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Research Tools

Access journals - Browse or search for print and online journals which are available to the NOAA Western Region and held by the three NOAA Seattle Libraries: NOAA Seattle Library - Bldg.3, Sand Point, National Marine Mammals Laboratory (NMML) - Bldg. 4, Sand Point, and Northwest Fisheries Science Center Library (NWFSC) - Montlake.

Find journal articles - Links to databases, full text journal collections and selected web resources.

Find books and reports - Links to the NOAA Libraries catalog (NOAALINC), UW Libraries, WorldCat, other library catalogs, digital institutional repositories and directories.

Search selected subject collections - Browse or search subject guides and bibliographies created by the NOAA Central Library.

EndNote, ProCite and Reference Manager - Organize, store, format and share your literature citations.

Bibliometrics tools - Perform citation analysis on authors, institutions and journals to gauge research performance and trends.

Other software tools - A select list of software, plugins and websites that may help you more quickly get to the resource you need.

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Department of Commerce | NOAA | NESDIS | NODC | LISD
Bldg.3, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA, 98115-6349 | email: | 206.526.6241
Last Update: October 16, 2012