New York City (NYC) DOT Pilot


The NYCDOT leads the New York City Pilot, which aims to improve the safety of travelers and pedestrians in the city through the deployment of V2V and V2I connected vehicle technologies. This objective directly aligns with the city’s Vision Zero initiative. In 2014, NYC began its Vision Zero program to reduce the number of fatalities and injuries resulting from traffic crashes. One of the major ongoing initiatives has been the citywide speed limit reduction from 30 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour (mph). According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), speeding was a factor in more than one in four deaths. Human factors were the critical cause in about 94% of all crashes while vehicle-related factors applied only to about 2% of all crashes. In Manhattan, 73% of all crash fatalities involved pedestrians compared to 14% nationwide. Senior citizens over age of 65 comprise 12% of the population in NYC but about 33% of all pedestrian fatalities. In addition, the primary reason for crash-related deaths of children under 14 was from being struck by a vehicle.

NYCDOT’s planned deployment provides an ideal opportunity to evaluate connected vehicle technology and applications in tightly-spaced intersections typical in a dense urban transportation system and is anticipated to be the largest connected vehicle technology deployment to date (see Table 1). The NYCDOT CV Pilot Deployment project area encompasses three distinct areas in the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn (see the figure below). The first area includes a 4-mile segment of Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) Drive in the Upper East Side and East Harlem neighborhoods of Manhattan. The second area includes four one-way corridors in Manhattan. The third area covers a 1.6-mile segment of Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn. As shown in Table 2, approximately 5,800 cabs, 1,250 MTA buses, 400 commercial fleet delivery trucks, and 500 City vehicles that frequent these areas will be fit with the CV technology. Using Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC), the deployment will include approximately 310 signalized intersections for vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) technology. In addition, NYCDOT will deploy proximately 8 RSUs along the higher-speed FDR Drive to address challenges such as short-radius curves, a weight limit and a minimum bridge clearance and 36 RSUs at other strategic locations throughout the City to support system management functions. As a city bustling with pedestrians, the pilot will also focus on reducing vehicle-pedestrian conflicts through in-vehicle pedestrian warnings and an additional V2I/I2V project component that will equip approximately 100 pedestrians with personal devices that assist them in safely crossing the street. To learn more about the NYCDOT Pilot, please visit the NYCDOT Pilot website and the Phase 1 documents. For inquiries regarding the NYCDOT pilot, please contact Wesam Daraghmeh, and Mohamad Talas,

New York City Pilot Deployment  Site Map
New York City Pilot Deployment Site Map

Table 1. NYCDOT Pilot Site Proposed CV Applications



NYCDOT – CV Application

V2I/I2V Safety
Speed Compliance
Curve Speed Compliance
Speed Compliance/Work Zone
Red Light Violation Warning
Oversize Vehicle Compliance
Emergency Communications and Evacuation Information
V2V Safety
Forward Crash Warning (FCW)
Emergency Electronics Brake Lights (EEBL)
Blind Spot Warning (BSW)
Lane Change Warning/Assist (LCA)
Intersection Movement Assist (IMA)
Vehicle Turning Right in Front of Bus Warning
V2I/I2V Pedestrian
Pedestrian in Signalized Crosswalk
Mobile Accessible Pedestrian Signal System (PED-SIG)
Intelligent Traffic Signal System (I-SIGCVDATA)

NYCDOT Plans to deploy a total of six V2I/I2V Safety, six V2V Safety, two V2I/I2V Pedestrian and one Mobility applications.

Table 2. NYCDOT Pilot Site Proposed CV Devices

NYCDOT – Devices

Estimated Number

Roadside Unit (RSU) at Manhattan and Brooklyn Intersections and FDR Drive
Taxi Equipped with Aftermarket Safety Device (ASD)*
MTA Fleet Equipped with ASD*
UPS Truck Equipped with ASD*
NYCDOT Fleet Equipped with ASD*
DSNY Fleet Equipped with ASD*
Vulnerable Road User (Pedestrians/Bicyclists) Device
PED Detection System
10 + 1 spare
Total Equipped Vehicles

MTA: Metropolitan Transportation Authority; DSNY: City of New York Department of Sanitation
*In addition, 600 spare ASDs will be purchased.

Research Contacts

contacts Katherine K. Hartman
CV Pilots Program Manager
ITS Joint Program Office
(202) 366-2742