Education and Training in the Field

The Academy's fieldwork provides teacher training and curriculum development, training of trainers, dialogue and negotiation training and other forms of capacity building, as well as preparing individuals and organizations for conflict management in all its phases.

By working with government and military personnel, civil society leaders and NGO and IO staff, our work promotes peace in fragile states and societies emerging from conflict through teacher training and curriculum development, skills building, network development and capacity building programs. Much of our fieldwork is enhanced or supplemented through Academy Online learning capabilities.

NOTE: The following programs are not open to the public. They represent the range of trainings and courses which the USIP Academy has and continues to provide for its partners around the world.

Current and past programs include:

  • Teacher Training and Curriculum Development in Iraq—Civic Education and Human Rights
  • Peacekeeper Training in Africa
  • Workshops on Preventing Electoral Violence in Africa
  • Training Trainers in Pakistan and Iraq
  • Negotiation and Diplomatic Skills for the OSCE
  • Peacebuilding Master’s Program with Future Generations Graduate School
  • Dialogue and Negotiation Training in Haiti
  • Technical Consultations

For more information, please email us at

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