Food Choices & Health

  • Diet Quality & Nutrition
    ERS examines factors driving dietary choices and the economic consequences of nutritional and health outcomes.
  • Education, Information & Labeling
    ERS examines the economics of food labeling, factors that may lead to government intervention, and nutrition labeling in the food-away-from-home sector.
  • Food Access
    ERS conducts research on access and barriers to affordable, healthy food, and the consequences of limited food access on food spending, diet, and health.
  • Food Consumption & Demand
    ERS provides economic analyses of trends, dietary patterns, and the relationship between food intake and nutritional/health outcomes such as obesity.
  • Obesity
    ERS examines the role of economic incentives in food choices, how dietary patterns contribute to obesity, and what effects obesity policies could have on producer and consumer incentives and health outcomes.