Greater Sage-Grouse - Status Review

Conserving America's Future

Status Review

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The greater sage-grouse conservation effort is one of the largest and the most challenging conservation undertakings in U.S. history. Sage-grouse range over an area the size of Texas and inhabit an arid landscape where the seasons swing between blistering heat and bitter cold.

Since 2010, science-based regulatory mechanisms in federal and state plans have substantially reduced risks to more than 90 percent of the species’ modeled breeding habitats across its 173-million-acre range.

After evaluating the best available scientific and commercial information regarding the greater sage-grouse, the Service has determined that protection for the greater sage-grouse under the Endangered Species Act is no longer warranted and is withdrawing the species from the candidate species list. 

For questions or concerns, please e-mail Jennifer Strickland.

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January. 9, 2015: WAFWA Update: Decision Framework (1MB PDF)
February. 24, 2015: State Updates: Species Report, S.O. 3336 (1 MB PDF)
March 24, 2015: State Updates: Species Report (500k PDF)
April 14, 2015: Executive Summary: Genetics Workshop (27K PDF)
April 24, 2015: Modeling Greater Sage-Grouse Populations (5MB PDF)
May 18, 2015: State Updates: Equids, Ag Conversion (6MB PDF)
July 20, 2015: WAFWA Update: Threat Assessments (1.2MB PDF)


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Greater Sage-Grouse.  Credit: USFWS.

Why care about sagebrush?

Sagebrush country may look empty, but it's home to important wildlife and other natural resources. Learn more.

Greater Sage-Grouse distribution map. Credit: USFWS.


Learn more about the new Sagebrush Ecosystem Curriculum project.

Greater Sage-Grouse in field. Credit: USFWS.

Conservation Partners

Sage-grouse conservation happens on the ground. Learn more about what our partners are doing here.