Shared solutions to protect shared values

  • Forest. Photo by Chase Fountain
  • Fisherman. Photo by James Jordan
  • Pelican. Photo by George Andrejko, Arizona Game and Fish Department

For the National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy (Strategy) Strategy to be effective, it will require an unprecedented commitment for collaboration at all levels of the public and private sector.

A Joint Implementation Working Group (JIWG) made up of the Federal, State, and Tribal agencies is currently leading implementation of the Strategy. The purpose of the JIWG is to help facilitate and promote implementation across multiple agencies, as well as to share information among participants.

Public involvement is critical for the implementation of a robust and relevant response to the impacts of climate change. Guidance on priorities, recommended approaches, and issues or suggestions based on local knowledge and experience is extremely important in shaping a common, practical framework for climate adaptation.

Engagement and Outreach Plan

In the spring and summer of 2014, the JIWG worked to develop a plan to describe how the JIWG will communicate and work with non-governmental groups, stakeholders and partners to keep them meaningfully engaged in Strategy implementation, as well as how the JIWG intends to share information about the Strategy and reach out to new audiences.

The Engagement and Outreach Plan describes specific actions to accomplish the following key objectives:

  • Objective 1: Promote meaningful stakeholder participation in JIWG activities
  • Objective 2: Implement direct outreach to diverse stakeholders
  • Objective 3: Communicate implementation activities to the broader public

Engagement Vision:

Meaningful engagement from interested and affected stakeholder groups and citizens supports and informs successful implementation of the Strategy and ensures that adaptation work is communicated to key external audiences.

Principles for Engagement

In guiding engagement and outreach with non-governmental stakeholders, the JIWG’s approach is:

  • Transparent – The JIWG will hold open meetings, decision-making processes are understood, and activities are well communicated.
  • Authentic – JIWG members demonstrate a commitment to working with and considering the individual input of non-governmental stakeholders including underrepresented communities.
  • Informal – The role of non-governmental participants is to provide individual input for the JIWG’s consideration, not to make formal recommendations.

We want to hear from you. For questions about the Strategy, its development, or how to become involved, please contact us.