U.S. Department of Justice

Ask NIC a Question

This form will be sent to the NIC Information Center. Our expert team of librarians and information specialists will review your question and get back to you as soon as possible. We may want to follow up with you or need a little extra time for complex questions but you should hear from someone by email or phone within a few business days. If you prefer, you may call us at 800.877.1461 or email us at support@nicic.gov.

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Your Question (help?)
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Your personal information will never be shared or sold.

Shipping Information

Why do we need this? We frequently ship materials to help answer your request. It also helps us verify your eligibility for services as well as helps us know where our services are being used. There are no charges for resources shipped to you from our Information Center.

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Question Help

Here are a few tips that will help us better answer your question:

  • Start your question with specific statement. E.g., "Do you have any information on ____?". Then, follow up with some background information that might help us understand the context for your question.
  • It's helpful for us to know where you've already looked or where you might have gotten stuck.
  • Knowing what you hope to accomplish also helps us know what kind of information to look for.
  • If you would prefer to provide details over the phone, please let us know.