Member Center

Join our 2.4 million grassroots supporters and access great member benefits.


Become a Member - $15

Even more benefits

Better World Club
Get a 10% discount on eco-friendly roadside assistance and support the Sierra Club at the same time!

SunPower and Ford
Go solar to power your Ford electric vehicle and get $750.

OhmConnect's free service can help you save energy & donate to the Sierra Club.

CREDO Mobile
Save on your bill when you switch your mobile phone service to a provider that’s enacting progressive change!

Green Your Ride with CARS and Support the SIerra Club Foundation
Receive a potential tax write-off when you donate your vehicle to the Sierra Club Foundation.

Disclaimer: The Sierra Club partners with companies that we believe have the ability to advance the Sierra Club’s mission and environmental goals. Sierra Club members and supporters are encouraged to complete their own due diligence and research if they have questions about whether these purchases are appropriate for their own needs and lifestyles. The Sierra Club makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and assumes no legal liability for products or services sold by its partners.


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