Shared solutions to protect shared values

  • Woman on horseback. Photo by Chase Fountain
  • Birdwatchers. Photo by Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
  • Butterfly. Photo by Tim Daniel / Ohio Division of Wildlife

To fulfill its mission and objectives, the JIWG has formed subgroups to help advance implementation and communicate accomplishments around particular topics. Membership on subgroups is open to non-members of the JIWG. Contact the leader of the group to get involved.

Current Projects

The Next Steps subgroup of the JIWG is working on a report on the planned climate adaptation projects of the JIWG member agencies. Currently, information is being collected from across governments. A report will be completed by the summer of 2015. See below for more information on this project.

Subgroups of the JIWG

  1. Taking Action Subgroup – This subgroup was formed in January 2014 to take stock of actions underway that fulfill the recommendations of the NFWPCAS. The group finished its work with the publication of the NFWPCAS: Taking Action report in September 2014. Contact: Davia Palmeri, AFWA
  2. Engagement & Outreach Subgroup – This subgroup was formed in January 2014 to decide how the JIWG will communicate and work with non-governmental groups, stakeholders and partners to keep them meaningfully engaged in Strategy implementation as well as manage how the JIWG shared information about the Strategy and reaches out to new audiences. This group’s first action was the development of the Engagement & Outreach Plan. This group is still active. Contact: Kate Freund, US FWS
  3. Next Steps Subgroup – This subgroup was formed in November 2014 to report on future plans to implement the NFWPCAS. The subgroup intends to synthesize information on FY15 and FY16 planned climate adaptation projects across JIWG member agencies that implement the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy. The final report on this effort will focus on analysis of the planned activities. We hope to quantify the areas of strong collaboration and cooperation in implementation of the Strategy and point to areas of the Strategy that are not yet being address. This group is still active. Contact: Mark Shaffer, US FWS.
  4. Climate Change Adaptation and Beaver Management Team – This subgroup was formed in September 2014 to review information concerning the potential for changes in beaver management practices to promote resilience of natural systems to climate change. The team provided a preliminary report to the JIWG and the November 2014 meeting and will continue to work on recommendations. Contact: Jeff Peterson, EPA