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The mission of the Navy Reserve is to deliver strategic depth and operational capability to the Navy, Marine Corps, and Joint Forces.




The Navy Reserve provides essential naval warfighting capabilities and expertise, strategically aligned with mission requirements - valued for our readiness, innovation, and agility.

  • We deliver timely, cost-effective operational capabilities. Our flexibility, responsiveness, and ability to serve across a wide spectrum of operations clearly enhances the Navy Total Force.
  • We provide the Navy with strategic depth by maintaining unsurpassed individual, command, and force readiness. We are ready to surge forward -anytime, anywhere.
  • Our polices, processes and administrative systems are transparent and seamless, making it easier for sailors and their families to serve.
  • We are a diverse Force and provide opportunities for all Sailors through a continuum of service.

Our actions and resources are fully aligned to achieve this vision. We value the service of every Sailor and recognize that their contribution can vary from a few days per year to full-time. We support our Sailors, civilian personnel, and their families. We also recognize and honor the civilian employers whose support enables service to our Navy and our Nation.


Strategic Focus Areas

  • Deliver a Ready and Accessible Force
  • Provide Valued Capabilities
  • Enable the Service of Our Sailors and Civilians

"Our Strength is our People...


Every Sailor Matters"


Commander’s Intent 2015
Navy Reserve Sailors have answered the nation’s call for 100 years.  Ours is a proud legacy forged by dedicated men and women willing to put civilian careers on hold and serve in defense of the country.  The story of the Navy Reserve Force is etched on countless monuments across the land, attesting to the faithful service and sacrifice of Citizen Sailors throughout American history.
While proud of our past accomplishments, we must always look to the future.  Our mission to provide strategic depth and operational capabilities will endure.  However, as global challenges evolve, demands on our Navy to keep pace with change will require creative solutions.  The Navy Reserve will rise to meet that challenge.  We recognize that our greatest value is defined not only by our ability to support Navy’s mission with military expertise at a lower cost, but also our ability to enhance it with the civilian skills of our Sailors. This powerful combination of tremendous value and targeted use of unique Sailor capabilities will be the foundation of our future Force.
Tomorrow’s Navy Reserve will be part of an elite team of highly experienced Sailors prepared to deliver the capabilities required for Navy to maintain maritime superiority.  By strengthening the Navy Team through an optimal Active and Reserve Force mix, Reserve Sailors will maximize their impact on the mission, bringing diverse skillsets, innovation, and operational agility.
Fleet and Combatant Commanders value the professional expertise and diversity the Navy Reserve brings to the fight today, but the future demands that we harness and employ our military and civilian capabilities with greater precision.  We must be ready for whatever future environment we find ourselves in. Therefore, I challenge each Sailor to take the initiative and recommend actions that will drive us to achieve this vision.  Be Bold!  We must develop skills that match missions to come, implement technologies that improve our business processes, and deliver high velocity learning that enhances leadership and professional development. This is an “All Hands” effort, and I am confident we will succeed together.
R.R. Braun
Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy
Chief of Navy Reserve