ETP Cetacean Assessment

Dolphin, Graph, LogoThe ETP Cetacean Assessment Program carries out research to assess the status of dolphin populations affected by the purse-seine fishery for yellowfin tuna in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (the “ tuna-dolphin issue”). Using data gathered on research cruises, we estimate abundance and use population models The previous link is a link to non-Federal government web site.  Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimer to assess the status of dolphin populations. We also carry out research to estimate indirect effects of the fishery on indirect effects of the dolphins

Tim Gerrodette, Leader

Current Research

The Tuna-Dolphin Issue

Stenella Abundance Research (STAR) project

Indirect Effects of the Fishery


Dolphin getting out of nets

Spotted Dolphins inside a tuna purse-seine

Recent Papers
& Reports

Ecological metrics of biomass removed by three methods of purse-seine fishing for tunas in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean

A combined visual and acoustic estimate of 2008 abundance, and change in abundance since 1997, for the vaquita, Phocoena sinus

Precautionary design of a marine protected area based on a habitat model

Estimating the success of protected areas for the vaquita, Phocoena sinus

Inference without significance: measuring support for hypotheses rather than rejecting them

International Dolphin Conservation Program Act (IDCPA)

What is the IDCPA?

IDCPA reports

Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program (NMFS web site)

The International Dolphin Conservation Program The previous link is a link to non-Federal government web site.  Click to review NOAA Fisheries disclaimer(IATTC web site)

More ETP Cetacean Papers and Reports

ETP Cetacean Assessment Program Publications

Tuna Dolphin Related Publications (updated 1/8/2008)

Related Topics

Papers discussing null hypothesis significance tests

Last modified: 12/24/2014