Education and Training at USIP

The USIP Academy provides a wide range of courses for international affairs practitioners at USIP headquarters, online, and overseas, helping global peacebuilders transform violent conflicts in their communities. The Global Peacebuilding Center is our public education program, which works primarily with middle school and high school students and educators, and focuses on developing the knowledge and skills of the next generation of peacebuilders.

The Academy’s practitioner-oriented courses, held at the USIP headquarters in Washington and elsewhere, prepare professionals for work in and on conflict zones.

USIP’s Global Campus offers dynamic online courses in conflict management and peacebuilding that effectively trains you to prevent and transform violent conflict.

The Academy's customized courses help prepare government and military personnel, civil society leaders, and NGO and IO staff abroad or those going abroad.

The Academy's fieldwork provides teacher training and curriculum development, training of trainers, dialogue and negotiation training and other forms of capacity building, as well as preparing individuals and organizations for conflict management in all its phases.

USIP simulations, study guides, books, case studies, and other materials provide numerous resources for teachers, students, policy analysts, and practitioners.

Starting in 1987, USIP challenged students to think critically about global issues of conflict and peace through the National Peace Essay Contest (NPEC). USIP then expanded its work with young people with the creation of the Global Peacebuilding Center in 2011. Now, USIP is building upon the legacy of the NPEC (which concluded in 2014) and expanding the work of the Global Peacebuilding Center by partnering with organizations on new initiatives for students.

Global Peacebuilding Center

The Global Peacebuilding Center is USIP’s public education program, which was established in 2011 to extend the Institute’s longstanding educational work to new—especially younger—audiences, introducing them to key concepts and skills in conflict management and to the challenges and importance of peacebuilding.

The Global Peacebuilding Center focuses particularly on engaging the next generation of peacebuilders here in the U.S., working with educators and with students at the middle school and high school levels across the country. We also work with older and younger students, and with international students who visit the U.S. or...

Global Peacebuilding Center