 2010. Read more >>

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Integrating Family Planning, HIV, and MNCH Services in Ethiopia and Kenya

A nurse in Meshualekia Health Center, in Addis Ababa, explains how to use the injectable contraceptive, Depo-Provera. The client will also be offered an HIV test as part of the Ministry of Health's efforts to integrate HIV and family planning services. Photo Credit:Ed Scholl, AIDSTAR-One

Programs in Kenya and Ethiopia are leading the way in integrating family planning, HIV, and maternal/neonatal and child health services. Read more >>

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Pic of the Week: Conserving Wildlife in Southern Sudan

Park rangers in southern Sudan

Supported by USAID, the Wildlife Conservation Society works to protect southern Sudan’s natural resources while creating local jobs. Read more >>

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Improving Rural Livelihoods by Empowering African Women Researchers in Agricultural Science

Dr. Anabela Manhica proudly exhbits a laptop received from the AWARD program. Photo Credit: USAID/Mozambique

Women scientists are on the cutting edge of solving Africa’s food crisis. Read more >>

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Pic of the Week: “A Historical Look Back”

Peace Corps

The work of USAID has been far-reaching and long-standing with the help of the Peace Corps. Read more >>

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Maternal Death Preventable and Treatable with Low-Cost Interventions

Despite the challenges faced in reducing maternal mortality, USAID has helped to demonstrate that real progress can be made. Read more >>

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How You’re About to Help Save the Lives of 4 million Children

The U.S. has been a leader in immunization, but we can’t do it alone. Read more >>

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Zambia: Where the Roads End, Logistics Continue

During the rainy season, an ox cart is the only reliable way to get health commodities across the flooded plains to rural health centers in Zambia’s Western province. Photo Credit: USAID/Zambia

The USAID | DELIVER PROJECT is partnering with Zambia’s Ministry of Health to help bring drugs and medical supplies to patients. Read more >>

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U.S. Provides Equipment To Female Health Workers in Pakistan

Deputy USAID mission director Rodger Garner is speaking to the lady health workers; Sakina Shanwari, supervisor of the lady health workers, thanks the American people.

Health workers in Pakistan receive kits of basic equipment to help them as they offer vital health care services to families in their communities. Read more >>

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