DAAC Data Sets

The Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) at NSIDC includes over 370 public, free data sets. Data sets here are organized into collections with a common platform and sensor or a common parameter, like sea ice.

Data Sets

Spatial Coverage

Temporal Coverage



28 January 2003 through 24 October 2003

sensor counts, brightness temperature

varies by data set

18 June 2002 to 04 October 2011

precipitation, ocean temperature, sea ice, snow/ice, soils, atmosphere

varies by data set

2000 to 2005

cryosphere, rainfall, soil moisture


2011 to present

soil moisture, brightness temperature, sea surface salinity



albedo and surface temperature measurements

Colorado, small regional study areas

2002 February to March, & 2003 February to March

snow/ice, brightness temperature, topography

Alaska, Antarctica, Greenland, & global

varies by data set

topography, radar, glaciers/ice sheets

Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and global

1933 to present

brightness temperature, sea ice, permafrost, ice/snow, atmosphere

Alaska, Antarctica, Greenland

2009 to present for IceBridge Mission -- earlier missions back to 1993 also available

topography, ice/snow, sea ice


2003 to 2009

glaciers/ice sheets, sea ice, atmosphere, topography, vegetation

Greenland, Antarctica, and global

2000 to 2010



2000 to present

ice/snow, sea ice


1966 to 1970

visible imagery, infrared radiometry


1993 to present

snow, ice, atmosphere

both poles

1972 to present

brightness temperature, sea ice, ice/snow

Antarctica 1940 to 2002 (varies by data set) topography, radar, glaciers/ice sheets


1978 to present

ocean winds, sea ice, radar, ice/snow

varies by data set

1966 to present

ice/snow, sea ice

varies by data set

31 March 2015 to present (varies by data set)

brightness temperature, soil moisture, freeze-thaw state, surface and root zone soil moisture, carbon net ecosystem exchange

Northern and Southern Hemisphere

1979 January through 2005 December

atmosphere, clouds, precipitation, land temperature