User Working Group (UWG)

The NASA Earth Sciences Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project has directed each Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) to establish and sponsor a User Working Group (UWG).

The PO.DAAC UWG represents the interests of NASA's physical oceanography user community by providing recommendations covering a broad range of topics related to the PO.DAAC systems, services, and capabilities.

The UWG typically provides advice on the following topics:

  • Prioritization and pursuit of new data holdings
  • Mechanisms to enhance user access to data
  • Levels of support provided by the PO.DAAC to the user community
  • Research and development in support of product prototyping and generation
  • Science requirements and capabilities

UWG Membership

  • John Wilkin  (Chair), Rutgers
  • Jim Potemra  (Co-Chair), International Pacific Research Center/Asia-Pacific Data-Research Center
  • Mike Caruso, University of Miami
  • Kathleen Dohan, Earth & Space Research
  • Doug Vandemark, University of New Hampshire
  • Don Chambers, University of South Florida
  • Larry O'Neill, Oregon State University
  • Frederick Bingham, University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • Kyla Drushka, University of Washington
  • Renato Castelao, University of Georgia
  • Dale Robinson, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
  • Carol Anne Clayson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


  • Eric Lindstrom, NASA HQ