Data Pool

Welcome to the Data Pool at the NSIDC Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The Data Pool provides direct File Transfer Protocol (FTP) access to NSIDC Earth Observing System (EOS) data, such as AMSRAMSR-EAquariusIceBridge, ICESat/GLASMEaSUREsMODISNIMBUSNISE, and SMAP products.

Please send comments or bug reports to:

NSIDC User Services
National Snow and Ice Data Center
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0449  USA
phone: +1 303.492.6199
fax: +1 303.492.2468
form: Contact NSIDC User Services

Data Pool FTP Site

You can download science data files directly from the Data Pool FTP site. The site displays a typical tree structure of the data, where you can navigate to the data you want. Please note the Data Pool limits you to a maximum of 10 open FTP sessions at any given time.

Data Pool Insert Files

Each day, files that list daily additions to the Data Pool are created in the top-level Data Pool FTP directory and in each data product's directory. To see what files were added to the Data Pool in the last 7 days, you can browse the the "DPRecentInserts_*" data files or download them using the Data Pool FTP service. This allows you to quickly inspect and select new data. Regular users can quickly see data that were inserted each day, which greatly simplifies data access.