“Moving the Delta Forward” presents a regional strategy for economic growth and opportunities for Delta communities

Regional Development Plan III

DRA Regionwide Map

The Delta Regional Authority works to improve life for the 10 million people who reside in 252 Delta counties and parishes of eight states.

Innovative Readiness Training Medical Missions

Bringing trained military medical personnel to medically underserved communities to provide free, quality medical, dental, and optical care to Delta residents. DRA hosted three medical missions during Summer 2016 in east Arkansas, western Kentucky, and southern Mississippi.

Apply for 2017

Delta Leadership Institute

Training Delta leaders to work collaboratively and address the most pressing issues of the Delta region.

Check out these testimonial videos from last year’s class and learn about the many ways the DLI Executive Academy can provide you with the training, resources, and networking tools you need to make a positive impact in your Delta community!

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