Shared solutions to protect shared values

  • Forest. Photo by Chase Fountain
  • Fisherman. Photo by James Jordan
  • Pelican. Photo by George Andrejko, Arizona Game and Fish Department

Meaningful engagement from interested and affected stakeholder groups and citizens supports and informs successful implementation of the Strategy and ensures that adaptation work is communicated to key external audiences. We welcome your input and involvement.

The Strategy is a guide and resource for governmental and non-governmental agencies, organizations and practitioners to use. In addition, existing forums that bring together natural resource professionals to undertake climate change adaptation planning and action can use the Strategy in a comprehensive and intentional way to develop multi-party approaches.

For local decision-makers, the Strategy can serve as a menu of options to help present the larger picture of activities that need to be undertaken, and help frame more localized, specific activities into the larger context. Local entities are encouraged to identify areas of the Strategy that bear on their missions and to work collaboratively with partners to design and implement specific actions to reduce the impacts of climate change on fish, wildlife, and plants.

There are various ways for stakeholders and members of the public to get involved with the collaborative efforts to implement the Strategy:

Connect with others:

To learn more about adaptation efforts happening across the country, you can participate in one of the ongoing climate change web conference series through the National Conservation Training Center. Or visit the website and calendar for additional climate change webinar opportunities and other events.

To connect with regional networks in your area, visit:

  • Landscape Conservation Cooperatives: Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) are self-directed, applied conservation science partnerships intended to drive successful conservation at landscape scales. Collectively they create a national network of interdependent partnerships between federal agencies, states, tribes, NGOs, universities and other entities to inform resource management decisions around national-scale stressors, including climate change.
  • Climate Science Centers: Regional Climate Science Centers provide scientific information, tools and techniques that land, water, wildlife and cultural resource managers can apply to anticipate, monitor and adapt to climate and ecologically-driven responses at regional-to-local scales.
  • NOAA RISAs: NOAA’s Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program supports research teams that help expand and build the nation's capacity to prepare for and adapt to climate variability and change. 
  • USDA Climate Hubs: USDA’s regional hubs will deliver information to farmers, ranchers and forest landowners to help them adapt to climate change and weather variability. The Hubs will build capacity within USDA to provide information and guidance on technologies and risk management practices at regional and local scales.