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"Not Warranted" 12-Month Findings

If, after reviewing the best available scientific and commercial information (usually compiled in a Status Review document) and after considering ongoing conservation efforts, we determine that listing (or delisting) is not warranted, we publish a 12-month finding in the Federal Register. Below are those species or populations for which we have completed a status review and have determined that listing (or delisting) is not warranted at this time (from 2005- present).


Requested ESA Action

Status Review

Federal Register Notice


(Alosa pseudoharengus)

List as Threatened and Designate Critical Habitat


78 FR 48943

herring, blueback
(Alosa aestivalis)

List as Threatened and Designate Critical Habitat

herring, Pacific
(Clupea pallasi)



  • Southeast Alaska DPS
List Lynn Canal Population as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


73 FR 19824

List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


 70 FR 33116

(NMFS-initiated) 2014 79 FR 18518
marlin, white
(Kajikia albidus)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


 73 FR 843

clownfish, orange
(Amphiprion percula)
List as Threatened or
Endangered under ESA
2015 80 FR 51235
parrotfish, bumphead
(Bolbometopon muricatum)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat

(Status Review Report)

(Management Report)

77 FR 66799

parrotfish, greenback
(Scarus trispinosus)
List as Threatened or Endangered 2015 80 FR 26899
ray, Caribbean electric
(Narcine bancroftii)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat

Supplement to Petition
2016 81 FR 47763
ray, reef manta
(Manta alfredi)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat 2016 82 FR 3694
ray, undulate
(Raja undulata)
List as Threatened or Endangered 2015 80 FR 26899

rockfish, greenstriped
(Sebastes elongatus)

  • Puget Sound Proper DPS
List Puget Sound Proper DPS as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


74 FR 18516

rockfish, redstripe
(Sebastes proriger)

  • Puget Sound Proper DPS
List Puget Sound Proper DPS as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat

salmon, Chinook
(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)

  • Upper Klamath and Trinity River Basin ESU

  • Snake River fall-run ESU
List UKTR ESU as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


77 FR 19597

Delist the Snake River fall-run Chinook salmon ESU 2016 81 FR 33469
shad, Alabama
(Alosa alabamae)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat n/a 82 FR 4022
shark, bigeye thresher
(Alopias superciliosus)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat 2016 81 FR 18979
shark, common thresher
(Alopias vulpinus)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat

shark, dusky
(Carcharhinus obscurus)

  • Northwest Atlantic (NWA) DPS
List the Northwest Atlantic population or Entire Species as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat

List the Northwest Atlantic population or Entire Species as Threatened and Designate Critical Habitat


79 FR 74684

shark, great hammerhead
(Sphyrna mokarran)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat

List the Northwest Atlantic Population or Entire Species as Threatened and Designate Critical Habitat
2014 79 FR 33509
shark, Harrisson's dogfish
(Centrophorus harrissoni)
List as Threatened or Endangered 2015 81 FR 3023
shark, porbeagle
(Lamna nasus)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat

List the Northwest Atlantic Population as Endangered
2016 81 FR 50463

shark, scalloped hammerhead
(Sphyrna lewini)

  • NW Atlantic & GOM DPS
  • Central Pacific DPS
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


 78 FR 20717

shark, smooth hammerhead
(Sphyrna zygaena)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat 2016 81 FR 41934

shark, white
(Carcharodon carcharias)

  • Northeastern Pacific DPS
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat

List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


 78 FR 40104

skate, graytail
(Bathyraja griseocauda)
List as Threatened or Endangered 2015 80 FR 76067

sturgeon, shortnose 
(Acipenser brevirostrum)

Delist the Saint John River Population n/a 80 FR 65183
tuna, Atlantic bluefin
(Thunnus thynnus)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


76 FR 31556

wolffish, Atlantic
(Anarhichas lupus)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


74 FR 57436

wrasse, humphead
(Cheilinus undulatus)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat 2014
79 FR 57875
Marine Mammals

dolphin, Indo-Pacific humpback 
(Sousa chinensis)

List the Eastern Taiwan Strait Population as Threatened or Endangered n/a 79 FR 74954
dolphin, bottlenose
(Tursiops truncatus)
List the Fiordland, New Zealand Population as Threatened or Endangered n/a 80 FR 35306
porpoise, harbor
(Phocoena phocoena)
List the Baltic Sea Population as Threatened or Endangered n/a 80 FR 15557
seal, Pacific harbor
(Phoca vitulina richardii)
List the Iliamna Lake Population as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat 2016
(DPS evaluation)
81 FR 81074
seal, ribbon
(Histriophoca fasciata)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


78 FR 41371

seal, spotted
(Phoca largha)

  • Bering DPS
  • Okhotsk DPS
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


 75 FR 65239

whale, humpback
(Megaptera novaeangliae)


  • Brazil DPS
  • East Australia DPS
  • Gabon/Southwest Africa DPS
  • Hawaii DPS
  • Oceania DPS
  • Southeast Africa/Madagascar DPS
  • Southeastern Pacific DPS
  • West Australia DPS
  • West Indies DPS
Delist the North Pacific Population 2015 80 FR 22304
(NMFS-initiated) 81 FR 62259

whale, killer
(Orcinus orca)

  • Southern Resident DPS
Delist the Southern Resident killer whale DPS 2013 78 FR 47277
whale, sperm
(Physeter macrocephalus)
List Gulf of Mexico Population as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat 2013 78 FR 68032
Marine Reptiles

sea turtle, green
(Chelonia mydas)

  • Central North Pacific DPS
Delist the Hawaiian Population 2015 80 FR 15271
coral (16 species)
(Cyphastrea agassizi)
(Cyphastrea ocellina)
(Galaxea astreata)
(Heliopora coerulea)
(Leptoseris incrustans)
(Leptoseris yabei)
(Pavona bipartita)
(Pavona cactus)
(Pavona decussata)
(Pavona venosa)
(Porites (
Clade 1 forma pukoensis))
(Psammocora stellata)
(Turbinaria mesenterina)
(Turbinaria peltata)
(Turbinaria reniformis)
(Turbinaria stellulata)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat

(Status Review Report)

(Supplemental Information)

(Management Report)

77 FR 73220

coral (46 species)
(Acanthastrea brevis)
(Acanthastrea hemprichii)
(Acanthastrea ishigakiensis)
(Acanthastrea regularis)
(Acropora aculeus)
(Acropora acuminata)
(Acropora aspera)
(Acropora dendrum)
(Acropora donei)
(Acropora horrida)
(Acropora listeria)
(Acropora microclados)
(Acropora palmerae)
(Acropora paniculata)
(Acropora polystoma)
(Acropora striata)
(Acropora vaughani)
(Acropora verweyi)
(Agaricia lamarcki)
(Alevopora allingi)
(Alevopora fenestrata)
(Alevopora verrilliana)
(Anacropora puertogalerae)
(Astreopora cucullata)
(Barabattoia laddi)
(Caulastrea echinulata)
(Dichocoenia stokesii)
(Euphyllia cristata)
(Euphyllia paraancora)
(Isopora cuneata)
(Millepora foveolata)
(Millepora tuberosa)
(Montipora angulata)
(Montipora calcarea)
(Montipora caliculata)
(Montipora dilatata/flabellata/turgescens)
(Montipora lobulata)
(Montipora patula/verrilli)
(Pachyseris rugosa)
(Pectinia alcicornis)
(Physogyra lichtensteini)
(Pocillopora danae)
(Pocillopora elegans (E Pacific))
(Pocillopora elegans (Indo-Pacific))
(Porites horizontalata)
(Porites nigrescens)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat

(Status Review Report)

(Supplemental Information)

(Management Report)

79 FR 53852

coral, fused-staghorn
(Acropora prolifera)
*not considered a "species" under ESA
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat


 70 FR 13151

Other Marine Invertebrates
abalone, pinto
(Haliotis kamtschatkana)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat 2014 79 FR 77998
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat
conch, queen
(Strombus gigas)
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat 2014 79 FR 65628
oyster, eastern
(Crassostrea virginica)
List as Threatened or Endangered
*petition withdrawn


72 FR 35388

Updated: January 11, 2017