Research & Outlook
The Development Economics Group (DEC) increases understanding of development policies and programs by providing intellectual leadership and analytical services to the World Bank and the wider development community. DEC is the premier research and data arm of the World Bank. Read More »
Global Economic Prospects

  • Global Growth Edges Up to 2.7 Percent Despite Weak Investment

    Global economic growth is forecast to accelerate moderately to 2.7 percent in 2017 after a post-crisis low last year as obstacles to activity recede among emerging market and developing economy commodity exporters, while domestic demand remains solid among emerging and developing commodity importers

  • Mobile Data Apps

    For iOS and Android
  • ADePT

    Software platform for automated economic analysis
  • iSimulate

    Platform for performing macroeconomic simulations
  • PovCalNet

    Poverty Analysis Tool assess global poverty incidence figures
  • PovMap

    Provides computational solutions to poverty mapping activities
  • CAPI

    Software for conducting complex surveys with dynamic structures using tablet devices

Journals & Digest

Key Reports
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    World Bank Raises 2017 Oil Price Forecast

    In the latest Commodities Markets Outlook, the World Bank is raising its 2017 forecast for crude oil prices to $55 per barrel from $53 as members of OPEC prepare to limit production after a long period of unrestrained output.
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    Tackling Inequality is Vital to End Extreme Poverty by 2030

    New World Bank flagship notes that there are still around 800 million living on less than $1.90 per day and warns that tackling inequality is vital to meeting the World Bank’s goals of ending poverty and sharing prosperity.
