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Economic Status Reports


Alaska Fishing Communities



Economic Status Reports for Groundfish Fisheries of the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands

Walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), image courtesy of AFSCThe Groundfish Economic Status Report summarizes available economic data about the federal groundfish fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. Published annually as an appendix to the Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation reports, the Economic Status Report presents summary statistics on catch, discards, prohibited species catch, ex-vessel and first-wholesale production and value, participation by small entities, and effort in these fisheries.

Current and and previous reports are available for download in PDF format. Note that the report title refers to the year of publication, and each report provides data on activity through the end of the year prior to publication. For example, the 2014 Groundfish Economic Status Report provides data through year 2013.

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We invite users to provide feedback regarding the quality and usefulness of the report and recommendations for improvement. We welcome any and all comments and suggestions for improvements to the Economic Status Report, and have developed an online survey to facilitate user feedback:

Data Time Series for Tables in the Groundfish Economic Status Report (CSV format)

Download all CSVs and documentation as a .zip file

Time series data for 1991 to the most recent reporting year are available in CSV format for Tables 1-50 in the SAFE. Data and documentation may be downloaded for all tables as a .zip file or for individual tables by selecting from the links below. Please refer to the documentation and the most recent Groundfish Economic Status Report for data sources and notes on using and interpreting these data.

Files last updated 11/15/16. Files include data through the year 2015 and reflect the status of data sources as of October 2016.

Groundfish Catch Data: Tables 1-5

Groundfish Discards and Discard Rates: Tables 6-10

Prohibited Species Catch (PSC) and Catch Rates: Tables 11-15

Groundfish Ex-vessel Prices and Value: Tables 16-24

Groundfish First Wholesale Prices and Values: Tables 25-35

Documentation for Tables 25-35

Participation and Average Revenue by Entity Size: Tables 36-39

Effort (Fleet Size, Weeks of Fishing, Crew Weeks): Tables 40-50

Documentation for Tables 40-50

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