GOES-R Documents
Program  |  ATBDs  | Education & Outreach  |  GSFC |  Past Conference Presentations  |  Proving Ground  | RIMPsUser Readiness
  GOES-R Program Documents
  GOES-R Series Program 101   pptx
  GOES-R Proving Ground Update
  Goddard Engage Series: GOES-R Series Satellites
  Acronym and Glossary Document
  Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
  Ground Segment Project Functional and Performance Specification (F&PS)
  Launch Schedule
  Level I Requirements (LIRD)
  Management Control Plan (MCP)
  Mission Requirements Document (MRD)
  Potential Socio-Economic Benefits of GOES-R
  Risk Management Plan (RMP)
  System Review Plan (SRP)
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  GOES-R Product Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs)
  ABI Absorbed Shortwave Radiation (Surface)
  ABI Aerosol Detection Product
  ABI Suspended Matter/Aerosol Optical Depth and Aerosol Size Parameter
  ABI Cloud Height
  ABI Cloud Mask
  ABI Cloud and Moisture Imagery Product (CMIP)
  ABI Cloud Type and Cloud Phase
  ABI Convective Initiation
  ABI Daytime Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties (DCOMP)
  ABI Derived Motion Winds
  ABI Earth Radiation Budget Downward Longwave Radiation: Surface (DLR)
  ABI Earth Radiation Budget Downward Shortwave Radiation (Surface), and Reflected Shortwave Radiation (TOA)
  ABI Earth Radiation Budget Upward Longwave Radiation: TOA (Outgoing Longwave Radiation)
  ABI Earth Radiation Budget Upward Longwave Radiation: Surface (ULR)
  ABI Fire/Hot Spot Characterization
  ABI Flight Icing Threat
  ABI Flood/Standing Water
  ABI Green Vegetation Fraction
  ABI Hurricane Intensity Estimation
  ABI Ice Cover and Concentration
  ABI Ice Motion
  ABI Ice Thickness and Age
  ABI Land Surface Emissivity
  ABI Land Surface Temperature
  ABI Legacy Atmospheric Moisture Profile / Legacy Atmospheric Temperature Profile / Total Precipitable Water / and Derived Atmospheric Stability Indices
  ABI Low Cloud and Fog
  ABI Nighttime Cloud Optical Depth, Cloud Particle Size, Cloud Ice Water Path, and Cloud Liquid Water Path
  ABI Ocean Dynamics
  ABI Overshooting Top and Enhanced-V Detection
  ABI Ozone Detection
  ABI Probability of Rainfall
  ABI Rainfall Potential
  ABI Rainfall Rate (QPE)
  ABI Sea Surface Temperature
  ABI Snow Cover
  ABI Snow Depth
  ABI SO2 Detection
  ABI Surface Albedo
  ABI Tropopause Folding Turbulence Product
  ABI Vegetation Index
  ABI Visibility
  ABI Volcanic Ash (Detection and Height)
  GLM Lightning Cluster-Filter Algorithm
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  GOES-R Education and Outreach Documents
  ABI Bands Quick Information Guides
  Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Fact Sheet
  Aerosols Fact Sheet
  Cloud and Moisture Imagery Fact Sheet
  Fire Detection and Characterization Fact Sheet
  Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) Fact Sheet
  GOES-R Brochure
  GOES-R Overview Fact Sheet
  GOES-R Space Weather Instruments Fact Sheet
  Ground System Fact Sheet
  Hurricane Intensity Estimation Fact Sheet
  JMA Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) 0.5 µm Band 2 Fact Sheet
  National Hurricane Center 2010 Experiment Fact Sheet
  Proving Ground Severe Weather and Warning Fact Sheet
  Snow Cover Fact Sheet
  Volcanic Ash: Detection and Height Fact Sheet
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  Goddard Space Flight Center Documents
  Rules for the Design, Development, Verification, and Operation of Flight Systems
  Criteria for Flight Project Critical Milestone Reviews
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  Past Conference Presentations
  For presentations and posters from past conferences and meetings, please visit our Conferences and Meetings page.
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  Proving Ground Documents
  GOES-R Proving Ground Demonstrations
  GOES-R Proving Ground FY15 Annual Report
  GOES-R Proving Ground FY14 Annual Report
  GOES-R Proving Ground FY13 Annual Report  
  GOES-R Proving Ground FY12 Annual Report
  GOES-R Proving Ground Program Update
  GOES-R Science and Demonstration Executive Board Charter
  GOES-R Readiness, Implementation, and Management Plans (RIMPs)
  ABI Aerosol Detection Product
  ABI Aerosol Optical Depth
  ABI Cloud and Moisture Imagery
  ABI Cloud Optical Parameters
  ABI Cloud Particle Size
  ABI Cloud Top Phase
  ABI Clear Sky Masks
  ABI Cloud Top Height
  ABI Cloud Top Pressure
  ABI Cloud Top Temperature
  ABI Derived Motion Winds
  ABI Derived Stability Indices
  ABI Downward Shortwave Radiation
  ABI Reflected Shortwave Radiation
  ABI Fire/Hot Spot Characterization
  ABI Snow Cover
  ABI Hurricane Intensity Estimation
  ABI Land Surface Temperature
  ABI Legacy Vertical Moisture Profile
  ABI Legacy Vertical Temperature Profile
  ABI Rainfall Rate/QPE
  ABI Sea Surface Temperature
  ABI Total Precipitable Water
  ABI Volcanic Ash: Detection and Height
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  User Readiness Documents
  A Flexible Software Based HRIT/EMWIN Prototype Solution for the GOES-R Transition
  ABI Bands Quick Information Guides
  GOES-R: Preparing for Operations
  GOES-R Product Definition and Users' Guide (PUG) Volume 1 (Main)
  GOES-R Product Definition and Users’ Guide (PUG) Volume 2 (L0 Products)
  GOES-R Product Definition and Users’ Guide (PUG) Volume 3 (L1b Products)
  GOES-R Product Definition and Users' Guide (PUG) Volume 4 (GRB)
  GOES-R Product Definition and Users’ Guide (PUG) Volume 5 (L2+ Products)
  GOES-R Product Definition and Users’ Guide (PUG) Appendix X: ISO Series Metadata
  GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) Downlink Specifications
  GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) Receiving System Manufacturers List
  GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) Simulator Fact Sheet
  GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) Simulator FAQs
  GOES-R Science Seminars
  Hardware Schematic Description
  Hardware Schematic Diagrams
  Notice Regarding Use of ETTUS Corp Documentation
  User Readiness Plan (pdf)
  Weather Event Simulator: Advanced Baseline Imager
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