
Personal Stories from the Frontlines of War and Peace

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 14:00
Tue, 04/28/2015 - 15:30

From Iraq to Burma, from Peru to Yemen, from Nicaragua to Nepal, the personal stories of widows, children, workers, and soldiers often are lost in the cacophony of war.  The U.S. Institute of Peace hosted a discussion and launch of "Speaking Their Peace: Personal Stories from the Frontlines of War and Peace," a book that tells the extraordinary stories of "ordinary" people from eleven conflict zones. This event included a moderated discussion with the book's author, Colette Rausch, and two members of the team that captured these memorable interviews, followed by a reception and book-signing session.

With a foreword by the Dalai Lama, the book collects interviews with 80 ordinary citizens – a taxi driver, a nun, a machinery worker, a mother -- from conflict zones all over the world. Their accounts illuminate the intensely personal experience of war, the uncertain transition to peace, and the aspirations that survive despite it all.

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Sexual Violence in War and Peace

Wed, 02/18/2015 - 09:30
Wed, 02/18/2015 - 11:00
A Case Study

The U.S. Institute of Peace hosted Dr. Jelke Boesten on Wednesday, February 18, 2015, for a panel discussion on the implications of wartime sexual violence on the gender and power dynamics in post-conflict settings.

Sexual violence during and after violent conflict is increasingly recognized as a threat to international peace and security. On February 18, 2015, Dr. Jelke Boesten discussed the implications of wartime sexual violence on gender and power dynamics through an analysis of the Peruvian armed conflict. Dr. Boesten is the author of the newly published book “Sexual Violence During War and Peace: Gender, Power, and Post-Conflict Justice in Peru.”

Type of Event or Course: 

Sexual Violence and Justice in Postconflict Peru

Wartime sexual violence is rooted in preconflict inequalities and also perpetuates peacetime violence, as the case of Peru shows. Peru can begin to break this cycle of violence by treating rape in war as a crime against humanity.


Jelke Boesten and Melissa Fisher
Thu, 06/07/2012 - 15:57
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Gender and Peacebuilding: Highlights from 2011 and Looking Ahead to 2012

Gender and Peacebuilding Center Director, Kathleen Kuehnast, discusses USIP's focus on women's equality in 2011 and looks ahead at the gender projects USIP will work on in 2012.

Kathleen Kuehnast and Brooke Stedman

Gender and Peacebuilding Center Director, Kathleen Kuehnast, discusses USIP's focus on women's equality in 2011 and looks ahead at the gender projects USIP will work on in 2012.

Wed, 01/04/2012 - 15:30

Hydrocarbons in the Amazon: Awakening Old Inequalities

Private oil companies invested $800 million in Peru in 2009 alone, and another $1 billion is planned for investments in natural gas developments between 2010-2013, as Peru is rapidly on its way to becoming Latin America’s first exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG). New oil and gas revenues have contributed to Peru’s steady economic growth. But growing opposition from indigenous groups to these new hydrocarbons projects is polarizing Peru’s already highly unequal society and creating dangerously conflictive situations.

Patricia Vasquez


  • Private oil companies invested $800 million in Peru in 2009 alone, and another $1 billion is planned for investments in natural gas developments between 2010-2013, as Peru is rapidly on its way to becoming Latin America’s first exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Tue, 04/20/2010 - 17:25
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In the Field: Peru

Peru’s social conflicts have been growing in tandem with its economy in the past few years. By giving some of the region’s most attractive hydrocarbons investment incentives, Peru has succeeded in attracting dozens of new foreign oil companies, mainly for development in the largely unexplored Amazon jungle.

Posted: March 12, 2010
By: Patricia Vasquez

Patricia Vasquez is a 2009-2010 Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow and the Latin America Team Leader at Energy IntelligenceThis piece discusses the nature and causes of resource related conflicts in Peru.

Patricia I. Vasquez
Mon, 03/08/2010 - 11:21
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Territorial Disputes and Their Resolution: The Case of Ecuador and Peru

Peaceworks No. 27

After nearly six decades of sporadic warfare over a relatively small stretch of disputed border, Ecuador and Peru signed an accord on October 26, 1998, that provides a definitive settlement of the remaining issues in their ongoing border conflict. The accord may not spell the end to future territorial disputes in the region, but it is historic in that it involves many actors working over many decades to achieve a settlement to a long-standing dispute.

After nearly six decades of sporadic warfare over a relatively small stretch of disputed border, Ecuador and Peru signed an accord on October 26, 1998, that provides a definitive settlement of the remaining issues in their ongoing border conflict. The accord may not spell the end to future territorial disputes in the region, but it is historic in that it involves many actors working over many decades to achieve a settlement to a long-standing dispute.

Beth A. Simmons
Thu, 04/01/1999 - 09:00
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Creating Structures for Peace and Justice: Experiences from Colombia and Beyond

Thu, 11/12/2009 - 09:00
Thu, 11/12/2009 - 11:00
Public Event

Representatives of the Partners for Democratic Change's new Center in Colombia, the United States Institute of Peace, and the Due Process of Law Foundation will host a roundtable discussion about these mechanisms for democratizing justice at the community level. Discussion with invited experts will explore other experiences of community dispute resolution, as well as the challenges community justice mechanisms face and how they have been addressed. 

United States Institute of Peace
1st Floor Conference Room
1200 17th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036


Please contact Stephanie Schwartz at with any general questions about this event or your registration.

This event is oversubscribed. To place your name on a waitlist for this event click here.

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Commission of Inquiry: Peru 86

Truth Commissions Digital Collection

Commission of Inquiry: Commission of Inquiry to Investigate the Massacre of Prisoners
Duration:  1986 - 1988
Charter: Not available
Commissioners: 13
Report: Public minority report

Commission of Inquiry: Commission of Inquiry to Investigate the Massacre of Prisoners (Comisión investigadora de las masacres en los Penales)

Dates of Operation: August 1986 – 1988 (2 years)

Fri, 08/01/1986 - 09:00
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Truth Commission: Peru 01

Truth Commissions Digital Collection

Truth Commission: Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Duration:  2001 - 2003
Supreme Decree No. 065-2001-PCM
: 12
Report: Public report



Truth Commission: Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación, CVR

Fri, 07/13/2001 - 09:00
Issue Areas: 
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Articles & Analysis

Gender and Peacebuilding Center Director, Kathleen Kuehnast, discusses USIP's focus on women's equality in 2011 and looks ahead at the gender projects USIP will work on in 2012.

Kathleen Kuehnast and Brooke Stedman

Peru’s social conflicts have been growing in tandem with its economy in the past few years. By giving some of the region’s most attractive hydrocarbons investment incentives, Peru has succeeded in...

Patricia I. Vasquez

Videos & Webcasts

From Iraq to Burma, from Peru to Yemen, from Nicaragua to Nepal, the personal stories of widows, children, workers, and soldiers often are lost in the cacophony of war.  The U.S. Institute of...

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Jelke Boesten and Melissa Fisher
Wartime sexual violence is rooted in preconflict inequalities and also perpetuates peacetime violence, as the case of Peru shows. Peru can begin to break this cycle of violence by treating rape in...
Patricia Vasquez
Private oil companies invested $800 million in Peru in 2009 alone, and another $1 billion is planned for investments in natural gas developments between 2010-2013, as Peru is rapidly on its way to...