STAR GOES-R Algorithm Working Group website National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration website NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research website

AWG Application Teams and AWG Development Teams

Team Chair(S) Membership Representation
SoundingsTim Schmit STAR, CIMSS
WindsJaime DanielsSTAR, CIMSS, CIRA,NASA
CloudsAndrew HeidingerSTAR, CIMSS, NASA
AviationK. Pryor,
W. Feltz
STAR, CIMSS, NASA, Univ. of Alabama-Huntsville
Aerosols/Air Quality/
Atmospheric Chemistry
Shobha KondraguntaSTAR, CIMSS, UMBC, NASA, CICS, EPA
HydrologyBob KuligowskiSTAR, UMCP/ESSIC, Univ. of California-Irvine, NASA, NWS/CPC
SST/Ocean Dynamics Alexander IgnatovSTAR, OSDPD, NASA, Hampton Univ., Univ. Miami
CryosphereJeff KeySTAR, Univ. of Maryland, NWS/NOHRSC, CREST
Radiation Budget Istvan LaszloSTAR, OAR/ESRL, UMD/CICS, UMD/AOSC, NASA/LaRC
LightningSteve GoodmanSTAR, NASA
ImageryTim SchmitSTAR

Specialty Teams

Team Chair Membership Representation
Algorithm Integration W. WolfSTAR
Calibration/ValidationChangyong CaoSTAR

Organization Acronyms

  • CICS - University of Maryland College Park, Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites
  • CIMSS - Univerity of Wisconsin, Cooperative Institute for Metereological Satellite Studies
  • CIRA - Colorado State University, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
  • CREST - City University of New York Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology Center
  • EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency
  • NASA - National Aeronautical and Space Administration
  • NASA/LaRC - NASA Langley Research Center
  • NCDC - NOAA, NESDIS, National Climatic Data Center
  • NOAA/NGDC- NOAA, NESDIS, National Geophysical Data Center
  • NOAA/SEC - NOAA, National Weather Service, Space Environment Center
  • NRL - Naval Research Laboratory
  • NWS/CPC - NOAA, National Weather Service, Climate Prediction Center
  • NWS/NOHRSC - NOAA, National Weather Service, National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center
  • OAR/ESRL - NOAA, Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Earth Systems Research Lab
  • OSDPD - NOAA, NESDIS, Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution
  • STAR - NOAA, NESDIS, Center for Satellite Applications and Research
  • UMBC - University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • UMD/AOSC - University of Maryland College Park, Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Science
  • UMD/CICS - University of Maryland College Park, Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites
  • UMCP/ESSIC University of Maryland College Park, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center