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Local Notice to Mariners
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The USCG Local Notice to Mariners is updated weekly and is available for download in Portable Document File (PDF) Format. You may download the free Adobe Reader.

LRIT Special Notice: Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships

AIS ATON Special Notice (Feb 4, 2014): Electronic ATON and Marine Safety Information via AIS

Click on the map below to read the latest USCG Notice to Mariners for your location:

US Map showing CG DistrictsDistrict 7: Southern Atlantic Region District 5: Mid-Atlantic Region District 1: Northeast Atlantic District 9: Great Lakes Area District 8: Western Rivers District 8: Gulf Coast District 14: Hawaii & Guam District 11: Pacific Coast District 17: Alaska District 13: Pacific North West


Please review the following USCG District boundary information.

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