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Browse: Surface Type

20 Jan 2017 - 19:05 ET  /  00:05 UTC

SNPP Surface Type - Surface Type - 01/18/2017
Metric Finder
Land Surface Type - Surface Type
Land Surface Type - Active Fires
Land Surface Type - Snow / Ice
Land Surface Type - Vegetation Fraction

Land Surface Type Maps

The apparent day to day changes in the surface type EDR browse maps were caused by resampling differences during regridding the static global surface type map to swathes and gridding the swath data to the browse maps. As long as the general global pattern of the browse map of the day shown here is stable, the surface type EDR is believed to be correct. Any large scale anomalies would indicate potential errors in the surface type EDR production that should get attention from product quality monitoring.

Standard abbreviations for surface type designations: