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Alaska Fisheries Science Center Quarterly Report Index

Quarterly Home

Information about the Center's research activities and results with in-depth feature articles are provided in the Quarterly Report.

The Quarterly Report index search on this page provides results linking to online research articles and division reports, which are grouped by year.


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  • Text entered into the search box above is matched exactly against keywords, and article titles (e.g., entering "trawl" will not match "trawling").
  • Text entered into the search boxes above is matched exactly against keywords, and article titles (e.g., entering "trawl" will not match "trawling").  Use the second box to refine your search.
  • For best results, enter words in their singular form (i.e., "killer whale" vs. "killer whales" & "workshop" vs. "workshops").  Try entering fewer words for more accurate results.  Also use common species names, rather than scientific names.
  • Clicking the Submit button without entering text will return all articles, listed newest to oldest.
  • Click here for links to specific AFSC division reports within each Quarterly Report issue.

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