News and Announcements Archive

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2017invisible spacer
01/18/2017 Attending the 2017 American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting? Take along the schedule of ESTO-affiliated activities.
2016invisible spacer
12/21/2016 ESTO-funded Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration (MiRaTA) project and NASA TROPICS mission featured in SpaceNews article: "NOAA sees smallsats as good gap fillers for weather system"
12/05/2016 Attending the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting? Take along the schedule of ESTO-affiliated activities.
The NASA exhibit at AGU will also feature an exciting lineup of presentations and demos.
11/25/2016 Congraulations to Bill Swartz and the RAVAN CubeSat team on the successful 11/11 launch.
11/15/2016 The 2016 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) solicitation is now open as element A.41 of the 2016 NASA ROSES omnibus announcement. Notices of Intent are requested by December 21 and proposals are due February 16, 2017.
11/09/2016 SmallSat Campaign Week:
ESTO CubeSat projects featured in news feature and video:
NASA Small Satellites Set to Take a Fresh Look at Earth
11/04/2016 A NASA media event (11/7) on the emerging role for small satellites will feature ESTO-funded CubeSat projects and principal investigators
10/31/2016 ESTO is pleased to announce 17 new projects awarded under the 2016 solicitation of the Instrument Incubator Program (IIP)
08/09/2016 ESTO is pleased to announce six new projects awarded under the 2015 solicitation of the Sustainable Land Imaging-Technology (SLI-T) program
08/05/2016 The 2016 NASA ESTO Microwave Technologies Review and Strategy report is now available online
08/03/2016 Wondering what the future might hold for Earth science? Check out this new video: NASA Earth Science – A Vision for the Future
07/12/2016 ESTO-funded Capsulation Satellite project – a low cost small satellite architecture study – featured in Goddard Space Flight Center's summer 2016 issue of Cutting Edge
07/07/2016 Presentations from the 2016 Earth Science Technology Forum are now available online
05/12/2016 The 2016 NASA ESTO Lidar Technologies Review and Strategy report is now available online
05/06/2016 The full schedule of sessions for the 2016 Earth Science Technology Fourm is now available at the forum website.
04/11/2016 The 2016 Solicitation for the Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) is now open as element A.42 of the 2016 NASA ROSES omnibus announcement. Notices of Intent are requested by 5/31; proposals are due 7/11.
03/15/2016 ESTO is pleased to announce the 2016 Earth Science Technology forum (ESTF2016), to be held June 14-16 in Annapolis, MD
03/10/2016 Congratulations to ESTO principal investigators David Diner of JPL and William Blackwell of MIT’s Lincoln Lab on their selection by NASA's Earth Venture Instrument-3 program
02/23/2016 Four new InVEST projects featured in article: “New CubeSats To Test Earth Science Tech in Space”
01/28/2016 The Lidar Community Form is rescheduled for 2/24/16 as a virtual, online event. Please click here to register.
01/21/2016 The Portable Remote Imaging Spectrometer (PRISM) is featured in this article on NASA's COral Reef Airborne Laboratory (CORAL) campaign:
NASA to Capture Best-Ever Portrait of Coral Reef Health
01/06/2016 Attending the 2016 AMS Annual Meeting? Take along the schedule of ESTO-affiliated activities
2015invisible spacer
12/30/2015 GPS Sensor Web Helps Forecasters Warn of Monsoon Flash Floods
12/21/2015 ESTO is pleased to announce the first Sustainable Land Imaging-Technology solicitation, element A.47 of the 2015 Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES-2015) omnibus announcement. NOIs are requested by January 22, 2016, and proposals are due March 30, 2016.
12/08/2015 Attending the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting? Take along the schedule of ESTO-affiliated activities
12/08/2015 The ESTO Lidar Community Forum is scheduled for January 27, 2016, at the USRA Headquarters Conference Center in Columbia, MD. Click here for details and to register.
12/01/2015 The 2015 ESTO Annual Report is here
+ Get the PDF
11/24/2015 ESTO is updating its investment strategy for lidar technologies and is seeking input from the community. Click here to help us shape the future of Lidar for Earth science applications.
10/21/2015 In-depth study of the 2014 La Habra earthquake utilizes ESTO-developed technologies to provide new insights about L.A. earthquake risks.
09/30/2015 ESTO is pleased to announce four new CubeSat projects awarded under the 2015 solicitation of the In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies (InVEST) program
07/27/2015 Presentations from the 2015 Earth Science Technology Forum are now available on the Forum Website
07/07/2015 The Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer, Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG) instrument is mapping beach tar from CA pipeline spill
06/10/2015 ESTO investigator Ramakrishna Nemani and the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) big-data research platform featured in this story on the latest climate change projections
04/30/2015 Congratulations to PI Tom Flatley and the SpaceCube team on winning a 2015 Stellar Award from the Rotary National Award for Space Achievement (RNASA) Foundation.
03/04/2015 ESTO is pleased to announce the 2015 Earth Science Technology Forun
June 23-25, Pasadena, CA
03/02/2015 ORCA, the Ocean Radiometer for Carbon Assessment instrument, is featured in NASA news story: ORCA Prototype Ready for the Open Ocean
02/27/2015 The 2015 Solicitation for the In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies (InVEST) program is now open as element A.42 of the 2015 NASA ROSES omnibus announcement. Notices of Intent are requested by 3/27; proposals are due 5/29.
02/02/2015 GRIFEX CubeSat successfully launched on 1/31/15 as an auxiliary payload to the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive mission.
01/26/2015 Congratulations to PI Matt McGill and his team, who were named the 2014 “IRAD Innovators of the Year" at Goddard Space Flight Center. The team designed and built the Cloud-Aerosol-Transport System (CATS), which was installed on the International Space Station last week.
01/16/2015 Stanley Sander and his methane-detecting spectrometer are featured in this article on the Megacities Carbon Project in L.A.
01/05/2015 Attending the 2015 American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting? Get the schedule of ESTO-affiliated presentations at AMS.
2014invisible spacer
12/10/14 Attending the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting? Take along the schedule of ESTO-affiliated activities
12/09/14 ESTO is pleased to announce 24 new projects awarded under the 2014 solicitation of the Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) program
12/03/14 The 2014 ESTO Annual Report is now available
+ Get the PDF
12/02/14 New NASA airborne campaigns selected under the 2014 Earth Venture Suborbital solicitation have significant ESTO heritage
11/14/14 Presentations from the the 2014 Earth Science Technology Forum are now available online
10/13/14 Join us in two weeks for the 2014 Earth Science Technology Forum, 10/28-10/30 in Leesburg, VA.
09/15/2014 HAMMR, a new microwave radiometer for humidity measurements, completes its first engineering flights
09/12/2014 ESTO is pleased to announce 11 awards for the 2014 Advanced Component Technologies (ACT) program solicitation (element A.41 within the NASA 2014 ROSES omnibus research announcement).
08/27/2014 New Climate-studying Imager Makes Successful Balloon Flight
08/19/2014 New antenna for the Cloud Radar System flies for the first time in the Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEX) airborne campaign. ESTO-funded HIWRAP instrument also takes part.
08/14/2014 GPS sensor web project demonstrates early warning potential for a variety of natural hazards
08/12/2014 ESTO's Michael Pasciuto featured in this Earthzine article: "A Hitchhiker's Guide to CubeSats"
07/30/2014 ESTO's newest in-space technology validation project – the IceCube cubesat – featured in this story on
07/29/2014 The ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator (ACES) – a new high-altitude CO2 column instrument – completes successful engineering test flights.
07/24/2014 The Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) airborne campaign is in the news again with this feature story on the HIRAD instrument. HIRAD includes an RFI detector subsystem developed in the Instrument Incubator Program. Learn more about the many ESTO technologies flying on HS3.
07/03/2014 A new high-altitude CO2 column instrument – the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator (ACES) – is making its first flights onboard the NASA Falcon
06/30/2014 First Flights for EcoSAR, a New Instrument to Study Carbon-Rich Ecosystems
06/24/2014 Rama Nemani of the NASA Earth Exchange (and ESTO investigator) announces the NASA OpenNEX Challenges. Set to go live on July 1, these public challenges offer $60,000 in awards for innovative ways to use Earth science data.
06/18/2014 The ESTO Technology Portfolio has been updated with new 2014 charts for active investments and recent graduates
06/17/2014 ESTO is pleased to announce the 2014 Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2014) – to be held October 28 - 30 at the National Conference Center in Leesburg, VA. Visit the forum website for more information
05/02/2014 ESTO's Charles Norton interviewed by Trajectory Magazine for this article on "The Maturation of Smallsats"
04/22/2014 In this segment from Showetime's "Years of Living Dangerously" documentary, actor Harrison Ford talks with ESTO investigator Rama Nemani and Matthew Hansen of the University of Maryland about NASA Earth science.
+ More on the global forest cover study featured in the segment
04/14/2014 The 2014 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST)) solicitation is now open as element A.41 of the 2014 NASA ROSES omnibus announcement. Notices of Intent are requested by May 21 and proposals are due July 11, 2014.
04/09/2014 ESTO-funded CO2 airborne Lidar instrument, which had its first flights in late March, featured in this Hampton Roads Daily Press article
04/01/2014 Following the 3/28 La Habra earthquake, ESTO’s Quakesim project is again in the spotlight.
+ NASA feature story on Quakesim’s La Habra model
+ Fox News interview with Co-investigator John Rundle
03/28/2014 ESTO-funded Doppler Aerosol Wind (DAWN) instrument featured in this NASA news story
03/27/2014 COVE – the CubeSat On-Board processing Validation Experiment – successfully performs initial demonstrations in space, commences long-term technology validation
02/26/2014 Reminder: Proposals for the 2013 Advanced Component Technologies (ACT) solicitation are due 4/2/2014.
02/07/2014 Soil Moisture Sensor Web Provides a Peek at the Drought in California
01/30/2014 SPACENEWS features the RAVAN project – a cubesat technology demonstration for Earth radiation measurements – in this 1/20/14 article: Tiny Satellites May Answer Big Climate Change Question
01/24/2014 ESTO is pleased to announce the awards for the 2013 Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) Solicitation (element A.40 within the NASA 2013 ROSES omnibus research announcement).
01/17/2014 An interview with ESTO-PI Andrea Donnellan on the 20th anniversary of the Northridge earthquake: A JPL Scientist Reflects on L.A.'s Last Big Quake
01/07/2014 RAVAN – a new cubesat technology demonstration project for Earth radiation measurements – featured in this news item from the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
2013invisible spacer
12/19/2013 Congratulations to Marin Mlynczak on winning the "Best Article Award" in Earthzine's 2013 Earth Science Technology Showcase.
12/19/2013 ESTO-investigator Yehuda Bock and his natural hazard sensor web project featured in a JPL news article: "NASA Developing Natural Hazard Warning Systems"
12/17/2013 The 2013 Advanced Component Technologies (ACT) solicitation is now open as element A.41 of the NASA ROSES omnibus solicitation. NOIs are requested by 2/7/2014, and proposals are due 4/2/2014.
12/16/2013 Two CubeSat Technology Demonstrations Launch in December
12/13/2013 Land Vegetation and Ice Sensor (LVIS) featured on the American Geophysical Union blog.
12/03/2013 ESTO and Earthzine are pleased to announce the 2013 Earth Science Technology Showcase, an online presentation of selected technology developments for Earth science.
+ Check out Earthzine's conversation with George Komar, the ESTO Program Director
12/02/2013 Attending the 2013 AGU Fall Meeting? Get the schedule of ESTO-affiliated presentations (1MB, PDF)
11/26/2013 Two Space Dynamics Lab temperature reference instruments, launched 11/25 on the Russian Progress 53, are bound for ISS for space testing and validation.
11/25/2013 The 2013 ESTO Annual Report is now available
+ Get the PDF
11/22/2013 Congratulations to PI Tom Flatley on being named "Innovator of the Year" by NASA Goddard. Read more about his work developing SpaceCube data processors.
11/01/2013 VIDEO: ESTO investigator Bryan Blair talks about his LVIS instrument, which will measure ice in Greenland with Operation IceBridge
10/31/2013 New Climate-studying Imager Makes First Balloon Flight
10/21/2013 Two ESTO PIs – Chris Mattmann and Andrea Donnellan – featured in a 10/17 NASA news story on the 'Big Data' initiative at JPL
10/18/2013 Deployable mast design chosen for the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission
09/23/2013 ESTO principal investigator, Simone Tanelli, featured in a Climate Desk video report about the NASA SEAC4RS airborne campaign
09/18/2013 ESTO-funded GEO-TASO instrument joins NASA's DISCOVER-AQ airborne campaign to study air quality over Texas.
08/08/2013 The AirSWOT instrument had its first flights earlier this year on board NASA's King Air aircraft.
08/02/2013 HIWRAP instrument featured for upcoming flights with HS3:
Seeing Which Way the Wind Blows: New Doppler Radar Takes Flight on This Summer's HS3 Mission
07/26/2013 This NASA news story features PI Matthew McGill and his Cloud-Aerosol Transport System(CATS) instrument, scheduled to go to the International Space Station in 2014.
07/19/2013 The Geostationary Trace gas and Aerosol Sensor Optimization (GEO-TASO) instrument had its first flights this week onboard the NASA Falcon aircraft. +Read More
06/27/2013 The ESTO Technology Portfolio has been updated with new 2013 charts for active investments and recent graduates.
06/25/2013 Two ESTO instruments – HAMSR and HIRWAP – featured in Earthzine article: "Global Hawks: Unmanned Aircraft in Hurricane Science"
06/04/2013 Read the feature artice on ESTO ("ESTO: Benefiting Earth Science through Technology") in the May/June 2013 Issue of The Earth Observer
05/30/2013 The 2013 campaign of the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) airborne mission will feature a second Global Hawk packed with ESTO technologies.
+ ESTO technologies Enabling HS3
05/23/2013 Now available: Questions and Answers from the May 15th preproposal bidder’s conference for the 2013 Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) solicitation
05/17/2013 Recent ESTO InVEST award featured in story: Team Wins Cubesat Berth to Gather Earth Energy Imbalance Measurements
05/14/2013 The preproposal bidder’s conference for the 2013 Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) solicitation will be held on 5/15/2013, at 1:00 PM eastern time. Access information is available here.
+ 5/15 UPDATE: Bidders' Conference Presentation (PDF)
05/03/2013 Awards announced for the 2012 In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies (InVEST) solicitation (element A.48 of the 2012 NASA ROSES omnibus research announcement)
04/25/2013 PI Robert Green and the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) instrument featured in a NASA story on the HyspIRI airborne campaign
04/23/2013 Extreme Storm and Flooding Forecasts Improved by Sensor Network
04/16/2013 The 2013 Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) solicitation is now open as element A.40 of the 2013 NASA Research Announcement Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) omnibus announcement. A pre-proposal bidder’s conference will be held on May 15, 2013, at 1:00 PM eastern time. Visit the IIP 2013 solicitation notice for more. Notices of Intent are requested by May 31, 2013, and proposals are due July 15, 2013.
04/12/2013 PI Stanley Sander and the PanFTS instrument featured on The Weather Channel (How Big Cities Warm the Planet, 4/4/13).
04/04/2013 ESTO-sponsored Synthetic Aperture Radar flies on month-long expedition over the U.S. Gulf Coast, Arizona, and Central and South America.
+ 4/4/13 NASA Image of the day from flight over the Napo River in Ecuador and Peru
03/22/2013 Congratulations to ESTO Principal Investigator Tom Flatley on receiving the 2012 American Astronautical Society William Randolph Lovelace II Award for outstanding contributions to space science and technology.
03/21/2013 In response to the Federal budget cuts of March 1 (Sequestration), ESTO has cancelled the 2013 Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2013), with plans to renew the annual event in 2014.
03/15/2013 PI Stanley Sander featured in an Atlantic Cities article on the Megacities Carbon Project in L.A., which utilizes his PanFTS instrument at the California Lab for Atmospheric Remote Sensing.
03/13/2013 New, open source software - the InSAR Scientific Computing Environment (ISCE) - to aid in disaster research and time-series imaging
03/11/2013 AirSWOT (an airborne water surface topography instrument) is in the news for first flights that began 3/7:
+ OurAmazingPlanet article
+ Video from 1/25 NASA Dryden social media open house
03/05/2013 Yehuda Bock's ESTO project featured in a Scripps Institution for Oceanography news article:
Hybrid GPS-Seismic System Aims to Accelerate Earthquake Hazard Response
02/04/2013 The Airborne Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (AirMSPI) is currently flying on the ER-2 as part of the NASA Polarimeter Definition Experiment (PODEX).
+ More on AirMSPI
02/01/2013 Join us at the GEOSS Future Products Workshop (March 26-28, Silver Spring, MD) on interoperable data systems and on-demand data products.
01/30/2013 Article by ESTO PI Chris Mattmann – A Vision for Data Science – featured in 1/24/13 issue of Nature (Vol. 493, Issue 7433)
01/23/2013 Registration for the 2013 Earth Science Technology Forum is now open. Visit the forum website.
01/22/2013 Congratulations to Principal Investigator Andrea Donnellan on being elected to the AGU Council (President Elect, Nonlinear Geophysics Focus Group)
01/15/2013 ESTO is pleased to announce the 2013 Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2013) – to be held June 18 - 20 at the National Conference Center in Leesburg, VA. Visit the forum website for more information.
01/04/2013 Attending the 2013 American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting? Be sure to stop by the ESTO table at the NASA exhibit.
2012invisible spacer
12/10/2012 TEMPO, the Recently-Selected Earth Venture Instrument for Daytime Pollution Monitoring, Enabled by Key Early Technology Investments
11/30/2012 Attending the 2012 AGU Fall Meeting?
Get the list of ESTO-affiliated presentations (1.5MB, PDF)
11/16/2012 The 2012 ESTO Annual Report is now available to download (PDF)
11/09/2012 Airborne Instrument Collects Aerosol Data While Aiding New NASA System
10/15/2012 October 14-20 is Earth Science Week.
10/01/2012 New Interferometer (GLISTIN-A) to Aid In Ice Topography Measurements
09/28/2012 NASA's Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) airborne mission features several ESTO-funded technologies, including the HIWRAP and HAMSR instruments.
09/27/2012 High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL-2) instrument is participating in the Department of Energy's Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) airborne campaign.
09/20/2012 ESTO-funded QuakeSim Project named co-winner of the 2012 NASA Software of the Year Award
09/13/2012 The 2012 In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies (InVEST) solicitation is now open as element A.48 of the 2012 NASA ROSES omnibus research announcement Notices of intent are due 10/17/2012 and proposals are due by 11/27/2012.
09/07/2012 The updated 2012 ESTO Technology Portfolio is now online
08/30/2012 Congratulations to the ESTO PIs who received 2012 NASA Agency Honor Awards
08/17/2012 ESTO launches a new, updated website.
We appreciate your comments and feedback: email the webmaster
08/17/2012 ESTO-funded RTIMS memory module arrives safely on Mars onboard the Curiosity Rover, supports ChemCam instrument. + Read More
+ ESTO's 2009 feature on RTIMS
08/10/2012 Improving Land Surface and Weather Predictions using Optimization and Uncertainty Estimation Tools
07/27/2012 Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) Successfully Completes First Test Flights.
07/25/2012 ESTO PI Temilola Fatoyinbo receives 2011 Presidential Early Career Award.
07/19/2012 ESTO PI, Rama Nemani, featured in KQED Public Radio story: "Satellites Helping Save Water on California Farms"
07/05/2012 ESTO project making progress toward a Lidar instrument for O2 remote sensing.
06/20/2012 Congratulations to the Univ. of Michigan team (led by former ESTO PI, Chris Ruf) for the selection of the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) as a NASA Earth Venture mission.
06/15/2012 UAVSAR Airborne Radar to Study Icelandic Ice Caps
06/12/2012 Portable Remote Imaging Spectrometer (PRISM) makes its first airborne flight.
06/05/2012 ESTO principal investigator Gerry Heymsfield and his brother Andy, an NCAR scientist, featured in a NASA story about their work on the 2010 GRIP campaign.
06/01/2012 Next Generation AVIRIS Instrument Completes Successful First Flight.
05/30/2012 Congratulations to Jacqueline Le Moigne, recipient of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's 12th annual Excellence in Information Science and Technology Award.
05/16/2012 ESTO-funded project on climate model fusion featured in a press release from Ohio State University.
05/11/2012 Attending IGARSS2012? Be sure to add these ESTO chaired sessions to your agenda: TH2.11, TH3.11 and WE1.13.
04/26/2012 Andrea Donnellan, the principal investigator on the QuakeSim project at JPL, was featured in an America Now video on earthquake preparedness.
04/13/2012 The 2012 Earth Science Technology Forum has been cancelled. ESTO plans to renew this annual forum in June 2013.
03/26/2012 Laser System on GRACE Follow-On to Measure Earth’s Gravity as Never Before.
03/19/2012 The venue for the 2012 Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2012)has moved to Baltimore, MD. The forum dates remain the same (June 26-28). Visit the forum website for more information.
03/05/2012 Wondering what the future might hold for Earth science? Check out the recently-updated Earth Science Vision 2030 movie.
02/27/2012 ESTO-Funded Doppler Wind Lidar Maps Potential Wind Farm Sites off Virginia Coast.
02/15/2012 Awards announced for the 2011 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Solicitation (element A.41 within the NASA 2011 ROSES omnibus research announcement).
02/07/2012 A memorial service for Dr. Greg Leptoukh, a friend and an ESTO PI, will be held 3-5 pm on Thursday 2/9/12 at Goddard, Building 8. More about Greg and his legacy here.
01/20/2012 ESTO is pleased to announce the 2012 Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2012) – to be held June 26-28, 2012, in Orlando, FL. Visit the forum website for more information.
01/19/2012 The Airborne Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (APR-2) – developed in the first IIP solicitation in 1998 – to participate in the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission’s Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) field campaign.
01/12/2012 Attending the 2012 AMS Annual Meeting? Join us for the 12th Presidential Forum featuring George Komar, ESTO's Program Director, as well as for the ESTO-chaired sessions: TJ10 and TJ11.


2011invisible spacer
11/30/2011 The 2011 ESTO Annual Report (8.9MB, PDF) is now available online.
11/08/2011 Attending the 2011 AGU Fall Meeting? Get this list of ESTO-funded and ESTO-affiliated presentations (1MB, PDF) and be sure to stop by the ESTO-chaired session: IN42A, "Information Systems Technology to Advance Remote Sensing and Data
Productivity in the Next Decade
10/28/2011 The M-Cubed CubeSat, containing the Cubesat On-board processing Validation Experiment (COVE), was successfully launched this morning as an auxiliary payload of the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) satellite.
+ More on the M-Cubed CubeSat
+ More on COVE
+ More on the NPP launch
10/27/2011 A request for information (RFI) seeking Future Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies has been released. Responses are due by 12/31/2011.
10/18/2011 ESTO-funded Doppler Wind Lidar deployed to map potential wind farm sites off the Virginia coast.+ Read more on the Newport News Daily Press website.
10/11/2011 The 2011 NASA Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding will be held October 19-21 in Mountain View, CA
09/19/2011 Emerging Lidar Technique Shows Promise for Simplified Wind Measurements
09/19/2011 Awards announced for the 2010 ESTO Advanced Component Technology (ACT) program ROSES Solicitation
08/25/2011 QuakeSim computer model provides estimate of permanent ground motions from the 8/23/11 magnitude 5.8 earthquake in Virginia.
08/22/2011 Soil Moisture Sensing Controller and Optimal Estimator (SoilSCAPE) project featured in Univ. of Michigan blog and video.
08/15/2011 The 2011 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Solicitation is now closed. Watch this space for announcement of awards.
08/01/2011 Proposals to the 2011 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Solicitation are due Friday, August 12.
07/19/2011 Attending IGARSS 2011? Don't miss the ESTO-chaired session on Thursday, July 28: TH4.T10, Earth Observation Sensor Web
07/6/2011 The full proceedings from the 2011 Earth Science Technology Forum (held June 21-23 in Pasadena, CA) are now online. Visit the Forum website for more information.
06/13/2011 The ESTO Technology Portfolio has been updated with new 2011 charts for active investments and recent graduates.
06/06/2011 Online registration for the 2011 Earth Science Technology Forum will close on Friday, June 10. Visit the forum website for more information.
06/06/2011 The online Potential Bidders Conference for the 2011 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Solicitation was held May 26. Presentation slides and notes from the conference are available here.
05/13/2011 An online Potential Bidders Conference (via WebEx) for the 2011 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Solicitation has been scheduled for May 26. Watch this space for participation instructions.
03/30/2011 The 2011 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) Solicitation was released on February 18, 2011, as element A.41 within the 2011 ROSES omnibus research announcement. Notices of Intent (NOIs) are due 6/17/2011 and proposals are due 8/12/2011.
03/22/2011 A full schedule of events is now available online for the 2011 Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2011) – to be held June 21-23 in Pasadena, CA. Visit the forum website for more information and to register. Logo for ESTF2011 Conference
03/16/2011 A Featured paper in the 2/11/11 issue of Science includes examples from the ESTO-funded Multi-Sensor Data Synergy Advisor (MDSA) to illustrate importance of data and information provenance in data visualization tools.
03/11/2011 HAMSR, an airborne radiometer developed with ESTO funding to measure temperature, humidity and cloud structure, is participating in a field campaign to measure atmospheric ‘rivers’ of water vapor across the Pacific Ocean.
02/07/2011 Check out this video from Ball Aerospace (external link) on the ESTO-funded Electronically Steerable Flash Lidar (ESFL), a newinstrument for improved vegetation measurements.
01/20/2011 ESTO is pleased to announce the 2011 Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2011) – to be held June 21-23 in Pasadena, CA. Visit the forum website for more information.
01/03/2011 Nine ESTO investigators featured in the December 2010 "Earth Observation Sensor Web" special issue of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS)
2010invisible spacer
12/07/2010 The 2010 solicitation for the ESTO Advanced Component Technology program is now open as element A.36 within the NASA ROSES-2010 omnibus research announcement. Notices of Intent are due 1/31/2011 and Proposals are due 3/15/2011.
12/07/2010 Awards announced for the 2010 ESTO Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) ROSES Solicitation
11/23/2010 The schedule of ESTO-affiliated presentations, posters, and sessions at the 2010 AGU Fall Meeting is now available for download. (<1MB, PDF)
11/22/2010 The 2010 ESTO Annual Report is now available.(2.2 MB, PDF)
10/26/2010 Airborne-version of a novel, ESTO-funded polarization camera for aerosol characterization enjoys successful test flight on the NASA ER-2.
10/20/2010 Congratulations to Stefan Falke, recipient of the American Geophysical Union's 2010 Charles S. Falkenberg Award (and an ESTO Principal Investigator).
10/20/2010 Attending the 2010 AGU Fall Meeting? Be sure to stop by the ESTO-chaired sessions: IN41D and IN43B. Both sessions are titled "Information Systems Advances for Earth Science Decadal Survey Era Missions."
10/08/2010 10 Years of ESTO Technology Investments are Enabling the CLARREO Mission
09/28/2010 NASA GRIP campaign – and ESTO Investigator, Simone Tanelli – featured in National Public Radio story
09/02/2010 Presentations from the the ESTO-chaired session"Future NASA Earth Science Missions and Enabling Activities" – at SPACE2010 are now online.
09/01/2010 ESTO Principal Investigator Andrea Donnellan interviewed by Fox News for a story on California Earthquake research.
08/20/2010 Are you attending Space 2010? Visit the ESTO - chaired session: "Future NASA Earth Science Missions and Enabling Activities." (104-SPSC 5)
08/12/2010 The 2010 Science Plan for the NASA Science Mission Directorate is now available online.
08/10/2010 Five ESTO technologies selected for airborne integration by the Airborne Instrument Technology Transition (AITT) solicitation.
07/23/2010 Several ESTO Technologies To Support the 2010 GRIP Campaign
07/22/2010 The 2010 solicitation of the ESTO Instrument Incubator Program is now closed. Check the ESTO Solicitations page for award notifications.
07/07/2010 Presentations from the 2010 Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2010) are available online.
07/06/2010 UAVSAR flights over Southern California and QuakeSim PI, Andrea Donnellan, featured in Los Angeles Times article on the magnitude 7.2 Easter earthquake.
07/02/2010 Proposals to the 2010 solicitation of the ESTO Instrument Incubator Program (element A.35 within the NASA ROSES-2010 omnibus research announcement) are due on 7/21/2010.
06/16/2010 The online ESTO Technology Portfolio is now updated with 2010 charts for new and active investments as well as recent graduates.
06/16/2010 Are you registered for IGARSS 2010 in Hawaii? Be sure to attend these ESTO-chaired sessions:
- TH1.L07: Innovative Options for Developing Future Earth Science Capabilities
- TH2.L06: Laser Technology: Recent Developments and Lessons Learned
06/08/2010 Online registration for ESTF2010 closes on June 11. Walk-in registration will be available during the event.
05/26/2010 Abstracts, papers, and a full schedule of presentations are nowavailable online for the 2010 Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2010). Visit the forum website for more information and to register.
04/21/2010 The full schedule of presentations is nowavailable online for the 2010 Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2010). Visit the forum website for more information and to register.
04/19/2010 Notices of Intent (NOIs) for the 2010 solicitation of the ESTO Instrument Incubator Program (element A.35 within the NASA ROSES-2010 omnibus research announcement) are due on 4/21/2010. Proposals are due 7/21/2010.
03/10/2010 An ESTO-funded project to develop a high-resolution topographic mapping lidar was featured in the 3/1/2010 SPIE Remote Sensing newsletter.
02/22/2010 ESTO is pleased to announce the 2010 Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2010) – to be held June 22-24 in Arlington, VA. Visit the forum website for more information and to register.
02/17/2010 SensorWeb 3G Project is Generating Buzz and Benefiting Society.
02/17/2010 The 2010 solicitation for the ESTO Instrument Incubator Program is now open as element A.35 within the NASA ROSES-2010 omnibus research announcement. Notices of Intent (NOIs) are due 4/21/2010 and Proposals are due 7/21/2010.
02/1/2010 UPDATE: UAVSAR captures its first image over Haiti
01/26/2010 ESTO-funded UAVSAR airborne radar to fly over Haiti and the Dominican Republic and create 3D maps of earthquake faults
01/15/2010 A November 2009 Scientific American article on semantic web advances features ESTO-funded PI, Peter Fox of Renssalaer Polytech Institute
01/06/2010 Did you miss the 2009 AGU Fall Meeting? Take a look at this short video [no longer avaliable online] that highlights the NASA booth and exhibits at the conference.
2009invisible spacer
12/08/2009 Are you planning to attend the 2009 AGU Fall Meeting? Bring along this list of presentations and posters by ESTO Principal Investigators (80K, PDF file).
11/23/2009 Get a snapshot of ESTO performance and technology advances over the past year: the 2009 ESTO Annual Report is now available online. (2.9 MB PDF file)
10/26/2009 Memory module for Earth science applications to support the ChemCam instrument onboard the Mars Science Laboratory rover.
10/13/2009 ESTO-funded Quakesim project is helping investigate water main breaks in Los Angeles, CA. + Read the full story in the 10/9/09 LA Times.
10/08/2009 See how ESTO technology investments are supporting the NASA Earth Science Decadal Survey goals: Technologies Enabling the Decadal Survey
08/21/2009 A new flash LIDAR technology shows promise for vegetation canopy science measurements.
08/14/2009 The UAVSAR project was featured in an article in the August 12th edition of WIRED SCIENCE at
08/07/2009 ESTO-funded Sensor Web Technology Goes Inside a Volcano, Monitors Activity
07/02/2009 Did you miss the NASA Earth System Science at 20 Symposium in June? The full proceedings, including presentations, are now available on the Symposium Website [no longer available online].
06/25/2009 The UAVSAR instrument and advances in NASA earthquake prediction featured in two television interviews with QuakeSim Project PI, Andrea Donnellan. Watch the videos:
+ NBC Los Angeles
+ KTLA Los Angeles
06/18/2009 An innovative, ESTO-funded microwave detector has made the first direct measurements of lightning on Mars. Several Earth observing missions have also adopted the technology to detect and mitigate radio frequency interference.
05/26/2009 Two ESTO-funded airborne radar instruments – UAVSAR and GLISTIN – are on a two-month campaign over Greenland and Iceland to study the flow and topography of Arctic ice. + Learn More + Read the Campaign Blog
04/03/2009 The ESTO-funded PARIS (Pathfinder Advanced Radar Ice Sounder) instrument departed March 30th aboard the NASA P-3B aircraft bound for Greenland as part of a month-long IceSAT Gap Filler Program campaign
03/04/2009 A Sensor Web Responds, and a New NASA Technology is Tested, After Crash of US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River
02/02/2009 Two NASA Earth Science Technology Projects team up to participate in the 2008 Great Southern California ShakeOut
2008invisible spacer
12/16/2008 Awards announced for the 2008 ESTO Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) ROSES Solicitation
11/24/2008 Congratulations to the Delay Tolerant Protocol (DTN) team for the 9th place finish in TIME Magazine's 50 Best Inventions of 2008 list. The ESTO-funded DTN was first demonstrated on the UK-DMC satellite in September.
11/18/2008 Awards announced for the 2008 ESTO Advanced Component Technologies (ACT) ROSES Solicitation
11/12/2008 Get a snapshot of ESTO performance and technology advances over the past year: the 2008 ESTO Annual Report (3.9 MB PDF file) is now available online. The report also features a special section for ESTO's 10-year anniversary.
10/27/2008 Are you planning to attend the 2008 AGU Fall Meeting? Join us for three ESTO-chaired sessions to learn more about emerging technologies for Earth science.
09/02/2008 The 2008 solicitation for the ESTO Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) program has closed. Information on award selections will be announced here.
08/07/2008 Congratulations to the Sensor Web 2.0 team and PI Dan Mandl for winning a 2008 R&D 100 Award
08/05/2008 The 2008 solicitation for the ESTO Advanced Component Technology (ACT) program is now closed. Watch this space for information on award selections.
07/02/2008 The full proceedings from the 2008 Earth Science Technology Conference, held in late June, are now available online.
06/19/2008 The 2008 solicitation for the ESTO Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) program is open as element A.20 within the NASA ROSES-2008 omnibus research announcement. Notices of Intent (NOIs) are due 7/15/2008 and Proposals are due 8/29/2008.
06/16/2008 ESTO AIST-funded sensor web investigators met in April to produce use cases that demonstrate the utility of sensor webs to the NRC decadal survey recommendations. A final report is now available online.
06/16/2008 Are you going to IGARSS2008? Be sure to stop by for the presentations and posters given by ESTO-funded projects.
05/29/2008 An ESTO AIST-funded autonomous sensor web project for in-situ sampling of volatile ice sheets was featured in a Georgia Institute of Technology Press Release.
05/05/2008 The 2008 solicitation for the ESTO Advanced Component Technology (ACT) program is now open as element A.21 within the NASA ROSES-2008 omnibus research announcement. Notices of Intent (NOIs) are due 5/30/2008 and Proposals are due 7/30/2008.
04/29/2008 Abstracts and the schedule of sessions are now available online for the 2008 Earth Science Technology Conference, June 24-26 in College Park, MD. Visit the conference website for more information and to register.
04/16/2008 Take a look at the new lithograph (4.6 MB, PDF) about the recent UAVSAR flights over Mount St. Helens.
04/08/2008 Award selections announced for the 2007 ESTO Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) ROSES Solicitation
03/18/2008 An ESTO-funded prototype instrument – the Geostationary Imaging Fabry-Perot Spectrometer (GIFS) – demonstrates capacity for improved cloud characterization in recent airborne test flights.
03/06/2008 ESTO is pleased to announce that the 2008 Earth Science Technology Conference will be held June 24-26 in College Park, MD. Visit the conference website for more information.
01/29/2008 An ESTO-funded project - "A Smart Sensor Web for Ocean Observation" - was featured in the 2007 Applied Physics Lab UW Biennial Report. Click here to download the excerpted article (1MB PDF file)
01/22/2008 ESTO-funded Raman Lidar instrument goes airborne to demonstrate new measurement capability and support the WAVES campaign.
2007invisible spacer
12/17/2007 Get a snapshot of ESTO performance and technology advances for the past year: download the 2007 ESTO Annual Report (1.7 MB PDF file).
12/13/2007 The 2007 solicitation for the ESTO Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) is now closed. Watch this space for an announcement of award selections.
11/09/2007 Congratulations to the Adaptive Sensor Fleet team at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for being recognized by R&D Magazine as one of the top 100 innovations of 2007.
10/30/2007 Join us at the 2007 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, 12/10 - 12/14. ESTO investigators and managers are participating in two oral sessions (IN23B and IN24A) and one poster session (IN21A). ESTO will also be represented at the NASA exhibit.
07/25/2007 The 2007 solicitation for the ESTO Instrument Incubator Program is now open as element A.26 within the NASA ROSES-2007 omnibus research announcement. Notices of Intent (NOIs) are due 10/12/2007 and Proposals are due 12/12/2007.
06/25/2007 The 2007 NASA Science Technology Conference drew over 500 registrants. Click here to view the proceedings (presentations will be available online in early July).
05/21/2007 The 2007 NASA Science Technology Conference is almost here (June 19 - 21). Click here to visit the conference website.
05/15/2007 The UAVSAR project now has a dedicated mission website. Click here to visit the UAVSAR site (a Jet Propulsion Laboratory website).
05/10/2007 The Final Report from the AIST Sensor Web PI Meeting is now available. Visit the Meeting Website to download the report.
03/08/2007 The 2007 NASA Science Technology Conference will be held June 19-21 in College Park, MD. Visit the conference website to learn more and to register.
02/22/2007 ESTO held a Sensor Web PI Meeting in mid-February. Visit the Meeting Website to view presentations and learn about sensor web concepts.
01/18/2007 The Report from the Lidar Working Group is now available for download from the ESTO Advanced Planning page.
01/03/2007 ESTO-Funded NEXRAD in Space (NIS) project garners attention at the AGU Fall Meeting. Click here to read the NIS Press Release from AGU.
2006invisible spacer
11/06/2006 ESTO's 2006 Annual Report is now available online on the ESTO Overview page.
11/01/2006 ESTO will run three sessions at the 2006 AGU Fall Meeting. See the Events page for more information and links to ESTO sessions.
10/10/2006 A new poster, RTIMS: A Radiation Tolerant Intelligent Memory Stack, is now available for download (11x17, 2.2 MB, PDF).
08/14/2006 ESTO-funded, one million pixel infrared detector can see a broad range of wavelengths.
07/26/2006 Going to IGARSS 2006 in Denver? Stop by and visit us at the NASA exhibit (booth # 9-12).
07/21/2006 ESTO-funded sensor web project (SEAMONSTER: A Smart Sensor Web in Southeast Alaska) featured in Space News
Selections announced for the 2005 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) ROSES Solicitation
06/01/2006 Join ESTO at the 2006 Earth Science Technology Conference (ESTC2006)
05/25/2006 ESTO-funded Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP) array featured in Goddard Top Story.
05/10/2006 A new poster, Coupling High-Resolution Earth System Models, is now available for download (11x17, 2.5 MB, PDF).
03/30/2006 The ROSES 2005 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) NASA Research Announcement has closed. Watch this space for updates on awards.
01/17/2006 Presentations from the Lidar Technology Requirement Community Forum are available at the forum website.
01/16/2006 The 2005 ESTO Annual Report (3.1MB PDF) is now available online.
01/13/2006 The 2006 Earth Science Technology Conference (ESTC2006) will be held June 26 - 29 in College Park, MD. More details are forthcoming.
2005invisible spacer
12/16/2005 ESTO is holding a Lidar Technology Requirement Community Forum on Jan 10, 2006, in Washington, D.C. For more information, to register, or to submit input go to the forum website.
12/06/2005 The ROSES 2005 Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) NASA Research Announcement is now open.
10/11/2005 Thulium Fiber Laser Spins-Off to Support Medical Applications
09/19/2005 See the new video about advances in hurricane modeling produced by the ESTO Computational Technologies Project
09/07/2005 ESTO-funded Land Information System named co-winner of the NASA Software of the Year Award
08/25/2005 Selections released for the 2005 Advanced Component Technologies (ACT) ROSES Solicitation
08/22/2005 Join ESTO at SPACE 2005 (Aug. 30 – Sep. 1, Long Beach, CA) and stop by our panel on Active Remote Sensing (Session 27-EO-3)
07/25/2005 The Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) wall poster is now available online.
07/20/2005 Field tests of the ESTO-funded Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) unite weather and climate models.
07/18/2005 The Proceedings of the 2005 Earth Science Technology Conference are Available Online.
06/27/2005 ESTO's technology portfolio is now online. Select the TECHNOLOGY PORTFOLIO button on the ESTO homepage.
06/27/2005 FIRST Instrument Successfully Test Flown
06/06/2005 ESTO CT Investigators Receive Time on NASA's Columbia Supercomputer
05/04/2005 Awards have been released for the 2004 Instrument Incubator Program solicitation.
04/14/2005 Advanced Lightweight Rainfall Radiometer Enjoys Successful Test Flights
03/17/2005 Simple, Interactive Simulations Make Complex NASA Computational Applications Understandable
03/08/2005 2005 Earth-Sun System Technology Conference (ESTC2005) to be held June 28-30 in College Park, MD.
02/01/2005 ESTO Advanced Component Technology solicitation released as part of the NASA ROSES-2005 NRA. Proposals due 4/29/05.
2004invisible spacer
12/28/2004 NASA Science Mission Project Columbia Proposals Due 14 January 2005.
12/01/2004 The ESTO funded NASA QuakeSim Project sees remarkable results from the Rundle-Tiampo earthquake forecast for California.
11/03/2004 The final report for a study on the Feasibility of Using Lithium-Ion Batteries for LEO Applications is now available.
11/01/2004 The 2004 IIP NASA Research Announcement (NRA) closed on November 2, 2004. Watch this space for awards announcement.
09/17/2004 The final report for a study on Remote Sensing of Tropospheric Chemistry Using LIDARS from GEO is now available.
08/19/2004 ESTO’s Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) has released the 2004 IIP NASA Research Announcement (NRA). Proposals are due November 2, 2004.
08/19/2004 AIST Mini-NRA Selections Announced
07/19/2004 Earth Science Markup Language (ESML) Demonstrated with Remote Sensing Data
06/30/2004 The Proceedings of the 2004 Earth Science Technology Conference are now available online.
06/07/2004 The 2004 Technology Capabilities Catalog (zip 16 MB) is now available for download. CDs of the catalog will be available at the 2004 Earth Science Technology Conference.
05/13/2004 ESTO Technology to Fly on Air Force XSS-11
05/13/2004 Register online for the 2004 Earth Science Technology Conference in Palo Alto, CA, June 22 - 24. Online registration closes June 14.
05/05/2004 ESTO’s Advanced Information System Technologies (AIST) Program has released a Master NASA Research Announcement (NRA) and associated initial mini-solicitation for research proposals related to data mining and discovery technology mining. Proposals are due on July 6, 2004.
04/15/2004 The ESSAAC Technology Subcommittee (TSC) held it's Spring 2004 meeting on April 13 - 14. The Agenda and Presentations are available online for download.
04/05/2004 The Earth Science Vision 2030 Working Group Report is now available online as a PDF download. Printed copies will be available mid April.
03/16/2004 2004 Earth Science Technology Conference to be held June 22 - 24, 2004, in Palo Alto, CA
03/03/2004 ESTO-Funded Technology to Aid in Shuttle's Return-to-Flight.
02/20/2004 CALL FOR PAPERS: ESTO is co-chairing a session entitled "Enabling Sensor and Platform Technologies for Spaceborne Remote Sensing" at the November, 2004, SPIE Environmental Remote Sensing Symposium in Honolulu. See the call for papers for complete information. Abstracts are due to SPIE by 4/26/04.
02/02/2004 ESTO is sponsoring a Community Forum on Laser Diode Arrays in Space-Based Applications March 2-3 in Arlington, VA.
01/09/2004 Deadline to submit input to the radar/radiometry forum extended to 1/12/04.
01/08/2004 An Independent review board has examined the anomalous event experienced by the Geoscience Laser Altimeter (GLAS), an instrument onboard the Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), and has released an Executive Summary (1.48 MB pdf). For information on ICESat go to
01/08/2004 Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) posters - paper and interactive - are now available.
2003invisible spacer
11/19/2003 NASA/ESTO community forum on radar/radiometry technology requirements is scheduled on January 8, 2004 in Washington, DC.
09/10/2003 ESTO technology utilized in partnership with the USDA Forest Service for the detection of wildland fire activity.
08/15/2003 Papers and presentations from the Special Sessions at IGARSS 2003 are now available.
07/02/2003 ESTO Launches ESTIPS, the Earth Science Technology Intergrated Planning System
06/26/2003 Third Annual Earth Science Technology Conference is a success
03/31/2003 Earth Science Technology Conference to be held June 24-26
03/14/2003 AIST NRA-02-OES-04 Award Announced
01/27/2003 Earth Science Technology Planning Workshop, March 5-6, 2003
2002invisible spacer
12/23/2002 IIP 2002 NRA Selections Announced
09/16/2002 AIST 2002 NRA Released
09/09/2002 ACT 2002 NRA Winners Announced
09/03/2002 IGARSS 2002 CD
07/31/2002 Results from the ESE Computational Technology Requirements Workshop held April 30 and May 1, 2002 in Washington, DC.
06/16/2002 Earth System Modeling Framework Community Requirements Meeting
06/16/2002 Earth Science Technology Conference 2002 Announcement & Registration
04/03/2002 Advanced Component Technology (ACT) 2002 NRA Released
01/22/2002 Instrument Incubator Program 2001 NRA selections announced
01/22/2002 NASA Earth Science Technology Conference 2001, August 28-30
01/22/2002 ESTO Award Administration E-Books
2001invisible spacer
05/21/2001 Instrument Incubator Program NRA Bidders Conference to be held March 21, 8:30-12 at the Inn and Conference Center, University of Maryland University College
05/21/2001 New Instrument Incubator Program 2001 NASA Research Announcement, released March 9th
03/09/2001 New Instrument Incubator Program NASA Research Announcement to be released on March 9th
03/07/2001 New Instrument Incubator Program(IIP) NASA Research Announcement release expected first week of March
03/07/2001 New Millenium Program/Earth Science Technology Office Technology Planning Workshop: January 23-24, 2001