Where to Make a FOIA request

I want to make a FOIA request to:

Note: After you select an agency, to make another selection, please use the link on the left: "Where to Make a FOIA Request." Your "Back" button will not take you to your previous search results.


View the full list of agencies for information on how to make a FOIA request Watch a FOIA.gov video: Help - Making a FOIA Request

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The FOIA applies to all federal agencies, which means it does not apply to:

Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch and Federal Courts

For records and more information on the Federal Court System, please visit www.uscourts.gov


Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch and Congress

For records and more information on both houses of Congress, please contact your local House Representative or Senator. You may also visit www.house.gov, www.senate.gov, or www.congress.gov for additional information on the legislative branch.

State Governments and Courts

State Governments and Courts

For records and more information on State or local agencies, and courts, please contact those entities directly.


Last Updated: 2/2011

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