Meetings and Workshops


97th Annual AMS Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 22-26 January


Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, California, 12-16 December

  • T. Huang, C. Lynnes, T. Vance, and C. Yang: "Big Data Analytics", Session IN12A/B (Monday, 12 December; Oral: Moscone West 2000 @10:20, Moscone South - Poster Hall @13:40)
  • B. Wilson, E. Armstrong, T. Chin, K. Gill, F. Greguska, T. Huang, J. Jacob, and N. Quach: “OceanXtremes: Scalable Anomaly Detection in Oceanographic Time-Series”, Session IN12A-04 (Monday, 12 December; Oral: Moscone West – 2000 @11:05)
  • K. Gill, C. Boening, T. Huang, and N. Quach: “Analysis of Sea Level Rise in Action”, IN11A-1615 (Monday, 12 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @8:00)
  • J. Jacob, T. Huang, and C. Lynnes: “Performance Comparison of Big Data Analytics With NEXUS and Giovanni”, IN13B-1659 (Monday, 12 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @13:40)
  • C. Lynnes, T. Huang, K. Kuo, M. Little, and C. Yang: “Benchmark Comparison of Cloud Analytics Methods Applied to Earth Observations”, IN13B-1658 (Monday, 12 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @13:40)
  • N. Quach, T. Huang, C. Boening, and K. Gill: “Sea Level Rise Data Discovery”, IN23B-1768 (Tuesday, 13 December; Moscone South - Poster Hall @13:40)
  • Y. Li, Y. Jiang, C.P. Yang, E.M. Armstrong, T. Huang, D.F. Moroni, L.J. McGibbney: “Mining and Utilizing Dataset Relevancy from Oceanographic Dataset (MUDROD) Metadata, Usage Metrics, and User Feedback to Improve Data Discovery and Access”, IN23B-1772 (Tuesday, 13 Deccember; Poster: Moscone South – Poster Hall @13:40)
  • K.D. Whitehall, H. Ramapriyan, S.-J. S Khalsa, C. Lynnes, L.J. McGibbney, E. Armstrong: “Towards improving searches on the NASA’s Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs)”, IN23B-1773 (Tuesday, 13 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @13:40)
  • L.J. McGibbney, J. Hausman, J.C. Laurencelle, R. Toaz, J. McAuley, D.J. Freeborn, C. Stoner: “Putting User Stories First: Experiences Adapting the Legacy Data Models and Information Architecture at NASA JPL’s PO.DAAC to Accommodate the New Information Lifecycle Required by SWOT”, PA33B-2242 (Wednesday, 14 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @13:40)
  • F. Greguska, K. Gill, T. Huang, J. Jacob, N. Quach, and B. Wilson: “Tackling the Four V’s with NEXUS”, IN31D-1791 (Wednesday, 14 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @8:00)
  • L.J. McGibbney, E. Armstrong: “An Innovative Open Data-driven Approach for Improved Interpretation of Coverage Data at NASA JPL’s PO.DAAC”, IN41B-1660 (Thursday, 15 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @08:00)
  • D. Moroni, N. Quach, W. Francis-Curley: “Introducing a Web API for Dataset Submission into a NASA Earth Science Data Center”, IN41B-1663 (Thursday, 15 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @08:00)
  • G. Peng, H. Ramapriyan, D. Moroni: “The State of Building a Consistent Framework for Curation and Presentation of Earth Science Data Quality”, IN41C-1666 (Thursday, 15 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @08:00)
  • Lee, T: "Consistency of Aquarius version-4 sea surface salinity with Argo products on various spatial and temporal scales", OS53A-2101 (Friday, 16 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @13:40)
  • E. Armstrong, Z. Xing, C. Fry, S.J. S. Khalsa, T. Hunag, G. Chen, T. Chin, C. Alarcon: “A service for the application of data quality information to NASA Earth science satellite records”, IN53C-1905 (Friday, 16 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @13:40)
  • J. Hausman, M. Gangl, J. McAuley, R. Toaz: “Accessibility and Analysis to NASA’s New Large Volume Missions”, IN51C-1866 (Friday, 16 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @08:00)
  • V. Tsontos, S.C. Arms, C.K. Thompson, N. Quach, T. Lam: “Leveraging Available Technologies for Improved Interoperability and Visualization of Remote Sensing and In-situ Oceanographic data at the PO.DAAC”, IN51C-1862 (Friday, 16 December; Moscone South – Poster Hall @08:00)

Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, La Rochelle, France, 1-4 November

International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems (IMDIS 2016), Gdansk, Poland, 11-13 October

  • T. Huang: “Taking on Big Ocean Data Science,” (October 12, 2016)

MTS/IEE Oceans Conference, Monterey, California, 19-23 September

  • D. Moroni, E. Armstrong, V. Tsontos, J. Hausman, Y. Jiang: “Managing and Servicing Physical Oceanographic Data at a NASA Distributed Active Archive Center", Data Visualization session (Wednesday, 21 September @10:30)

SciDataCon 2016, Denver, Colorado, 11-13 September

  • H. K. Ramapriyan, G. Peng, D. Moroni, and C. L. Shie: “Ensuring and Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products – Role of the ESIP Information Quality Cluster”; Session 53; Paper 52.
  • Y. Wei, D. Moroni, H. K. Ramapriyan, R. R. Downs, S. J. Khalsa, and D. J. Scott: “Data quality standards and practices across agencies – An update from NASA ESDSWG DQWG”; Session 53; Paper 54.

The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer Meeting 2016, Durham, North Carolina, 19-22 July

  • E. Armstrong, L. McGibbney: “Challenges and Progress in Search Relevancy”Search Relevance session (Wednesday, 20 July)
  • E. Armstrong, S. Hughes: “Pilot Project for HDF5 Metadata Structures for SWOT”, Integrating ISO metadata into HDF Data Products session (Tuesday, 19 July)
  • D. Moroni, G. Peng, and H. K., Ramapriyan: “Information Quality Cluster - Use Case Analysis - Working Session”, Information Quality Cluster session (Friday, 22 July)
  • T. Huang and C. Yang (Session Chair) “Application of Cloud Computing for Geoscience Analytics” (Jul 22, 2016)
  • T. Huang and C. Yang (Session Chair) “Big Data and Cloud Computing Expert Panel” (Jul 22, 2016)
  • T. Huang and C. Yang (Session Chair) “Cloud Computing Hands-On and Hack-a-Thon Workshop” (Jul 22, 2016)
  • T. Huang: “NEXUS Big Data Analytics” (Jul 22, 2016)

Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF) 2016, Annapolis, Maryland, 14-16 June

  • T. Huang, E. Armstrong, G. Chang, T. Chin, B. Wilson, K. Gill, F. Greguska, J. Jacob, and N. Quach: “AIST-14: OceanXtremes – Oceanographic Data-Intensive Anomaly Detection and Analysis Portal,” (Session B2: Information Systems for Oceanography)
  • S. Smith, M. Bourassa, B. Hold, T. Huang, V. Tsontos, and S. Worley: “AIST-14: Distributed Oceanographic Matchup Service,” (Session B2: Information Systems for Oceanography)
  • C. Yang, E. Armstrong, T. Huang, and D. Moroni: “Mining and Utilizing Dataset Relevancy from Oceanographic Dataset (MUDROD) Meadata, Usage Metrics, and User Feedback to Improve Data Discovery and Access,” (Session B2: Information Systems for Oceanography)

17thGHRSST Science Team Meeting, Tysons Corner, Virginia, 6-10 June

  • E. Armstrong: “Global Data Assembly Center (GDAC) Report” (Monday, 6 June)
  • E. Armstrong: “NASA Regional Data Assembly Centers (RDACs) Report” (Monday, 6 June)
  • E. Armstrong: “Emerging information technologies for oceanographic data”

NASA IOVWST Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, 17-19 May

  • D. Moroni: “Latest Datasets and Services at the PO.DAAC”, New Products and Applications, Part 2 (Wednesday, 18 May)
  • D. Moroni: “Earth Science Data Systems Data Quality Working Group: Year Two Summary”, New Products and Applications, Part 1 (Wednesday, 18 May)
  • T. Lee, A. Kidwell, Y. Jo, X. Yan: “Characterization of the variability of the South Pacific Convergence Zone using satellite and reanalysis wind products”, Atmosphere and Ocean Coupling and Ocean Applications (Wednesday, 18 May)

ESA Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 May

  • V. Tsontos: “Towards Improved Satellite-In situ Oceanographic Data Interoperability and Associated Value Added Services at the PO.DAAC’, Virtual Research Session (10 May @15:40)

Aquarius Cal/Val Meeting, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, California 29-30 March

  • J. Vazquez, V. Tsontos: “PODAAC support and data management considerations for the Aquarius/SAC-D end of mission v5.0 reprocessing

Ocean Sciences, New Orleans, Louisiana 22-26 February

  • J. Vazquez, E. Armstrong, et al.: “The relationship between Sea Surface Gradients and Upwelling off the Coast of Peru: A Model/Data Comparison” (EC21B-03)
  • E. Armstrong: “Improving application of data quality information in accessing and using satellite data” (OD24C-2477)
  • E. Armstrong: A multi-scale and ungridded representation of data products” (OD24C-2479)
  • E. Armstrong: “Defining the Habitat of Pacific Tuna of the Eastern Tropical Pacific from Satellite Imagery, Climatologies, and a Global Circulation Model” (ME14A-0580)
  • J. Hausman, E. Armstrong, V. Tsontos: “PO.DAAC: Discover and Utilize NASA Physical Oceanographic Data” (Townhall)
  • V. Tsontos: “A Generalized Distributed Data Match-Up Service in Support of Oceanographic Applications” (OD24C-2474)
  • V. Tsontos: “Tools, Services and Support of NASA Salinity Data at the PO.DAAC” (PO44E-3216)
  • J. Hausman: “Integrated Stewardship of NASA Satellite and Field Campaign Data” (OD24B-2470)
  • J. Hausman: “OMG: Ocean Melting Greenland” (Hyperwall Talk)
  • T. Lee: “Aquarius mission and data” (Hyperwall Talk)