Ground Segment Overview

Simplified System Architecture
Simplified GOES-R System Architecture
Download Ground Segment Fact Sheet

Ground support is critical to the GOES-R series mission. NOAA has developed a state-of-the-art ground system that will receive data from the GOES-R series spacecraft and generate real-time data products. This is accomplished via a core set of functional elements (mission management, product generation, product distribution and enterprise management/infrastructure), an antenna system and a product access element.

The ground segment system will receive the raw data from GOES-R series spacecraft and generate Level 1b and Level 2+ products. The ground system will also make these products available to users in a timely manner.

The ground system will operate from two primary locations: the National Satellite Operations Facility (NSOF) in Suitland, Maryland, and the Wallops Command Data Acquisition Center (WCDAS) at Wallops, Virginia. A third operations facility in Fairmont, West Virginia, will serve as the Consolidated Backup (CBU) in case of a systems or communications failure at either or both NSOF and WCDAS.

Roles and Responsibilities

The ground system will receive the raw data from GOES-R series spacecraft and generate Level 1b and Level 2+ products. The ground system will also make these products available to users in a timely manner consistent with the GOES-R series latency requirements. Level 1b data from each instrument and Level 2+ data from the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) will be distributed to direct readout users with antenna receives by means of spacecraft relay as GOES Rebroadcast (GRB). Level 1b products and Level 2+ products will be provided to the Product Distribution & Access (PDA) System for users including the Data Archive centers (CLASS).

Data Levels

Level 0: Unprocessed instrument data at full resolution
Level 1b: Level 0 data with radiometric and geometric correction applied to produce parameters in physical units
Level 2+: Derived environmental variables with comparable to Level 1 spatial and temporal resolution

Prime Contractors

The Harris Corporation, Government Communications Systems Division of Melbourne, Florida, developed the GOES-R series ground system. The 10-year contract called for Harris to design, develop, test, and implement the core functional elements. Click here for the NOAA press release on the award of the Core Ground System contract.

Harris was also awarded a separate 10-year contract to supply the ground antenna system for the GOES-R series. The contract includes design, manufacturing, and testing of six new antennas and upgrading four existing antennas at the three ground station facilities. Harris, under the core ground system contract, integrate the antenna system into the core ground system. Click here for the NOAA press release on the award of the ground antenna system contract.

Solers, Inc. of Arlington, Virginia, developed the Environmental Satellite Processing and Distribution System (ESPDS), which provides the GOES-R Access Subsystem (GAS) functionality required for terrestrial, near-real time distribution of higher-order GOES-R series products.

Ground System Status

September 2016: 100% of pre-launch requirements verified
August 2016: Received Authorization to Operate the ground system from NOAA
February 2016: GRB Simulator Project has successfully enabled commercial vendors to produce five GRB receiving solutions currently on the market, with two additional solutions currently in development
February 2016: Five of six GOES-R antennas are ready to support launch
December 2015: Completed installation and integration of GOES-S hardware