
Iron King Mine

Our nation's basic environmental  laws are now at serious risk.  Take action now to oppose the nomination of Scott Pruitt to head EPA.

The Sierra Club Toxics Team works to reduce exposures to hazardous substances, protect families and wildlife, and improve our water quality and neighborhoods.  Join our Team to share information,  learn more about the Toxics Program, and access its many resource documents on its Grassroots Network Team site:

Powerpoint: Contaminants of Emerging Concern

Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) are pollutants found in our air, water soil, and food.  They are not regulated at the tiny doses that have been associated with harmful effects.

Toxic Fire Retardants Continue to Threaten Human Health

Fire retardants such as PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) are chemicals added to furniture, electronics, foam insulation, and building materials so they will not easily burn. PBDEs are not chemically bound to the flame-retarded material, so they enter the environment from volatilization, leaching, or degradation of PBDE-containing products. They accumulate in house dust, exposing children, adults, and pets through inhalation or ingestion. PBDEs, found in blood and breast milk, are now found in almost all people studied.

Assisting Residents of Toxic Trailers Led to Recognition of Additional Dangers of Formaldehyde

After Hurricane Katrina, Sierra Club volunteers Becky Gillette, Mary DeVany and the local Sierra Club assisted displaced residents sickened by formaldehyde contamination of their government-issued trailers. Sierra Club began testing the trailers and advocating for change which would help ensure that such poisonings would never happen again - in trailers or anywhere else. Now Sierra Club’s years of work to publicize the hazards of formaldehyde is finally seeing progress. August 8, 2014, the National Academy of Sciences has concluded that formaldehyde can cause three rare forms of cancer.


What’s the connection between the health of our bodies and that of our planet? The truth is that our everyday environment—where we live, work and play—affects our reproductive health and that of future generations. As consumers and citizens, we have an opportunity to invest in a more sustainable future and advocate for policies that live up to our vision for environmental and reproductive justice.
Parkinsons Group

New Mexico Sierrans take action to study how Pesticides are linked to Parkinson's Disease

In early 2012, Sierra Club members in the Las Cruces Group in New Mexico, organized the Pestidides & Parkinson's Disease Committee.  They were inspired by an article in the Jan. 2012 issue of SIERRA Magazine: “Parkinson’s Alley”.
Iron King Superfund site - mine tailings.jpg

Sierra Club Tool Kit for Cleanup of Superfund and Other Toxic Sites

This tool kit lists and describes many resources for citizens working to clean up toxic waste in thier communities.

Sierra Club Fact Sheets on Toxics

Sierra Club Factsheets on toxics can be downloaded and printed for educating others.

Sierra Club Toxics Policies

These national policies can be used to support positions taken by Sierra Club entities. National policy on jurisdiction and use of Sierra Club policies can be found at: