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Browsing Documents for 'National Institute Of Corrections'

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Topic Results by Date

Date Title Type
Document 026286
Reentry Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
"Reentry refers to the transition of offenders from prisons or jails back into the community. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs more than 650,000 people are released from state and federal prisons annually. Another 9 million cycle through local jails. Research by the Bureau of Justice Statistics published in 2006, has shown that more than two-thirds of state prisoners will be rearrested within three years of their release and more than half (56.7%) are re-in... Read More
31 pages
Document 031549
2015 NIC Learning and Performance Symposium: Innovations in Training and Learning Delivery Proceedings
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Washington, DC).
The National Institute of Corrections' 2015 Learning and Performance Symposium activities focused on the single most important need identified by participants of the inaugural 2104 Learning and Performance Symposium - Forty Forward. During the needs assessment process of NIC’s first learning and performance symposium, practitioners said their single most important need is for innovations in training and learning delivery. 2015 Symposium activities focused on innovations in training and learni... Read More

94 pages
Document 031563
Environmental Scan 2015
National Institute of Corrections. Information Center (Aurora, CO).
“Beginning in the late 1990’s, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center began scanning social, economic, and corrections issues to inform the development of programs and services offered by NIC. This report, now in its 10th edition, has continued to evolve into a popular tool that corrections practitioners also use to inform their work in jails, prisons, and community corrections. Because there are many issues beyond what is addressed in this environmental scan that will po... Read More

43 pages
Document 031534
No News Is NOT Good News: The Role of PIOs in Jails [Internet Broadcast]
By Adkins, Panda J.; Crittle, Simon; Dooley, Michael; Evans, Yolonda; Jackson, Derrick; Keith, James; Nishida, Nicole. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
Public Information Officers (PIOs) play a vital role in the local jail. The public’s perception and/or misperception of jail operations can influence public safety, funding, elections, and numerous other factors. Responding to media inquiries regarding crisis situations is just one of the many roles of the PIO. Building positive rapport with the media, telling your story, engaging the community and conveying your mission are priority tasks for a PIO. Topics discussed during this broadcast inc... Read More

37 pages + 180 minutes
Document 030018
Veterans Treatment Courts: A Second Chance for Vets Who Have Lost Their Way
By Edelman, Bernard; Berger, Thomas J.; Crawford, Gregory. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"This white paper is based on a series of interviews, buttressed by personal observations, of key players in half a dozen jurisdictions where Veterans Treatment Courts have been operating with marked success. Neither graphs nor charts nor a plethora of statistics are employed to illustrate the protocols and practices of these therapeutic courts. Instead, proponents and practitioners intimately involved in the founding and operation of these courts relate how they are “the right thing to do” for ... Read More

92 pages
Document 032647
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado, March 21-22, 2016
By Connie, Clem. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
Sections of these proceeding include: Program Session –"Shaping the Message to Legislator/Decision-Makers"--"Part 1. 'Welcome to Texas State Government'" by Dennis D. Wilson, and "Part 2. Shaping Your Message to Legislators, Lawmakers, and Decision Makers" by Elias Diggins; Program Session— "Adult Local Detention Facility (ALDF) Restrictive Housing Standards Review" facilitated by Robert Brooks, Mark Foxall, and Diggins; Program Session—"Correctional Officer Wellness" by Ainisha Persaud; Progra... Read More

48 pages
Document 032646
Restrictive Housing: An Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (NICIC) (Aurora, CO).
Resources about the use of restricted housing are provided and organized according to: resources from NIC; prevalence of restrictive housing; governing practices and policies; the basis for and process involved in determining whether, and for how long, someone is placed in special housing; conditions of confinement—juveniles, and female offenders; research—effects of prolonged confinement; legislation and litigation impacts; programming and reentry-focused services; availability of medical and m... Read More
Document 032650
Thinking for a Change 4.0
By Jack Bush, Ph.D., Barry Glick, Ph.D., and Juliana Taymans, Ph.D.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Thinking for a Change 4.0 (T4C) is an integrated cognitive behavioral change program authored by Jack Bush, Ph.D., Barry Glick, Ph.D., and Juliana Taymans, Ph.D., under a cooperative agreement with the National Institute of Corrections (NIC). T4C incorporates research from cognitive restructuring theory, social skills development, and the learning and use of problem solving skills. T4C is comprised of 25 lessons that build upon each other, and contains appendices that can be used to craft an ... Read More
Document 032605
Corrections Stress: Peaks and Valleys
By Brower, Jaime; Buell, Maureen; Lewis, Kirsten; Lane, Rebecca; Kelly, Deborah; Kelly, Brandon; Joseph, Tracy H. ; Spinaris, Caterina. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
Staff is the life blood of any agency and its most valuable resource. Their wellness is paramount to organizational health and mission effectiveness. What can individuals and organizations do to identify issues commonly associated with corrections stress and cultivate a climate of staff resilience and agency health, stability and excellence? During this broadcast, we will: Acknowledge the effects and consequences of corrections stress on staff and the organization; Identify commonly reference... Read More

180 minutes
Document 032670
An Opinion Survey of the Community Corrections Collaborative Network: Where the Community Corrections Field Is Going and What It Needs to Get There
By Ziedenberg, Jason. National Institute of Corrections. Community Services Division. Community Corrections Collaborative Network (CCCN) (Washington, DC).
In 2014, a network of membership associations that represent community corrections practitioners—the Community Corrections Collaborative Network (CCCN)—surveyed their memberships to gauge opinions about the state of the field. The survey sought to identify what community corrections practitioners believe are the significant issues and opportunities facing the field. CCCN’s goal with the survey is to bring a fresh perspective about where the field needs to go and what community corrections will n... Read More

19 pages
Document 031461
Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems
Center for Effective Public Policy (CEPP) (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"EBDM is a strategic and deliberate method of applying empirical knowledge and research-supported principles to justice system decisions made at the case, agency, and system level. The initiative team developed the EBDM framework, which posits that public safety outcomes will be improved when justice system stakeholders engage in truly collaborative partnerships, use research to guide their work, and work together to achieve safer communities, more efficient use of tax dollars, and fewer victims... Read More

Document 031511
Creative Ideas for Institutional and Community Corrections Agencies to Partner with Crime Victim Assistance Organizations and Agencies to Promote 2016 National Crime Victims' Rights Week: Serving Victims. Building Trust. Restoring Hope.
American Correctional Association (ACA). Victims and Restorative Justice Committees; American Probation and Parole Association (APPA). Victim Issues Committee; Association of Paroling Authorities International (APAI). Victims Committee; National institute of Corrections (NIC). Network of Post-Conviction Victim Service Providers (Washington, DC).
"From the creation of Victims Committees at ACA (1987), APPA (1991), and APAI (1992) and the establishment of the National Association of Victim Assistance in Corrections (NAVAC, formerly known as NAVSPIC) and the National Institute of Corrections Network of Post-Conviction Victim Service Providers, the field of corrections has recognized the importance of enforcing victims’ rights in the post-sentencing phases of their cases, and providing services and support to the victims and survivors of th... Read More

9 pages
Document 032698
Myths & Facts - Why Incarceration Is Not the Best Way to Keep Communities Safe
Community Corrections Collaborative Network (CCCN) (Washington, DC) | National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
The Community Corrections Collaborative Network (CCCN) is a network comprised of the leading associations representing 90,000-plus probation, parole, pretrial, and treatment professionals around the country, including the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA), the Association of Paroling Authorities International (APAI), the Federal Probation and Pretrial Officers Association (FPPOA), the International Community Corrections Association (ICCA), the National Association of Drug Court Pr... Read More

1 page + 16 pages
Document 032726
Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) Initiative Phase 2 Site Reports
By Christensen, Gary; Jannetta, Jesse; Kurs, Emma; Owens, Colleen; Rao, Shebani; Warwick, Kevin; Willison, Janeen Buck. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC); Urban Institute (Washington, DC); Alternative Solutions Associates (Chicopee, MA); Corrections Partners, Inc. (CPI) (Clinton Corners, NY).
"TJC [Transition from Jail to Community] represents an integrated approach spanning organizational boundaries to deliver needed information, services, and case management to people released from jail. Boundary-spanning collaborative partnerships are necessary because transition from jail to the community is neither the sole responsibility of the jail nor of the community. Accordingly, effective transition strategies rely on collaboration among jail- and community-based partners and joint ownersh... Read More

Document 032727
Working with Victims of Crime: An Integrated Approach for Community Supervision Professionals
By Baker, Maureen; King, Erica; Wheeler, Tara; Conners, Anne; Sanchez, Mara. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC); University of Southern Maine. Muskie School of Public Service. Cutler Institute for Health and Social Policy (Portland, ME).
This Guide provides a comprehensive overview of available information on victims’ rights and services. It is informed by the foundational work of many advocates, academics and community corrections professionals. While the Guide will outline specific tools and resources to inform your work, it is worth noting that there is no “one size fits all” approach that will work across all scenarios. There may be information in the Guide that will require you to self-reflect on your practice as it relates... Read More

Document 032739
The Corrections Learning Organization
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"Today, the need to understand effective leadership is greater than ever before: we are living in a smaller, more global environment that is changing at a rapid, often overwhelming, and seemingly unmanageable pace. Accepting the status quo is not an option. High-performance teams require leaders who not only understand and can readily adapt to this changing world, but who foster and inspire continuous learning and improvement among each and every member of the team. Put simply, leading an effect... Read More

18 pages
Document 032740
Training from A to E: Analysis to Evaluation
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"The purpose of this paper is to provide learning performance professionals, curriculum designers, trainers, and others involved in the training profession an overview of the importance of analysis and evaluation when providing training to correctional professionals. The ADDIE model of instructional system design (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) is the foundation of this paper and will be covered briefly. Emphasis is placed on analysis and evaluation, as they are the bookends of t... Read More

27 pages
Document 032719
Pretrial Justice: How to Maximize Public Safety, Court Appearance and Release [Internet Broadcast]
By Green, Katie; Eville, Lori; Boatner, Peter L.; Johnson, Susan (Suzi); Kennedy, Spurgeon; Moore, Leland J.; O’Connor, Tom; Rose, Ken; Schnacke, Timothy; Zeerip, Bo A.. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
“The history of bail and the law intertwined with [this] history tell us that the three goals underlying the bail process are to maximize release while simultaneously maximizing court appearance and public safety.” -- Timothy R. Schnacke, Fundamentals of Bail Courts in the United States process millions of criminal cases annually. Each requires a judicial officer to determine the conditions of a defendant’s release pending adjudication—bail. Bail determination is one of the most important dec... Read More

180 minutes
Document 032752
Agenda Jail PIO Network Meeting [Proceedings]
By Albert, Karen . National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Jails Division (Washington, DC).
The Public Information Officer (PIO) plays a vital role in local jails. The public’s perception/misperception of jail operations can influence public safety, funding, elections and numerous other factors. Responding to media inquiries regarding crisis situations is just one of the many roles of the PIO. Building a positive rapport with the media, taking control of your message, and conveying your mission are priority tasks for a PIO. The Jail Public Information Officers Network Meeting provides ... Read More

17 pages
Document 032778
NIC Information Center Dispatch Archive
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (NICIC) (Aurora, CO).
This online newsletter is presented by the National Institute of Corrections Information Center. The Dispatch provides important information to the corrections field. Sections of this publication include: Spotlight—one-on-one Q&A from NIC staff; NIC Divisions—links to the Academy, Community Services, Jails, and Prisons Divisions; New in the Library—key reports and articles for correctional professionals; Feature of the Month—an extended look at an issue that impacts correctional agencies; Resour... Read More

Document 032783
National Institute of Corrections' Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Training Courses
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
NIC offers the PREA courses at the NIC Learn Center here: https://nic.learn.com The Learn Center is a full LMS, Learning Management System that will allow individuals to: create an account; start, stop a course and return to where they left off; and create and print a certificate upon successful completion of a course. The purpose of offering these courses on a DVD is to accommodate an institution that does not have access to the Internet and therefore needs another method of providing the... Read More

1 data DVD
Document 032784
HOPE Probation: Hawaii's Opportunity Probation with Enforcement [Webinar]
By Alm, Steven S.; Hawken, Angela; Marlowe, Doug; Stinson, Penny; Taylor, Scott; Crawford, Greg. Community Corrections Collaborative Network (CCCN) (Washington, DC);National institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
The Community Corrections Collaborative Network (CCCN) hosted a live webinar event with our federal partners and national and local experts to highlight Hawaii’s Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE), a collaborative strategy among the court, probation, prosecutors, defense, law enforcement and community treatment providers to effect positive behavioral changes in probationers. HOPE was first conceived of by Judge Steven S. Alm of the O’ahu First Circuit and began as a pilot program in 2... Read More

90 minutes
Document 032785
Losing Time: Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease Behind Bars [Webinar]
By Hongo, Aileen; Hughes, Barry; Levine, Ron; Iszler, Bernie. National institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
Dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, is difficult to detect in a population often afflicted with other mental illnesses and maladaptive social behaviors. During this interactive webinar we will explore how symptoms and behaviors can be misconstrued and identify environmental risk factors that can contribute to costly accidents and injury for inmates with dementia. We will also take an in-depth look at the Gold Coat program based at the California Men's Colony State Prison in San Luis Obi... Read More

62 minutes
Document 032786
Live Webinar Event for the Release of NIC Publication "Veterans Treatment Courts: A Second Chance for Vets Who Have Lost Their Way [Webinar]
By Edelman, Bernard; Berger, Thomas J.; Russell, Robert, Jr.; Fitzgerald, Melissa; Welch, Patrick; Stefanovic, Nicholas; Crawford, Greg. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
Sentencing alternatives for veterans? There are dozens of specialized courts across the country that employ therapeutic programs to help keep veterans out of jail. "Veterans Treatment Courts: A Second Chance for Vets Who Have Lost Their Way" is a new publication that tells the story of these veterans and the judges, veterans advocates, and treatment professionals who are fighting to ensure a second chance for vets who find themselves caught up in the criminal justice system. The publication w... Read More

95 minutes
Document 032721
Restrictive Housing: Roadmap to Reform [Internet Broadcast]
By Stines, Joseph “Tony”; Allison, Kathleen; Burns, Kathryn A.; Garcia, Marie; Jeffreys, Rob; Marcial, David; Moore-Smeal, Shirley; Quirk, Ryan; Reid, Larry E.. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
“Do we really think it makes sense to lock so many people alone in tiny cells for 23 hours a day for months, sometime for years at a time? That is not going to make us safer. It’s not going to make us stronger. If those individuals are ultimately released, how are they ever going to adapt? It’s not smart.” – President Barack Obama, NAACP National Convention speech, July 14, 2015. The use of Restrictive Housing poses some of the most challenging questions facing corrections professionals: How ... Read More

10 hours
Document 031512
National Institute of Corrections Report to the Nation FY14
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
A collection of infographics present the activity of National Institute of Corrections (NIC) over Fiscal Year 2014. NIC has served the public for over 40 years, and is determined to be the nation's most trusted resource for corrections personnel. Three positive comments about NIC service show how NIC has done this. Highlights are provided for NIC's Prisons Division, Jails Division, Community Services Division, and Academy. Let the National Institute of Corrections help you to succeed through tec... Read More

12 pages
Document 031531
Proceedings of the NIC Chief Jail Inspectors Network Meeting, September 2015
By Clem, Connie, recorder. National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Jails Division (Washington, DC).
Participants represent state agencies that have responsibility for inspection and auditing of local correctional facilities. Some agencies have oversight for juvenile as well as adult corrections or for any agency with sworn officers. Meeting topics: "Session I: Hospital Security Detail" by Mark W. Radcliff; "Session II: Conducting Effective Audits/Inspections" by Larry Reid; "Session III: Objective Jail Classification" by Shannon Herklotz and Jackie Semmler; "Session IV: Legal Issues"" by Carri... Read More

25 pages
Document 031485
The Reentry of Formerly Incarcerated Persons: Key Accomplishments, Challenges, and Future Directions; A Report on the National Reentry Symposium: Promising Practices and Future Directions
By Carter, Madeline M.. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC); U.S. Bureau of Prisons (BOP) (Washington, DC).
"In 2014, more than 636,000 people were released from state and federal institutions … approximately 1,750 per day—while another 11.4 million are reported to cycle through our local jails each year … Some return to families, jobs, and welcoming communities but most do not, which may explain—at least in part—why release from confinement and the justice system can be a temporary condition for many. National studies indicate that 67.8% of state prisoners are rearrested within three years of their r... Read More

17 pages
Document 031459
Medicaid Administrative Claiming and Targeted Case Management: Opportunities for Public Safety [Webinar]
By Rosenberg, Steven; Jenkins, Mack; Mellgren, Linda; Crawford, Greg. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
This webinar will: define roles that criminal justice professionals play in Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) and Targeted Case Management (TCM); define service needs of justice involved individuals; highlight community corrections and criminal justice agency examples of resource utilization; explain strategies for meeting increased demand for healthcare services under the Affordable Care Act; and differentiate between MAC and TCM. The webinar aims to: demonstrate that MAC and TCM are excel... Read More

65 minutes
Document 029879
Correctional Industries: A Guide to Reentry-Focused Performance Excellence
National Correctional Industries Association (NCIA) (Baltimore, MD); National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
This guide "is specifically designed to empower each Correctional Industries organization, no matter the size or structure, to design and implement its program with an emphasis on maximizing system impact. The model supports implementing effective strategies through the context of work. The results are focused on increasing an individual’s success after release. The model provides a holistic approach to evaluating where you are and how to proceed with recommendations based on promising and evide... Read More

Document 031370
No Place for Youth: Girls in the Adult Justice System
By Davis, Antoinette; Gentile, Andrea ; Glesmann, Caroline. NIC- 13CS12GKP3; National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) (Oakland, CA).
This report is necessary reading for anyone working with or concerned about girls who are incarcerated in adult correctional facilities. "Adult jails and prisons are not designed for the confinement of youth, and as a result most are not equipped to meet the inherent and specific needs of adolescents. Studies show that youth in adult confinement do not receive age-appropriate educational, medical, or rehabilitative services. They are subject to conditions that are developmentally inappropriate a... Read More
16 pages
Document 031307
Toolkit for Developing Family-Focused Jail Programs
By Peterson, Bryce; Cramer, Lindsey; Kurs, Emma; Fontaine, Jocelyn. Urban Institute. Children of Incarcerated Parents Project (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"Through no fault of their own, millions of children have been exposed to and affected by the criminal justice system by witnessing their parent being arrested, by seeing their parent in court, or by visiting their parent in jail or prison. Indeed, many of the thousands of adult men and women who are arrested, prosecuted, and incarcerated each year leave behind minor children who must grapple with their parent’s absence for days, months, or years. Although such exposure does not always result in... Read More

19 pages
Document 031460
CCCN LIVE National Forum Discussion [Webinar]
By Nunes, Phil; Qazilbash, Ruby; Marlowe, Doug; Rosenberg, Steve; McDonnell, Maureen; Jenkins, Mack; Green, Katie; Burke, Susan; Crawford, Greg. Community Corrections Collaborative Network (CCCN) (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
Objectives: highlight federal resources available to community corrections and criminal justice agencies; define service needs of justice-involved individuals; showcase a local example of collaboration and resources utilization—San Diego County Probation; and engage the criminal justice system in a live discussion about the resources available, how to access funding, receive technical assistance, and to motivate our leaders to want to do more.... Read More

91 minutes
Document 029722
Measuring for Results: Outcome and Performance Measures for Pretrial Diversion Field
By Kennedy, Spurgeon; Klute, Tara Boh. National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies (NAPSA) (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Community Services Division (Washington, DC).
"This publication outlines suggested outcome and performance measures and critical operational data for pretrial diversion programs. Its goals are to present clearly defined and easily calculable measures that pretrial diversion programs can use to gauge progress in achieving their mission and strategic goals, improve business decisions, and illustrate pretrial diversion’s value in an evidence-based criminal justice system. The suggested measures are compatible with established national pretrial... Read More
29 pages
Document 029682
Offender Reentry: The Value of Victim Involvement [Broadcast]
By Brisbin, Lorie; Newlin, Lydia ; Costa, Jeralita “Jeri”; Odom, Mark; Seymour, Anne; Baker, Maureen; King, Erica. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
This three-hour national discussion and broadcast by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) focuses on the unique opportunities and challenges of including victims in the offender reentry process. Current points in the criminal justice reentry continuum where victims can and should have a voice are explored. By including victims we can obtain more balanced information about the offender and their offense history which can positively impact reentry decisions. This approach can result in bett... Read More

158 minutes
Document 029910
New Directions in Corrections: Staff Wellness: NIC's Second Virtual Conference
By Peters, Colette; Denhof, Michael; Morton, Gregory; Spinaris, Caterina; Lewis, Kirsten; McGrath, Roy; Violanti, John; Jones, Susan; Leitch, Laurie; Jacobs, Ann; Clarke, Harold. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
On June 10, 2015, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) launched a national virtual conference on staff wellness titled “New Directions in Corrections: Staff Wellness.” Session topics will include using neuroscience to reduce stress, “healing corrections,” the organizational implications of boundary violations, creating a purpose-driven corrections career, corrections personnel suicide, and staff wellness. The objective of “New Directions in Corrections: Staff Wellness” is to: Educate c... Read More

Document 029869
Veterans Treatment Courts: A Second Chance for Vets Who Have Lost Their Way [Internet Broadcast]
By Henry, Heather French; Berger, Thomas J.; Edelman, Bernard; Stefanovic, Nicholas; Fitzgerald, Melissa; Russell, Robert; Schwartz, John; Burek, Elizabeth; Clark, Sean; Crawford, Gregory. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
This program on justice-involved veterans, highlights the lifesaving role being played by veterans treatment courts (VTCs) across the country. From WWII through the continuing global war on terror, there are approximately 21.5 million veterans in the U.S. today. So many of these men, and increasingly women, return home damaged mentally and physically from their time in service. These wounds often contribute to their involvement in the criminal justice system. As a result, veterans are overre... Read More

151 minutes
Document 030135
Jails in America: A Report on Podular Direct Supervision
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
This video is an excellent introduction to the use of podular direct supervision. Topics discussed include: the three types of jails in the United States—linear intermittent surveillance, podular remote surveillance, and podular direct supervision; the eight key principles of direct supervision; seven key direct supervision strategies; the housing unit officer; and education and activities. "Podular direct supervision is a proven, viable, and economical alternative to more traditional methods." ... Read More

19 minutes
Document 030028
Hepatitis C in Corrections: Innovations in Treatment and Management of a Public Health Challenge [Internet Broadcast]
By Grant, Anita; Greer, James; Guilfoyle, Sheila M.; Kendig, Newton; Maurer, Kathleen; Ojo, Olugbenga; Zawitz, Chad. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is the most common blood-borne infection in the United States, with approximately three million persons living with current infection. Of the two million individuals incarcerated in US federal and state prisons, a February 2015 Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) special report states that 9.8% of these individuals have Hepatitis C. With the advent of a one pill per day treatment regimen, the management of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in corrections is rapidly evolvin... Read More

38 pages + 155 minutes
Document 031301
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado, September 28-29, 2015
By Paul, Cheryl McKinney. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
Sections of these proceedings are: "Introduction to the National Commission on Correctional Healthcare (NCCHC)" by Brent Gibson; "Identification of Programs of the Major Counties Sheriffs’ Association Members – Designed to Reduce Arrest and/or Incarceration of the Mentally Ill" by Andy Ferguson; "Planning and Implementing Effective Mental Health Services in Jails by David Stephens; "High Liability Inmates" by Henry Reyes; "Open Forum: Hot Topics"; "ACA Certified Corrections Professional (CCP) Pr... Read More

56 pages
Document 031304
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado, March 22 – 24, 2015
By Clem, Connie. National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Jails Division (Washington, DC).
Sections of these proceedings are: "Program Session: Veterans—Courts, Housing, and Programs": "Part 1: Veterans: Considerations for Inmates and Staff" by Dane Collins, and "Part 2. The VA's Veterans Justice Programs and the Veterans Reentry Search Service" by Joel Rosenthal; "Program Session: Restrictive Housing: Step-Down Measures": "Part 1. Douglas County Special Management Unit—Segregation" by Mark Foxall, and "Part 2. Restrictive Housing" by Dane Collins; "Program Session: Re-Entry Programs ... Read More

63 pages
Document 031308
Promising and Innovative Practices for Children of Incarcerated Parents: Arrest through Pre-Adjudication [Webinar]
By Bernstein, Nell; Brant, Jill M.; Carson, Sarah West; Crawford, Greg; Donohue, Patti; Fontaine, Jocelyn; Kroll, Amy; Krupat, Tanya; Ludwig, Amanda; Marion, Asmara; Peterson, Bryce; Still, Wendy; Suhr, Greg. Urban Institute. Children of Incarcerated Parents Project (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"Nearly three million children under the age of 18 have a parent in jail or prison, and millions more have experienced their parents being arrested. Due to their parent’s criminal justice involvement, a growing body of research indicates that these children often experience trauma, family disruption, and the loss of their primary caregiver, which can lead to financial hardship, residential instability, and an array of emotional and behavioral problems. In response, several community-based organi... Read More

272 minutes
Document 026518
LGBTI: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Offenders (Selected Resources for Criminal Justice Professionals) Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
“This annotated bibliography has been developed in an effort to provide current and useful information to correctional agencies regarding the safe and respectful management of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) offenders. Relying on a best practices approach, this information will enable corrections staff to make better informed decisions about the safety, security, treatment and care of LGBTI offenders by providing academic, cultural and legal perspectives of the issues th... Read More
55 pages
Document 024728
Workplace Learning Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
The use of workplace learning in “building your organization into a dynamic and flexible one, capable of meeting contemporary challenges” is addressed (p. 2). These annotated citations are grouped according to what workplace learning is, its importance, how to implement it, and how workplace learning has been implemented.... Read More
35 pages
Document 025355
Motivational Interviewing (with a Criminal Justice Focus) Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
Motivational Interviewing (MI) was introduced to the field of corrections in the 1990s through the Evidence-based Practices (EBP) Model as a method for enhancing intrinsic motivation. Since that time, agencies throughout the U.S., in all criminal justice settings, have—to a greater or lesser degree—explored if, when, and how to implement this approach to communicating, building rapport, and tapping into the internal motivation of the clients and staff members they work with. This annotated bi... Read More
28 pages
Document 025533
Thinking for a Change and Cognitive-Behavioral Programs Annotated Bibliography
By NIC Information Center. National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
This list of resources contains research supporting Thinking for a Change as well as CBT [cognitive-behavioral treatment] programs for offenders generally. The list also includes CBT resources related to female offenders, mentally ill offenders, sex offenders, and youth. ... Read More

Document 031373
Policy Review and Development Guide: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Persons in Custodial Settings, 2nd Edition
By Smith, Brenda V.; Yarussi, Jaime M.. NIC-13CS17GKN9; National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC) ; Smith Consulting (Washington, DC) ; American University. Washington College of Law. Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC) .
"In the first edition of this guide, we aimed to reach out to correctional agencies in order to help them identify, address, and respond to abuse of LGBTI individuals through agency policies and procedures. We hoped to deepen the dialogue between staff and administrators as well as community leaders and criminal justice advocates about strategies to eliminate abuse of LGBTI individuals in custody. The second edition of this guide provides updated key information to correctional agencies about PR... Read More

96 pages
Document 029743
Occupational Stressors in Corrections Work Annotated Bibliography
By Spinaris, Caterina G.. NIC-12CS14GKM7. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"Corrections work of all disciplines, whether in institutional or in community-based settings, has been recognized as being exceptionally stressful. Traditionally, this has been regarded as a consequence of staff’s exposure to multiple organizational stressors and also operational stressors. Examples of organizational stressors are role problems, demanding interactions with other staff or justice-involved individuals, and low organizational support. Examples of operational stressors are shift wo... Read More
31 pages
Document 029747
Gender-Responsive Policy Development in Corrections: What We Know and Roadmaps for Change
By King, Erica; Foley, Jillian E.. National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Community Services Division (Washington, DC).
"Correctional policy and procedure drives decisions in the management and rehabilitation of offender populations. The continuously emerging research on female offenders highlights differences from their male counterparts, particularly in the areas of health, mental health, substance abuse and risk. Yet correctional policies rarely reflect those differences and where adaptations are made it is often not in policy or directive, contributing to tremendous inconsistency in the management of women of... Read More
7 pages
Document 029716
Environmental Scan 2014: 9th Edition
National Institute of Corrections. Information Center (Aurora, CO).
“Beginning in the late 1990’s, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center began scanning social, economic and corrections issues to inform the development of programs and services offered by NIC. This report, now in its 9th edition, has continued to evolve into a popular tool that corrections practitioners also use to inform their work in jails, prisons and community corrections. Because there are many issues beyond what is addressed in this environmental scan that potentiall... Read More
38 pages
Document 029768
Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems Initiative
By Buck Willison, Janeen; Lachman, Pamela; Pope, Dwight; Holand, Ashleigh. NIC-11A08GKH1. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
This brief covers results from the report "Evaluation of Phase II Technical Assistance for Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems" by Janeen Buck Willison, Pamela Lachman, Dwight Pope, and Ashleigh Holand (issued June 2012) available at http://nicic.gov/Library/029767. It "describes the EBDM Phase II technical assistance approach and presents findings and themes from the process evaluation and outcome assessment of the technical assistance delivered to the seven sites s... Read More
8 pages
Document 027878
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado, September 15 – 17, 2013
By Clem, Constance. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
Sections of these proceedings are: about this meeting; meeting highlights; “The Affordable Care Act: Health Care Reform and Jails” by Donna Strugar-Fritsch; “Handling Corrections Staff Wellness/Performance Issues: From Corrections Fatigue to Fulfillment” by Caterina G. Spinaris and Micheal D. Denhof; “Prison Rape Elimination Act: The Outlook for Facility Audits” by Joshua C. Delaney and Dee Halley; PREA Panel Discussion by Don Pinkard, Jeffery Newton, and Art Wallenstein; “Legal Issues in Jails—... Read More
48 pages
Document 027908
The Corrections Profession: Maintaining Safety and Sanity, Part 2
By Spinaris, Caterina; Denhof, Mike; Morton, Greg. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO); Desert Waters Correctional Outreach (DWCO) (Florence, CO).
This program is the second of a two-part webinar, and covers the physical and emotional challenges faced by correctional personnel. “The dangers correctional staff encounter on the job are well known to their leaders. A lesser known but possibly more hazardous set of factors involves the cumulative negative side effects of what staff experience through daily interactions with justice-involved individuals and immersion in uniquely challenging workplace conditions. Such side effects can be underst... Read More
78 minutes + 42 pages
Document 031457
Health Literacy: Enhancing Access to Health Care for Justice-Involved Individuals [Webinar]
By Julie, McKinney; Shavit, Shira; Griffith, Nancy; Joplin, Lore. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
This webinar explains: what health literacy has to do with accessing health care; what literacy is; what health literacy is; the five steps of health literacy—find health information, understand it, evaluate it, communicate it, and use it; the health literacy of U.S. adults; health literacy is disproportionate; barriers to good health literacy; what needs to be done; prevalence of disease; health risks following release; transitional care—continuity of care; barriers to care; Transitions Clinic... Read More

90 minutes
Document 028360
Fundamentals of Bail: A Resource Guide for Pretrial Practitioners and a Framework for American Pretrial Reform
By Schnacke, Timothy R.. NIC-13CS02GK04. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"Pretrial justice requires that those seeking it be consistent with both their vision and with the concept of pretrial best practices, and this document is designed to help further that goal. It can be used as a resource guide, giving readers a basic understanding of the key areas of bail and the criminal pretrial process and then listing key documents and resources necessary to adopt a uniform working knowledge of legal and evidence-based practices in the field. Hopefully, however, this documen... Read More

119 pages
Document 029517
Money as a Criminal Justice Stakeholder: The Judge’s Decision to Release or Detain a Defendant Pretrial
By Schnacke, Timothy R.. NIC-13CS02GK04. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"The future of pretrial justice in America will come partly from our deliberative focus on our judges’ decisions to release or detain a criminal defendant pretrial and from our questioning of whether our current constitutional and statutory bail schemes are either helping or hindering those decisions … we recognize that we also need a fair and transparent scheme allowing the preventive detention of higher risk defendants without "bail," or judges will continue to be forced to use money to accomp... Read More

66 pages
Document 029703
Forty Forward: Learning and Performance Symposium 2014 Participant's Manual and Proceedings
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Academy (Aurora, CO).
This material is from the inaugural Learning and Performance Symposium. This event focused "on learning and performance practices based on established theory and research as well as the effective practices of successful learning leaders." Sections comprising the manual are: the Forty Forward agenda; "Correctional Learning and Performance: A Vision for the 21st Century" (2012) (NIC accession number 026506); needs assessment; "Innovation: Professional Development Series" by Barbara A. Collins ... Read More

348 pages
Document 028408
Analysis of the Use of the Structured Decisionmaking Framework in Three States
By Serin, Ralph; Gobeil, Renee. NIC-TA#10C82GKD0; National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC). Carleton University. Criminal Justice Decision-Making Laboratory (Ottawa, Ontario); National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"In recent years, interest in high-quality parole decisionmaking has grown significantly. Paroling authorities are under considerable pressure and subject to substantial public scrutiny as they strive to reach high-quality parole decisions that ensure public safety. In this context, the Legal Decision-Making Lab at Carleton University has been working for nearly a decade to develop and improve a decisionmaking tool for parole practitioners. This tool, the Structured Decisionmaking Framework, act... Read More

60 pages
Document 027874
Environmental Scan 2013: 8th Edition
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
“Beginning in the late 1990’s, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center began scanning social, economic and corrections issues to inform the development of programs and services offered by NIC. This report, now in its 8th edition, has continued to evolve into a popular tool corrections practitioners also use to inform their work in jails, prisons and community corrections. Since there are many issues beyond what is addressed in this environmental scan that potentially will ... Read More
34 pages
Document 027907
The Corrections Profession: Maintaining Safety and Sanity, Part 1
By Spinaris, Caterina; Denhof, Mike; Morton, Greg. Desert Waters Correctional Outreach (DWCO) (Florence, CO); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
This program is the first of a two-part webinar, and covers the physical and emotional challenges faced by correctional personnel. “The dangers correctional staff encounter on the job are well known to their leaders. A lesser known but possibly more hazardous set of factors involves the cumulative negative side effects of what staff experience through daily interactions with justice-involved individuals and immersion in uniquely challenging workplace conditions. Such side effects can be understo... Read More
85 minutes + 54 pages
Document 028089
Resilience in Corrections: A Proactive Approach to Changing Conditions
By Connelly, Michael; Feldman, David. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
“This white paper describes the issues facing corrections policy and leadership as the impacts of climate change and its related consequences confront departments, agencies, and facilities in coming years. Not only will corrections have to manage the effects of more extreme weather and temperatures than in the past. Corrections will also have to develop and improve its flexibility and resiliency in its operations to weather the multiple coming changes while maintaining its core functions of prot... Read More
20 pages
Document 027704
Inmate Behavior Management: Guide to Meeting Basic Needs
By Hoke, Scott; Demory, Randy. NIC-TA#10J74GKD7. National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Jails Division (Washington, DC).
"Experience has shown that if a jail does not meet the basic human needs of inmates, the inmates will find a way to satisfy their needs in ways that may be unfavorable to the orderly operation of the jail. Understanding what motivates human behavior provides jail administrators with a very useful tool for managing inmates since it helps explain both good inmate behavior and bad. This document not only provides guidance to jail practitioners as they implement this element, but it also provides se... Read More
76 pages
Document 028130
Gender-Responsive Policy & Practice (GRPPA)
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
The Gender-Responsive Policy & Practice Assessment (GRPPA) outlines the process of evaluating the gender-responsiveness of policies and programs for women and how to use those outcomes to drive enhancements to women’s programming. There are two main sections of the GRPPA. The GRPPA Description and Instructions section provides information on how to facilitate an assessment of current gender-responsive practices in community corrections programs and correctional facilities. It also outlines t... Read More
Document 027999
Learning and Performance: Realigning Training to Achieve Agency Goals [Internet Broadcast]
By Hall, Amanda; Iszler, Bernie; Kinsler, Ted; Nelson, David . National Institute of Corrections Training Academy (Washington, DC).
This three-hour broadcast is intended to help realign your training with agency outcomes to help your agency become a learning organization. Using a variety of methods—including discussions, participant and team activities, and demonstrations—the broadcast will explore learning organization principles as exemplified by the work of David Garvin, Peter Senge and others. During this discussion, participants will: recognize the importance of linking training to agency outcomes; identify three ... Read More
156 minutes
Document 027998
LGBTI Populations: Intake – Creating a Culture of Safety [Internet Broadcast]
By Brisbin, Lorie; Deboo, Kuma J.; Morgan, Marcia; Selph, Mykel; Williams, Wendy; Willis, Angela; Wiseman, Jim . National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Good correctional practice includes applying principles of risk based classification to all adult and juvenile offenders while accounting for unique characteristics and concerns of LGBTI and gender non-conforming populations. To ensure a culture of safety, it is important to identify these individuals at intake. A culture of safety includes everyone understanding and practicing respectful, appropriate and professional language. Intake personnel function as the “gatekeepers” for correctional ... Read More
Document 028145
Labor Market Information Worksheet
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
This worksheet helps a person to determine whether the job they want to get is right for them. This is done by answering some questions regarding the desired occupation. Responses are determined for: common names for the occupation; current number of jobs in the occupation; anticipated 10-year growth rate for the occupation; average annual job openings for occupation; license requirement for the occupation and whether individuals with a criminal conviction are excluded; certification availabilit... Read More
4 pages
Document 028146
Executive Summary: Research Supporting Employment as an Important Component of Evidence-Based Practice
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
This document briefly reviews the strong link between offender employment and recidivism. "Extensive research has demonstrated that strong ties to work can lead to desistance of offending. Based on the scientific evidence, education and vocational training programs work. They increase the rate of employment for ex-offenders, and meaningful work is an important contributor to less offending. More importantly, the evidence clearly shows that they reduce recidivism and provide a positive return on ... Read More
1 page
Document 028147
Implementing Apprenticeships: A Transitional Approach with Offenders (Pre-plea to Release from Supervision)
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
This document highlights the roles of and activities performed by six federal agencies in the provision of apprenticeships for federal offenders. The cooperating agencies are U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Pretrial Services, U.S. Probation, U.S. Bureau of Prisons, Community Corrections Centers, and U.S. Probation.... Read More
1 page
Document 028194
Religion in Corrections: Offenders' Rights, Your Responsibility [Internet Broadcast]
By Alpern, Laurence Aryeh; Brown, Betty; Hall, Stephen; Hill, Wayne; Klemm, Ulli; Kowalcyk, Launa M.; Kreger, Elizabeth; Saulsberry, Terry J.; Turner, Ronald G. . National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
Across the United States, chaplains and religious directors are overwhelmed with ensuring equitable consideration for all religious requests. They face the conflict of "myth versus reality" regarding the role of the chaplain/religious director in corrections, the priority of religious practice balanced with security concerns, inconsistencies in accommodation, bias in space considerations, increased need for special diets, and the effects of agency and facility budgets. This two-day live broad... Read More
285 minutes
Document 028222
Mapping the Criminal Justice System to Connect Justice-Involved Individuals with Treatment and Health Care under the Affordable Care Act
NIC-TA#14C1011; National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"By working together to build a visual portrait of how individuals progress through the criminal justice system, health and justice stakeholders gain better understanding of their respective policies and practices. In addition, mapping allows jurisdictions to consider decision points throughout the entire criminal justice system when exploring opportunities to enroll criminal justice-involved individuals in insurance coverage. This guide is for states and local jurisdictions interested in using ... Read More
21 pages
Document 028230
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado, March 23 – 25, 2014
By Clem, Constance. National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Jails Division (Washington, DC).
Sections of these proceedings are: about this meeting; meeting highlights; "I.L.P.: Intelligence-Led Policing in a Detention Environment" by Ed Beckman; "Segregation of High Risk Medical and Mentally Ill Inmates": "Part 1. Segregation of High Risk Medical and Mentally Ill Inmates" by Herbert L. Bensen", and "Part 2. Successful Practices in Preventing Inmate Suicide" by Jack Herron; "Staff Misconduct" by Wendell France; "Crisis Intervention Teams" by Shayne Grannum; "Counterfeiting and Jails: The... Read More
58 pages
Document 028236
Health Reform and Public Safety: New Opportunities, Better Outcomes [Internet Broadcast]
By Burroughs-Biron, Dee; Crawford, Greg; Green, Katie; Griffith, Nancy; Jenkins, Mack; Joplin, Lore; Maurer, Kathleen; Rosenberg, Steven . National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
Research shows that there are a disproportionate number of justice involved individuals suffering from chronic illness and/ or mental health and substance abuse disorders. We also know that a majority of the justice-involved individuals are young adults and unemployed or earn an income that is well below the federal poverty line leaving them without the ability to obtain health care. There is now an opportunity to enhance collaboration between the criminal justice/corrections and healthcare syst... Read More
161 minutes
Document 028096
The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Use Labor Market Information to Target High-Growth Occupations
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC.
"Using up-to-date labor market information is critical for identifying high-growth occupations, local and regional employment trends, and specific employers and industries that provide the best employment opportunities for justice-involved individuals. It also provides data essential for designing and implementing industry-recognized job training programs that help people develop the skills employers are seeking. "The job market is constantly changing; occupations that are in demand today ma... Read More
4 pages
Document 028097
The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Address Employers' Needs and Expectations
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"Many employers are apprehensive about hiring persons with criminal convictions, but employment specialists tolerate some failed hires only if they have had some successful job placements and found community-based corrections employment specialists to be responsive to their concerns. "It is important to remember that these relationships are mutually beneficial. The employment specialist who works with justice-involved individuals can help employers meet critical staffing needs at little or n... Read More
8 pages
Document 028099
The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Engage and Partner with Stakeholders
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"No single agency can meet all of the workforce development needs of justice-involved individuals returning to the community. A systems approach that expands beyond the criminal justice system is essential for maximizing employment outcomes for this population. You must identify and engage stakeholders in developing employer-driven initiatives that meet their workforce development needs. There is also a need to share resources to increase efficiency and improve outcomes(p. 1). This publicatio... Read More
4 pages
Document 028098
The Employer-Driven Model and Toolkit: Strategies for Developing Employment Opportunities for Justice-Involved Individuals: Prepare Job Seekers for Employment
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"Employers face global competition in their drive to operate successful businesses in today’s marketplace. If the correctional system is to be successful in placing job seekers in meaningful employment that meets employers’ expectations, correctional practitioners must prepare them for the workplace well in advance of their release. Practitioner knowledge of employers’ staffing requirements contributes to the success of this mission. New tools and proven strategies can greatly assist justice-inv... Read More
8 pages
Document 028241
Employment Retention Inventory Explores the Predictive Factors of Job Loss: Research Project
By Taylor, P. Elizabeth. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"As justice-involved individuals move through the criminal-justice system, correctional staff use case management tools to monitor progress. Case management involves monitoring individuals to ensure their completion of court-ordered sanctions, such as community service hours, payment of fees, or restitution, without reoffending. The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) also expands the definition to include evaluating and assessing the need to connect justice-involved individuals to appropria... Read More
2 pages
Document 028275
APEX Change Team Training: Facilitators Manual [and] Participant Manual [Lesson Plans and Participant Manual]
People in Charge, LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) and People in Charge LLC are pleased to present the Achieving Performance Excellence (APEX) Change Team Training Curriculum – part of the APEX Initiative. The APEX initiative incorporates culture, leadership, performance measurement, results, and a change management strategy to help corrections agencies use their resources wisely to improve their organizational performance … The APEX Change Team Training will provide correctional agencies with capa... Read More
2 volumes (volume 1 – 250 pages, volume 2 – 146 pages)
Document 028314
Trauma Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (NICIC) (Aurora, CO).
"This bibliography attempts to offer a compilation of information on trauma-informed care by reviewing general information about trauma as well as focusing on the criminal justice system and corrections (women, adults, and younger people), peer support, and screening/assessment for trauma. In addition, definitions of many of these tools are provided" (p. 3). Eighty-four resources are organized into the following areas: trauma-informed care in general; trauma-informed care in the criminal justice... Read More
40 pages
Document 028317
Community Corrections Collaborative Network: Safe and Smart Ways to Solve America's Correctional Challenges
By Ziedenberg, Jason. National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Community Services Division (Washington, DC); NIC-TA#13C5022. National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Community Corrections Collaborative Network (CCCN) (Washington, DC).
The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Community Corrections Collaborative Network (CCCN)—a network representing community corrections professionals—commissioned a position paper to explore the successes and challenges facing the community corrections field. The position paper, "Community Corrections Collaborative Network: Safe and Smart Ways To Solve America’s Correctional Challenges", finds that community corrections is a critical part of the public safety system that supervises individua... Read More
36 pages
Document 028306
Post-Conviction Victim Service Providers: Selected Resources Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (NICIC) (Aurora, CO).
Victims have statutory rights that begin the moment a crime is committed against them. Ideally, victims would be fully informed of their rights at every step in the process: at the time the crime is reported, during the justice process, while the offender is incarcerated, and when the offender reenters the community. Different criminal justice stakeholders are responsible for victim services at different stages of this process. National Institute of Corrections’ project, “Post-Conviction Victim ... Read More
52 pages
Document 028418
Desktop Guide to Quality Practice for Working with Youth in Confinement
U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC); National Partnership for Juvenile Services (NPJS) (Lexington, KY); National Center for Youth in Custody (NCYC) (New York, NY).
Recent successful juvenile justice and juvenile detention reforms have resulted in better and more meaningful public policy on the use of custody facilities and have triggered significant reductions in juvenile detention and corrections populations. However, a secondary—and perhaps unintended—consequence has been a parallel reduction in the resources available to continue providing much needed training and technical assistance to facilities that still must confine the most troublesome youth. As ... Read More
Document 027879
Juvenile Justice: Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (NICIC) (Aurora, CO).
Are you looking for a comprehensive list of resources about juvenile justice? Then this publication is for you. It offers a wide range of sources that will give you an excellent review of the field of juvenile justice. Each annotation explains what the item is about, with many having Web links. Citations are organized into the following areas: courts; juvenile assessment; assessment tools; programs; programs for young women; facilities; training; websites; and juvenile sex offenders. ... Read More

71 pages
Document 028144
National Institute of Corrections Report to the Nation FY 2013: Protecting the Promise: Serving America's Correctional Systems
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
“We’re in the people business. As much as we like to talk about numbers—rates of recidivism, caseloads, population growth, etc.—the real story behind the work we do is the lives we save, the people we help, and the communities we keep safe. That’s the nature of corrections. In this year’s annual report to the nation from the Nation Institute of Corrections (NIC), we hope that the stories of the lives we’ve touched and the jurisdictions we’ve helped come through. More than just the numbers, it’s ... Read More
40 pages
Document 029510
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado, September 28-30, 2014
By Clem, Constance. National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Jails Division (Washington, DC).
Sections of these proceedings are: about this meeting; "Legal Issues in Today's Jails: Avoiding Civil Liability" by Carrie Hill; "Domestic Threats to Jail Security:" "Part 1. Countering Prisoner Radicalization in the Federal Bureau of Prisons" by Jeff Woodworth; "Part 2. Sovereign Citizens" by Steve Cope; "Prison Rape Elimination Act – Lessons Learned from Early Audits:" "Part 1. PREA: The Riverside Regional Jail Authority Experience" by Jeffery Newton; "Part 2. Surviving the PREA Audit" by Mari... Read More
53 pages
Document 029609
Video Visiting in Corrections: Benefits, Limitations, and Implementation Considerations
By Hollihan, Allison; Portlock, Michelle. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC); NIC-12C506GKM5. Osborne Association (Bronx NY); National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
"The purpose of this guide is to inform the development of video visiting programs within a correctional setting. “Video visiting” is real-time interactive video communication which uses video conferencing technology or virtual software programs, such as Skype. It is an increasingly popular form of communication between separated family members in settings outside of corrections. The rapid expansion of video visiting in jails and prisons over the past few years suggests that video visiting may b... Read More
105 pages
Document 029714
Green Corrections Symposium Notes
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
"On November 21, 2014, the Green Corrections Symposium convened professionals from the corrections community, as well as partners including reentry professionals, energy specialists, and education and workforce development experts. During the Symposium, winners of the Green Corrections Challenge, a video and presentation contest to demonstrate innovative green practices in the corrections community, were announced and viewed. Experts also spoke about best practices within the green corrections ... Read More
6 pages
Document 028172
Evidence Based Decision Making from Principle to Practice
By King, Gary; Bresina, Dan; Glenna, Tiana; Leicht, Niki. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC). One Less; National Institute of Corrections (NIC). Evidence Based Decision Making Panel (EBDM) (Washington, DC).
"NIC partnered with the Center for Effective Public Policy to build a system-wide framework (arrest through final disposition and discharge) that when implemented will result in more collaborative, evidence-based decision making and practices in local criminal justice systems. The purpose of this initiative is to equip criminal justice policymakers in local communities with the information, processes, and tools that will result in measurable reductions of pretrial misconduct and post-conviction ... Read More
74 pages
Document 027037
Civil Liabilities and Other Legal Issues for Probation/Parole Officers and Supervisors: 4th Edition
By Lyons, Phillip; Jermstad, Todd. NIC-08C77G7U3. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The legal liabilities that probation and parole officers face as they perform their duties are explained. Chapters comprising this publication are: an overview of state and federal legal liabilities; civil liability under state law—state tort cases; civil liability under federal law—Section 1983 cases; legal representation, attorneys’ fees, and indemnification; presentence and preparole investigations and reports; supervision; conditions, modifications, and changes in status; revocation; emergin... Read More
306 pages
Document 027244
Get Smart About … Rewards and Sanctions: The Facts about Contingency Management
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“A risk-based Incentives and Sanctions program is an evidence-based intervention where supervising officers apply sanctions or rewards in response to specific behaviors of the offender. The goal is to increase positive behavior change related to behavior such as reducing drug use or applying for jobs” (p. 1). This primer covers what contingency management is; how it works; why it works; who to use it with; important things to remember; what the research says; the immediate, certain, relevant, an... Read More
2 pages
Document 026790
National Institute of Corrections Report to the Nation FY 2012: Learn, Achieve, Perform
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“This document is the latest edition of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Report to the Nation. With many new programs and agency initiatives unlike any we have experienced in the recent past, this fiscal year (FY) 2012 report is one I am very pleased to present. Despite our small budget and size, we continue to operate with agility, responding to the needs of local areas around the country to safeguard communities while providing training and professional development opportunities to ... Read More
53 pages
Document 027702
Inmate Behavior Management: Northampton County Jail Case Study
By Hoke, Scott. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
“Violence, vandalism, and other unwanted inmate behaviors prevail in many jails nationwide, and they frustrate jail practitioners who must ensure the safety and security of inmates, staff and the public … Effectively managing inmate behavior creates a safer environment for the inmates and staff and allows the jail to provide a valuable service to the public. Community safety is enhanced by strong jail management and facilities should aspire to create environments where compliance, respect, and ... Read More
16 pages
Document 027703
Inmate Behavior Management: Brazos County Jail Case Study
By Hoke, Scott. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
“Violence, vandalism, and other unwanted inmate behaviors prevail in many jails nationwide, and they frustrate jail practitioners who must ensure the safety and security of inmates, staff and the public … Effectively managing inmate behavior creates a safer environment for the inmates and staff and allows the jail to provide a valuable service to the public. Community safety is enhanced by strong jail management and facilities should aspire to create environments where compliance, respect, and ... Read More
16 pages
Document 027848
Legal Issues in Jails 2013
By Collins, William C.. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
Topics covered include: some religious issues in jails--head coverings, skirts, Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) and inmates claims, kosher diet, and sincere religious beliefs; Bits and Pieces—Rastafarian dreadlocks search, tobacco ban, and psychogenic polydipsia; and Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) enforcement.... Read More
35 pages
Document 027705
Inmate Behavior Management: Defining and Conveying Expectations
By Hoke, Scott. NIC-10J74GKD7. National institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
A comprehensive management system, called Inmate Behavior Management (IBM) is being rolled out by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC). It is comprised of six specific elements that work together to control inmate behavior and produce an effective and proficient institution. This document explains “Element 4: Defining and Conveying Expectations for Behavior”. “It is intended to: Review what is known about how positive expectations influence behavior; Identify what concepts are important ... Read More
48 pages + supplement (95 pages)
Document 026941
The Green Corrections Project: Action Plans and Lessons Learned
By Davidson, Stephanie. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This report is a great description of the three-phase Green Corrections project, sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC). The following sections comprise this publication: overview of the project; “The Greening of Corrections: Creating a Sustainable System”—the publication and its dissemination; developing a community of practice and providing technical assistance to states; application process; Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington addressing a different technical assistance need... Read More
6 pages
Document 026893
From Research to Application: The Case for Learning and Performance [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Are you interested in getting more bang for your training buck? Leveraging the impact of your training department? Being effective with the training you prepare for, design, deliver and transfer into the workplace? Following the science of learning into practice? And you know that "content covered is not content learned?" Then this blended, interactive training broadcast / experience can assist with a transformation of your training department / unit into a center of learning and performance tha... Read More
4 video DVDs (233 minutes) and 1 data DVD
Document 026993
Environmental Scan 2012: 7th Edition
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
Beginning in the late 1990’s, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center began scanning social, economic and corrections issues to inform the development of programs and services offered by NIC. This report, now in its 7th edition, has continued to evolve into a popular tool that is also used by corrections practitioners to inform their work in jails, prisons and community corrections. Since there are many issues beyond what is addressed in this environmental scan that potent... Read More
38 pages
Document 026990
Health, Justice, Women: Behavioral Health and OB/GYN [Internet Broadcast]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Data continues to show that women are entering the justice system at rates exceeding male offenders and bring with them extremely complex and multi-layered behavioral and physical health issues. While systems must make choices on how best to deploy limited staffing and programming resources, this broadcast series is an opportunity to explore methods of coordination between behavioral and physical health care. This broadcast is the 2nd offering in a two part series addressing health related issue... Read More
2 video DVDs (157 minutes) + 1 data DVD
Document 026309
Addressing Sexual Violence Against Youth in Custody: Youth Workers’ Handbook on Identifying and Addressing Sexual Violence in Juvenile Justice Settings
By Smith, Brenda V.; Yarussi, Jamie M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Smith Consulting (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law. Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC).
“Sexual abuse in custody can and often does have lifelong effects on youth. Youth who are sexually abused or experience sexual violence can suffer higher rates of drug use, have disproportionate contact with the criminal justice system into adulthood, become victimizers, and/or have higher rates of mental illness than youth who do not suffer sexual abuse.1 In addition, sexual abuse by staff or other youth in custody compromises safety and security as well as the overall mission of juvenile justi... Read More
78 pages
Document 026917
Evidence-Based Practices in the Criminal Justice System: An Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
“What Is the Evidence? Evidence-based policy and practice is focused on reducing offender risk, which in turn reduces new crime and improves public safety. Of the many available approaches to community supervision, a few core principles stand out as proven risk reduction strategies. Though not all of the principles are supported by the same weight of evidence, each has been proven to influence positive behavior change. To organize the research, these core principles have been compiled… into the ... Read More
82 pages
Document 027615
Juvenile Justice Risk/Need Assessment & Juvenile Justice Websites: Annotated Bibliography
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (NICIC) (Aurora, CO).
Are you looking for a one-stop resource that explains issues surrounding the use of risk/needs assessments for juvenile offenders? Then this is for you. This annotated bibliography covers 37 items describing the assessment of justice-involved youth, 7 assessment tools, and 17 juvenile justice websites.... Read More

17 pages
Document 027446
Running an Intelligent Jail: A Guide to the Development and Use of a Jail Information System
By Brennan, Tim; Wells, Dave; Carr, John. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
This is a must read for anyone involved in working with a jail information system (JIS). “With the increasing focus on cost efficiency and the avoidance of wasteful spending, jail administrators must under¬stand the importance of the potential data at their disposal and strategically plan for faster and more effective forms of data collection, storage, and analysis. [This guide] encourages jail administrators to consider the design and implementation of a jail management information system (MIS)... Read More
124 pages
Document 027641
The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003: The Impact of National PREA Standards on Community Corrections
By Yarussi, Jaime M.; Smith, Brenda V.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). American University. Washington College of Law. Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Wondering how the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) impacts the management of offenders in the community? Then this is the resource for you. This handbook aims to educate community corrections staff on: why community correctional staff and administrators need to be concerned about sexual abuse of offenders; identifying inappropriate relationships with and between offenders; the impact of the National PREA Standards on agency policies, practices and special concerns community correctional staff ... Read More
148 pages
Document 025302
APEX Resources Directory Vol. 1: Change Management and the APEX Domains
By Cebula, Nancy, editor; Ritter, Elizabeth, editor. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge, LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This directory “is an integral part of the National Institute of Correction’s (NIC’s) Achieving Performance Excellence (APEX) Initiative. It provides resources, tools, and interventions to sup-port correctional agencies on the APEX journey. This directory is designed to complement the APEX Guide¬book series and to enhance efforts to improve performance excellence by providing domain-specific resources and interventions. It can also be used as a stand-alone guide to change management and to the A... Read More
316 pages
Document 027701
Pregnancy- and Child- Related Legal and Policy Issues Concerning Justice-Involved Women
By Raeder, Myrna. NIC Grant no. 11B7401; National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Do you need detailed information about how to manage inmate mothers? Then this publication is for you. It “provides an overview of pregnancy- and child-related legal questions concerning justice-involved women that can be raised in correctional settings … Understanding how family-based legal issues affect women offenders is important in designing programs to ensure the best outcomes for women and their children, not just in jail or prison settings but also in probation, parole, and community cor... Read More
68 pages
Document 027692
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Audit Process and Instrument Overview Course
By National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Welcome to the National Institute of Corrections’ Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Audit Process and Instrument Overview Course. The purpose of this course is to assist agencies in meeting the requirements of Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Section 115.93 “Audits of standards”. At the end of this course, you will be able to: explain the audit process; describe the components of the Audit Instrument; describe the duties and responsibilities of an auditor in the audit process; describe the du... Read More
Document 027693
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Behavioral Health Care for Sexual Assault Victims in a Confinement Setting Course
By National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Welcome to the National Institute of Corrections’ Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Behavioral Health Care for Sexual Assault Victims in a Confinement Setting Course. The main purpose of this course is to assist agencies in meeting the requirements of Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) standard 115.35 “Specialized Training: Medical and Mental Health Care”. At the end of this course, you’ll be able to explain the knowledge, components, and considerations that you must use to be effective in your... Read More
Document 027694
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Coordinators’ Roles and Responsibilities Course
By National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Welcome to the National Institute of Corrections’ Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Coordinators’ Roles and Responsibilities Course. The main purpose of this course is to provide agency PREA Coordinators with an overview of the basic role and responsibilities of their position. At the end of this course, you’ll be able to: describe the general duties and responsibilities of an agency- wide PREA Coordinator; explain the policies, procedures, and practices needed to achieve PREA compliance; creat... Read More
Document 027695
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Investigating Sexual Abuse in a Confinement Setting Course
By National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Welcome to the National Institute of Corrections’ Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Investigating Sexual Abuse in a Confinement Setting Course. The main purpose of this course is to assist agencies in meeting the requirements of Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Section 115.34 “Specialized Training for Investigators”. At the end of this course, you will be able to explain the knowledge, components, and considerations that an investigator must use to perform a successful sexual abuse or sexual ... Read More
Document 027696
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Medical Health Care for Sexual Assault Victims in a Confinement Setting Course
By National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Welcome to the National Institute of Corrections’ Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Medical Health Care for Sexual Assault Victims in a Confinement Setting Course. The purpose of this course is to assist agencies in meeting the requirements of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Section 115.35 “Specialized training: Medical and mental health care”. At the end of this course, you will be able to explain the PREA standards that relate to the provision of medical care for victims of sexual abus... Read More
Document 021387
Fifty-State Survey of Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Custody
NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
This document provides information regarding enacting state, statute number, statute title, coverage, definition and notes, penalties, and defenses (if given) for criminal laws prohibiting sexual abuse of inmates by staff.... Read More
174 p.
Document 023803
Fifty State Survey of Vulnerable Persons Statutes
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WUL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This document provides information regarding enacting state, statute number, statute title, coverage, definitions and notes, penalties, and applicability to youth for criminal laws prohibiting the abuse of individuals by their caregivers.... Read More
364 p.
Document 024657
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Resources
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
This DVD contains NIC videos, DOJ proposed standards, an NIC e-course and dozens of documents to help you learn about the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). The disc includes:
The following videos:
  • Facing Prison Rape: How the Prison Rape Elimination Act Affects You (2004)
  • Responding to Prisoner Rape: Assessing Your Agency's Response to Prison Sexual Assault--in English and Spanish (2005)
  • Keeping Our Kids Safe: PREA and Juvenile Justice (2006)
And... Read More
1 data DVD
Document 027715
Fifty State Survey of Sexual Assault Statutes
NIC Cooperative Agreement # 06S20GJJ1. NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
Statutes regarding sexual assaults are compiled and reported. Each entry supplies the following information (if provided)—statute, definitions, and penalty. ... Read More
554 pages
Document 025338
Achieving Performance Excellence: The Influence of Leadership on Organizational Performance
By Cebula, Nancy; Craig, Elizabeth; Eggers, John; Fajardo, Marge Douville; Gray, James; Lantz, Theresa. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“Leadership is a very important component of higher performing organizations. This book presents a breadth and depth of information about leading others and describes what leaders need to excel at and what up-and-coming leaders need to know as they prepare themselves for leadership positions. Taking a balanced approach to leadership allows correctional leaders to influence different people and diverse stakeholder groups in differing situations. Good leaders know when they need to manage rather t... Read More
100 pages
Document 026605
Adults with Behavioral Health Needs Under Correctional Supervision: A Shared Framework for Reducing Recidivism and Promoting Recovery
By Osher, Fred; D'Amora, David A.; Plotkin, Martha; Jarrett, Nicole; Eggleston, Alexa. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Council of State Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY); Criminal Justice/Mental Health Consensus Project (New York, NY); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“This white paper presents a shared framework for reducing recidivism and behavioral health problems among individuals under correctional control or supervision—that is, for individuals in correctional facilities or who are on probation or parole. The paper is written for policymakers, administrators, and practitioners committed to making the most effective use of scarce resources to improve outcomes for individuals with behavioral health problems who are involved in the corrections system. It i... Read More
82 pages
Document 026712
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado September 24-25, 2012
By Clem, Constance. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC); Clem Information Strategies (Longmont, CO).
Sections contained in these proceedings include: about this Large Jail Network (LJN) meeting; media relations—“Being Prepared to Have a Good Relationship” by Karla West; civilianization and volunteer work forces—“Part 1. Reassigning Officer Posts to Civilian Employees” by Art Wallenstein, “Part 2. Issues in Civilianizing Jail Posts” by Steve Kelly, and “Part 3. Using Volunteers in the Jail” by Don Pinkard; the pros and cons of outsourcing services—“Part 1. Outsourcing Services” by Glenn Kurtz, a... Read More
69 pages
Document 026702
A Quick Guide for LGBTI Policy Development for Adult Prisons and Jails
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“This Quick Guide will help agencies and facilities develop a comprehensive response to working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) inmates. It is not meant to provide an answer to every question or an in-depth discussion of all issues that agencies face or that the LGBTI population faces while in custody. It provides an overview of the important issues that agencies should consider when working to house and treat LGBTI inmates in a way that is safe and consistent with ... Read More
24 pages
Document 026701
A Quick Guide for LGBTI Policy Development for Youth Confinement Facilities
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“This Quick Guide will help agencies and facilities develop a comprehensive response to working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) youth. It is not meant to provide an answer to every question or an in-depth discussion of all issues that agencies face or that the LGBTI population faces while in custody. It provides an overview of the important issues that agencies should consider when working to house and treat LGBTI youth in a way that is safe and consistent with an a... Read More
24 pages
Document 026763
LGBTI Populations: Their Safety, Your Responsibility [Internet Broadcast]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Correctional agencies face many challenges surrounding the safe management of the populations they house and supervise. Due in part to changes in federal and state laws and the outcome of successful offender litigation, care and management of the LGBTI population has been identified as an emerging correctional issue that deserves special attention. While gender non-conforming offenders have always been present in facilities and on caseloads, we now have the opportunity to share information about... Read More
2 video DVDs (152 minutes)
Document 026506
Corrections Learning and Performance: A Vision for the 21st Century
By Hall, Amanda. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
Anyone involved or interested in the future of learning and performance in corrections should read this publication. “This white paper focuses on learning and performance challenges in the 21st century including the role of technology in learning programs and the incorporation of evidence-based practices into program design and delivery. The paper offers an extensive review of learning research in the areas of theory, learners, learning organizations, instructional design, program design, deliv... Read More
38 pages
Document 026912
Case Management Strategies for Successful Jail Reentry
By Warwick, Kevin; Dodd, Hannah; Neusteter, S. Rebecca. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); NIC-11TO02GKH6. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
This brief explains why “it is imperative that jurisdictions use an effective case management process that includes a strong community handoff component, particularly at the moment of release, and that ensures continuity of care between in-jail and community-based programs and services … [and] presents the Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) initiative’s approach to case planning and community handoff” (p. 1). Sections of this publication cover: the TJC initiative and model--a triage approac... Read More
10 pages
Document 026911
The Role of Screening and Assessment in Jail Reentry
By Christensen, Gary; Jannetta, Jesse; Willison, Janeen Buck. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); NIC-11TO02GKH6. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
“Consistent with effective correctional practice, jails and their community partners should identify risk levels and criminogenic needs of returning [offender] populations and should focus their resources on individuals with the highest levels of both … This brief presents the two-stage screening and assessment process to determine risk and needs levels that is a core element of the Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) model” (p. 1). Sections of this publication include: the TJC initiative; r... Read More
11 pages
Document 026925
Process and Systems Change Evaluation Findings from the Transition to Jail Community Initiative
By Willison, Janeen Buck; Jannetta, Jesse; Dodd, Hannah; Neusteter, S. Rebecca; Warwick, Kevin; Greer, Kaitlin; Matthews, Andrea. Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“In the past decade, attention to the challenges associated with people exiting state and federal prisons has increased tremendously. This increased attention is for good reason, as the impact of prisoner reentry on the well-being of individuals, families, and communities is well documented. Yet for every person released from prison annually, approximately 12 people exit local jails … NIC [National Institute of Corrections] launched the Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) initiative in 2007 ... Read More
149 pages
Document 025301
Applying the APEX Tools for Organizational Assessment
By Bogue, Bradford; Cebula, Nancy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“Previously, not many assessment tools looked at issues that specifically affect those who work in the field of corrections … [This book] presents three organizational assessment tools developed specifically for the field of corrections. The APEX assessment tools are designed to look at an agency’s readiness to take on a change process, understand the importance of safety and security to correctional operations, measure performance on the APEX Public Safety Model’s eight domains, and provide gui... Read More
128 pages
Document 026410
Balancing Fiscal Challenges, Performance-Based Budgeting and Public Safety: A Compilation of Panel Testimonies
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This collection contains testimony regarding cost benefit and cost containment measures. Contents are: Day 1. “Briefing on the Fiscal Costs of Corrections in the United States” by Mary Livers; “High Cost, Low Return” by Adam Gelb; “Outcome-Based Budgeting: Process and Practice” by Chris Innes; “Current State Fiscal Conditions & the Impact on Corrections” by Brian Sigritz; “Outcome-based Budgeting” by Karen Wilson; “Systems Approach to Cost Containment” by Theresa Lantz; “Cost-Effective Strat... Read More
417 pages
Document 026332
Health, Justice, Women: Transforming Systems--Changing Lives [Internet Broadcast]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Women and girls enter the criminal justice system with distinct and unique health care needs. Most are in their child bearing years, may have children, many are victims of abuse, have a mental health diagnosis, or typically exhibit more misconduct than male offenders. This complex mix of needs affects a system's ability to work effectively as it draws upon a higher percentage of resources to care for female offenders. During this national discussion held on August 15, 2012, participants will ... Read More
2 video DVDs (151 minutes)
Document 026551
Chief Jail Inspector's Network: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
These proceedings are divided into two parts: Day One—introductions and overview, NIC Information Center, National Sheriff’s Association update, American Correctional Association Jail Standards update, Iowa, Minnesota, and Indiana standards and inspections, U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) update, and “Suicide Prevention: Current Research, Policies and Procedures, and Legal Trends; and Day Two—legal issues in today’s jails, Prison Rape Elimination Act, “Surviving in Hard Times: Marketing the Jail In... Read More
281 pages
Document 025299
Understanding Corrections through the APEX Lens
By Cebula, Nancy; Lantz, Theresa; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This guidebook “is the second book in the APEX Guidebook series and is designed to help correctional practitioners deepen their knowledge of the Public Safety Model domains. It offers practical suggestions for improving performance and creating positive change by sharing best-practice methods and current literature on higher performance in corrections” (p. ix). APEX itself provides strategies for achieving performance excellence in the Public Safety Model domains—operations (which includes sa... Read More
96 pages
Document 025303
APEX Resources Directory Vol. 2: Communications, Focus Groups, and Development
By Bilson, Janet Mancini; Cebula, Nancy; Innes, Christopher; Lantz, Theresa; Ritter, Elizabeth; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“APEX Resources Directory Volume 2 provides supportive information to correctional agencies embarking on the APEX (Achieving Performance Excellence) journey. It introduces the National Institute of Correc¬tions (NIC) Information Center, provides detailed information on creating a communications plan for those implementing the APEX Initiative, describes how to use focus groups to effectively gather information and feed-back, and includes a team development guide for those who want to build teams,... Read More
76 pages
Document 025292
Performance Based Measurement System: What Really Counts in Corrections!
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held September 14, 2011]
  • National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This program provides information about the nationwide automated Performance-Based Measures System (PBMS). PBMS is an accurate, consistent way to capture, record, report and share data between correctional agencies. It was created by the Association of State Correctional Administrators (ASCA). Participants will be able to:
    • Describe the scope and development of PBMS regarding how specific needs gave rise to PBMS solutions;
    • Describe the key components of PBMS;
    • Examine the benefits of ... Read More
    1 video DVD (130 minutes)
    Document 025556
    Motivational Interviewing in Corrections: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing MI in Corrections
    By Bogue, Bradford; Nandi, Anjali. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This guide explains how to implement motivational interviewing (MI) in correctional settings. Motivational Interviewing is a counseling technique that enables people to get beyond their reluctance to change problem behaviors. MI is directive (focused on goals), client-centered, and non-confrontational. The first four chapters of this guide “address background and fundamental issues related to agency or systemwide implementation of MI … [while the last two chapters] address agency issues, such as... Read More
    84 pages
    Document 025300
    Culture and Change Management: Using APEX to Facilitate Organizational Change
    By Cebula, Nancy; Craig, Elizabeth; Innes, Christopher; Lantz, Theresa; Rhone, Tanya; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    “Culture, including beliefs, assumptions, values, norms, and practices in an organization, determines the success of an organization’s performance and change efforts. This book helps illuminate the role culture plays in an organization that is striving for higher performance ... Knowledge of culture enables an organization to proceed along the path to successful change. The APEX Change Management Model provides a process and map for organizational change based in research and best practices; it ... Read More
    116 pages
    Document 025557
    Exercises for Developing MI Skills in Corrections
    By Bogue, Bradford; Nandi, Anjali. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Motivational interviewing (MI) helps clients become less ambivalent about altering their maladaptive behaviors. This publication presents “scenarios that agents commonly encounter in their efforts to monitor and reinforce court/parole/institutional conditions and address clients’ central eight criminogenic needs. This book also considers the learning tasks of MI in relation to the eight principles for effective interventions outlined in Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Community Correctio... Read More
    65 pages
    Document 023679
    Fifty State Survey of Mandatory Reporting Statutes
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington School of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Mandatory reporting state statutes regarding the sexual abuse of children are compiled and reported. Entries include (if provided) the following information: state; mandatory reporting statutes name; what has to be reported; relevant definitions; persons required to report; reporting procedures; and penalty for failure to report.... Read More
    368 p.
    Document 025873
    Jail Administration [Participants' Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    This 36-hour program focuses on the basic skills and competencies jail administrators need to effectively meet this responsibility. The program covers ten key elements in jail administration: managing risk; using jail standards to establish and assess operations; developing and assessing policy and procedure; determining staffing needs; managing the workforce; managing inmate behavior; managing the budget; developing a fire, safety, and sanitation plan; assessing operations; and working with k... Read More

    295 pages
    Document 026308
    Guidelines for Staffing a Local Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee
    By Jones, Michael R.. NIC-06J1118; National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    “This guide describes for county administrators and other local officials why staff is needed, who becomes good staff, how many staff persons are needed, what the costs are to develop a staff and how staff can be funded, where staff can be found, how the best applicants can be selected, where staff are best housed in the system, and how staff can be trained and evaluated. The guide also offers practical advice for planning staff by describing important activities to do when starting in the posit... Read More
    64 pages
    Document 026251
    Basics and Beyond: Suicide Prevention in Jails
    By Leukefeld, Alison; Brower, Jaime.. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (Washington, DC); U.S. Marshals Service (Washington, DC); U.S. Bureau of Prisons (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC)..
    Issues surrounding the prevention of inmate suicide in jails are addressed. This presentation will enable readers to: understand the problem of jail suicide--rates of suicide in certain groups, the decrease in jail suicide rates, what makes jails risky environments, and challenges of prevention; describe suicide risk factors, warning signs, and suicide myths that increase ones risk; and discuss intervention best practices--the qualities of a suicide prevention program (a written suicide preventi... Read More

    44 pages
    Document 025555
    You're An Adult Now: Youth in Adult Criminal Justice Systems
    By Ziedenberg, Jason. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
    "It has been estimated that nearly 250,000 youth under age 18 end up in the adult criminal justice system every year. However, little attention has been directed to how adult corrections systems are managing the youth offenders that end up in jails, prisons and under community supervision. To address this information gap, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) convened three dozen juvenile justice and adult corrections experts on June 18th, 2010, to consider some of the known issues, impact... Read More

    40 pages
    Document 027001
    Bibliotherapy for Cynics Revisited: Commentary on One Year Longitudinal Study of the Psychological Effects of Administrative Segregation
    By Gendreau, Paul; Theriault, Yvette. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    “A research study in Colorado recently found that administrative segregation has little effect on the psychological well-being of prisoners. We review the Colorado report, finding support for it in other research studies on the effects of prison life, solitary confinement, and sensory deprivation. However, we argue that the Colorado results must be replicated and ultimately only meta-analyses will confirm the utility of their findings to effect sound policies. Finally, some research and clinica... Read More
    11 pages
    Document 025630
    Environmental Scan 2011
    National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    “Beginning in the late 1990’s, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center began scanning social, economic and corrections issues to inform the development of programs and services offered by NIC. This report, now in its 6th edition, has continued to evolve into a popular tool that is also used by corrections practitioners to inform their work in jails, prisons and community corrections. Since there are many issues beyond what is addressed in this environmental scan that poten... Read More
    40 pages
    Document 026001
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado September 19-21, 2011
    By Clem, Constance. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC); Clem Information Strategies (Longmont, CO).
    Sections contained in these proceedings include: about this Large Jail Network (LJN) meeting; meeting highlights; “Recovering the Prince George’s County Jail” by Mary Lou McDonough and Gregory O. Harris; Employee Management—Applicants, Discipline, and Rumor Control—“Preventing and Handling Staff Issues” by Marilyn Chandler Ford and “Steering Through Storms” by Curtis Flowers; Technology Updates—“Pilot Project: Remote Visitation” by Debra Campbell and “Technology: What is Out There?” by Glenn Kur... Read More
    83 pages
    Document 026002
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado March 18-20, 2012
    By Clem, Constance. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC); Clem Information Strategies (Longmont, CO).
    Sections contained in these proceedings include: about this Large Jail Network (LJN) meeting; meeting highlights; “Program Session: Legal Issue Update” by William C. Collins; Program Session: Technology Update” by Glenn Kurtz; “Program Session: Inmate Behavior Management” by Randy Demory; “Program Session: Regulatory Investigations Affecting Jails” by Tim Ryan; open forum; legislation and association news; and Large Jail Network business.... Read More
    89 pages
    Document 025293
    Correctional Industries: A Working Solution [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Correctional Industry programs contribute to the successful reentry of offenders by providing a structured environment for participants to learn the skills needed to obtain and retain post-release employment. Guided by evidence-based practices, Correctional Industries distinguishes itself by providing services that make an impact in reducing inmate recidivism. See how they make a significant difference in the lives of the offender population they serve and hear from national experts, correctiona... Read More
    2 video DVDs (180 minutes)
    Document 024200
    Special Challenges Facing Parole
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Philadelphia, PA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This guide is designed to “lay out the context, summarize the key issues, highlight the recent research, and provide suggestions about where to find more extensive and detailed resources” about special populations parole boards may have contact with (p. xiii). Seven chapters are contained in this publication: sex offenders; offenders who have significant mental health concerns; offenders who have significant substance abuse problems; women offenders; aging or geriatric offenders; youthful/juveni... Read More
    64 pages
    Document 024978
    Offender Employment Retention: Worth the Work [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than 700,000 individuals are released from prisons yearly—with an additional 9 million adults cycling through local jails. Research indicates that employment is an important component of successful reentry, but most offender programs do not address the complex behavioral health issues that impact the offender’s ability to obtain and retain gainful employment while remaining crime free. Offender programming should target individuals at high r... Read More
    2 video DVDs (180 minutes)
    Document 025348
    National Institute of Corrections Report to the Nation FY 2011
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    “It is with great pleasure that I present to you the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Report to the Nation for fiscal year 2011. This last year has been very important for us because it has included a number of accomplishments that have enabled us to continue to assist the field of corrections effectively … One of our greatest achievements continues to be our ability to provide quality services to the field with a relatively small federal budget and staff … There are many items that I am ... Read More
    44 pages
    Document 025151
    Essential Skills for New Supervisors
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    Making the transition from line staff to supervisor calls for developing new skills and competencies as well as a major shift in mindset from doing one’s own work to supervising the work of others. This program focuses on core competencies for supervisors. These competencies include developing personal and professional goals, demonstrating leadership, solving problems, thinking critically, making decisions, managing conflict, coaching, counseling, providing discipline, and encouraging staff p... Read More
    2 data DVDs
    Document 024773
    ITIP Toolkit: A Guide for Working with Curriculum Developers
    By Gurnell, Betty; Bergeron, Renee. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This user-friendly tool kit is: grounded in research; follows and promotes the use of the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) model and ITIP (Instructional Theory Into Practice) format; and provides “a mechanism for the user to work with curriculum designers to set expectations, then to review, evaluate and give feedback on the curriculum as it is being developed” (p. ii). This publication is divided into six parts: purpose of the tool kit and its components; ADDIE Instruct... Read More
    56 pages
    Document 025287
    APEX: Building the Model and Beginning the Journey
    By Cebula, Nancy; Lantz, Theresa; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    “Through extensive research and analysis, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is offering the field of corrections a comprehensive business model entitled the APEX (Achieving Performance Excellence) Initiative. The APEX Initiative is an agency-driven systems approach to building capacity for higher organizational performance, best practices, data-driven decisionmaking using multiple self-assessment tools, and a Guidebook series with strategies, interventions, and pathways. The APEX Publi... Read More
    56 pages
    Document 024198
    Evidence-Based Policy, Practice, and Decisionmaking: Implications for Paroling Authorities
    By Carter, Madeline. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD); National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    New parole board members and parole executives should read this publication. It “examines information emerging from research on evidence-based practice and decisionmaking in parole and the implications of these findings for paroling authorities” (p. viii). Five chapters comprise this document: evidence-based policy, practice, and decisionmaking—what it is and why paroling authorities should be interested in it; significant research findings regarding risk reduction—implications for paroling auth... Read More
    43 p.
    Document 024961
    Corrections & Mental Health
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); USIS/Labat, Inc. (McLean, VA).
    In recent years, an increasing number of persons with mental illness, including those who have co-occurring substance abuse disorders, have come into contact with the criminal justice system. Some estimates suggest that as many as two million men and women with mental health problems are involved with our country's community corrections, jail, and prison systems. The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is highly concerned with the health and mental well-being both of those who work dilige... Read More
    1 page
    Document 024960
    National Jail Exchange
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC); USIS/Labat, Inc. (McLean, VA).
    The National Jail Exchange is the journal for the NIC Jails Division. The mission of the National Jail Exchange is to promote and provide a vehicle for the free and open exchange of ideas, information, and innovation among jails professionals. Our belief is that, collectively, professionals are likely to have developed successful strategies to meet challenges that arise. Jails professionals and the local governments, states, communities, staff, and inmates they serve and represent benefit greatl... Read More
    1 page
    Document 024914
    The Greening of Corrections: Creating a Sustainable System
    By Feldbaum, Mindy; Greene, Frank; Kirschenbaum, Sarah; Mukamal, Debbie; Welsh, Megan; Pinderhughes, Raquel. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). AED. National Institute for Work and Learning (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    What are viable strategies for cutting costs while protecting the public’s safety? Corrections can achieve some substantial cost savings in sustainability or greening strategies. This publication “provides correctional professionals with a framework to gain a general understanding of sustainability practices and principles and to identify examples of operations, programs, and management strategies for self-sustaining facilities” (p. ii). Sections of this publication include: introduction; greeni... Read More
    76 pages
    Document 024806
    Jail Design Guide
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This guide “discusses current correctional standards and architectural principles that are important to building a cost-efficient jail to meet a locality’s particular needs” (p. xix). It will be highly useful for anyone involved in the planning, design, and construction of a new jail. Chapters are divided into four parts - getting started, major design considerations, functional components, and special considerations – and include: introduction; predesign planning; site selection and design; ima... Read More
    338 pages
    Document 025057
    Thinking for a Change: Integrated Cognitive Behavior Change Program
    By Bush, Jack; Glick, Barry; Taymans, Juliana. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    {{NOTE: Thinking for a Change 3.1 has been superseded by Thinking for a Change 4.0 . Thinking for a Change The Thinking for a Change curriculum has been revised and as a result NIC is no longer making available copies of any previous versions of Thinking for a Change 3.1.}} Thinking for a Change (T4C) is the innovative, evidence-based cognitive behavioral curriculum from the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) that has broadly influenced the ... Read More
    Document 025055
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado March 20-22, 2011
    By Clem, Constance. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC); Clem Information Strategies (Longmont, CO).
    Sections contained in these proceedings include: about this Large Jail Network (LJN) meeting; meeting highlights; Legal Issues in Jails – 2011 by William C. Collins; Jail Suicide Prevention Workshop with Lindsay Hayes; Effectively Using Data with Policy Makers by Michael Jones; Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Update and Toolkit—A Glance at LJN and PREA by Andie Moss and Recap of Attorney General Meeting on PREA Standards by Mitch Lucas; Leadership Toolkit by Mike Jackson; Association Updates ... Read More
    89 pages
    Document 025016
    Assessing Local Pretrial Justice Functions: A Handbook for Providing Technical Assistance
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This guide “presents a protocol designed to produce high-quality technical assistance for the front end of the criminal justice system—the pretrial justice stage” (p. iii). Sections contained in this publication are: basic obligations of a technical assistance (TA) provider; preparation for the site visit; conducting the site visit; people who should be interviewed and areas of inquiry; after the site visit; characteristics of effective technical assistance; and logistics of acting as a consult... Read More
    39 pages
    Document 024201
    The Future of Parole as a Key Partner in Assuring Public Safety
    Center for Effective Public Policy (Philadelphia, PA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    “This paper provides suggestions and examples about how these key decisionmaking functions of parole [which offenders participate in which programs, when, and for how long] can be shaped to target resources effectively according to the principles of risk, need, and responsivity” (p. viii). Sections of this publication include: introduction; historical context; the cusp of change; parole at the crossroads; resources to support parole’s new role; targets of excellence in paroling authority decisio... Read More
    29 pages
    Document 024199
    Paroling Authorities’ Strategic Planning and Management for Results
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Philadelphia, PA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Individuals involved in making sure their parole agency’s goals are being met need to read this paper. It provides guidance for a paroling authority in “defining its vision and mission, assembling information and resources to accomplish its goals, and putting into place appropriate management and performance measurement systems to carry out its objectives and measure its progress” (p. v). Six chapters are contained in this publication: craft your vision and mission statements; assess your organi... Read More
    33 pages
    Document 024759
    Administrative Guide: Offender Workforce Development Specialist Partnership Training Program
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    A description of the Offender Workforce Development Specialist (OWDS) Partnership Training Program is provided. “This administrative guide provides an overview of the training program, including its benefits and requirements…and information needed to make an informed decision for participating in the training program, including the criteria for selecting a qualified, multidisciplinary team of trainees” (p. 1). The following sections comprise this guide: overview of the training program; introduc... Read More
    36 pages
    Document 024837
    National Institute of Corrections Report to the Nation FY 2010
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The success of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) in meeting the needs of its constituents during 2010 is reviewed. Sections of this document include: what NIC is; what the NIC Information Center is; how NIC helps meet the challenge of newly released offenders; what NIC does in your district; how NIC addresses the needs of elected officials and corrections executives who work with inmates and offenders; how NIC is involved in evidence-based practices; and how NIC addresses other contemp... Read More
    28 pages
    Document 025172
    Measuring What Matters: Outcome and Performance Measures for the Pretrial Services Field
    National Institute of Corrections. Pretrial Executives Network (Washington, DC).
    “This monograph presents recommended outcome and performance measures and mission-critical data … [that] will enable pretrial service agencies to gauge more accurately their programs’ effectiveness in meeting agency and justice system goals” (p. v). Sections of this publication include introduction, outcome measures, performance measures, mission-critical data, setting targets, and examples of pretrial release program measures.... Read More
    24 pages
    Document 025219
    Offender Workforce Development Services Makes an Impact
    By Lichtenberger, Eric; Weygandt, Scott. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Results from an ongoing evaluation project on the effectiveness of offender workforce development (OWD) services are presented. “Drug and alcohol abuse and/or not continuing substance abuse treatment was identified as almost a universal barrier to post-release success” (p. 67). Those individuals that receive OWD services have a recidivism rate 33% lower than the comparison group.... Read More
    2 pages
    Document 024973
    Reduce Costs, Lower Risks, Enhance Healthcare Services: The Promise of Effective Pharmaceutical Management [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    As jurisdictions across the nation attempt to do more with less, the effects of pharmacy management today will have long lasting and costly effects on the broader health care outcomes of tomorrow, in particular, the effectiveness of treatments for inmates with chronic illnesses, infectious diseases and comorbidities. This program will provide clarity around pharmacy management, why it is important to all jurisdictions, and methods for improving existing operations. This 3-hour program broadca... Read More
    2 video DVDs (155 minutes)
    Document 024197
    Core Competencies: A Resource for Parole Board Chairs, Members, and Executive Staff
    By Stroker, Richard; Burke, Peggy, ed.; Gilligan, Leilah, ed.. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Philadelphia, PA); National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    New parole board members and parole executives should read this publication. It will introduce them to the core competencies they need to have to effectively execute their public responsibilities. Chapters cover: the broad context of parole work—parole’s function, purpose, and role in the criminal justice system, parole and other state or local entities, and legal and ethical issues; discharging duties effectively—leadership, strategic planning, emerging best practices and evidence-based practi... Read More
    49 p.
    Document 024517
    Crisis Intervention Teams: An Effective Response to Mental Illness in Corrections [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    Our nation’s jails, prisons, and community corrections agencies are confronted daily with substantial numbers of persons with mental illness in custody and under supervision. Mental illness in corrections demands an urgency of response, services, and care. Correctional staff have attempted to manage individuals suffering mental illness with varying degrees of success. In searching for meaningful methods of response, some agencies, in partnership with stakeholder communities, have implemented Cri... Read More
    1 video DVD (149 min.)
    Document 024388
    Greening Corrections: People, Programs, and Practices [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held July 14, 2010]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This program seeks to increase environmental awareness among corrections professionals and focuses attention on the need to make correctional facilities more energy and resource efficient. This broadcast:
    • Explores the feasibility of introducing green collar job readiness training programs
    • Assesses correctional industries capability to adopt “green” practices
    • And identifies strategies to assess cost saving options for correctional agencies to operate “self sustaining” facilities and ... Read More
    1 DVD (231 min.)
    Document 024662
    Employment and Female Offenders: An Update of the Empirical Research
    By Flower, Shawn M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    “The purpose of this bulletin is to explore the literature and summarize the empirical evidence related to the impact of employment on the criminal behavior of women” (p. 2). Sections comprising this publication are: female offender demographics; barriers to employment—overview, the role of the family and the community, time-management skills, and the role of agency; correctional education and vocational programs—education programs, vocational/technical programs, overall effectiveness of these p... Read More
    24 pages
    Document 024726
    Hitting the Wall: Dealing with Stress in Corrections [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy. Regional Training Initiative. Central Region (N.P.).
    Issues surrounding stress in a correctional setting, like the effects, sources, and symptoms of stress, burnout, and coping strategies, are covered during this 6.5 hour course. Participants will be able to: define stress and identify the effects of stress; identify the sources of stress; identify the physical and behavioral symptoms of stress; define burnout and identify the stages of burnout; identify positive and negative coping strategies; summarize the key components of “My Pyramid”; recogni... Read More
    1 CD-ROM
    Document 024797
    Crisis Intervention Teams: A Frontline Response to Mental Illness in Corrections [Lesson Plans and Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The tools, strategies, and techniques that will allow corrections staff, mental health service providers, and advocates to work together to develop and implement a crisis intervention team (CIT) are presented. CITs help reduce crisis situations, improve safety, and promote better outcomes for persons with mental illness. Participants will learn: about the core elements of a locally developed and owned CIT for managing mental illness in prisons, jails, and community corrections; how to develop c... Read More
    approximately 300 pages
    Document 024397
    Evidence-Based Practice Skills Assessment for Criminal Justice Organizations, Version 1.0
    By Ameen, Christine A.; Loeffler-Cobia, Jennifer. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (CJI) (Boston, MA).
    “The Evidence-based Practice Skills Assessment (EBPSA) is a self-report measurement tool designed to gauge the extent to which correctional staff demonstrate the skills necessary to successfully implement Evidence-based Practices (EBP)” (p. 5). The EBPSA guide summarizes how using the EBPSA can enhance an organization’s ability to become a more effective evidence-based organization. A brief overview describes the development of the EBPSA. Additional sections address reliability analysis, scoring... Read More
    56 pages
    Document 024363
    Effectively Managing Aging and Geriatric Offenders [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held March 11, 2010]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This 3-hour program will interest anyone dealing with geriatric offenders. Issues covered during this presentation include:
    • Who geriatric offenders are
    • Awareness of their needs
    • Staff training
    • And special considerations for this population.
    Participants will be able to: develop criteria to identify geriatric offenders; describe challenges and options for training staff and improving day to day operations to better manage this population; identify strategies, includi... Read More
    2 video DVDs (146 min.)
    Document 024369
    Transition from Jail to Community Online Learning Toolkit
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Urban Institute (Washington, DC).
    This online learning resource is an essential ingredient in the development of programs designed to help offenders reenter the community upon their release from jail. This program contains the following nine modules: getting started; leadership, vision, and organizational culture; collaborative structure and joint ownership; data-driven understanding of local reentry; targeted intervention strategies; screening and assessment; transition plan development; targeted transition interventions; and s... Read More
    2 p.
    Document 024308
    National Study of Jail Suicide: 20 Years Later
    By Hayes, Lindsay M.. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC). National Center on Institutions and Alternatives (NCIA) (Mansfield, MA); National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    This report “does more than simply present a calculation of suicide rates. It presents the most comprehensive updated information on the extent and distribution of inmate suicides throughout the country, including data on the changing face of suicide victims. Most important, the study challenges both jail and health-care officials and their respective staffs to remain diligent in identifying and managing suicidal inmates” (p.vii). Five chapters follow an executive summary: introduction; national... Read More
    68 p.
    Document 023066
    Career Resource Centers: An Emerging Strategy for Improving Offender Employment Outcomes
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Education (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Transition and Offender Workforce Development Division (Washington, DC).
    “This bulletin highlights the ways career resource centers are being used in jails , prisons, and community supervision offices to improve the long-term employment prospects of offenders” (p.1). Sections of this publication include: common elements of career resource centers; getting started; working with inmate career clerks; building community ties; role of assessment in career resource centers; technology resources; finding champions and overcoming resistance; and future directions. Also i... Read More
    1 video DVD
    Document 024368
    Programs and Activities: Tools for Managing Inmate Behavior
    By Martin, Mark D.; Kaledas, Richard J.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    “This manual not only will provide guidance to practitioners on improving inmate programs, but will also demonstrate that even with minimal resources, correctional professionals can plan, implement, and evaluate programs while realizing the benefits of improved inmate behavior” (p.vi). Four chapters are contained in this publication: the value of keeping jail inmates productively occupied; the administrator’s role in supporting inmate programs and activities; planning, implementing, and evaluati... Read More
    116 p.
    Document 023905
    Fifty State Survey of Adult Sex Offender Registration Requirements
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington School of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    State requirements for the registration of adult sex offenders are compiled and presented. Responses (if given) are reported for: registrable offenses; whether those individuals convicted of staff sexual misconduct need to register; information maintained in sex offender registry; community notification and website; limitations on residency or employment; and duration of registration.... Read More
    282 p.
    Document 024192
    Direct Supervision Jails: The Role of the Administrator
    By Bogard, David; Hutchinson, Virginia A.; Persons, Vicci. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    This guide provides jail administrators the necessary information they need to effectively perform their jobs. Chapters comprising this publication are: introduction; the jail administrator’s leadership role; recruiting, hiring, and promoting staff; training staff; supervising staff; determining the number of inmates one officer can supervise effectively; rotating housing unit staff assignments; ensuring that officers interact with inmates; addressing the isolation of the housing unit officer; d... Read More
    84 p.
    Document 022668
    Jail Planning and Expansion: Local Officials and Their Roles, Second Edition
    By Robertson, James R.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This publication should be the first that elected officials and other policymakers turn to when developing jail facilities--either a new jail or expansion of an existing jail. All the participants’ roles, decisions they make, and the documents resulting from the process are covered. Sections of this manual explain: what the facility development process is; who the participants in the decision are; what types of decisions must be made; how much time and money are spent on each phase; and the nine... Read More
    62 p.
    Document 027137
    Competency Profile of a Regional Field Coordinator
    By Iszler, Bernie. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    Regional field coordinators serve as liaisons to the National Institute of Corrections and are responsible for initiating, coordinating, and disseminating quality training initiatives and network resources responsive to the needs of correctional agencies. This document, in the format of a DACUM profile, outlines the duties and related tasks of regional field coordinators. It also summarizes the knowledge, attitudes, skills needed to enter this profession, in addition to past experience with oper... Read More
    2 pages
    Document 027076
    Curriculum: Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders: Facilitator’s Guide [Lesson Plans]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
    “Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders is a 36-hour educational program that addresses the complex issues in investigations of staff on offender sexual abuse in correctional settings … The objectives of the training are to ensure that participants are able to: 1. Review the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) and identify its impact on investigations of staff sexual misconduct with persons under correctional supervision; 2. Understand a comprehensive approach... Read More
    199 pages
    Document 026149
    Curriculum: Addressing Sexual Abuse of Youth in Custody
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
    “Addressing Sexual Abuse of Youth in Custody is a 36 hour educational program that focuses on the complex issues of sexual abuse of youth in custody—both staff abuse of youth and youth abuse of other youth.” Participants will be able to: understand the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) and identify its relevance to juvenile justice; identify components of adolescent development, sexuality and facility culture and understand their impact on sexual abuse of youth in custody; understand a ... Read More
    Document 025885
    The Effects of Solitary Confinement: Commentary on One Year Longitudinal Study of the Psychological Effects of Administrative Segregation
    By Smith, Peter Scharff. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The author comments on research done by the Colorado Department of Corrections and the University of Colorado’s Department of Psychology concerning the effects of solitary confinement. Sections of this article include: the Colorado study; why available research was not used the authors of the Colorado study; available European studies on the effects of solitary confinement; social contact and contamination across groups; whether the study participants were harmed by solitary confinement prior to... Read More
    11 pages
    Document 024394
    Putting the Pieces Together: Practical Strategies for Implementing Evidence-Based Practices
    By Clawson, Elyse; Guevara, Meghan. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (CJI) (Boston, MA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Those new to the implementation of evidence-based practices (EBPs) will find this publication to be a great guide to the process. This manual is designed to be used “both as a checklist of key management concepts and as a reminder of important organizational issues that need to be addressed to achieve positive public safety outcomes in an evidence-based environment” (p. vii). There are six chapters contained in this publication: creating evidence-based community corrections systems; getting star... Read More
    96 pages
    Document 024393
    TPC Case Management Handbook: An Integrated Case Management Approach
    By Burke, Peggy; Herman, Paul; Stroker, Richard; Giguere, Rachelle. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    “This handbook is designed for teams of correctional and noncorrectional staff at the policy, management, and line staff levels who have been charged with implementing improvements in supervision and case management that support an overall strategy to reduce recidivism and enhance community safety through successful offender reentry” (p.1). Seven chapters are contained in this publication: an overview of the Integrated Case Management (ICM) approach; the critical challenges and strengths of the ... Read More
    143 p.
    Document 024347
    New Jail Planning: Getting It Right
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    This video explores the lessons learned by four communities that built new jails. The communities utilized the four major steps of the Facility Developmental Process model:
    • Determine the need and feasibility;
    • Decide to build, plan operations;
    • Design the jail;
    • And build the jail, plan the transition.... Read More
    1 DVD (20 min.)
    Document 025241
    Context and Impact of Organizational Changes in State Corrections Agencies: A Study of Local Discourses and Practices in Kansas and Michigan
    By Rengifo, Andres F.; Stemen, Don. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The impact of external and internal forces on “corrections policy innovation in which measures to control prison populations and enhance service delivery were implemented despite challenging institutional and social environments” is examined (p. 2). This is good reading for those agencies looking to implement their own strategies for correctional system reform. This report contains these sections: introduction; the context and dynamics of corrections reform—expanding capacity (1980 to early 1990... Read More
    65 pages
    Document 024727
    Environmental Scan 2010
    National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    "Beginning in the late 1990’s, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center began scanning social, economic and corrections issues to inform the development of programs and services offered by NIC. This report, now in its 5th edition, has continued to evolve into a popular tool that is also used by corrections practitioners to inform their work in jails, prisons and community corrections. Since there are many issues beyond what is addressed in this environmental scan that poten... Read More
    20 pages
    Document 025788
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado March 28-30, 2010
    By Clem, Constance. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC); Clem Information Strategies (Longmont, CO).
    Sections contained in these proceedings include: about this Large Jail Network (LJN) meeting; meeting take-aways in brief; coping skills with and for staff in fiscally tight times; the trend of medical issues in the future; creating a culture of leadership; creative efficiencies in the booking area; R.I.S.E. (ccc) program; legal update; open forum; legislation update, ACA Core Standards, American Correctional Association and American Jail Association news; and LJN business.... Read More
    93 pages
    Document 025789
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado September 13-15, 2010
    By Clem, Constance. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC); Clem Information Strategies (Longmont, CO).
    Sections contained in these proceedings include: about this Large Jail Network (LJN) meeting; meeting take-aways in brief; core jail standards overview; accountability and leadership; accountability and leadership; battling complacency in line staff and first-level supervisors; managing staff medical leave; American Correctional Association and American Jail Association news and legislative update; addressing staff/inmate fraternization; substance abuse and self awareness; open forum; announceme... Read More
    81 pages
    Document 024370
    National Institute of Corrections: Serving Jails for More Than 30 Years
    By Hutchinson, Virginia. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    Anyone interested in the history of the National Institute of Corrections' Jails Division (since its creation in 1976) will find this article very interesting. Topics covered include: jail administration'training programs and networks, documents and DVDs, and technical assistance; inmate behavior management'training, documents and DVDs, and technical assistance; new jail planning'technical assistance and training and documents and DVDs; and jail standards and inspections.... Read More
    4 p.
    Document 026012
    Fifty State Survey of Juvenile Sex Offender Registration Requirements
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    State requirements for the registration of juvenile sex offenders are compiled and presented. Responses (if given) are reported for: registrable offenses; information maintained in sex offender registry; statutory basis for juvenile sex offender registration; duration of registration; community notification and website; and limitations on residency or employment.... Read More
    254 pages
    Document 026015
    State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals Under Community Corrections Supervision
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washigton, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This map shows those states that do or do not have laws prohibiting the sexual abuse of individuals under community corrections supervision.... Read More
    1 page
    Document 026016
    State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Custody
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washigton, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This map shows those states that do or do not have laws prohibiting the sexual abuse of individuals in custody.... Read More
    1 page
    Document 026017
    State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Lock-Ups
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washigton, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This map shows those states that do or do not have laws prohibiting the sexual abuse of individuals in lock-ups.... Read More
    1 page
    Document 026018
    State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Jails
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washigton, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This map shows those states that do or do not have laws prohibiting the sexual abuse of individuals in jails.... Read More
    1 page
    Document 026019
    State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals Under Correctional Supervision: Consent as a Defense
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washigton, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This map shows those states that do or do not have laws addressing the issue of consent in a relationship between staff and inmates.... Read More
    1 page
    Document 030108
    Veterans Treatment Courts: A Second Chance for Vets Who Have Lost Their Way: Executive Summary
    By Edelman, Bernard; Berger, Thomas J.; Crawford, Gregory . National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
    This executive summary is for a white paper "based on a series of interviews, buttressed by personal observations, of key players in half a dozen jurisdictions where Veterans Treatment Courts have been operating with marked success. Neither graphs nor charts nor a plethora of statistics are employed to illustrate the protocols and practices of these therapeutic courts. Instead, proponents and practitioners intimately involved in the founding and operation of these courts relate how they are “the... Read More
    8 pages
    Document 025787
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting Aurora, Colorado September 21-23, 2009
    By Clem, Constance. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC); Clem Information Strategies (Longmont, CO).
    Sections contained in these proceedings include: about this Large Jail Network (LJN) meeting; PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) overview; Successful pre-trial release and criminal justice system collaborations; national legislation and policy update; ADA, CRIPA, and LEP (Americans with Disabilities Act, Civil Rights if Institutionalized Persons Act, and limited-English-speaking persons); middle management training programs for jail professionals; social media in jails; open forum; and LJN busin... Read More
    61 pages
    Document 025226
    The Six Moving Parts of Correctional Training Effectiveness
    By Morton, Gregory R.; Shepherd, Aaron. National Institute of Corrections Academy. Western Region (N.P.).
    The "concept of 'The Six Moving Parts of Correctional Employee Training,' a model for integrating strategy into the organization's approach to training" is presented (p.1). Sections of this publication are: introduction; overview of the model's components; moving part 1 -- organizational readiness; moving part 2 -- curriculum selection; moving part 3 -- delivery methodology; moving part 4 -- participant engagement; moving part 5 -- workplace reinforcement; moving part 6 -- impact evaluation; sum... Read More
    60 pages
    Document 023949
    State Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Custody Checklist
    NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
    Information regarding state laws that prohibit sexual abuse of offenders is presented. Data provided (if available) includes: statutes; coverage of all forms of sexual misconduct; agency coverage related to secure confinement facilities, community corrections, juvenile, and private; personnel coverage related to correctional employees, volunteers, juvenile workers, and contractors; defenses; and penalties.... Read More
    29 p.
    Document 023882
    Inmate Behavior Management: The Key to a Safe and Secure Jail
    By Hutchinson, Virginia; Keller, Kristin; Reid, Thomas. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    This guide “presents six key elements that, in combination, will help jails reduce a wide array of negative, destructive, and dangerous inmate behavior” (p. v). These elements are: assessing risk and needs; assigning inmates to housing; meeting inmates’ basic needs; defining and conveying expectations for inmate behavior; supervising inmates; and keeping inmates productively occupied.... Read More
    16 p.
    Document 024078
    Labor and Employment Law: Tools for Prevention, Investigation and Discipline of Staff Sexual Misconduct in Custodial Settings
    By Carle, Susan D.; Tuznik, Kathy; Brand, Aaron; Smith, Brenda V., ed.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    "In light of PREA [Prison Rape Elimination Act], as well as the development of a growing body of other law aimed at eliminating sexual abuse of persons in custody, the NIC/WCL Project has prepares this publication addressing human resources concerns related to preventing staff sexual misconduct in custodial settings” (p. 1). Sections comprising this report are: introduction; prevention—hiring, on-the-job prevention policies, specific policies in the public employment context, and implementing pr... Read More
    38 p.
    Document 024107
    Implementing Evidence-Based Policy and Practice in Community Corrections: Second Edition
    By Guevara, Meghan; Solomon, Enver. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Crime Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    A “guide for [community corrections] agencies to transform themselves into evidence-based organizations” is provided (p.xv). Six chapters follow an executive summary: what evidence-based practice is; the integrated model; the principles of effective intervention; implementing evidence-based principles; leading organizational change and development; and collaboration for systemic change. The appendixes include: research support gradient; the search conference; and key concepts in organizational d... Read More
    71 p.
    Document 024136
    Using Labor Market Information to Promote Positive Employment Outcomes for Offenders
    By Rakis, John. National Institute of Corrections. Offender Workforce Development Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Offender Workforce Development Division (Washington, DC).
    “This instructional disk is intended to provide you with a comprehensive overview of Labor Market Information (LMI) and give you the informational tools to increase short-term and long-term employment outcomes for the offenders under your supervision.” Users will be able to: understand labor market information concepts and terms; identify key LMI resources and to know how to access them; use LMI to assist offenders in making career choices; use LMI to identify occupations that will experience jo... Read More

    1 computer disk; CD-ROM
    Document 022722
    Jail Capacity Planning Guide: A Systems Approach
    By Bennett, David M.; Lattin, Donna. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    “This guide helps readers better understand the variables applied in jail capacity forecasting, provides more detail about the development of the jail snapshot (a jail assessment) and case-processing study (an analysis of adjudication decisions and timelines), and offers a framework for assessing key population management strategies across the system” (p. viii). Seven chapters comprise this publication: getting started; system assessment—jail population management strategies; the jail snapshot; ... Read More
    81 p.
    Document 024181
    Legal Responses to Sexual Violence in Custody: State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Staff Sexual Abuse of Individuals under Custodial Supervision
    By Smith, Brenda V.; Yarussi, Jaime M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This publication provides an overview of “criminal laws explicitly prohibiting staff sexual interactions with adults and youth under correctional supervision...and examines trends in their enactment and amendment” (p. 1). Eight chapters are contained: an introduction to staff sexual misconduct—definitions; state criminal laws coverage of agencies and personnel; state criminal laws—prohibited contact; state criminal laws—defenses to staff sexual misconduct; state criminal laws—criminal penalties;... Read More
    56 p.
    Document 024121
    Locking Up H1N1
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This 3-hour program, originally broadcast December 9, 2009, and hosted by the National Institute of Corrections, will address the issue of correctional facility operations and H1N1 (swine flu). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and criminal justice agencies have joined forces to provide some practical strategies for prevention and control. Participants of this satellite/Internet broadcast will be able to: define the current status of the H1N1 pandemic, including perspectives on i... Read More
    3 computer disks; DVD-ROM (162 min) + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
    Document 023761
    Technical Assistance, Information, and Training for Adult Corrections: All Corrections Disciplines, Jails, Prisons, [and] Community Corrections [Service Plan: October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2010]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The National Institute of Correction's (NIC's) Service Plan for fiscal year 2010 contains opportunities available to those working in local, state, and federal corrections. Programming, information services, the NIC Learning Center, technical assistance, distance learning via satellite/Internet broadcasts, NIC training programs at the National Corrections Academy in Aurora (CO), NIC-paid training beyond Aurora (CO), and partnership programs are described.... Read More
    112 p.
    Document 023904
    National Directory of Programs for Women with Criminal Justice Involvement
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Programs related to women involved with the criminal justice system are displayed by state. Information given (if provided) for each program listed are program description, agency information, program contact, related programs, who is helped, and additional information (i.e., stages of criminal justice, areas of service, keywords, program evaluation, and published curriculum availability.... Read More
    1 p.
    Document 023851
    The Mentally Ill in Jail: Whose Problem Is It Anyway? [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
    National Institute of Corrections. Academy Division (Aurora, CO).
    This 3-hour program, originally broadcast July 15, 2009, provides an overview of opportunities that can help your organization prepare to work with persons suffering from mental illness in jails. Mental health issues in the criminal justice system are a community wide problem, and corrections stakeholders, including government officials and corrections personnel, all have a role in identifying creative programs and solutions that tackle the problem at its core. This broadcast investigates the sc... Read More
    3 computer disks; DVD-ROM (159 min.) + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
    Document 023878
    Large Jail Network Meeting, March 29-31. 2009, Aurora, Colorado
    By Clem, Constance. Clem Information Strategies (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    Contents of these proceedings are: introduction; meeting take-aways in brief; illegal alien programs; proactive discipline, part 2; PREA update; intersex and transgender issues; Legal Issues in Jails--2009; open forum; announcements; LJN business; final meeting agenda; participant list; and index of past LJN meeting topics.... Read More
    61 p.
    Document 023900
    Fifty State Survey of Official Misconduct Statutes
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington School of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Statutes regarding staff misconduct are compiled and reported. Each entry supplies the following information (if provided): statute; definitions; procedure; criminal penalty; and administrative penalty.... Read More
    205 p.
    Document 023535
    Implementing Motivational Interviewing in Correctional Settings: An Interview with Dr. William Miller
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This presentation is an extended interview with Dr. William Miller regarding the utilization of motivational interviewing (MI) in correctional settings. Topics discussed include:
    • Background of MI
    • MI in corrections
    • How MI works
    • The spirit of MI
    • Implementing MI
    • MI applications and assessment
    • Brief and one-time MI
    • Essentials of MI
    • MI roll-out and training
    • The supervisor’s role
    • MI research
    • And implications for policy makers, supervis... Read More
    1 computer disk; DVD-ROM (142 min.) + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
    Document 023828
    Report to the Congress of the United States on the Activities of the Department of Justice in Relation to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (Public Law 108-79)
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Covering the calendar year 2007, this fifth annual report to Congress summarizes the activities of the Office of Justice Programs and the National Institute of Corrections to curtail prison rape. In addition to an introduction and background, this report reviews activities and accomplishments for the: Office of Justice Programs (OJP); National Institute of Justice (NIJ) -- legislative mandate and research awards and activities; Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) -- legislative mandate, expert pa... Read More
    43 p.
    Document 023065
    Creating a Workforce Development Culture to Reduce Reincarceration
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Education (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Transition and Offender Workforce Development Division (Washington, DC).
    This document highlights Vermont’s Workforce Development Program. Male participants that successfully completed the program lowered their reincarceration rate from 74% to 59% at six months following release, females lowered their rate from 63% to 38%. Topics discussed include:
    • Creating a unique workforce culture
    • Habits of Mind curriculum
    • Workplace application
    • Evidence of effectiveness
    • Program replication
    • Future of the program
    • ... Read More
    12 p.
    Document 023697
    Sexual Violence in Women's Prisons and Jails: Results From Focus Group Interviews
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
    Results from focus group interviews of correctional personnel from 2 women's facilities (one jail and one prison) are reported. Observations are presented according to the following areas: summary of findings; staff perspectives on sexual assault in women's correctional facilities; knowledge about sexual assault; inmate reports of sexual violence; role of previous violence and institutional behavior; characteristics of vulnerable and predatory female inmates; staff sexual misconduct -- conseque... Read More
    20 p.
    Document 023699
    From the Battlefront to the Homefront: Welcoming Employees Back to Work
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora,CO).
    The government deploys thousands of valuable corrections employees to serve the country each year. Thus, it is in the best interest of correctional agencies to be proactive in establishing programs that ease the process of deployment and the employees’ return to work. This 3-hour program, broadcast on May 13, 2009, addresses strategies to help manage the effect of these deployments on an organization by accessing existing programs and resources. Participants will be able to: raise awareness o... Read More
    2 computer disks; DVD-ROM (160 min.) + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
    Document 024373
    Emergency Preparedness Self-Audit Checklist for Smaller Jails [and] Emergency Preparedness Self-Audit Checklist for Larger Jails
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    Anyone preparing for an audit of their jail will find one of these check lists indispensable. This collection contains two chapters from “A Guide to Preparing for and Responding to Jail Emergencies: Self-Audit Checklists, Resource Materials, Case Studies” (NIC no. 023494): “Section 3--Emergency Preparedness Self-Audit Checklist for Smaller Jails”; and “Section 4--Emergency Preparedness Self-Audit Checklist for Larger Jails”.... Read More
    77 p. [14 p., 63 p.]
    Document 023698
    Corrections Budgets in Free Fall: Finding Opportunities in Turbulent Times [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held on April 15, 2009]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    Budget reductions don’t discriminate. Correctional agencies are being hit hard in these tough economic times with no relief from mandates. Prisons, jails, and community corrections are all faced with increasing workloads, combined with diminishing resources. Amid the worsening financial crisis, there are opportunities to implement evidence-based strategies that can maximize resources while preserving public safety. This 3-hour program provides an overview of opportunities that can help corre... Read More
    2 computer disks; DVD-ROM (158 min.) + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
    Document 024019
    Innovative Reentry Strategies: The Emerging Role of Correctional Industries [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held October 7, 2009]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This program focuses on presenting new reentry strategies and highlight specific programs around the country that reflect best practices. Imagine a reentry program that reduces recidivism, changes lives, and makes prisons and jails safer with little or no cost to taxpayers. Such a program has been around for decades. It is correctional industries, an effective model for preparing offenders for employment upon release. The elements of this strategy include skills certification, positive change, c... Read More
    2 DVDs (157 min.) + 1 CD
    Document 024559
    Chief Jail Inspectors' Network Meeting Proceedings, 2009
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    Proceedings from the 11th annual two day Chief Jail Inspectors' Meeting are presented. Topics discussed include: meeting overview and highlights; introduction; ACA CORE Standards update; NSA Committee update; federal agency update; New Jersey Information System; Ohio report—changes ahead for Ohio jails; data collection; construction trends; alternatives to incarceration; Justice Policy Institute article—“Jailing Communities”; doing everything with nothing; NIC update; Jail Transition/Reentry to ... Read More
    182 p.
    Document 024005
    Facility Development Process
    By Liebert, Dennis; Elias, Gail; Robertson, James. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    A facility development process plan is provided. Process phases are noted along the top of this flowchart: project recognition, needs assessment, go—no go, design, bidding, go—no go, construction, occupancy, and post occupancy. Elements occupying different places in the phases are listed on the side—tasks and then process tracks of non facility alternatives, transition, site, capital and operational funding, project delivery method, outcomes, professional services acquisition, and building suppo... Read More
    1 p.
    Document 025220
    A Model for Social Justice: Collaboration Between Faith-Based and Community Organizations and Corrections: Highlights
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Highlights are provided of advice given by individuals from correctional agencies and faith-based and community organizations on how to create successful partnerships. Sections of this presentation are: understanding each other—questions and concerns; making partnerships work; legal issues; and getting started.... Read More
    1 video DVD (17 min.)
    Document 023361
    Using Research to Promote Public Safety: A Prosecutor's Primer on Evidence-Based Practice
    By Fahey, Jennifer A.. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA); National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    This paper “focus[es] primarily on those [evidence-based] intervention principles most likely to be encountered by the prosecution” (p.2). Sections following an executive summary are: introduction; prosecutorial duty; innovative research; evidence-based principles in prosecutorial practice and leadership; the need for systemic change; and conclusion.... Read More
    27 p.
    Document 023362
    Effective Clinical Practices in Treating Clients in the Criminal Justice System
    By Scott, Wayne. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA); National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    This monograph is “intended to strengthen and improve the dissemination of evidence-based rehabilitative technologies for offenders, within the multidisciplinary context of correctional treatment” (p.x). Sections of this document include: executive summary; introduction — effective clinical practices and the critical need for collaboration; what evidence-based practice (EBP) is; overarching principles of effective correctional treatment; common therapeutic factors — what works in treatment gener... Read More
    89 p.
    Document 023425
    No More “My Way or the Highway”: Embracing the 21st Century Workforce
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held November 19,2008]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    Collaboration within today’s multigenerational workplace gets everybody involved with a common goal. Today’s workforce poses both challenges and opportunities for agency leaders. Developing effective strategies to recruit, communicate, train, retain, and lead staff is essential to high performance. Topics discussed during this 3-hour program will include the following:
    • Appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of each generation in the workplace
    • Recognizing the relationship betwee... Read More
    3 DVDs (156 min.) + 1 CD
    Document 023255
    Building Tomorrow's Workforce: An Effective Reentry Strategy [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held August 2008]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This program focuses on the history and benefits of correctional industries and ways to balance competing interests. Employment is a critical factor in successful reentry. Career assistance, life skills, and job training prior to release from jails or prisons increases the likelihood of success as individuals reenter the community. This, in conjunction with support from employers, social agencies, and faith-based community organizations, provides the foundation for individuals to remain in socie... Read More
    2 DVDs (172 min) + 1 CD
    Document 023548
    Women and Work: Gender Responsivity and Workforce Development
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held September 24-25, 2008]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This training program presents strategies for making women offender workplace development programs more responsive to their clients. Topics include:
    • Emerging evidence-based gender responsive practices
    • Information strategies and case management models
    • Career theories and assessment tools
    • Collaborative relationships that support effective reentry
    • How a history of criminal convictions impacts job search efforts
    • Women Offender Case Management Model (WOCMM)
    • Strengths and nee... Read More
    4 DVDs (353 min) + 1 CD
    Document 023356
    Evidence-Based Practices and Criminal Defense: Opportunities, Challenges, and Practical Considerations
    By Weibrecht, Kimberly A.. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    Guidance is provided to criminal defense attorneys concerning the use of evidence-based practices (EBP). Sections of this report include: executive summary; introduction; principles of EBP; the role of defense counsel as advocate in an EBP criminal justice system; the role of defense counsel as policy-maker; and conclusion.... Read More
    35 p.
    Document 022667
    Prison Staffing Analysis: A Training Manual with Staffing Considerations for Special Populations
    By Camp, Camille Graham; Hardyman, Patricia L.; May, Robert; Camp, Camp, George E.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This manual provides guidance that “will enable an agency staffing administrator to set up an agency staffing analysis unit and produce a staffing analysis report for an entire agency” (p.xi). Chapters contained in this publication are: introduction -- correctional staffing issues; securing staff deployment policy; two models for managing the security staffing function; agency staffing unit; basic tasks of a staffing analysis; orchestrating the staffing analysis; agency and facility characterist... Read More
    232 p.
    Document 023357
    Our System of Corrections: Do Jails Play a Role in Improving Offender Outcomes?
    By Christensen, Gary E.. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    "This document will review the role of jails and incarceration within United States' correctional systems and propose opportunities for jail officials to interact and collaborate with local criminal justice entities with the shared purpose of enhancing long-term public safety" (p. ix). Sections following an abstract include: practice within corrections -- does it work as a system; corrections within the U.S. -- the current context; evidence-based practice -- the effectiveness of criminal sancti... Read More
    43 p.
    Document 024066
    Large Jail Network Meeting, September 24-26, 2008, Aurora, Colorado
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    Topics discussed include: strategies for the promotion of staff to jail management positions; faith-based programs in the correctional environment—whether the pros outweigh the cons and programming; emerging technologies—radio interoperability, biometrics, global positioning system (GPS), radio frequency identification (RFID), detection, telemedicine, information sharing, and mapping; proactive discipline—maintaining organizational effectiveness and how to get people to perform for you; and an o... Read More
    67 p.
    Document 024311
    Gender Responsive Classification Instruments for Women Offenders: What Do They Look Like and How Will They Improve Practice? [Lesson Plan]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This two-hour training session is for correctional managers wanting to implement risk and needs assessments for adult female offenders. Participants will: become familiar with gender-responsive assessments and approaches; and receive information regarding the adoption of the Women’s Risk and Needs Assessment instrument. Topics discussed include: evidence-based practice; risk/needs assessment; gender-neutral risk assessment; women offenders; gender-responsive concepts; risk assessment validation;... Read More

    12 p.
    Document 022999
    Improving Pretrial Assessment and Supervision in Colorado
    By Jones, Michael R.; Ferrere, Sue. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    The Colorado Improving Supervised Pretrial Release (CISPR) Project, an innovative pretrial initiative, is described. This article contains these sections; introduction; aims of the CISPR Project; and CISPR phases -- develop statistically validated pretrial release risk assessment instrument, match risks and interventions, educate system stakeholders, prepare documentation, assist with local implementation, and solidify progress. Phase I should last through 2008 with following phases continuing ... Read More
    5 p.
    Document 023000
    Pretrial Defendants: Are They Getting Too Much of a Good Thing?
    By Hankey, Barbara M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    The use of the Step Forward program offered by the Oakland County Community Corrections Division (OCCCD) is explained. This article covers: programmatic approach -- intake assessments, case planning, services and interventions, case management, and sanctions and incentives; burning questions such as justifying the use of Step Forward by pretrial defendants and determining where to draw the line for pretrial failure; success rates compared; and next steps. Step Forward has a 93% success rate for... Read More
    5 p.
    Document 023001
    Charge Speciality and Revictimization by Defendants Charged with Domestic Violence Offenses
    By Kennedy, Spurgeon. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    Results from a study of the non-specialization of individuals charged with domestic violence (DV) and the relationship between DV and assaultive and criminal behaviors are reported. Sections of this article are: background; profile of domestic violence arrestees; risk factors and DV specialization; comparative failure rates; and conclusions. The most common rearrest charges for DV defendants are failure to appear (20.4%), contempt (7.1%), and simple assault (5.3%).... Read More
    10 p.
    Document 023002
    Pretrial Rearrests Among Domestic Violence Defendants in New York City
    By Peterson, Richard R.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    Pretrial rearrest among New York domestic violence (DV) defendants is examined. Sections contained in this article are: background; identifying DV and non-DV cases; offense patterns of DV and non-DV defendants; and conclusions. Since 9% of DV defendants are rearrested on a new DV offense, "victims may be at considerable risk of threats, intimidation, or retaliation during the pretrial period" (p. 38).... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 022948
    Public & Media Relations: Take Control of Your Message
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This training session covers strategies and techniques for effectively interacting with the press. Participants will be able to:
    • Control an interview;
    • Conduct a successful news conference;
    • Write a news release that gets attention;
    • Present one's case to the public;
    • Execute crisis communication plans during an emergency;
    • Identify and use interviewing skills;
    • Utilize strategies for communicating effectively;
    • And identify strategies for working with current and emerging m... Read More
    1 data DVD (409 min.)
    Document 022666
    Managing Risk in Jails
    By Martin, Mark D.; Reiss, Claire Lee. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    "This manual will help jails both to understand risk and its implication for jails and to develop a formal, effective risk management program that uses all of the jail's basic resources (i.e., human, financial, property, partners, and reputation" (p. v). Chapters following an introduction are: understanding risk and its implications for jails; jail risk management issues and strategies; developing a risk management program; and organizational investments for managing risk. Appendixes provide re... Read More
    91 p.
    Document 022996
    Simulated Online/Kiosk Job Application
    National Institute of Corrections. Offender Workforce Development Division (Washington, DC).
    Each year, more and more employers are requiring job applicants to apply online or at a computer kiosk. Offenders in prisons, jails, parole and probation offices, faith-based agencies, and community-based organizations can use this CD-ROM to practice completing an employment application using a computer that does not have access to the Internet. This simulation training program provides basic information about computerized employment applications, tips for completing online job applications,... Read More
    1 CD-ROM
    Document 022990
    Large Jail Network Meeting, March 2-4, 2008, Aurora, Colorado
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    Contents of these proceedings are: introduction; key themes; session highlights; opening remarks; open forum; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 287(g) Program; contract services; media relations; workforce development; Legal Issues in Jails--2008; LJN business; final meeting agenda; participant list; and index of past LJN meeting topics.... Read More
    84 p.
    Document 022906
    Comprehensive Framework for Paroling Authorities in an Era of Evidence-Based Practice
    By Campbell, Nancy M.. Campbell Consulting (Bainbridge Island, WA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    A “framework that identifies the characteristics and competencies that paroling authorities must have to be effective in implementing evidence-based practices in the context of transition programs and services” is presented (p.8). These sections follow an executive summary: introduction; the impact of history on current reform efforts; the key elements of the parole process—the institutional, reentry, community, and discharge phases; the foundation of system effectiveness—evidence-based practice... Read More
    103 p.
    Document 022904
    Topics in Community Corrections, Annual Issue 2008: Applying Evidence-Based Practices in Pretrial Services
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    Articles in this issue include:
    • “Foreword” by Ken Rose
    • “A Framework for Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Pretrial Services” by John Clark
    • “Advancing Evidence-Based Practices in the Pretrial Field” by Katie Green, Pat Smith, and Kristina Bryant
    • “Improving Pretrial Assessment and Supervision in Colorado” by Michael R. Jones and Sue Ferrere
    • “Pretrial Defendants: Are They Getting Too Much of a Good Thing?” by Barbara M. Hankey
    • “Charge Specialty and Revicti... Read More
    40 p.
    Document 022997
    A Framework for Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Pretrial Services
    By Clark, John. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    "This article presents a possible framework for developing research geared toward identifying evidence-based practices in pretrial services" (p. 4). Sections of this article are: limited pretrial research exists to support evidence-based practices; start with goals; use of the Pretrial Release Standards of the American Bar Association as objectives; tasks or objectives along with related issues that should be researched; and interpreting research findings to assimilate outcomes into practices.... Read More
    7 p.
    Document 022669
    TPC Reentry Handbook: Implementing the NIC Transition from Prison to the Community Model
    By Burke, Peggy B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    “The TPC Reentry Handbook has been developed as a resource for a broad range of stakeholders involved in improving transition and reentry practices” (p.3). Chapters comprising this manual are: transition and reentry—a key public policy issue; the Transition from Prison to the Community (TPC) model; why and how to take on the challenge of transition and reentry—lessons from the eight TPC states (Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, and Rhode Island); implementi... Read More
    266 p.
    Document 023063
    NIC Fiscal Year 2009 Service Plan: Technical Assistance, Information, and Training for Adult Corrections
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The National Institute of Correction's (NIC's) Service Plan for fiscal year 2009 contains opportunities available to those working in local, state, and federal corrections. Programming, information services, technical assistance, distance learning via satellite/Internet broadcasts, NIC Learning Center, NIC training programs in Aurora (CO), NIC-paid training beyond Aurora (CO), and partnership programs are described. An application for individuals, statement of interest to host partnership progra... Read More
    121 p.
    Document 023217
    Sharing Gang Intelligence Bridging the Gap: Corrections - Police - Educators [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    Gangs are a growing national problem that all elements of the public safety community must effectively manage. Collaboration and information sharing are key to managing gangs effectively and safeguarding public and institutional safety. A diverse panel of experts addresses various processes, methods, technologies, partnerships, and information sharing programs related to gangs and their potential networks of intelligence. This broadcast will be of interest to police, corrections, military, and c... Read More
    3 DVDs (249 min.) + 1 CD
    Document 023331
    The Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) Initiative
    Urban Institute (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) initiative is described. “The TJC initiative is designed to advance coordinated and collaborative relations between jails and local communities to address reentry, leading to enhanced public safety, reduced recidivism, and improved individual reintegration processes” (p.1). Sections of this document are: introduction; jail transition—challenges and opportunities; the TJC model; system-level elements—leadership, vision, and organizational culture, colla... Read More
    8 p.
    Document 020646
    General Guidelines for Cooperative Agreements
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    These Guidelines “are meant to serve as a guide to assist recipients of awards from the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) in fulfilling their responsibilities for the management of cooperative agreements” (p.iv). This publication includes the following sections: introduction; financial and performance reports; general cooperative agreement administration; allowability of costs; accounting systems and financial records; and “Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting Manuscripts for Publicatio... Read More
    82 p.
    Document 022876
    Technical Resource Provider Handbook
    National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
    "The Technical Resource Provider Handbook was prepared for the correctional service provider who delivers technical assistance or training at the request of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC). This handbook explains NIC policies and guidelines that affect the work of technical resource providers (TRPs) in the field. The handbook cannot address all of the issues related to NIC’s technical assistance and training program. Therefore, TRPs should contact the NIC staff member responsible for... Read More
    32 pages
    Document 016738
    Sex Offender Treatment Skills for Corrections Professionals [Distance Learning Training Program: Videoconference Held March 12-15, 2001]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Effective assessment, treatment, and management of incarcerated sex offenders are enhanced by this 36-hour distance learning event. The content of this training program is divided into five sections: characteristics of sex offenders and treatment programs (what works/what doesn't work); comprehensive psycho-sexual assessment; treatment issues, such as sex offender treatment vs. traditional treatment, denial/cognitive distortion and empathy, stages of change and interviewing strategies, social a... Read More
    1 Data DVD (591 min.)
    Document period314
    No Vacancies? Osceola County Finds Keys to Attract and Retain Officer Staff
    By Dowd, Denis. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    Methods for recruiting and retaining qualified staff that have resulted in a turnover rate of 7% in the Osceola County Corrections Department are described. Strategies are organized according to the following areas: keys to recruitment; hiring success; retention; additional issues/questions; and final thoughts.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document period316
    Evidence-Based Practice in Los Angeles County Corrections: A Top-5 List of Real-World Foes
    By Center, Brian. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    The utilization of evidence-based practice in the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Community Transition Unit (CTU) is explained. Sections comprising this article are: what evidence-based practice is; ranking the obstacles; obstacle #5 -- hierarchy of needs; obstacle #4 -- funding; obstacle #3 -- logistical and systemic hurdles; obstacle #2 -- bureaucracy; obstacle #1 -- capability; and where to start.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document period315
    Managing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Inmates: Is Your Jail Ready?
    By Leach, Donald L., II. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    The management of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex inmates (LGBTI) in a jail setting is addressed. Sections contained in this article are: a terminology lesson; the sexual being -- physiognomy, gender identity, and sexual orientation; and responses in the jail regarding medical care, data systems, security, housing, and clothing.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 022472
    PMR: Public and Media Relations: Gaining Confidence and Competence
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This two-hour DVD training course presents techniques for interacting effectively with the public and press. Modules comprising this course are: why we are doing this; working with the media; strategies and techniques for communicating effectively; and crisis media.... Read More
    2 computer disks; DVD-ROM (121 min.)
    Document 022940
    The Mindful Supervisor: Cognitive Principles in Staff Supervision
    National Institute of Corrections Academy. Western Regional Field Coordinators (N.P.).
    A training program for first time correctional supervisors is presented. Sections of this course are: qualities and skill building for supervisors (personal position statement and the cognitive/behavioral model); values dissonance -- personal visa and organizational context; effective communication; making decisions and creating solutions; valuing differences; encouraging performance; team building; and Supervisory Development Plan.... Read More
    127 p.
    Document 021749
    Building Culture Strategically: A Team Approach for Corrections
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Carol Flaherty-Zonis Associates (Scottsdale, AZ).
    “This guide, a product of the National institute of Corrections’ (NIC’s) Institutional Culture Initiative, presents a model designed to produce higher quality work, build collaboration and interdependence, create safer and more secure environments, and, ultimately, help correctional facilities move strategically toward more positive culture that will improve the quality of life for both staff and offenders" (p.iii). Chapters contained in this guide are:
    • What organizational culture is; ... Read More
    ca. 270 p.
    Document 021925
    Sheriff's Guide to Effective Jail Operations
    By Martin, Mark D.; Katsampes, Paul. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    "This guide provides an overview of the sheriff's roles and responsibilities with regard to the jail along with basic information on critical aspects of jail operations and management" (p. v). This publication is comprised of the following seven chapters: role, purpose, and characteristics of the jail; sheriff's roles and responsibilities; providing effective leadership and support for the jail; liability and standards; jail physical plant; critical aspects of jail operations; and so much to le... Read More
    54 p.
    Document 022444
    Investigating Sexual Assaults in Correctional Facilities
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
    Problems with the investigation of sexual assaults (inmate on inmate sexual assault and staff sexual misconduct) in correctional facilities are discussed. Sections following an executive summary are: inmate-related issues in investigating sexual violence; staff barriers to investigations; investigating staff sexual misconduct; additional issues affecting investigations; outside factors; and conclusion.... Read More
    20 p.
    Document 021826
    How to Collect and Analyze Data: A Manual for Sheriffs and Jail Administrators
    By Elias, Gail. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Voorhis Associates (Lafayette, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Anyone who needs to gather and analyze data concerning various jail-related issues will find this manual useful. This document provides guidance on how information can fuel policy decision making. Chapters comprising this guide are: introduction; good management requires good information; information that should be collected; preparing for the data collection; how to locate and capture information; how to put it all together; how to analyze information; how to interpret information; sharing info... Read More
    220 p.
    Document 022173
    Administrative Guide: Offender Workforce Development Specialist Partnership Training Program
    National Institute of Corrections. Offender Workforce Development Division. (Washington, DC).
    An overview of the Offender Workforce Development Specialist (OWDS) Partnership Training Program is provided. Current training is offered by invitation only to teams of twelve people. Modules of instruction include: career development theory and application; understanding and using facilitation skills; the role of assessment in career planning and job placement; instruction and group facilitation; designing and implementing training and work development services; barriers to employment; ethics a... Read More
    27 p.
    Document 022473
    Breaking the Code of Silence: Correction Officers' Handbook on Identifying and Addressing Sexual Misconduct
    By Smith, Brenda V.; Yarussi, Jaime M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Critical issues related to staff sexual misconduct with offenders are discussed. Sections of this handbook are: introduction; the need to talk about this now; what staff sexual misconduct entails; consequences of staff sexual misconduct; how correctional environments enable sexual misconduct; victimization; communication, gender, and abuse histories; tools for defining and identifying inappropriate relationships with offenders; what happens when an allegation of staff sexual misconduct is made;... Read More
    119 p.
    Document 022570
    Jails and the Constitution: An Overview
    By Collins, William C.. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    This publication "reviews the history of correctional law and summarizes the results and effects of major court decisions" (p. 4). Sections comprising this document include: introduction; history of court involvement; corrections and the Constitution in a new century; the Constitution and the physical plant; understanding Section 1983 lawsuits; how courts evaluate claims -- the balancing test; the First Amendment; the Fourth Amendment; the Eighth Amendment -- overview; the 8th Amendment -- use ... Read More
    93 p.
    Document 022542
    A Model for Social Justice: Collaboration Between Faith-Based and Community Organizations and Corrections [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held September 12, 2007]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    Collaboration between faith-based organizations, community organizations, and corrections has proven to be a cost-effective way to meet agency needs and bring much needed services to offenders. This unique partnership also helps to promote social justice, reduce recidivism, and increase public safety. This 3-hour program examines the myths, realities, boundaries, and benefits of this collaboration while providing information to help correctional leaders achieve new and more successful re-entry i... Read More
    2 DVDs (165 min.)
    Document 022489
    Pretrial Justice: Principles and Practices
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This two-hour program discusses strategies for developing an effective pretrial process (e.g., arrest, interview, risk assessment and recommendation, first appearance, post release supervision, and collaboration between shareholders—agencies, organizations, and the community). This presentation is designed to examine the impact of the pretrial decision to release or detain on jail crowding and public safety; promote fair and just pretrial decision making; and demonstrate best practices consisten... Read More
    2 DVDs (118 min.)
    Document 022676
    LJN Exchange, Annual Issue 2007; Large Jail Network Exchange, Annual Issue 2007
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    This issue contains: “Foreword” By Richard Geaither; “An Interview with NIC Jails Division Chief Virginia Hutchinson” by Connie Clem; “Applying New Vulnerability Assessment Tools in Hennepin County” by Mike Wresh; “Controlling Inmate Population Size: A Case Study of 20 Years of Success” by Marilyn Chandler Ford; “The Criminal Registration Unit: Hillsborough County’s Answer to an Unfunded Mandate” by Jimmy Compton and David M. Parrish; “No Vacancies? Osceola County Finds Keys to Attract and Reta... Read More
    56 p.
    Document 022679
    Training for Training Directors
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    The skills that successful correctional training directors need are explained. Modules comprising this training program are: role of the training director; liability issues; policy and procedures; needs assessment annual training plan and evaluation; developing and assessing training curricula and performance objectives; alternative delivery strategies; developing training staff; scheduling, logistics, and marketing.... Read More
    1 data DVD (239 minutes)
    Document 022777
    Topics in Community Corrections, Annual Issue 2007: Promising Strategies in Transition from Prison
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    Issue contents are: “Foreword” by Kermit Humphries; “An Overview of NIC’s Transition from Prison to the Community Initiative” by Peggy B. Burke; “Rising to the Challenge of Applying Evidence-Based Practices Across the Spectrum of a State Parole Board” by Sherry Tate and Catherine C. McVey; “Collaboration and Partnership in the Community: Advancing the Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative” by Le’Ann Duran; “Providing Tools for Risk Reduction Case Management in Parole and Community Corrections” by... Read More
    74 p.
    Document 022778
    An Overview of NIC's Transition from Prison to the Community Initiative
    By Burke, Peggy B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    The Transition from Prison to the Community (TPC) Initiative, launched by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is described. This article covers distinctive elements of the TPC Model and major implementation components.... Read More
    7 p.
    Document 022779
    Rising to the Challenge of Applying Evidence-Based Practices Across the Spectrum of a State Parole System
    By Tate, Sherry; McVey, Catherine C.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    The use of evidence-based practices to improve discretionary parole system is explained. This article is comprised of these sections: releasing the right offender at the right time; shifting to a case management model for reentry; designing a new technical parole violator (TPV) management program; development of statewide and local performance measures; and building a case for additional budget resources.... Read More
    8 p.
    Document 022780
    Collaboration and Partnership in the Community: Advancing the Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative
    By Duran, Le'Ann. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    "This article examines five key attributes of partnership and collaboration deemed essential as the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) developed the Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative (MPRI)" (p. 19). These elements are systems thinking, fostering unified commitment, organizing and structuring partnerships, catalyzing change, and mutual capacity building.... Read More
    9 p.
    Document 022781
    Providing Tools for Risk Reduction Case Management in Parole and Community Corrections
    By Pellant, Keven; Phelps, Margie. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    The Kansas Offender Risk Reduction & Reentry Plan (KOR3P) is described. Sections comprising this article are: the basics; the key of skill development; moving risk reduction into community corrections; and collaboration for progress.... Read More
    7 p.
    Document 022782
    Improving Parole Outcomes with Performance Leadership and Data: Doing What Works
    By Hunter, Danny; Braucht, George; Prevost, John. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    "This article describes the evolution of the Georgia Parole Board's business-oriented data and performance leadership model" (p. 35). Topics covered include: business is data driven, government should be, too; Georgia's data-driven TCPI (Transition From Prison to the Community Initiative) plan; computerized information systems -- essential data to support accountability measures; managing with the right data; effective reports -- easy to access, read, and understand the causal link; performance... Read More
    10 p.
    Document 022783
    Working Together to Improve Reentry: Bridging Budgets and Programs, Public and Private, Prison and the Community
    By Martin, Ginger. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    Some of the improvements made to Oregon's offender reentry transition process are highlighted. Partnerships include: the Oregon Trail Card (debit card); identification and driver's license; transitional housing; family planning; pro-social supports; and the Governor's Re-Entry Council.... Read More
    4 p.
    Document 022784
    Ensuring Successful Offender Reentry: Umatilla/Morrow County "Reach-In" Services
    By Royal, Mark. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    The use of reach-in to improve the transition process is explained. Reach-in "provides a simple method of contacting an offender prior to release from prison or jail custody for the purpose of coordinating services upon release" (p. 49). This article is comprised of these sections: Oregon's model for post-prison supervision; what reach-in is; the reach-in process; partnerships between counties and the Oregon Department of Corrections; and indicators of success -- recidivism dropped from 37.5% t... Read More
    7 p.
    Document 022785
    Creating Better Transitions at Indiana's Plainfield Reentry Educational Facility
    By Lloyd, Michael. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    This article highlights the "flagship" of Indiana's reentry initiatives -- the Plainfield Reentry Educational Facility (PREF). Sections cover: the focus is reducing recidivism; the PREF philosophy; PREF program elements -- education and vocational skills development; employment assistance, families and children reunification, financial services, and life skills; and coordination at release.... Read More
    4 p.
    Document 022786
    Gender-Responsive Reentry in Rhode Island: A Long and Winding Road
    By Derrick, Bree. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    Gender-responsive offender reentry efforts for female offenders in Rhode Island are discussed. Sections contained in this article are: introduction; reentry -- a statewide focus; women's issues past and present; consciously implementing a gender-responsive approach -- assessments, program examination and updates, and field services; and challenges in reentry.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 022787
    Missouri Makes Its Move Toward a New Reentry Philosophy
    By Boehm, Julie. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
    The use of the Transition from Prison to the Community (TPC) model to improve offender transition in Missouri is explained. This article contains the following sections: preparing for change; addressing barriers to success -- employment, substance abuse, mental health, education, veterans' assistance, families, and transportation; preparing for release -- Transitional Housing Unit (THU), Transition Accountability Plan (TAP), and Integrated Case Management Model; extending connections; and celeb... Read More
    8 p.
    Document 022599
    Large Jail Network Meeting, September 24-26, 2007, Aurora, Colorado
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Aurora, CO).
    Contents of these proceedings are: introduction; key themes; session highlights; opening remarks; open forum; reentry partnerships; reentry programs in jails; excited delirium/acute behavioral disturbance (ED/ABD); women offender issues; the continuing evolution of the Large Jail Network (LJN); final meeting agenda; participant list; and index of past LJN meeting topics.... Read More
    74 p.
    Document 022893
    Report to the Congress of the United States on the Activities of the Department of Justice in Relation to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (Public Law 108-79)
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Covering the calendar year 2006, this fourth annual report to Congress summarizes the activities of the Office of Justice Programs and the National Institute of Corrections to curtail prison rape. In addition to an introduction and background, this report reviews activities and accomplishments for the: Office of Justice Programs (OJP); National Institute of Justice (NIJ) -- legislative mandate, research awards and activities, and PREA research reports; Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) -- legis... Read More
    45 p.
    Document 022133
    Increasing Collaboration Between Corrections and Mental Health Organizations: Kansas Case Study
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Council of State Governments. Criminal Justice Mental Health Consensus Project (Lexington, KY); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The COR-Pathways (Community Offender Resources Pathways) transition planning program, a collaboration between the Kansas Department of Corrections (DOC) and Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS), is described and evaluated. Sections contained in this case study are: introduction; summary of initiatives for re-entering offenders with mental illness; building collaboration (2001-2003); breaking new ground (2003-2005); evaluating program impact; looking ahead -- challenges; lookin... Read More
    16 p.
    Document 022134
    Increasing Collaboration Between Corrections and Mental Health Organizations: Orange County Case Study
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Council of State Governments. Criminal Justice Mental Health Consensus Project (Lexington, KY); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The use of the Mental Health Pretrial Release Program (MHPTR) by the Orange County Jail, in order to identify those individuals with mental illness who can be safely supervised in the community prior to their trials, is discussed. Seven sections comprising this case study are: introduction; summary of initiatives; first steps -- 1999-2004; beyond the Central Receiving Center -- 2004-2006; assessing the impact of new initiatives; looking ahead -- challenges; and dimensions of collaboration. Succ... Read More
    20 p.
    Document 022123
    Jail Inspection Basics: Supervisors Guide
    By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This guide prepares supervisors for conversations with new inspectors taking the "Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors" self-guided course (NIC accession no. 022124). Questions and answer keys are provided along with discussion topics for each chapter.... Read More
    78 p.
    Document 022124
    Jail Inspection Basics: An Introductory Self-Study Course for Jail Inspectors
    By Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This self-paced, self-instruction course explains the role and responsibilities of a jail inspector. Questions are asked at the end of each chapter which lead to answers from and discussion with their supervisors. Supervisors use the publication "Jail Inspection Basics: Supervisors Guide" (NIC accession no. 022123). Chapters cover: legal issues; standards; the inspection process; facility design; communication; government structures and processes; and resources.... Read More
    136 p.
    Document 022298
    Large Jail Network Meeting, January 28-30, 2007, Longmont, Colorado
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    Contents of these proceedings are: meeting highlights; “Reflecting on 15 Years of the Large Jail Network” by David Parrish and Art Wallenstein; “Open Forum: Hot Topics for Discussion”; “Using the NIC Corrections Community LJN Forum” by Joshua Stengel; “Large Jail Systems Assessment Project” by James Austin; “Legal Issues Update” by Bill Collins; “Improving Collaboration Between Corrections & Mental Health Systems” by Fred Osher and Seth Prins; “Diagnosing Organizational Culture” by Carol Flaher... Read More
    50 p.
    Document 022299
    Winter 2007 Newsletter for NIC's Large Jail Network
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    This newsletter provides current information from the National Institute of Corrections Large Jail Network. Sections cover: Network's mission statement and goals; William Collins, attorney; James Austin, Ph.D.; Carol Flaherty-Zonis; Fred C. Osher, M.D.; "Improving Collaboration Between Corrections & Mental Health Systems"; mentor reminder; national study on suicides; Seth Prins; and "Reflecting on 15 Years of the Large Jail Network" by David Parrish and Art Wallenstein.... Read More
    4 p.
    Document 022247
    Facility Planning to Meet the Needs of Female Inmates
    By Elias, Gail. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    This bulletin "discusses how jurisdictions of all sizes can consider and address the gender-specific needs of female inmates during the facility planning process." Sections contained in this bulletin are: introduction; the female inmate population; the impact of jail size; target population; predesign issues; master planning; prearchitectural programming; consider a regional approach; design issues; and a last word -- this publication focuses on facility planning not program and service develop... Read More
    20 p.
    Document 022253
    Motivating Offenders to Change: A Guide for Probation and Parole
    By Walters, Scott T.; Clark, Michael D.; Gingerich, Ray; Meltzer, Melissa L.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This publication "provides probation and parole officers and other correctional professionals with both a solid grounding in the principles behind MI [motivational interviewing] and a practical guide for applying these principles in their everyday dealings with offenders" (p.2). Seven chapters are contained in this guide: how MI fits in with evidence-based practice; how and why people change; the motivational interviewing style; preparing for change; building motivation for change; navigating th... Read More
    100 p.
    Document 021657
    Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment: A Review and Discussion for Corrections Professionals
    By Milkman, Harvey; Wanberg, Kenneth. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Detailed information regarding the use and benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in prisons and jails is provided. Chapters comprising this guide address: the increasing need for effective treatment services; what cognitive-behavioral therapy is; prominent CBT programs for offenders; measuring the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs; evaluating specific CBT curricula; and "real world" program applications.... Read More
    78 p.
    Document 022180
    Jail Standards and Inspection Programs: Resource and Implementation Guide
    By Martin, Mark D.. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
    “The purpose of this guide is to give information that will help states and state jail-related organizations to develop or update jail standards and inspection programs" (p. v). This publication contains the following sections: introduction; role and purpose of jail standards; jail standards and liability; key elements of jail standards and inspection programs; strategies for developing and implementing jail standards programs; technical assistance and resources available from the National Insti... Read More
    64 p.
    Document 022262
    NIC Fiscal Year 2008 Service Plan: Technical Assistance, Information, and Training for Adult Corrections
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The National Institute of Correction's (NIC's) Service Plan for fiscal year 2008 contains opportunities available to those working in local, state, and federal corrections. Programming, information services, technical assistance, distance learning via satellite/Internet broadcasts, NIC Learning Center, and partnership programs are described. An application for individuals, statement of interest to host partnership programs, and an application for regional field coordinator (RFC) are included.... Read More
    119 p.
    Document 022390
    Effective Training Design and Development [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held April 2007]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This blended-learning, self directed course provides the user with the knowledge necessary to create effective training programs. "Along the journey, you will have developed skills to help you assess, design, develop, and evaluate learner-centered instructional designs and curricula targeted to enhance employee job performance." Modules making up this training program are: program overview; learner centered instruction; assessment; performance objectives; ITIP (instructional theory into practic... Read More
    1 data DVD
    Document 023358
    Evidence-Based Practice to Reduce Recidivism: Implications for State Judiciaries
    By Warren, Roger K.. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA); National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    The reduction of recidivism by state judiciaries utilizing six principles of evidence-based practice (EBP) is explained. Seven sections follow an executive summary: introduction; current state sentencing policies and their consequences; drug courts -- the state judiciary's successful experiment with EBP; the principles of EBP; local sentencing and corrections policy reforms; state sentencing and corrections policy reforms; and conclusion. "[C]arefully targeted rehabilitation and treatment progr... Read More
    77 p.
    Document 023359
    Legal and Evidence Based Practices: Application of Legal Principles, Laws, and Research to the Field of Pretrial Services
    By VanNostrand, Marie. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Luminosity, Inc. (St. Petersburg, FL); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA); National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    "[C]ritical legal principles applicable to defendants during the pretrial stage" are covered (p.3). Sections of this paper are: introduction and background; pretrial legal foundation -- presumption of innocence, right to counsel, right against self-incrimination, right to due process of law, right to equal protection under the law, right to bail that is not excessive, and summary of legal principles; evidence-based practices in pretrial services and community corrections; and summary and conclu... Read More
    33 p.
    Document 023635
    PREA Statewide Probation and Parole Direction
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    "This paper is the initial product of the work group [of six state directors of probation and parole] and summarizes its deliberations and findings" (p. 3). Sections of this document include: background; preamble; what PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) is and what it requires; what PREA requires of community corrections agencies and when; suggested practices in community corrections -- key points of discussion (i.e., systemic approach, law, policy, training, operational considerations, investi... Read More
    27 p.
    Document 023543
    An End to Silence: Addressing Prison Rape
    NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (WCL) (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Information regarding the prevention of prison rape, be it offender on offender rape or staff sexual misconduct with offenders, is available at this website. Points of entry are: the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA); legal responses to prison rape; for correctional employees; for offenders; working with youth in custody; training; policies and procedures; resources (i.e., government reports, publications for legal and correctional professionals, advocacy group reports, law reviews and... Read More
    1 p.
    Document 021204
    Executive Training for Newly Appointed Juvenile Facility Directors [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    This 36-hour training program targets skills needed to effectively lead a juvenile corrections or detention facility. Modules contained in this manual are: creating our context for learning; the roles and functions of a juvenile facility director; exploring your leadership style; the impact of today's changing juvenile justice workforce; shaping your facility's vision, mission, values, and culture; addressing your facility's external environment; managing change; developing well being in yourse... Read More

    1 computer disk; CD-ROM
    Document 024869
    Correctional Trainer
    By Kowalcyk, Laura. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    This DACUM Profile is for a Correctional Trainer. It covers the position's duties, tasks, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and equipment and tools.... Read More
    4 pages
    Document 021123
    Keeping Our Kids Safe: The Prison Rape Elimination Act and Juvenile Justice: A Guide for Juvenile Justice Administrators
    The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This program provides an introduction to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) for those individuals who work with youth in the juvenile justice system. The video covers locations of assault, consequences, approaches, statistics, prevention and reduction, youth issues, prosecution, outcomes, and action points. The companion CD includes: letter from the Director of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC); facilitator’s guide for “Keeping Our Kids Safe”; “Keeping Our Kids Safe” video; and ... Read More
    1 DVD (23 min.) + 1 CD
    Document 021985
    Achieving Excellence in Correctional Victim Services Through Collaboration [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held September 11-15, 2006]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Crime is everyone's business. It affects entire communities. Too often, crime victims are left to fend for themselves or are forgotten, especially after the court process. Significant progress has been made in corrections-based victim services over the past two decades. Yet, true excellence in victim services can only be achieved through active collaboration. This interactive, multidisciplinary program examines the need for a collaborative approach to corrections-based victim services. In add... Read More
    8 DVDs (650 min.) + 1 CD
    Document 013923
    Cost Effective In-Service Training Alternatives for Small Jails
    By Reid, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Minnesota Jail Resource Center (St. Paul, MN); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    "This Training Resource Package recommends several cost-effective methods of providing in-service training for existing staff (p.3)." Sections of this document include: theme--if it meets all the requirements of "Defendable Training," it is training; executive summary; introduction; needs; training delivery options--in-service field training, shift overlap training delivery sessions, experiential training, shift scenario reviews, staff independent studies programs, training presentations during ... Read More
    16 p.
    Document 022272
    The Facilitator's Guide
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
    Strategies for effective facilitation are provided. The following topics are covered: defining facilitation; basic facilitator competencies; two areas of team focus; facilitator's tip sheet -- starting up and showing attention; facilitator's tip sheet -- asking effective questions; stages of group development and range of facilitator behavior; facilitation -- understanding your "hooks"; facilitation interventions; levels of intervention; intervention guidelines; group intervention techniques; g... Read More
    24 p.
    Document 021769
    50 State Survey of Sexual Offenses Against Children (Statutory Rape)
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The responses from a survey about laws concerning the statutory rape of children are presented. Offense type, description, and penalty are noted.... Read More
    160 p.
    Document 021768
    50 State Survey on Sex Offender Registry
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Results from a survey on sex offenders registry are provided. Questions asked are:
    • Citation(s) of statutes(s);
    • Registrable offenses with citations;
    • And the state agency responsible for maintaining sex offender registry.
    ... Read More
    33 p.
    Document 021767
    Policies Prohibiting Staff-Felon Relationships
    By Smith, Brenda V.; Simonian, Nairi M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape (Washington, DC); American University. Washington College of Law (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Case law concerning the relationships of correctional officers and inmates in prison or in the community is discussed. Sections of this memorandum include: background; brief answer -- it is permissible to limit staff inmate relationships; case law in the Ninth Circuit; Freedom of Association case law in other jurisdictions; exceptions to the majority view; and conclusion with seven tips for developing a policy prohibiting staff-offender relations.... Read More
    15 p.
    Document 021636
    Training Programs for Juvenile Corrections Professionals: Overview of FY2007 Training Programs [for] June 1, 2006 - May 31, 2007
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    Training programs, satellite/Internet broadcasts, and e-learning are described. Information regarding training programs, information services, technical assistance, the NIC On-Line, and application procedures is also provided, along with application forms.... Read More
    30 p.
    Document 021799
    FutureForce: A Guide to Building the 21st Century Community Corrections Workforce
    By Stinchcomb, Jeanne B.; McCampbell, Susan W.; Layman, Elizabeth P.. Center for Innovative Public Policies, Inc. (Naples, FL); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This guide "explores current and future workforce challenges facing community corrections" (p. xiii). Chapters contained in this guide are: rationale -- why now?; organizational culture -- moving from a "workplace" to a place where people want to work; recruitment -- looking in the right places for the right people; retention -- keeping the right people in the right places; and strategies for success -- getting started.... Read More
    176 p.
    Document 021962
    Inclusion of Proposed Job Titles & Descriptions in SOC Revisions
    National Institute of Corrections. Offender Workforce Development Division (Washington, DC).
    Skills, functions, and duties are provided for the following job descriptions: Offender Employment Specialist (OES); Offender Job Retention Employment Specialist (OJRS); Offender Workforce Development Specialist (OWDS); and Offender Workforce Development Program Manager (OWDPM).... Read More
    14 p.
    Document 021968
    Direct Supervision Jails: 2006 Sourcebook
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    A directory of facilities that utilize the direct supervision concept of jail design and management is provided. Organized by state, entries provide the following information: facility name, address, description and status, year opened, contact person, facility capacity, direct supervision pods, direct supervision beds, largest direct supervision pod size, maximum inmates per officer, direct supervision dormitories, non-direct pods, disciplinary or high-security beds, and notes. An appendix pro... Read More
    204 p.
    Document 021279
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting - January 2006
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Contents of these proceedings are: meeting highlights; Report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics by Allen Beck; Discussion: PREA in Local Jails; Statistical Analysis: Crowding, Life Safety, and Managing Staff by Patrick Jablonski and Scott Bradsteet; Succession Planning: Executives and Middle Management by Gordon Bass, Dennis Williams, and Richard Geaither; Is There a Proper Place for Tasers in the Use of Force Continuum? by John Clark, William Collins, and Don Leach; Discussion: Use of Taser... Read More
    68 p.
    Document 021352
    Offender Job Retention: A Report from the Offender Workforce Development Division, National Institute of Corrections
    By Houston, Melissa. National Institute of Corrections. Offender Workforce Development Division (Washington, DC).
    Results from a survey of offender employment and retention issues that utilizes close-ended questions regarding topics such as assessment, case management, follow-up, and relapse are analyzed. This report is comprised of the following sections: introduction; theory; assessment; case management; job retention relapse model; relapse prevention plans; and the future of offender job retention efforts by practitioners.... Read More
    15 p.
    Document 020867
    A Systemic Approach to the Americans with Disabilities Act in Corrections: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow [Satellite/Internet Broadcast on February 15, 2006]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This program addresses the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA legislatively impacted the field of corrections when it was signed into law in 1990. Some correctional organizations have made significant progress to address this legislation, others have found themselves in costly litigation, and for others, ADA compliance needs to be addressed. Compliance is everyone's business. Panelists will provide a systemic view of the following: ADA awareness and ADA myths; fifteen-year history of t... Read More
    2 DVDs (164 min.)
    Document 021280
    Jail Site Evaluation and Selection
    By Ricci, Ken. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Guidance is provided for successfully identifying, evaluating, and selecting jail sites. This bulletin contains the following sections: case study -- why systematic jail site selection is important; the SEQRA (state environmental quality review act) model; preliminary considerations; five-step site selection process; case study -- the cost of overreacting to public concerns; case study -- an example of rural site selection; case study -- an example of jail expansion on an urban site; case study... Read More
    16 p.
    Document 021328
    Building Community Support for New Jail Construction
    By Elias, Gail. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    The process of building community support for a new jail is explained. Sections comprising this bulletin include: the challenge; raising the issue; increasing public awareness; going public with the problem; building a case or support; a picture is worth a thousand words; going public with the information; elements of a case for support; developing campaign strategies; potential stakeholders; case study -- when impact assessments go right and wrong; case study -- a multilevel strategy for a com... Read More
    23 p.
    Document 021455
    Prison Rape Elimination Act: Implications for Sheriffs: The Facts
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
    This brochure explains the impact of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) on jails. Topics discussed include: what PREA is; how PREA applies to jails; the purpose of PREA; what jails need to be doing; and answers to frequently asked questions.... Read More
    8 p.
    Document 021477
    Faith-Based Approach to Correctional Issues: Report of the National Institute of Corrections Advisory Board Hearings
    National Institute of Corrections. Advisory Board Faith-Based Committee (Washington, DC).
    Answers to the questions of whether successful public-private faith-based partnerships exist, roadblocks to such collaborations, and what role the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) can play in fostering such partnerships between correctional and law enforcement agencies and faith-based organizations are supplied. Sections of this report include: panel recommendations (executive summary); recommendations for action; introduction; opening remarks; participant presentations (Panel 1 -- Advoc... Read More
    40 p.
    Document 021453
    Juvenile Female Offenders: How Do You Meet Their Needs In Your Juvenile Justice Setting? [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    Meeting the needs of juvenile female offenders is discussed during this 1.5-hour training session. Topics covered include: introduction to the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) collaboration; current perspective -- research into juvenile female offender practice; current research -- a look at the work of OJJDPs Girls Study Group; NICs approach to address the issue; curriculum excerpt from NIC/OJJDPs Meeting the Needs of Juv... Read More
    Document 021452
    Recognizing and Addressing Sexual Abuse, Assault Prevention and Intervention Issues In Your Juvenile Justice Setting: A Companion Workshop to the Overview of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This Overview Workshop covers PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) in juvenile justice settings. Participants will be able to: recognize signs and symptoms of potential sexual abuse and assault in juveniles under their care; articulate the "dos" and "don'ts" related to working with juvenile victims of sexual abuse and assault; and analyze a scenario and decide upon an effective and appropriate course of action related to recognizing and addressing sexual abuse, assault, prevention, and interventi... Read More
    56 p.
    Document 021512
    Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA): Considerations for Policy Review
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    A policy review guide designed to assist in drafting PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) policies for review by the National Institute of Corrections is provided. Sections of this document are: purpose; questions to consider -- policy organization, definitions, zero tolerance, staff/offender duty to report, prevention, and investigations (e.g., general, selection and training of investigators, protocols, and aftermath); and list of resources.... Read More
    14 p.
    Document 020869
    Making the Media Work for You in the 21st Century [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This 3-hour program, originally broadcast on May 3, 2006, will help agencies build a proactive communication strategy for working in partnership with the media and the public. An agency's communication plan is as essential to its operations as its emergency preparation. Too often, an agency's first contact with the media is reactionary and after the fact. When the media contacts an agency concerning various situations and circumstances, individuals and agencies often find themselves on the defen... Read More
    2 video DVDs (161 min.)
    Document 019834
    Getting It Right: Collaborative Problem Solving for Criminal Justice
    By Ney, Becki McGarry, Peggy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Criminal Justice System Project (Washington, DC) Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD).
    This "guide spells out a practical team-based approach to envisioning the kind of criminal justice system a community wants, assessing the current system, and planning and implementing strategies for 'getting it right'" (p.ix). Five sections comprise this manual: an overview of a comprehensive planning process; establishing the policy team and the process; keeping the focus on outcomes; building an understanding of your system; and moving from understanding to change.... Read More
    212 p.
    Document 021242
    Interstate Transfer of Prison Inmates in the United States
    By Biasca, Debra; Clem, Constance. LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO) National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO).
    Results are presented from an investigation into the manner in which prison inmates are transferred between correctional authorities and the reasons for these transfers. Report sections include: about this study; key study findings; interstate compacts addressing inmate transfers; authority for interstate transfer of prison inmates; administration of inmate transfers; incidence of interstate inmate transfer; why prison inmates are transferred; agencies' satisfaction with processes for interstat... Read More
    18 p.
    Document 021619
    Trends from Focus Group Interviews
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
    Findings from focus group interviews of correctional personnel are reported. Observations are presented according to the following topics: staff perspectives on sexual violence policy; changing attitudes; inmate culture; causes and conditions of sexual violence; indicators of assault; characteristics of potential inmate victims and predators; places of sexual assault; staff responding to sexual assault; staff and inmate training; women's facilities; jails; investigations; prosecution; community... Read More
    24 p.
    Document 021621
    Mid-Level Managers L.E.A.D. Program (Leadership Enrichment and Development) [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy. Northeast Regional Field Coordinators (N.P.).
    Leadership basics for mid-level managers are covered. Participants will be able to: define leadership; compare and contrast leadership and management; identify challenges faced by mid-level managers; describe the primary roles of a leader; define the four levels of leadership; identify myths and realities of leadership; identify effective leadership characteristics and principles; and determine their specific style of leadership. Presentation overheads, instructor notes, participant guide, and ... Read More
    67 pages
    Document 020873
    Responding to Women Offenders: The Department of Women's Justice Services in Cook County, Illinois
    By Berman, Judy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The development and implementation of the Cook County Sheriff's Department of Women's Justice Services (DWJS) is discussed. This bulletin is comprised of these sections: introduction; background; the decisionmaking process; decision point mapping example -- custody/release; creating the DWJS; gender-responsive innovations; meeting the healthcare needs of women offenders in Cook County; and challenges and accomplishments.... Read More
    8 p.
    Document 021711
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting - July 2006
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Contents of these proceedings are: meeting highlights; "Open Forum: Hot Topics for Discussion"; "Understanding Culture: The Root of It All" by Carol Flaherty-Zonis; "NIC Information Center Briefing" by Sandy Schilling and Josh Stengel; "Analyzing Our culture to Improve Our Jail" by Mark Foxall; "Changing the Jail's Organizational Culture" by Robert Green; "Planning for Catastrophes and Other Emergencies" by Jeffrey Schwartz; "Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and Jails" by Larry Solomon; "Cr... Read More
    64 p.
    Document 021504
    Preventing Sexual Abuse of Children and Youth in Custody [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Incidents of sexual abuse of juveniles in custody are reported at a rate 10 times higher than the rate in adult corrections. This 3-hour program, originally broadcast June 28, 2006, addresses this serious issue and introduces administrators, managers, advocates, and practitioners working with juvenile offenders to the requirements of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of 2003. At the end of this broadcast, participants will have a strong grasp of: requirements of the Prison Rape Elimination ... Read More
    2 DVDs (162 min.)
    Document 022675
    Report to the Congress of the United States on the Activities of the Department of Justice in Relation to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (Public Law 108-79)
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Covering the calendar year 2005, this third annual report to Congress summarizes the activities of the Office of Justice Programs (i.e., the National Institute of Justice, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance) and the National Institute of Corrections to curtail prison rape. In addition to an introduction and background, this report reviews activities and accomplishments for the: Office of Justice Programs (OJP); National Institute of Justice (NIJ) -- legislativ... Read More
    42 p.
    Document 021140
    Environmental Scan Update - 2005
    National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Changes and forces that may affect the programming of the National Institute of Corrections are analyzed and commented on. This update contains the following sections: international developments; social and demographic trends; public opinion and public policy; the economy and government spending; the workforce; technology; crime and justice trends; and corrections populations and trends.... Read More
    25 p.
    Document 020475
    Correctional Leadership Competencies for the 21st Century: Manager and Supervisor Levels
    By Campbell, Nancy M.; Mactavish, Marie; Dobel, J. Patrick; Lucey, Barbara; Edington, Teddi; Yates, Cindi; Woodward, William. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Campbell Consulting (Bainbridge Island, WA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Characteristics that result in the best performance of correctional managers and supervisors are identified along with key skills, knowledge, and attributes of effective and successful leaders which are then linked to a set of specific behaviors. This manual includes an executive summary and the following chapters: managerial profiles; ethics and values; interpersonal relationships; oral and written communication; motivating others; developing direct reports; managing conflict; team building; c... Read More
    316 p.
    Document 022970
    Report to the Congress of the United States on the Activities of the Department of Justice in Relation to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (Public Law 108-79)
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Covering the period from October to December 2004, this second report to Congress summarizes the activities of the Office of Justice Programs (i.e., the National Institute of Justice, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance) and the National Institute of Corrections to curtail prison rape. In addition to an introduction and background, this report reviews activities and accomplishments for the: Office of Justice Programs (OJP); National Institute of Justice (NIJ) -... Read More
    38 p.
    Document 021374
    Improving the Response to Offenders with Mental Illness Through Mental Health and Criminal Justice Collaboration
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Proceedings from hearings regarding mentally ill offenders are provided. Contents of this publication include: executive summary; outline of proceedings; opening remarks and introduction; hearing panel -- setting the context -- the increasing number of people with mental illness under corrections supervision -- origins of the problem and key strategies for addressing it; hearing panel -- case studies of state and local mental health and corrections collaboration; summary of day's proceedings; D... Read More
    183 p.
    Document 021569
    Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Summary of Responses from Juvenile Focus Group on Staff Sexual Misconduct and Youth on Youth Sexual Assault
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Responses to thirteen questions regarding curriculum related to staff sexual misconduct with youth and youth on youth sexual assault are provided. "The objectives of the focus groups included: (1) to gather data that will inform NIC [National Institute of Corrections] in how to best develop a juvenile oriented curriculum on staff sexual misconduct; (2) to gather data that will guide NIC in identifying the major staff sexual misconduct related issues in juvenile corrections, including what stakeh... Read More
    24 p.
    Document 021023
    Meeting the Needs of Female Juvenile Offenders [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    This 38-hour course is designed to help juvenile justice agencies evaluate and respond to the needs of juvenile female offenders in their specific service delivery areas. It outlines a framework for translating expressed needs and profiles into appropriate programs and services. Eight sections comprise this manual:
    • Introduction;
    • Defining the context of juvenile female offender issues within the juvenile justice system;
    • Defining the context of juvenile female issues within your juven... Read More
    Document 023360
    Evidence-Based Practice: Principles for Enhancing Correctional Results in Prisons
    By Serin, Ralph C.. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA); National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    "The purpose of this paper is to introduce prison administrators and staff to an accumulated body of knowledge regarding correctional practice to enhance their management of their prisons" (p.1). Sections comprising this discussion paper are: introduction -- transition from prison to the community, effective correctional practice, overview of prison research findings for prison classification, and summary; an overview of prison classification and risk assessment – correctional programming, guid... Read More
    39 p.
    Document 020209
    Community Supervision: Using a Strength-Based, Family-Focused Approach
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held March 16, 2005]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This program will help professionals identify the strengths and resources inherent in the family as a fundamental support system for individuals upon their release from prison or jail. It is designed to stimulate new ways of thinking about the family as a resource to enhance offender reentry and supervision and to increase public safety. Family, broadly defined, includes individuals' blood relatives and friends who play a significant role in a person's life. Family members are essential resou... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 020159
    Resource Manual for Transition to a New Jail
    By Elias, Gail; Milosovich, John. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Voorhis Associates (Lafayette, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    "[T]his resource document will assist agencies starting the process of planning for a successful transition to a new detention facility" (p. iii). Nine chapters comprise this manual: introduction; transitional management; construction; staff/human resources; document development; training and orientation; furniture, fixtures, equipment, and supplies; move logistics; and transition themes of managing change and community relations.... Read More
    210 p.
    Document 020398
    Parole Violations Revisited: A Site to Help Strengthen Parole Practices for Public Safety and Successful Transition to the Community
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Guidance for developing policy-driven and effective responses to technical parole violations can be found at this website. Points of entry include: myths and facts about parole; why violations and revocations are important; what we need to know -- lessons learned; targets of change and innovative solutions; innovations in four states; assessing your readiness for change; mobilizing for change; six steps to change; and tools for change. This website is an electronic version of the publication "P... Read More
    2 p.
    Document 020200
    Serving Children and Families of Adult Offenders: A Directory of Programs
    By Mustin, James W; D'Arville, Donna; Schmalz-Riedt, Yvette. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Identifies programs in the U.S. and Canada that offer services specifically for children and families of adult offenders. Each entry provides the following information: telephone, address, e-mail, website, contact person(s), area served, year established, publications, and a brief description of the program and its services.... Read More
    71 p.
    Document 020263
    Correctional Statistics...In Your State
    LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO) National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO).
    (Updated in 2008) Access to statistics about corrections in the U.S., according to each state, can be found at this website. Statistics (per 100,000) for each state include: crime rates; corrections population; incarceration rate; community corrections--probationers and parolees; cost per inmate; and general information about the state's jails, prisons, and community corrections. Also provided are at-a-glance graphs that compare the state's ranking against other states and the U.S. total.... Read More
    1 p.
    Document 020300
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, Winter 2005
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    This Large Jail Network meeting took place January 30-February 1, 2005, in Longmont, Colorado. Contents of these proceedings include: NICs Core Competency Model Project: Preparing Leaders in Corrections for the Future by Robert Brown; Training as a Strategic Management Tool by Tom Reid; Legal Issues and Mentally Ill Inmates by Bill Collins; Mental Health Services in Jails: Identifying Problems by Joel A. Dvoskin; Informal Announcements by David Parrish; Mental Health Issues: Open Forum Discussio... Read More
    67 p.
    Document 020210
    Correctional Leadership Competencies for the 21st Century [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This program will assist participants with succession planning, provide a framework for developing appropriate training curricula, target external resources needed for staff development, and help participants create a strategy for both personal and professional staff development. The presentation focuses on the core competencies applicable to corrections professionals working at executive, senior level, manager, and supervisory levels. The program content is appropriate for those working in jail... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 020418
    A Summary of Research, Practice, and Guiding Principles for Women Offenders. The Gender-Responsive Strategies Project: Approach and Findings
    By Bloom, Barbara; Owen, Barbara; Covington, Stephanie. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Reviews information on gender-specific policies, programs, and services in corrections. Topics covered by this bulletin include: the Gender-Responsive Strategies Project -- approach and findings; defining gender responsiveness; national profile of women offenders; the foundation for the principles a new vision -- six guiding principles for a gender-responsive criminal justice system; general strategies for implementing guiding principles; gender-responsive policy elements; and conclusion -- add... Read More
    12 p.
    Document 020508
    Summary Report: Regional Workshops
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
    Feedback from four executive level regional workshops regarding the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) is reported. Extended responses from groups of executive-level administrators and policy makers representing community corrections, prisons, jails, and juvenile justice follow an executive summary. Comments are organized according to the four roundtable groups mentioned above on following themes: critical issues currently faced in the successful implementation of PREA; barriers and obstacles w... Read More
    27 p.
    Document 020417
    The Gender-Responsive Strategies Project: Jail Applications
    By McCampbell, Susan W.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Current research about women offenders and strategies for evaluating current operating procedures related to women offenders are covered. Sections of this bulletin include: introduction; women in jail -- their numbers and characteristics; the Gender-Responsive Strategies project -- approach and findings; six gender-responsive guiding principles -- implications for jail administrators; jail classification and gender-responsive strategies for implementation in a jail setting; challenges and how t... Read More
    27 p.
    Document 020484
    Strategies for Building Effective Work Teams [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Strategies for developing, implementing, managing, and evaluating work teams within a work unit or agencywide are covered during this 36-hour program. Sections contained in this manual are: why teams?; dimensions of teamwork; teams and the organizational meeting; stages of team development; managing team conflict; and Team Playbook -- playing for performance (a workbook for this course).... Read More
    156 p.
    Document 020439
    NIC Fiscal Year 2006 Service Plan: Technical Assistance, Information, and Training for Adult Corrections
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Service Plan for fiscal year 2006 describes opportunities available to those working in local, state, and federal corrections. The fiscal year extends from October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006. Programming, international assistance, information services, technical assistance, distance learning via satellite/Internet broadcasts, NIC Learning Center, and partnership programs are described. Application forms are included for individuals attending NIC pro... Read More
    166 p.
    Document 020474
    Correctional Leadership Competencies for the 21st Century: Executive and Senior Levels
    By Campbell, Nancy M.;Mactavish, Marie;Dobel, Patrick;Katsampes, Paul;Yates, Cindi. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Campbell Consulting (Bainbridge Island, WA);National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Characteristics that result in the best performance of executive and senior level leaders are identified along with the key skills, knowledge, and attributes of effective and successful leaders which are then linked to a set of specific behaviors. Following an executive summary, this manual provides an exploration of: managerial profiles; self awareness; ethics and values; vision and mission; strategic thinking; managing the external environment; power and influence; strategic planning and perf... Read More
    226 p.
    Document 020618
    Community Corrections Workforce Project Annotated Bibliography
    By Stinchcomb, Jeanne B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This bibliography describes 71 items that address workforce development problems faced by community corrections, probation, and parole agencies. Some of the topics discussed are: the changing workforce; the changing roles of staff; caseload management demands; and recruiting, hiring, training, developing, and retaining staff.... Read More
    20 p.
    Document 020293
    A Guide to Preparing for and Responding to Prison Emergencies: Self-Audit Checklists, National Survey Results, Resource Materials, [and] Case Studies
    By Schwartz, Jeffrey A.; Barry, Cynthia. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LETRA, Inc. (Campbell, CA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Information regarding prison emergency preparedness is presented. This guide is comprised of the following sections: introduction; conducting an audit; self-audit checklists--emergency preparedness, natural disaster/HAZMAT/fire, and counterterrorism; Report on the National Survey of Emergency Readiness in Prisons; resource materials--leadership issues during crises, prevention of prison emergencies, emergency teams, and prisons and counterterrorism; and case studies.... Read More
    323 p.
    Document 020487
    FutureForce: Building a 21st Century Community Corrections Workforce
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held August 3, 2005]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO) National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections/Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    This program focuses on the changing and expanding roles of probation, parole, and community corrections officers. Probation, parole and community corrections officers have seen their roles and professional expectations change and expand over the past several years. However, their primary responsibility has remained the supervision of offenders in conjunction with effective caseload management. These changing and expanding roles and expectations, coupled with offender supervision and caseload... Read More
    1 DVD (165 min.)
    Document 020756
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting - July 2005
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Contents of these proceedings are: meeting highlights; "Inmate Labor: Entitlements, Benefits, and Regulations" by Rod Miller; "Social Security Administration: Inmate Reporting and Incentive Payments" by Diane Nest; "Re-Entry From Jail and Federal Benefits" by Katherine Brown; "SSI and Medicare Disability Payments for Inmates" by Don Ketcham; "Third Party Reimbursement Potential" by Phil Hoelscher; "The Character Quality Program" by Cliff Uranga and Argyl Dick; "Ethics and Professionalism: Th... Read More
    79 p.
    Document 020823
    Third Status Report to the Attorney General on Body Armor Safety Initiative Testing and Activities
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Findings from a ballistic and mechanical properties test of 103 used Zylon-containing body armor are presented. This report contains the following sections: executive summary; supplemental results from Phase I testing; Phase II testing results; results of Phase I and II ballistic testing; applied research; compliance testing process review and modifications; summary; complete results of Phase I (Worst Case) P-BFS test; Phase I (Worst Case) ballistic limit and tensile strength test res... Read More
    43 p.
    Document 020823
    Third Status Report to the Attorney General on Body Armor Safety Initiative Testing and Activities
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Findings from a ballistic and mechanical properties test of 103 used Zylon-containing body armor are presented. This report contains the following sections: executive summary; supplemental results from Phase I testing; Phase II testing results; results of Phase I and II ballistic testing; applied research; compliance testing process review and modifications; summary; complete results of Phase I (Worst Case) P-BFS test; Phase I (Worst Case) ballistic limit and tensile strength test results; re... Read More
    43 p.
    Document 020489
    Strategies for Building Effective Work Teams [Satellite/Internet broadcast held on September 12-15, 2005]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This program provides participants strategies for developing, implementing, managing, and evaluating work teams within a corrections agency work unit and agency-wide. It covers individual and group leadership techniques, group dynamics, characteristics of performance-based work teams, team-based dialogue, and overcoming organizational barriers to team development, True Colors inventory, and experiential outdoor teambuilding activities.... Read More
    6 DVDs (1188 min.) + 1 CD
    Document 020490
    Transition from Prison to Community: Making It Work
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Public safety is everyone's business. This year, 600,000 offenders will leave prison and return to our communities. Whether released offenders live as law-abiding citizens or return to criminal behavior is largely dependent on the preparations made for their release while in prison and their transition process from prison to the community.... Read More
    2 computer disks; DVD-ROM (164 min.)
    Document 020910
    Results of the Offender Workforce Development Specialist Post-Training Survey
    National Institute of Corrections. Offender Workforce Development Division (Washington, DC).
    Results from a "post-training survey to assess the usability of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the course [Offender Workforce Development Specialist (OWDS)] content by the participant once they return to the job" are presented (p. 1). An executive summary is divided into four parts -- background, methods, summary of results, and next steps. Twenty-six survey questions and results are organized by the following sections: team collaboration and internal effects; building external support... Read More
    10 p.
    Document 020820
    Residential Faith-Based Programs in State Corrections
    LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO).
    Results from a survey regarding residential faith-based programs in 51 U.S. prison systems are reported. Residential faith-based programs are being operated or developed in 41% (21) of the responding agencies. Program details and contact information are included (if provided).... Read More
    11 p.
    Document 020591
    Critical Elements of Re-Entry/Continuing Care Systems [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    "Using a three-phase process [during this 36-hour course] to plan, create, and evaluate reentry/continuing care systems, participant teams plan ways to help juvenile offenders from their jurisdictions successfully transition from institutional settings back into the community." Sections of this manual include: jurisdictional team action planning -- building your new reentry/continuing care reality; visualizing juvenile success in your reentry/continuing care jurisdiction; what are you currently... Read More
    126 p.
    Document 020419
    Supervision of Women Defendants and Offenders in the Community
    By Sydney, Linda. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The use of gender-responsive strategies with women involved in the community corrections system is explained. Sections comprising this report are: what community corrections is; what gender-responsiveness for women offenders in community corrections is; definition of gender-responsiveness for women in the criminal justice system; summary of gender-responsive research; characteristics of women offenders in the criminal justice system (e.g., types of offenses, substance abuse, health, children an... Read More
    24 p.
    Document 020853
    Using Jail Exit Surveys to Improve Community Responses to Women Offenders
    By Ney, Becki; Martin, Teri K.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The "use of jail exit surveys as an effective data collection tool for creating [a] picture of the characteristics of women in contact with the local jail" is described (p. 1). Sections of this bulletin are: introduction; how one jurisdiction used data to inform responses to women offenders; reasons for conducting a jail exit survey; what a jail exit survey entails; tips for getting started; designing a jail exit survey; understanding jail exit survey information; comprehensive listing of major... Read More
    19 p.
    Document 020872
    Systemic Criminal Justice Planning: Improving Responses to Women Offenders in Hamilton County, Ohio
    By Berman, Judy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The use of systemic criminal justice planning by Hamilton County (OH) to improve services and programming for women offenders is reviewed. This bulletin is comprised of the following sections: introduction; the systemic planning process; members of the Intermediate Sanctions for Women Offenders Policy Team; steps in the collaborative systemic planning process (chart); how decision mapping works; sample findings and results; the Alternative Interventions for Women (AIW) Treatment Program; and le... Read More
    15 p.
    Document 021041
    Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community: Outcome and Process Measures
    By Bogue, Brad; Woodward, Bill; Campbell, Nancy; Carey, Mark; Clawson, Elyse; Faust, Dorothy; Florio, Kate; Goldberg, Andrew Joplin, Lore Wasson, Billy. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    Outcome and process measures used to gage the effectiveness of the Integrated Model in reducing offender recidivism are presented. Each component found within a measure has information regarding its definition, tool/data source, description, frequency, and individual who collects the data. Components are organized into the following measures: recidivism; risk; proxy risk; supervision length; dosage; revocation and violation; program effectiveness; assessment; case plan; workload; violations; org... Read More
    15 p.
    Document 021153
    Fees Paid by Jail Inmates: Fee Categories, Revenues, and Management Perspectives in a Sample of U.S. Jails
    By Krauth, Barbara; Stayton, Karin; Clem, Connie, ed.. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO).
    Information regarding fees collected by U.S. jails for program participation and non-program services is presented. For each category of inmate fee, "a summary of the data on the extent to which responding agencies are collecting fees in the category, the number of agencies considering collecting fees in the category, and the total revenues reported by all respondents to this survey" is provided (p. 4). The most effective fee according to jail managers was the work release fee. The least effecti... Read More
    113 p.
    Document 019434
    Building Leadership Development Systems in Juvenile Justice Agencies [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    The development and implementation of an in-house leadership and management development system (within existing agency parameters) are discussed during this 30-hour course. Sections of this manual include: training program introduction; setting a context and identifying trends; trainer and training function self-assessment; strategies for getting management buy-in; establishing a design team and advisory board; identifying candidates for your program; competency development and assessment of ma... Read More
    124 p.
    Document 020858
    2003 Environmental Scan Update
    National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Changes and forces that may affect the programming of the National Institute of Corrections are analyzed and commented on. This environmental scan is comprised of the following sections: international developments; social and demographic trends; the economy; governmental spending; public attitudes and public policy; the workforce; technology; crime and justice tends; and corrections population and trends.... Read More
    15 p.
    Document 019642
    Supervisory Leadership for Women in Corrections [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Participants will assess their personal leadership styles and set specific goals for a career development plan during this 36-hour course. Five sections comprise this manual: leadership -- self-mastery, network relationships, and positive politics; our dragons -- feedback; relationships, power, and leadership; expanding our world view -- learn, change and grow; and returning renewed and refreshed.... Read More
    142 p.
    Document 018735
    Correctional Health Care: Addressing the Needs of Elderly, Chronically Ill, and Terminally Ill Inmates
    By Anno, B. Jaye; Graham, Camelia; Lawrence, James E.; Shansky, Ronald. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Criminal Justice Institute (Middletown, CT); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    An exploratory report regarding the management of aging and infirm inmates is presented. Six chapters follow an executive summary:
    • Introduction;
    • What we know about elderly, chronically ill, and terminally ill inmates;
    • Effective evaluation for identifying the special needs of inmates;
    • Program, housing, and treatment considerations;
    • Ethical and policy considerations for the care of elderly and infirm inmates;
    • And conclusion.
    Appendixes include: Criminal Ju... Read More
    148 p.
    Document 019033
    Prisoner Intake Systems: Assessing Needs and Classifying Prisoners
    By Hardyman, Patricia L.; Austin, James; Peyton, Johnette. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). George Washington University. Institute on Crime, Justice, and Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Tasks, assessments, and technology used in prisoner intake systems are examined. Following an executive summary, this report has seven chapters: introduction; national overview of facility characteristics, facility functions, intake components and personnel responsibilities, and obstacles to intake assessments; four chapters review select agency's corrections population, intake facilities, intake process, processing time and flexibility, classification, and needs assessment -- one chapter per De... Read More
    80 p.
    Document 018952
    OCJTP Annual Report to Congress: Fiscal Years 2001 and 2002
    By Moore, John E.; Weygandt, Scott. National Institute of Corrections. Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement (Washington, DC).
    Work done during fiscal years 2001 and 2002 by the Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement (OCJTP) to "enhanc[e] offenders' abilities to enter and remain in the labor market" is summarized (p. iii). Sections of this report include: introduction and background; activities and accomplishments; clearinghouse services; news articles; status of correctional job training and placement programs in the U.S.; and activities of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Inmate Placement Program Branch.... Read More
    18 p.
    Document 018604
    Effective Prison Mental Health Services: Guidelines to Expand and Improve Treatment
    By Hills, Holly; Siegfried, Christine; Ickowitz, Alan. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Mental Health Association (Alexandria, VA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    "[H]istorical , legal, and ethical issues relevant to dealing with mental illness in the field of corrections" are discussed (p. iii). Chapters include: introduction; screening and assessment; mental health and substance abuse treatment; use of seclusion, segregation, and restraints; suicide prevention; treating women offenders; psychopharmacological intervention for psychiatric disorders; transitional services; treatment of special populations (e.g., persons with mental retardation or developme... Read More
    91 p.
    Document 018931
    Developing Gender-Specific Classification Systems for Women Offenders
    By Hardyman, Patricia L.; Van Voorhis, Patricia. National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC). George Washington University. Institute on Crime, Justice and Corrections (Washington, DC); University of Cincinnati. Center for Criminal Justice Research (Cincinnati, OH); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    A report which highlights the results of two cooperative agreements from the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) addressing the critical need for gender-specific objective classification systems is presented.  Following an executive summary are six chapters: introduction; classification issues for women offenders--the literature; NIC Prisons Division--womens classification initiatives (e.g., National Assessment of Current Practices for Classifying Women Offenders and Working With Correc... Read More
    81 p.
    Document 019341
    Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community: An Integrated Model
    National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    An introduction to an integrated model for the implementation of evidence-based principles in community corrections is provided. This document contains the following sections: overview; the project; the challenge of implementation; the Integrated Model; and conclusion. ... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 019342
    Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Community Corrections: The Principles of Effective Intervention
    National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    Principles of effective evidence-based intervention are presented. Topics discussed include: evidence-based practice (EBP); term clarification; eight principles for effective interventions -- assess actuarial risk/needs, enhance intrinsic motivation, target interventions, skill train with directed practice, increase positive reinforcement, engage ongoing support in natural communities, measure relevant processes/practices, and provide measurement feedback; components of correctional interventio... Read More
    19 p.
    Document 019343
    Implementing Evidence-Based Principles in Community Corrections: Collaboration for Systemic Change in the Criminal Justice System
    National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    The use of collaboration to implement an integrated system reform model is explained. This publication has sections regarding: the need to collaborate; who should be included; the need for structure; sustaining collaboration; a collaborative model for implementing change; essential elements of collaboration; chartering; and consensus decision-making. ... Read More
    9 p.
    Document 019344
    Implementing Evidence-Based Principles in Community Corrections: Leading Organizational Change and Development
    National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC); Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
    Organizational development (OD) concepts and strategies that foster organizational change and reform are described. Sections of this publication include: changing the way business is done -- the integrated model; organizational case management; the leadership challenge; the influence of infrastructure; step by step; the literature; the integrated organizational change process model; the importance of a healthy organization; leadership styles and leading change; managing transitions; and structu... Read More
    18 p.
    Document 019466
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, February 2004
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Contents of these proceedings include: meeting highlights; Domestic Preparedness and the Impact on Large Jails by Sue Menser; meeting participants discussion of issues; Role of the Jail in Public Health Policy by Don Leach; MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Areus by Dennis Williams; response by jail and public health officials to contagious disease emergencies; National Sheriffs Association: Weapons of Mass Destruction Initiative: Jail Evacuation Planning and Implementation by Mike Jack... Read More
    49 p.
    Document 019468
    Classification of High-Risk and Special Management Prisoners: A National Assessment of Current Practices
    By Austin, James; McGinnis, Kenneth. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Security Response Technologies, Inc. (Middleton, MA); George Washington University. Institute on Crime, Justice and Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Results from a survey "designed to obtain information on the procedures used to classify high-risk inmates, particularly those in protective custody or administrative segregation, and inmates with mental illness or medical problems" are presented (p. xvi). Six chapters follow an executive summary:
    • Introduction;
    • Overview of risk assessment;
    • Risk assessment systems and instruments;
    • Findings of the National Survey of the Management of High-Risk Inmates;
    • Identificati... Read More
    87 p.
    Document 019469
    Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community
  • [Videoconference Held February 25, 2004]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO) National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    This satellite/Internet broadcast provides information about NIC's initiative on statewide implementation of effective correctional management of offenders in the community. Panelists from the Crime and Justice Institute, Inc., and NIC described the model constructs and processes used to facilitate practical application of the effective intervention principles in the two states serving as project sites. This presentation helps correctional administrators develop plans and processes for organ... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 019541
    Foundation Skills for Trainers: 32-Hour Training Program [Videoconference Held March 22-25, 2004]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This 32-hour program willl help participants develop the preparation, presentation, and platform delivery skills needed to conduct training using established curricula. Focus areas include the needs and characteristics of adult learners, learning styles, the role of the correctional trainer, managing a learner-centered training environment, asking and responding to questions, facilitating lesson plans, teaching to performance objectives, and basic teaching methods.... Read More
    3 DVDs + 1 CD
    Document 019640
    Self-Audit Instrument for Administrators of Direct Supervision Jails: Based on the Measurable Elements of Direct Supervision
    By O'Toole, Michael A.; Nelson, W. Raymond; Liebert, Dennis R.; Keller, Kristin D.. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    The "necessary information, instruction, and tools to conduct self-audits that will indicate how well the concepts and principles of direct supervision are being implemented" are provided (p. 1.1). Sections comprising this manual are: introduction; the annotated principles of direct supervision; table -- measurable elements of direct supervision; instruction sheets; administrator/management/supervisory questionnaire; officer questionnaire; inmate questionnaire; document review questionnaire and ... Read More
    219 p.
    Document 019659
    Correctional Staff Wellness: Making Choices Toward a Higher Level of Total Health and Well Being
  • [Videoconference Held June 16, 2004]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This program focuses on the importance of staff wellness in a correctional environment. Topics discussed include:
    • Mental and physical health;
    • Substance abuse;
    • How to recognize and manage stress in the workplace;
    • Stress-related symptoms;
    • And staff support resources.... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 019687
    Enhancing Prison Classification Systems: The Emerging Role of Management Information Systems
    By Brennan, Tim; Wells, David; Alexander, Jack. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Northpointe Institute for Public Management (Traverse City, MI); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The effects of information technology (IT) and computation developments on prison classification productivity are examined (p. vi). Ten chapters follow an executive summary: current status of MIS (management information system) support for prison classification brief review; MIS software, IT and classification productivity; offender classification roles and data requirements; automated prison classification system features and functions; software design principles and the user interface; evaluat... Read More
    254 p.
    Document 019689
    LJN Exchange, Annual Issue 2004; Large Jail Network Exchange, Annual Issue 2004
    By (Multiple). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, Colorado).
    This issue includes: Foreword, by Richard Geaither, National Institute of Corrections Jails Division; You Can Do It: Putting an End to Pharmacy Cost Increases, by Mike Kalonick, Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office, Detention Bureau; Accreditation for Adult Local Detention Facilities: Moving from Process Measures to Outcome Measures, by Bob Verdeyen, American Correctional Association; Got Training? Training as a Strategic Management Tool for Performance Enhancement, by Tom Reid, Na... Read More
    56 p.
    Document 019713
    Training Programs for Juvenile Corrections Professionals, June 1, 2004 - May 31, 2005
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    Describes the training programs and technical assistance available from the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Academy Division through an interagency partnership with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). Includes application instructions and forms. ... Read More
    Document 019803
    Bibliography on Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO) Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
    A list of 19 items that provide information about staff sexual misconduct is presented.... Read More
    2 p.
    Document 019856
    Building Agency Success: Developing an Effective FTO/OJT Training Program [Videoconference Held August 17-19, 2004]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This 3-day broadcast program provides participants with the knowledge and skills to develop a formal on-the-job training (OJT) program for new employees based on a corrections-specific FTO model. It includes using the FTO task-specific format, developing FTO modules, conducting proficiency tests, and implementing a formal FTO teaching process. Each participant will develop an FTO module as part of the training. Several demonstrations of the FTO format and teaching process are provided. This ... Read More
    3 DVDs (888 min.) + 1 CD-ROM
    Document 019569
    Classification of High-Risk Offenders [Videoconference Held September 1, 2004]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Prison systems experience continued pressure to house offenders in the most appropriate setting possible. While most correctional systems have implemented objective classification systems that have become quite effective in identifying inmates for the general prison population, less attention has been given to accurately classifying inmates who pose a higher risk and may require special management within the prison setting. This satellite/Internet training program will report on a study cond... Read More
    1 DVD (159 min.)
    Document 019957
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 11-13, 2004
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Contents of these proceedings include: meeting highlights; gangs in the 21st century; defining Network issues -- a discussion; identifying and managing inmate gangs; open forum discussion -- gang management; preventing gang influence and violence in the jail; mental health services in jails -- identifying problems; mental health issues in jails; addressing mental health incidents; Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003; consular notification and access process; topics for next meeting; meeting age... Read More
    51 p.
    Document 019833
    Parole Violations Revisited: A Handbook on Strengthening Parole Practices for Public Safety and Successful Transition to the Community
    By Burke, Peggy B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD).
    Presents steps that jurisdictions can take to assess their current parole violation and revocation policy and practice, identify targets of change, and mobilize for change. Chapters address myths and facts about parole; NIC's Technical Assistance Project on Parole Violations and Revocations and lessons from NIC's work; targets of change and innovative solutions; how four states refined violation policy and practice to strengthen parole; deciding whether to explore strengthening an agency's paro... Read More
    116 p.
    Document 020035
    Interpersonal Communications in the Correctional Setting: IPC
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Juvenile Detention Association (Richard, KY).
    This basic communication skills training program, developed by Robert R. Carkhuff, has been used by correctional agencies for more than thirty-five years to train officers and counselors. Sessions contained in this course are: introduction to the IPC (interpersonal communication) model; the basics -- sizing up the situation; positioning; posturing; observing; listening; summary of the basics; the add-ons -- communicating to inmates; responding to inmates -- identifying content; responding to inm... Read More
    2 computer disks; 1 DVD-ROM (100 min.) + 1 CD-ROM
    Document 020095
    Tools of the Trade: A Guide to Incorporating Science Into Practice
    By Taxman, Faye S., et al.. National Institute of Corrections; MD Division of Parole and Probation; MD Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention; University of Maryland. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Maryland Dept. of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
    The application of evidence-based research findings to the practice of offender supervision is explained. Sections of this manual include: introduction -- supervision as a behavioral management process to reduce recidivism; behavior and change; assessment and planning; communication tools; information tools; incentives to shape offender behavior; service tools; offender types; and guiding principles.... Read More
    91 p.
    Document 019835
    Supermax Prisons and the Constitution: Liability Concerns in the Extended Control Unit
    By Collins, William C.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    A monograph "intended to help prisons operate ultra-high-security facilities in a way that minimizes liability in litigation" is presented (p. v). Section contained in this manual include: executive summary; introduction; supermax and case law background; mental health; medical services; other conditions of confinement; use of force; the 14th Amendment due process and placement; access to the courts; the First Amendment religion, speech, and the press; and closing thoughts.... Read More
    86 p.
    Document 019572
    Facility Development: Needs Assessment & Pre-Design Planning RFP Checklist [and] Planning & Design RFQ and RFP Checklist
    By Robertson, James. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO); Voorhis/Robertson Justice Services, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    In this compilation of three documents, critical elements to include in a needs assessment and planning services RFP and an architectural planning and design RFP or RFQ (Request for Qualifications) are identified. Issuing a separate RFP for needs assessment and facility planning services instead of combining this RFP with an RFP for architectural services is because "functional programming dictates facility design" (p. 2). Each document contains an overview of RFP content, checklist questions, a... Read More
    32 p.
    Document 020030
    Resource Guide for Jail Administrators
    By Martin, Mark D.; Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    A guide "developed to enhance the leadership skills, knowledge, and capabilities of jail administrators on issues of basic jail administration" is presented (p. v). Fourteen chapters comprise this guide: introduction; role, purpose, and characteristics of the jail; administration; facilities; staffing and scheduling; staff recruiting, selection, and retention; staff training; security, safety, and emergency preparedness; inmate behavior management; inmate discipline and grievance; special manag... Read More
    305 p.
    Document 020157
    A Town Hall Meeting - Addressing the Prison Rape Elimination Act [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This 2-hour program in a town hall format was broadcast live from the American Correctional Association's Winter Conference in Phoenix, Arizona on January 10, 2005. The discussion panel includes various leaders working in and with corrections and criminal justice professionals. The intent of the broadcast is to provide education and up-to-date information on the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) to the field of corrections. Discussion topics include the following: issues of misconduct that init... Read More
    1 DVD (120 min.)
    Document 020229
    Annual Report to Congress: National Institute of Corrections: Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Public Law 108-79
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Presents a report that "fulfills the requirement in section 5(b) of the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) for the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) to submit an annual report to Congress and to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, summarizing the activities of the Department of Justice regarding prison rape abatement for the preceding year" (p. 3). This report is divided into two parts: introduction; and activities and accomplishments by five U.S. Department of Justice age... Read More
    34 p.
    Document 021386
    Releasing Inmates from Prisons: Profiles of State Practices
    By Linke, Larry; Ritchie, Peggy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    "This report provides a profile of each state's corrections systems and the agencies and processes involved in planning for and releasing inmates from state prisons" (p. 2). Each profile includes information about the state's corrections system background, prison-based release planning, parole board planning, and inmate release process.... Read More
    371 p.
    Document 020299
    Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders Curriculum: Instructor's Guide [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC); Washington College of Law (Washington, DC).
    Complex issues surrounding staff sexual misconduct are addressed during this 36-hour training program. Modules comprising this curriculum are: defining staff sexual misconduct with offenders; state laws; staff sexual misconduct -- the nature of one's role and power; policy; action planning; agency culture; management and operational practices; training; investigating allegations of staff sexual misconduct with offenders; human resources; legal considerations; developing a community and media re... Read More

    1 computer disk; CD-ROM
    Document 022005
    Two Probation Officer/Offender Contact Sessions (PO 1 & 2) [Motivational Interviewing]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO) National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    These two role-played scenarios can be used in training or skill coding sessions as examples of:
    • 1) A traditional probation supervision session
    • 2) A supervision session during which the probation officer uses motivational interviewing skills.
    Coded and uncoded transcripts are available upon request. ... Read More
    Video (10 min.)
    Document 019847
    Prison Classification Series
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    This is a collection of material about prison classification. Use the link on the right to download the following titles:
    • Classification of High-Risk and Special Management Prisoners: A National Assessment of Current Practices
    • Classification of Women Offenders: A National Assessment of Current Practices
    • Developing Gender-Specific Classification for Women Offenders
    • Enhancing Prison Classification Systems: The Emerging Role of Management Information Systems
    • Internal Prison Class... Read More
    Multiple Volumes
    Document 019271
    Training Design and Development
  • [Lesson Plans and Participant's Manual]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    This program explains the systematic design of training based upon the Instructional Theory Into Practice (ITIP) model. The program was developed under a cooperative agreement with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention for the juvenile system audience. The following modules are contained in this manual:
    • Training program overview;
    • Learner centered instruction;
    • Assessment;
    • Performance objectives;
    • ITIP model for instructional design;
    • Instructional strategie... Read More
    600 pages
    Document 018017
    Gender-Responsive Strategies: Research, Practice, and Guiding Principles for Women Offenders
    By Bloom, Barbara; Owen, Barbara; Covington, Stephanie. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Guidance for those individuals "seeking to more effectively respond to the behavior and circumstances of the female offender" is offered (p. iv). An executive summary and the following four chapters comprise this manual: characteristics of women in the criminal justice system -- a descriptive summary; women offenders and criminal justice practice; the context of women's lives -- a multidisciplinary review of research and theory; and a new vision -- guiding principles for a gender-responsive cri... Read More
    142 p.
    Document 018938
    Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement Glossary of Terms
    National Institute of Corrections. Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement (Washington, DC).
    A list of definitions for the most commonly used terms in training programs sponsored by this agency (OCJTP) are provided. ... Read More
    5 p.
    Document 018939
    Job Descriptions
    National Institute of Corrections. Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement (Washington, DC).
    "[A] comprehensive list of skills, functions, and duties for use by agencies in developing job descriptions for Offender Employment Specialist (OES), Offender Workforce Development Specialist (OWDS) and Offender Workforce Development Program Manager (OWDPM)" are identified and provided (p. 1).... Read More
    15 p.
    Document 018966
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 2003
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    These proceedings are comprised of: Highlights of the Meeting Sessions; Stay Awake or You Will Trip Over the Future by Tom Esensten; Video Presentation: Beyond the Myths: Jails in Your Community introduced by Virginia Hutchinson; Defining the Future and Exploring Organizational Strategies by Esensten: Future Trends and Their Impact on Jail Management by Marilyn Chandler Ford; Jail Population Growth: Sources of Growth and Stability by Allen Beck; Jail Standards and Accreditation: Are There Still ... Read More
    55 p.
    Document 019007
    Nuts and Bolts of the Curriculum Development Process
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    An overview of the curriculum development process is presented. The following sections comprise this document: needs assessment; the planning session and content development; content development; pilot delivery and revision; the completed curriculum package; and budget estimates for each step of the process. This overview can be used with the document "Designing Learner Centered Instruction" (NIC Accession no. 018534).... Read More
    10 p.
    Document 018642
    Transition from Prison to the Community [Videoconference Held February 12, 2003]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    This videoconference provides Information regarding the National Institute of Corrections' transition initiative and model. The transition model assists not only offenders released to community supervision, but also releasees who have served their full sentence. Topics covered include:
    • History of transition;
    • OJP Going Home overview;
    • Key trends;
    • Transition principles;
    • Collaboration promotion;
    • What works;
    • The NIC Transition Model;
    • Examples of the NIC Transition Model;Read More
    1 DVD (180 minutes)
    Document 018696
    Beyond the Myths: The Jail in Your Community
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    This resource provides a foundation for the efforts of sheriffs and jail administrators to provide the public information about jails generally, their jails specifically, and the need for community interest in local jail issues. It can also be used to educate prospective jail employees about local detention.
    Closed captions are only available in the DVD version.... Read More
    1 DVD (23 min.)
    Document 018443
    Jail Design Review Handbook
    By Goldman, Mark. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    A tool for reviewing conceptual options and schematic designs for new or renovated jails is presented. Five chapters make up this handbook: introduction and overview; the jurisdiction's involvement throughout the planning and design process; how to read architects' drawings; checklists; and conclusion and next steps. ... Read More
    123 p.
    Document 018479
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, February 2003
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Contents of these proceedings include: meeting highlights; "The Future of Jail Legislation, Resources, and Funding by Michael Thompson; "Legislation, Resources, and Funding: A Perspective From Our Professional Associations" by Stephen Ingley, Jim Gondles, and Tom Faust; open forum discussion with professional associations' representatives; "Handling Legislation and Dealing Effectively with Funding Authorities" by Calvin Lightfoot and Thompson; "The Role of Professional Standards and Internal Aff... Read More
    57 p.
    Document 018534
    Designing Learner Centered Instruction
    By Gurnell, Betty; LeMaster, Leslie. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    A seven-step process for developing and designing a training program according to the ITIP (instructional theory into practice) format is described. Curriculum developers will be taught to create programs that will: teach state-of-the-art information and skills based upon needs assessment analysis; employ learner-centered technologies; help participants succeed with realistic performance objectives; facilitate the transfer of learning to the job setting; promote consistency between training prog... Read More
    20 p.
    Document 018937
    Comprehensive Objective Prison Classification [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    The development of both external and internal prison classification procedures are covered during this 36-hour program. Sections of this manual address: action planning; evaluation standards for classification; internal classification; high risk and special needs; women's classification issues; information systems; litigation issues; implementation strategies; assessment of external classification system; and supplementary reading.... Read More
    188 p.
    Document 016368
    Policy and Procedures Development
    By Bounds, Bruce. National Institute of Corrections Jail Center (Boulder, CO).
    Guidelines for the creation of mission statements, policies, and procedures are presented. The contents of this document include: critiques of individual policies for inmate rules and regulations, commissary orders, reporting of maintenance problems, and night lock-up of residents; mission statement -- definition, rationale, and development criteria; policy and procedures -- definitions and rationale; policy and procedure content elements; policy construction criteria; procedure construction cri... Read More
    18 p.
    Document 019065
    Institutional Culture [Videoconference Held July 23, 2003]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    This training program helps participants identify the factors that shape an institution's culture and offers ways to attempt to change that culture. This videoconference covers:
    • The importance and value of examining institutional culture;
    • Institutional culture and default culture;
    • Components of a comprehensive institutional culture assessment protocol;
    • Benefits of conducting institutional culture assessment;
    • The leader's role in shaping institutional culture;
    • Steps to take ... Read More
    1 DVD (162 min.)
    Document 019101
    Corrections Agency Collaborations with Public Health
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Information Center (Longmont, CO).
    Reports on the prevalence and scope of collaboration agreements between state departments of correction and public health, plus agency perspectives on their effectiveness. This publication discusses: who provides inmate health care?; forms of corrections-public health collaboration; responsibility for delivery of inmate health care; collaborative services for specific inmate populations; accountability and control within collaborative health care efforts; agency observations on collaboration; ba... Read More
    20 p.
    Document 019124
    Building New Employee Success with an Effective Field Training Officer (FTO) Program [Videoconference Held August 20, 2003]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This program explores the development of a formal new employee on-the-job (OTJ) program based on a corrections-specific FTO model. This broadcast covers:
    • Assessing the current FTO program;
    • The FTO task-specific format;
    • Developing FTO models;
    • Conducting proficiency tests;
    • And the formal FTO teaching process.
  • Several demonstrations of the FTO format and teaching process are also included. This DVD can be used in conjunction with NIC accession nos. 019008 and 020603.... Read More
    1 DVD (133 min.)
    Document 019155
    Southern Region Field Coordinators Team Charter
    National Institute of Corrections Academy. Southern Region Field Coordinators (N.P.).
    By-laws for the Southern RFC are supplied. Sections within this document include: mission statement; team decision-making process; decision making authority; factors that impact decisions and participation; charter review; Southern Region team values -- creativity, diversity, learning, capacity building, and collaboration and teamwork; team member roles and functions -- project team facilitator, scribe, recorder, timekeeper, RFC team member, conference call coordinator, conference call facilita... Read More
    8 p.
    Document 019183
    Effective Retraining: Fun, Focused, Fresh! [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    The need for and process of retraining in an organization are discussed during this 3-hour workshop. Topics covered include: what does retraining look like in your organization?; benefits of refresher/in-service training; philosophy of adult education and its application to retraining; addressing four basic questions adults bring to training; and development of individual commitment statements. ... Read More
    29 p.
    Document 019259
    Issues in Jail Operations, 2003: Perspectives from State Jail Inspection Agencies
    By Clem, Connie; Sheanin, Dave. National Institution of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO).
    "[A]reas in which jails tend to be deficient, suggesting the need for new or revised forms of NIC assistance" are identified (p.2). Issues examined include: age of facilities; accreditation; compliance with policy and procedure standards; adequacy of policy and procedure manuals; adequacy of staffing; staff turnover; compliance with staffing standards; compliance with staff training standards; exceeding capacity; coordinating councils; pretrial services programs; availability of specific pretria... Read More
    27 p.
    Document 019268
    Re-Entry Blog
    By Parent, Dale, ed.; Barnett, Liz, ed.. Abt Associates (Cambridge, MA); National Institute of Corrections. Transition from Prison to Community Initiative (Washington, DC).
    Access to "[r]ecent information about transition from prison to the community includes meetings, best practices, federal government programs, and news" is available at this website.... Read More
    9 p.
    Document 019303
    Authority of State-Level Jail Inspection Agencies to Close County/Local Jails
    National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Responses "to a question posed in November 2003 by the NIC Jails Division on that agency's private e-mail discussion list provided for chief state jail inspectors" are provided (p. 1). Seventeen of 23 responding agencies noted that jail inspectors do not have authority to close jails.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 018888
    Findings in Prison Classification and Risk Assessment
    By Austin, James. National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    New information and knowledge learned regarding classification and risk assessment systems are reviewed. Topics discussed include: differences between prison classification and public risk assessment; differences between external and internal prison classification systems; standards in evaluating prisoner classification and other risk assessment instruments; the logic of prisoner classification systems; issues in reliability; issues in validity; factors associated with misconduct; impact of pris... Read More
    7 p.
    Document 018895
    Children of Prisoners: Children of Promise [Videoconference Held June 18, 2003]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This videoconference identifies the problems and greatest needs of incarcerated parents and caretakers with regard to their children. It specifically addresses:
    • Problems and issues that children of prisoners or former prisoners face that put the kids at risk;
    • Evidence-based and promising approaches to support these children and build on their strengths;
    • And the benefits of the criminal justice system becoming more family-friendly.... Read More
    1 DVD (151 min.)
    Document 018898
    Results of Data Analysis: NIC Needs Assessment on Correctional Management and Executive Leadership Development
    By Clem, Connie. National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Demographics, turnover, and leadership development for four levels of correctional management (e.g., executive leaders, senior leaders, managers, and supervisors) are analyzed. Sections comprising this report are: project background; key findings; the survey sample; overview -- analysis of data for all responses; analysis of data on executive level positions; analysis of data on senior leader positions; analysis of data on management level positions; analysis of data on supervisory positions; a... Read More
    47 p.
    Document 000936
    Classification in Probation and Parole: A Model Systems Approach - Supplemental Report: The Client Management Classification System
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Wisconsin Bureau of Community Corrections (Madison, WI).
    ... Read More
    Document 018832
    Developing "Coaches" for New Wardens [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Training and practical experience in the techniques and skills of Co-Active coaching as the foundation of a leadership culture are provided during this 36-hour program. Topics covered include: leadership culture; coaching principles; commitment and high performance; Co-Active leadership coaching; listening levels; coaching practice; learning steps; powerful questions; complete requests get action; action and awareness create continuous learning; values; assumptions and interpretations; the "gre... Read More
    49 p.
    Document 018812
    Effective Management of Female Inmates: Applying the Research on Gender Responsive Correctional Strategies to Local Jails
    By Bloom, Barbara; Owen, Barbara; Covington, Stephanie. American Jail Association (Hagerstown, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Research, practice, and guiding principles related to gender-responsive strategies and utilized in jail settings are exchanged. The six guiding principles are: acknowledge that gender makes a difference; create an environment based on safety, respect, and dignity; develop policies, practices, and programs that are relational and promote healthy connections to children, family, significant others, and the community; address the issues of substance abuse, trauma, and mental health through compreh... Read More
    19 p.
    Document 018968
    Exploring the Dynamics & Principles of Effective Leadership [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]; Leadership Curriculum
    National Institute of Corrections Academy. Western Regional Field Coordinators (N.P.).
    A leadership curriculum package that provides "a quickie look at the work of a leader and how best to do it" is presented. Contents of this collection are: guide to assembling the lesson plan and participant handout; instructor notes; copies of overheads; program text; action plan presentation worksheet; action plan worksheet; Leadership Challenge and Evaluation; list of leadership competencies; and promotional material.... Read More
    84 p.
    Document 011356
    New Approaches to Staff Safety
    By Thornton, Robert L.; Schweer, Ronald G.; Barton, Joe S.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Key staff safety training issues for community corrections agencies are discussed. This manual addresses:
    • Use-of-force continuum;
    • Crisis prevention;
    • Self defense and physical fitness;
    • Oleoresin capsicum;
    • Body protection;
    • Safety in the office;
    • Protection from disasters;
    • Arrest, search, and seizure;
    • Field work;
    • Canine considerations;
    • Scenario training;
    • And critical incidents.
    Appendixes include: a model protocol for criti... Read More
    130 p.
    Document 018531
    Environmental Scan: Reviewing Issues and Forces That Will Influence Strategic Planning of the National Institute of Corrections
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    An analysis of changes and forces that may affect NIC programming in the near future is presented. Seven sections comprise this scan: societal and demographic trends; economic and business developments; workforce issues; public opinion; crime and justice trends; technological developments; and health and mental health.... Read More
    35 p.
    Document 017914
    Strategies for Building Effective Work Teams [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Strategies for developing, implementing, managing, and evaluating work teams within a work unit and agency-wide are presented during this 36-hour program. This manual contains the following sections: Why teams?; critical elements of teamwork; organizational meeting; stages of team development; team tools and techniques; and playbook for strategies for building effective work teams.... Read More
    ca. 200 p.
    Document 020462
    Transition from Prison Into Community: Project Briefing
    By Parent, Dale G.; Mitchell, Cranston. Abt Associates (Cambridge, MA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Copies of overheads used in a presentation about the National Institute of Corrections' (NIC) Transition from Prison into Community project are supplied. Topics discussed include: transition reform -- the solution to adequately protecting the public while dealing with the record number of released prisoners; the NIC model -- a new transition process, reform promotion, partnership creation, and information sharing; key agencies in transition reform; phases of the initiative; involve the stakehold... Read More
    27 p.
    Document 017520
    Transition from Prison to Community Initiative
    By Barnett, Liz; Parent, Dale G.. Abt Associates (Cambridge, MA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    An examination of the Transition from Prison to Community Initiative (TPCI) from the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is presented. This report contains two parts -- the problem and the solution. Sections that comprise the second part of this document, an in-depth look at TPCI are: a new model for the transition process -- an overview of TPCI and a description of its seven elements; and the implementation of the transition model -- partnerships and how to overcome barriers. TPCI "will he... Read More
    37 p.
    Document 017272
    Services for Families of Prison Inmates
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    Responses from 54 agencies that answered this survey are analyzed and reported. The following sections are contained in this report: introduction; project method; agency initiatives related to families of inmates; facility assignment and visitation assistance; services for inmates with children; services to pregnant inmates and mothers of infants and young children; provision of parenting and parent-child programs in men's and women's prisons; program evaluations; and conclusion. Involvement in ... Read More
    15 p.
    Document 017372
    Jail Resource Issues: What Every Funding Authority Needs to Know
    By Bowker, Gary M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Basic information about jail operations is provided to contribute to a better understanding of the funding authority's roles and responsibilities regarding the jail. This report contains the following chapters: the jail as a primary function of local government; the purpose of the jail and its role in the local criminal justice system; the jail population; jail litigation and standards; key elements of effective jail operations; and funding authority roles and responsibilities. ... Read More
    34 p.
    Document 017381
    Internal Prison Classification Systems: Case Studies in Their Development and Implementation
    By Hardyman, Patricia L.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). George Washington University. Institute on Crime, Justice and Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The development, implementation, impact assessment, and refinement of objective internal classification systems are examined. In addition to an executive summary, this report contains three chapters: introduction; description of the states' internal classification initiatives (Connecticut, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Florida, New Jersey, South Dakota, and Missouri); and common problems, issues, and solutions. Appendixes include: Checklist for the Analysis of Life History of Adult Offenders (CA... Read More
    105 p.
    Document 017382
    Revalidating External Prison Classification Systems: The Experience of Ten States and Model for Classification Reform
    By Hardyman, Patricia L.; Austin, James; Tulloch, Owan C.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). George Washington University Institute on Crime, Justice and Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Work undertaken by the participating states is described, an outline of the fundamental tasks required for a revalidation effort is provided, and external classification trends and lessons learned from these classification reforms are summarized within this report (p. x). This report is comprised of the following sections: executive summary; introduction; NIC classification goals and objectives; description of the ten states' external classification initiatives (Virginia, Montana, Oregon, Oklaho... Read More
    129 p.
    Document 018679
    Developing and Revising Detention Facility Policies and Procedures
    By Martin, Mark D.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    A "basic, updated guide to assist local detention administrators in developing and revising their policy and procedure manuals" is presented (p. 1). Following an introduction, this manual addresses: the development and revision process; developing policies and procedures; preparing the manual; policy and procedure implementation; monitoring staff compliance; and maintaining the manual. Appendixes provide: a sample policy and procedure manual topic outline; a scenario planning worksheet; exampl... Read More
    35 p.
    Document 016720
    Preventing Jail Crowding: A Practical Guide
    By Cushman, Robert C.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    An explanation on how to use the jail population analysis formula is offered. This paper looks at: the sources of jail crowding; the dynamics that create changes in jail occupancy levels; swings in jail occupancy levels; a jail population analysis system; reducing the inmate population in a crowded jail; policy choices; and the key to preventing crowding. ... Read More
    12 p.
    Document 017209
    Jail Crowding: Understanding Jail Population Dynamics
    By Cunniff, Mark A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Steps involved in developing an understanding of jail population dynamics and factors behind jail crowding are delineated. Sections of this report include: executive summary; how can factors behind jail crowding be identified?; key questions to ask in order to understand jail population dynamics; trends that are driving jail population growth; how to forecast future needs; benefits and elements of an effective analytic process; and elements of the analytic process. Appendixes include: "Preventin... Read More
    49 p.
    Document 017612
    Restorative Justice: Principles, Practices, and Implementation (Training Broadcast)
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    An introduction to restorative justice concepts, principles, and values is provided during this 32-hour distance learning program. Participants will be able to:
    • Recognize the traumatic impact of crime on victims, communities, and offenders and ways to be responsive to crime victims' needs and interests
    • Explain and evaluate the configuration, methods, and potential uses of various restorative practices
    • Identify several practical strategies for developing active partnersh... Read More
    2 computer disks; DVD-ROM
    Document 017626
    Budget Guide for Jail Administrators - Part 1: Developing the Budget
    By Martin, Mark D.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Designed for jail administrators, this guide discusses the elements of an effective process for budgeting both capital and operational jail expenses. This document contains the following sections:
    • An effective budget process;
    • Cooperative effort within the budget process;
    • Budget preparation -- information and materials;
    • Jail budget development -- needs assessment, estimating budget expenditures, preparing the budget document, submitting the budget package, presenting the... Read More
    41 p.
    Document 017627
    Budget Guide for Jail Administrators - Part 3: Beyond Budget Allocation - Sources of Funding and Services
    By Martin, Mark D.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Designed for jail administrators, this guide describes strategies for identifying, securing, and coordinating jai resources from multiple sources, both internally and externally. Three sections comprise this document: (1) Jail resource types and potential sources -- generating revenue, using the services of other agencies, soliciting donations from the community, and how the jail and community are linked by a common goal; (2) Strategies for securing, coordinating, and managing jail resou... Read More
    22 p.
    Document 017628
    Budget Guide for Jail Administrators - Part 2: Managing the Budget
    By Martin, Mark D.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Designed for jail administrators, this guide provides an overview of jail budget management, along with relevant responsibilities and strategies. Key aspects of jail budget management examined include:
    • Budget implementation -- developing and using a plan to monitor expenditures;
    • Budget management -- monitoring, managing, and controlling expenditures while garnering support;
    • Jail revenue monitoring and management -- developing revenue plans;
    • Performance monitoring -- es... Read More
    29 p.
    Document 017673
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 2002
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Contents of these proceedings include: meeting highlights; issues important to meeting participants; "Diversity Recruitment: Techniques and Community Networking" by Arthur Wallenstein; "Preventing Staff Sexual Misconduct" by Susan McCampbell; "Consular Notification and Access" by Clyde Howard; "Why Corrections Professionals Should Be Concerned With In-Custody ADA Issues" by Timothy Ryan; "Special Needs of Female Inmates" by Richard Rouse, William Montague, Dennis Scheuller, Joe Schmitz, and Brid... Read More
    64 p.
    Document 017693
    Jail Inmates with Mental Illness: A Community Problem [Videoconference Held April 17, 2002]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This videoconference addresses issues faced by jails that must deal with increasing numbers of inmates with serious mental illnesses. Topics discussed include:
    • Essential jail-based service components for mentally ill inmates;
    • Creative approaches to meet the service needs of the mentally ill;
    • Identification of potential resources that can be used in the management of this special population;
    • Mental health courts;
    • And how to maintain continuity of care.
    ... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 017770
    National Institute of Corrections Drug-Free Prison Zone Project: Evaluation Component for Each of Eight State Sites: Final Report
    By Holsinger, Alexander M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Missouri-Kansas City. Dept. of Sociology/Criminal Justice and Criminology (Kansas City, MO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Results from projects implementing new strategies for drug interdiction within an institutional setting are presented. This compilation includes findings from final evaluation reports provided by Maryland, California, Kansas, New York, and Florida.... Read More
    60 p.
    Document 017842
    Tribal Resource Guide
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Corrections Program Office (Washington, DC).
    Program/Agency contact, program objectives, applicant eligibility, eligible beneficiaries, and types of assistance available from 15 federal agencies are provided. Appendixes contain information about: Indian Tribal entities (within the contiguous 48 states) recognized and eligible to receive services from the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs; recognized and eligible Native entities within Alaska; U.S. Department websites; criminal justice and substance abuse resources, information, and technical a... Read More
    112 p.
    Document 017875
    NIC Broadcast: Mental Illness in Jails Q & A
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Questions and answers regarding the following topics are provided: deferred prosecution, recidivism, isolation, cost concerns, coordinated efforts, medicating for behavior issues, classification, diversion and mental health courts, jail overcrowding, rehabilitation, privitization, standards of care, assessment tools, treatment review committees, follow-up, stakeholders, case referral, continuity of care, and additional resources.... Read More
    9 p.
    Document 017901
    Meeting the Challenge in Correctional Mental Health Care: The Prison Experience
  • [Videoconference Held June 19, 2002]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This videoconference provides Information regarding cooperation between correctional agencies and mental health authorities to ensure continuity of care and adequate treatment for offenders with mental illness or mental health problems. Participants will learn about:
    • The scope of the problem concerning mental illness in prison;
    • Innovative program strategies and best practices;
    • The value of early planning for community re-entry;
    • And approaches for determining program effi... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 017907
    Understanding Managed Behavioral Health Care in Community Corrections
  • [Videoconference Held July 17, 2002]
  • National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This program addresses behavior health care services for offenders under community supervision. Topics include: mental illness and its impact on individuals in community corrections; special issues with behavioral managed care in criminal justice; the history and components of managed behavioral healthcare and what has not worked; what constitutes good managed behavioral healthcare; legal issues and liabilities related to behavioral health care and community corrections; collaborative strate... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 017908
    Systemic Approaches to Emergency Preparedness Affecting Correctional Communities [Videoconference Held July 31, 2002]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This 3-hour videoconference explains emergency preparedness action planning from a systemic perspective conducive to natural community partnerships. The following topics are discussed:
    • The nature of corrections-related emergencies;
    • Partners, resources, and mechanisms for stakeholder response to emergencies;
    • Elements of a written emergency plan;
    • Assessment strategies for level of alert and responses from line staff through the command level;
    • Follow-up after emergen... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 017925
    Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates: Policy Development Guide for Sheriffs and Jail Administrators
    By McCampbell, Susan W.; Fischer, Larry S.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Innovative Public Policies (Tamarac, FL); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Tools to assess an organization and implement strategies to prevent staff sexual misconduct in a jail setting are provided. The following sections comprise this document: introduction; using this guide; how to know if an agency needs a policy -- what staff sexual misconduct is, definitions, red flags, and writing policies and procedures; and agency triage -- administrative and management practices, security and supervision, investigations, and inmate programming.... Read More
    41 p.
    Document 017999
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 2002
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Contents of these proceedings include: meeting highlights; "Cost Containment for Inmate Health Care" by Rebecca Craig; "Taming the Cost of Health Care in Detentions: What Works in San Diego County" by William Sparrow; "Confronting Costs for Medical Care: Open Forum Discussion"; "Increased Medical Costs: Managed Care and Private Contracts" by David Parrish and Dennis Williams; "Public Health and Jails: Challenges and Current Activities" by Roberto Hugh Potter and Dennis Andrews; "Succession Plann... Read More
    65 p.
    Document 018196
    Mentoring in the Corrections Workplace: A Self-Paced Workbook
    National Institute of Corrections Academy. Southern Regional Field Coordinators (N.P.).
    A self-paced course on how to be an effective mentor is presented. This workbook covers: performance objectives; the differing tasks of a mentor and a supervisor; qualities and experiences (resources) a mentor has; rules of mentoring; effective listening; setting expectations; goal setting; feedback; exploring options and ideas; pitfalls; transitioning; mentor's checklist; action plan; and reviewing the mentor/mentee relationship.... Read More
    31 p.
    Document 018310
    Collaborative Approach to Staff Recruitment and Retention
  • [Videoconference Held August 28, 2002]
  • National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This 3-hour NIC broadcast discusses strategies to recruit promising candidates for corrections jobs and how to retain experienced staff. Topics include: emphasizing corrections as a career rather than "just a job"; informing the public about the variety of careers available in corrections; how broad participation by agency staff helps foster successful recruitment and retention; how employers can support the connections between career, family, and community; and tools agencies are using for ... Read More
    1 DVD (165 min.)
    Document 017232
    Guidelines for Developing a Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee
    By Cushman, Robert C.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The development, implementation, and operation of a local criminal justice coordinating committee (CJCC) are described. In particular, this guide provides a look at how a CJCC can alleviate jail crowding and accomplish other system improvements. The following sections comprise this guide: executive summary; introduction; a framework for justice planning and coordination; coordinating mechanisms -- a developmental view; and guiding principles for CJCCs. Appendixes provide: a checklist for formi... Read More
    50 pages
    Document 017385
    Managing Aging and Terminally Ill Inmates[Videoconference held on September 12, 2001]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This program discusses Information regarding current policies and procedures and their impact on aging offenders and offenders with chronic and terminal illnesses. While focusing upon "best practices and interventions," this program discusses:
    • Differences between the needs of aging and terminally ill inmates;
    • Management strategies;
    • Internal and external challenges, such as staffing, supervision, treatment standards, compassionate release provisions, housing, and hospice care;
    • Sel... Read More
    1 DVD (180 minutes)
    Document 017241
    Critical Issues and Developments in Prison Classification
    By Austin, James; Hardyman, Patricia L.; Brown, Sammie D.. National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    In order to enable correctional administrators to anticipate further improvements in objective classification, this bulletin provides a summary of current critical classification issues. Topics briefly discussed include: re-evaluation of existing prison classification systems; external and internal classification; classification systems for women inmates; identification of high risk and special management inmates; the use of classification for reentry and inmate transition programs; the impact... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 016687
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 2001
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    The primary focus of this meeting was data collection and the management information system (MIS). Contents include: meeting highlights; the use of data for planning, decision making, and measuring outcomes -- Parts I and II; the role of professional associations and their relationship with large jails in the 21st Century; roundtable discussion; legal issues update; future meeting issues; meeting agenda; participant list; and a copy of the "Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of... Read More
    51 p.
    Document 016707
    National Institute of Corrections Prison Classification Peer Training and Strategy Session: What's Happening with Prison Classification Systems? September 6-7, 2000 Proceedings
    By Hardyman, Patricia L.; Adams-Fuller, Terri. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); George Washington University. Institute on Crime, Justice and Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Proceedings from this two-day national forum on classification and information system related problems are provided. Topics discussed include: linking all the pieces; external and internal classification; classification data for planning; linking DOC to local jails; prison internal classification systems; automated risk and needs; AICS - personality based model; managing high risk offenders; responding to litigation; winning classification systems -- Montana; responding to litigation -- Michigan... Read More
    45 p.
    Document 016827
    Staffing Analysis Workbook for Jails
    By Liebert, Dennis R.; Miller, Rod. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    An integrated series of steps that result in a comprehensive and innovative staffing plan is presented. The staffing analysis process involves: jail profiling; net annual work hours calculation; development of a facility activity schedule; staff coverage plan development; completion of a staff summary; schedule development; evaluation, revision, and improvement of the plan; operational costs calculation; report preparation; and implementation of the plan and monitoring of the results. Appendixes... Read More
    43 p.
    Document 016856
    Group Facilitation Skills for Trainers
    By Yeres, Susan; Collins, Barbara. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). ETR Associates (Santa Cruz, CA); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This 16-hour course explores the skills needed in leading group participants to achieve specific learning goals. The following modules are contained in this curriculum:
    • Introduction and course overview;
    • How we process learning;
    • Predicting and accommodating learner behavior;
    • Setting the climate;
    • Utilizing facilitation strategies for learning;
    • Dealing with conflicts in groups;
    • And presentations.
    Also included are copies of overheads used.... Read More
    approximately 300 pages
    Document 016857
    Facilitation Skills for Managers: Training Curriculum Package
    By Collins, Barbara; Yeres, Susan; Smith, M. Gale. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). ETR Associates (Santa Cruz, CA); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This 16-hour course is designed for managers who run meetings and/or lead task groups. This curriculum is divided into seven modules:
    • Introduction and course overview;
    • What is facilitation;
    • Know yourself and your group;
    • Getting started;
    • Getting work done (task tools);
    • Handling challenges;
    • And completing work.
    Lesson plans, Participant's Manual, and overheads are included.... Read More
    Approximately 250 pages
    Document 016858
    Responding to Parole and Probation Violations: A Handbook to Guide Local Policy Development
    By Carter, Madeline M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This handbook discusses policy responses to probation and parole violations that enhance the effectiveness of supervision while also improving community safety. Chapters include:
    • Critical issues in violations -- an overview;
    • The importance of vision, mission, goals, and core values;
    • Collaboration -- a central ingredient for success;
    • Developing baseline information;
    • Supervision;
    • Developing tools to make the policy work;
    • Increasing available choices to violation response;<... Read More
    101 pages
    Document 016974
    Facilitation Skills for Offender Groups: Training Curriculum Package
    By Yeres, Susan; Collins, Barbara. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). ETR Associates (Santa Cruz, CA); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Designed for counselors or other staff who run offender groups, this 16-hour course addresses group process strategies. The following lesson plan modules are provided:
    • Introduction and course overview;
    • What facilitation is;
    • Goals for personal development;
    • Stages of group development;
    • Stages of individual change;
    • Setting a climate for change;
    • Communication skills;
    • Facilitating participation;
    • Facilitating behavior change;
    • Facilitating changes in perspective;
    • A... Read More
    approximately 560 pages
    Document 016975
    Alleviating Jail Crowding: A Systemic Approach [Videoconference Held April 18, 2001]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Since jail crowding is often called the most pressing problem facing criminal justice systems in the U.S., this 3-hour videoconference aims to help jurisdictions develop effective strategies and techniques for managing jail population levels. Issues discussed include:
    • The systemic problem of crowding and the need for effective system-wide policy
    • Decision points in the system that help control crowding
    • Data collection and analysis
    • Long and short term strategies to reduce j... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 016993
    Options for Managing Difficult Inmates [Videoconference held on June 13, 2001]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Difficult inmates, such as those who have gang affiliations, chronic behavioral problems or who are mentally or socially challenged, require more complex management interventions. This program presents a menu of options for managing difficult inmates, discusses barriers, and identifies resources. Segments of this presentation include:
    • Description of the "difficult" inmate
    • Criteria for placement and release to special housing
    • Program options that are working nationally
    • Ob... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 017072
    Female Offenders in the Community [Videoconference Held July 18, 2001]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This video examines the needs, strengths, weaknesses, and risks associated with female offenders. Topics discussed include:
    • The unique and complex issues surrounding female offenders;
    • Barriers that female offenders encounter in the community;
    • Techniques and skills for effecting positive change;
    • Outside resources to assist in supervision;
    • And the challenges and rewards of working with female offenders.... Read More
    1 DVD (162 min.)
    Document 017080
    Report to the United States Congress on the Activities of the Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement During Fiscal Year 2000 (October 1, 1999, through September 30, 2000)
    By Moore, John E.. National Institute of Corrections. Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement (Washington, DC).
    Highlights of this Office's accomplishments and the status of correctional job training and placement in the U.S. are provided. Contents of this report include: foreword; introduction; background; activities and accomplishments -- office coordination, interagency coordination, public presentations, national telecast, information exchange activities, cooperative agreements, technical assistance, training, clearinghouse/information services, news articles, and purchase of copyright release privil... Read More
    23 p.
    Document 017082
    Classification of Women Offenders: A National Assessment of Current Practices
    By Van Voorhis, Patricia; Presser, Lois. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Cincinnati. Division of Criminal Justice (Cincinnati, OH); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Findings from a telephone assessment of state and federal practices for classifying women offenders are presented. In addition to an executive summary, this report has the following chapters:
    • Introduction;
    • Issues in classifying women offenders -- the literature;
    • Approach;
    • Findings;
    • And discussion.
    Most states still apply a male-based classification system to women.... Read More
    34 p.
    Document 017126
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 2001
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Two main topics are addressed in these proceedings -- jail statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and employee-related issues. Contents include: meeting highlights; opening session -- defining the issues of importance to Large Jail Network members; understanding and using the data and resources of the BJS; personal relations among employees; staff sexual misconduct with inmates; announcements by meeting participants; employees with mental health problems; utilizing staff effectiv... Read More
    59 p.
    Document 017166
    Competency Profile of Detention Facility Inspector
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The knowledge, skills, and traits needed by a detention facility inspector are assessed in this DACUM profile. Tasks are organized into the following duties; conduct facility inspections; provide technical assistance; perform administrative tasks; conduct investigations; oversee construction plan review process; provide training programs; and promote professional growth.... Read More
    7 p.
    Document 017178
    Use of Risk Assessments for Parole Release Consideration
    National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Findings from a survey conducted for the NIC Community Corrections Division are presented in this table. States indicated whether or not they use risk assessment for parole release consideration.... Read More
    1 p.
    Document 017503
    Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders [Videoconference Held December 12, 2001]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    The development of sound agency practices to address sexual misconduct among staff and offenders is discussed during this 3-hour videoconference. Specific topics covered include:
    • The national scope of the problem;
    • Law and policy;
    • Investigative procedures;
    • Clinical manifestations;
    • Developing effective staff training;
    • And litigation exposure/legal liabilities.
    ... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 017384
    Critical Knowledge About 12-Step Programs for Criminal Justice Professionals
  • [Videoconference held August 29, 2001]
  • By Gornik, Mark. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This 3-hour program discusses the strengths and weaknesses of 12-step programs and how they integrate with "what works" in the correctional field. The following topics are addressed:
    • Enhancing communication and cooperation and supporting the appropriate use of 12-step programs;
    • Recognizing the benefits of 12-step programs throughout the criminal justice system;
    • Understanding how the mission of 12-step programs complements the goal of corrections;
    • Special issues with 12-step progr... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 017521
    Correctional Health Care: Guidelines for the Management of an Adequate Delivery System
    By Anno, B. Jaye. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Commission on Correctional Health Care (Chicago, IL); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    A comprehensive reference that provides guidance in the provision of health services to inmates is presented. This manual contains the following chapters: introduction; historical overview -- the movement to improve correctional health care; legal considerations in the delivery of health care services in prisons and jails; ethical considerations and the interface with custody; the organizational structure of correctional health services; staffing considerations; health care delivery system model... Read More
    570 pages
    Document 016941
    Correctional Health Care: Suicide Prevention [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]; Prison Health Care: Suicide Prevention
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    Common health-based risk factors, programmatic guidelines, and various methods of suicide prevention are discussed during this 20-hour course. This manual contains sections about: the importance of suicide prevention to prison administrators and clinicians; standards of care and liability (case law); aftermath of a suicide; suicide risk indicators; geriatric inmates; and presentation overviews. The lesson plan is presented as an "executive summary" (issue overview).... Read More
    2 v. (v.1 - 68 p., v.2 - ca. 205 p.)
    Document 016922
    Emergency Preparedness Assessment Resource Supplements
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Supplemental resources for the training program "Emergency Preparedness Assessment" (NIC accession no. 006995) are presented. Contents directly related to emergency plans include: Interim Commander checklist; Incident Commander checklist; Prison Operations Administrator checklist; emergency notification checklist; after action requirements checklist; "Notes on Emergency Planning" by Ken Kukrall; action planning; Emergency Plan Exercise Controller Forms for support services, negotiations team, I... Read More
    115 p.
    Document 016685
    Prison Health Care: Youthful Offenders Sentenced as Adults [Lesson Plans]
    National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Information and resources that address the unique challenges of providing health services to youthful offenders are provided through this 20-hour training program. This manual is divided into the following sections: adolescent development; trends and health issues; organizational/administrative issues; security and classification; the role of the medical staff; professional boundaries; mental health disorders; substance abuse; suicide prevention/intervention; sexual/physical/emotional abuse; b... Read More
    91 p.
    Document 016721
    Correctional Health Care: Women Offenders [Lesson Plans and Participant's Manual]; Prison Health Care: Women Offenders
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    The unique challenges of providing health care to women incarcerated in adult facilities are discussed during this 20-hour training program. Sections of this manual cover: objectives and overview; managing women offenders; litigation issues; health issues; mental health issues; creating infrastructure; substance abuse and women; co-occurring; infectious diseases; crisis intervention; and final action plans.... Read More
    2 v. (v.1 - ca. 185 p., v.2 - ca. 175 p.)
    Document 016624
    Critical Elements of Successful Aftercare Services
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    Including preliminary information from the Intensive Aftercare Program Model (IAP) Project, this 30-hour course examines the planning and implementation of an aftercare and transition component in juvenile justice systems. Information is provided about: visualizing successful aftercare; the state of the States -- inventing successful aftercare; the challenge of successful aftercare; the theoretical framework of intensive aftercare; the six stages of successful aftercare; the six stages in pract... Read More
    ca. 175 p.
    Document 016919
    Correctional Religious Programs [Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Religious programming issues are discussed. Topics briefly covered include: what is the practice of religion in corrections today; the reality of conversion; the role of the chaplain and religious program and how it relates to the agency's mission; recruitment, training, and supervision of chaplains; legal issues and religious programming -- constitutional issues and statutory changes; the interplay of religious programming and other correctional functions programs; working with religious volun... Read More
    ca. 48 p.
    Document 016800
    Better Corrections Through Information [Videoconference Held March 15, 2000]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This videoconference discusses issues regarding the collection, analysis, and use of information to assess an agency's programs, services, and operations and to serve as a base for policymaking. Some topics addressed include:
    • Selecting areas on which to collect information;
    • Assessing department and/or agency needs and developing appropriate responses;
    • Managing evaluation resources;
    • And developing and defending result-based budgeting.
    ... Read More
    1 DVD (165 minutes)
    Document 015957
    Report to the Congress of the United States on the Activities of the Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement During Fiscal Year 1999
    National Institute of Corrections. Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement (Washington, DC).
    Contents include: introduction; background; status of correctional job training and placement programs in the United States -- Federal Bureau of Prisons, state, and local efforts; national forum; focus groups; office coordination; interagency coordination; cooperative agreements such as job retention literature review and software development for program replication; training efforts such as the development of a curriculum for Offender Workforce Development Specialists, Offender Employment Speci... Read More
    15 p.
    Document 016066
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 2000
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    This meeting focused primarily on topics related to the role of the jail in the local criminal justice system. Contents include: meeting highlights; justice system coordination and cooperation -- how the jail benefits and the system is improved; criminal justice coordination and cooperation; issues in defining and re-defining the jail's mission; role of the jail in contributing to the efficiency of the local criminal justice system; community oriented policing; roundtable discussion of implicati... Read More
    88 p.
    Document 016070
    Application and Use of Restraints in Custody: Reducing the Risk
  • [Videoconference Held April 19, 2000]
  • National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This presentation will increase the user's understanding of the risks associated with the use of restraints, tools to reduce risk, and the proper way to use restraints in custody. Issues discussed include:
    • Potential problems and concerns with the use of restraints;
    • Terminology, physiology, and medical risks associated with the application and use of restraints;
    • Planned and unplanned use of force;
    • The need for policy development, training, and monitoring;
    • Tools to reduce th... Read More
    1 DVD (162 min.)
    Document 016419
    Sentencing Women Offenders: A Training Curriculum for Judges [Lesson Plans]
    By Cicero, June H.; DeCostanzo, Elaine T.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Association of Women Judges (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Intervention effectiveness can be improved by understanding how women respond to sanctions. This 6-hour course addressed sentencing practices in relation to female offenders through the following modules: why focus on women offenders?; the judicial response to the woman offender; who women offenders are; what works, what is in place, and what do programs in the represented jurisdictions offer?; sanctioning the woman offender; what do we have and what do we need?; and wrap-up session and evaluati... Read More
    92 p.
    Document 016538
    Training Services for Juvenile Corrections and Detention Practitioners
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    Training programs, videoconferences, distance learning, the Regionalization program, and technical assistance available from the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Academy through an interagency agreement with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) are described. In addition, general information, application procedures, and forms are provided. ... Read More
    21 p.
    Document 016686
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 2000
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    This meeting looked at marketing, funding, and auditing in large jail systems. Sections contained in this document include: meeting highlights; issues and strategies explored; what marketing the jail means and why do it; identifying creative marketing opportunities; strategies for demonstrating the need for adequate budget resources; identifying undiscovered or under-utilized funding resources; issues for large jail consideration; the jail auditing process -- how it supports jail operations and ... Read More
    37 p.
    Document 015921
    Effective Supervision of Adult Sex Offenders in the Community [Videoconference held February 9, 2000]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The goal of this videoconference is to enhance the ability of probation and parole agency staff (line officers, supervisors, and policymakers/administrators) to supervise sex offenders in the community more effectively. Topics addressed include:
    • Overview of sex offenders and their victims;
    • The victim-centered approach to sex offender supervision;
    • The role of collaboration in a comprehensive approach to supervision;
    • The containment approach to supervision;
    • Sex offender treatmen... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 015017
    Assessment of Sex Offenders for Sentencing, Supervision and Treatment [Videoconference held February 10, 1999]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Center for Sex Offender Management (Silver Spring, MD).
    Objectives of this three-hour videoconference include:
    • Articulating the purposes for assessment and evaluation of sex offenders and the issues and challenges inherent in each;
    • Understanding the limitations of traditional risk and needs assessment tools for sex offenders;
    • Identifying and defining the available approaches and instruments used to effectively assess and evaluate sex offenders;
    • Distinguishing between effective and ineffective risk assessment tools;
    • And identifying ... Read More
    1 DVD (165 min.)
    Document 015235
    Managing Conflict in the Workplace [Satellite/Internet Broadcast on April 7, 1999]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Among the more difficult challenges existing within personnel management is conflict resolution. This videoconference focuses upon managing conflict in a correctional setting. The panel of experts presents information on the history of workplace conflict, how to identify potential and actual sources of conflict, strategies for agencies to manage workplace conflict and prevent or reduce litigation, methods for agencies to assess their effectiveness in managing conflict, and resources for furt... Read More
    1 DVD (120 min.)
    Document 014886
    Report to the Congress of the United States on the Activities of the Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement During Fiscal Year 1998
    National Institute of Corrections. Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement (Washington, DC).
    Referring to the activities conducted during the year, this report covers the status of job training and placement programs, federal agency coordination, training, and public information and clearinghouse activities. Training included offender employment specialist training, training through technical assistance, workshops conducted, and planning for a national forum in March 1999. Several publications are listed that feature promising programs for integrating offenders into the workforce.... Read More
    7 p.
    Document 014937
    Supermax Prisons: Overview and General Considerations
    By Riveland, Chase. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The author discusses the history and definition of extended control facilities and addresses their operational and staffing issues as well as those of siting, construction and design. He concludes that the purpose of such facilities should not be to exact additional punishment or to function as a repository for bothersome, self-destructive, mentally ill inmates or those who need protection or have an infectious disease, but should be operated with the assumption that the inmate must be denied ac... Read More
    35 p.
    Document 015366
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 1999
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    The meeting primarily dealt with recruiting, hiring, and retraining jail staff. Sessions included: improving opportunities for successful recruitment, selection, and retention of staff; successful/innovative recruitment; improving staff selection; other issues of interest like staffing analysis, problems with stainless steel fixtures, and position announcements; staff retention; NIC study of jail staffing; and a workshop on controlling sexually transmitted diseases in jails. ... Read More
    43 p.
    Document 015894
    Staff Supervision Training for Corrections Professionals [Distance Learning Training Program: Videoconference Held September 13-16, 1999]
    By Young, Cheryl Brown, ed.. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Becoming a first line supervisor involves many changes and challenges. This 28-hour course, originally delivered as a distance learning event, introduces ideas, insights, and perspectives that will immediately impact supervision effectiveness. Modules include: building blocks of supervision (what is a supervisor and supervisory competencies); personal competencies (vision and values and principled behavior); organizational context (mission and culture and working with stakeholders); supervisory ... Read More
    3 video DVDs (532 min.) + 1 CD
    Document 017486
    Training for Trainers: Managing Youthful Offenders in Adult Institutions [Lesson Plans and Participant's Manual]
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Training for those individuals who educate agency/institutional staff on how to design and develop effective systems to manage young offenders is provided during this 36-hour course. This curriculum contains sections regarding: orientation and introduction; foundations of adolescent development; curriculum overview; tools and techniques -- parts I and II; student presentations; and implementation planning.... Read More
    2 v. (v. 1 - 206 p., v. 2 - 164 p.)
    Document 015249
    State Organizational Structures for Delivering Adult Probation Services
    By Krauth, Barbara; Linke, Larry. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Updating information provided in a 1993 NIC publication, this is the third study of adult probation sponsored by NIC since 1983. Sections include: current state of probation in the United States; changes in state structures for delivering adult probation services since 1993; profile of the delivery structure in each state; and three appendices with selected information from earlier studies.Twenty-six states deliver probation services through an agency within the department of corrections. Twenty... Read More
    97 p.
    Document 017023
    Large Jail Network Meeting, January 10-12, 1999, Longmont, Colorado; Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    The issues of post-traumatic stress and critical incidents are addressed. Contents of this document include: meeting highlights; post-traumatic stress syndrome and critical incidents -- preparation, response, and review; post-traumatic stress -- the value of peer support; programs that address post-traumatic stress syndrome in employees; standardized emergency management and critical incident command systems; critical incident training -- preparation, response, and review; critical incident res... Read More
    41 p.
    Document 015778
    Contemporary Issues in Prison Management: Additional Readings
    National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Seven articles comprise this document: "The Transformation of Corrections: 50 Years of Silent Revolutions" by Simon Dinitz; by Dick Franklin -- "Culture Is. . .as Culture DOES", "Protective Custody: A Window to Institution Culture", "Supermax: More of the Same in the 21st Century?", and "Writing Made Easy. .[sic] [strike out Easy, replace with] Easier"; "In-Service Training: Missed Opportunities or Instrument of Change" by Gary C. Mohr; and "Managing Prisons in the 21st Century" by Richard P. Se... Read More
    82 p.
    Document 020495
    Victim Services Liaison Occupational Analysis Profile
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Eastern Kentucky University. Training Resource Center (Richmond, KY).
    A competency profile for a victim services liaison is presented. Elements comprising this competency are duties, tasks, traits, knowledge, skills, and training needs, presented in DACUM format. ... Read More
    2 p.
    Document 014787
    Large Jail Network Meeting, July 12-14, 1998, Longmont, Colorado; Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    The principal speaker at this meeting, attorney Lynn J. Lund, addressed the topic of how to handle conflicts with employees. He summarized recent Supreme Court decisions on sexual harassment, highlighted the importance of following procedures in disciplinary cases, presented some innovative approaches to dealing with problems, as well as some keys to mediating successfully.... Read More
    80 p.
    Document 014260
    The Interstate Compact for Parole and Probation: Ad Hoc Committee Report and Recommendations to the NIC Advisory Board
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The Ad Hoc Committee determined that one primary issue must be addressed - a review of the governance of the Compact - before other issues can be resolved. It recommends a review of the structure of the Parole and Probation Compact Administrators Association (PPCAA), and suggests that it is too remote from sources of authority, influence, and financial resource investment. Other concerns are to improve communications between local agencies, standardize data collection and reporting, and expand i... Read More
    7 p.
    Document 014373
    Objective Jail Classification Systems: A Guide for Jail Administrators
    By Austin, James. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Objective jail classification (OJC) is a process of assessing every jail inmate's custody and program needs and is considered one of the most important management tools available to jail administrators and criminal justice system planners. An effective system of inmate classification will reduce escapes and escape attempts, suicides and suicide attempts, and inmate assaults. OJC systems use locally developed and validated instruments, one at intake and another after a period of confinement, that... Read More
    72 p.
    Document 014596
    Staff Victimization
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office for Victims of Crime (Washington, DC).
    Objectives of this 2-hour broadcast held on March 25, 1998 are to create and improve staff victimization policies, procedures, and programs and to identify resources for developing staff victimization programs and prevention strategies. The panel discusses the following topics:
    • Recognizing and understanding staff victimization,
    • Core components of staff victimization,
    • Levels of victimization,
    • Creating and improving victimization programs, practices and strategies for victim servic... Read More
    1 DVD (120 min.)
    Document 014613
    Gangs, Community and Corrections [Videoconference held June 10, 1998]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This is a 2-hour forum on gang-related criminal activity in the community and within the correctional environment. Program objectives are to help viewers: identify gangs and deviant groups; create strategies for interagency collaboration; implement strategies for identification and management of gangs; and understand the impact of gangs on the community. The first half of the program focuses on problems related to gangs in the community. Points addressed include identifying gangs and deviant... Read More
    1 DVD (125 min)
    Document 014779
    Directory of Programs Serving Families of Adult Offenders
    By Mustin, James W., ed.; Halfacre, Stephanie, ed.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Family and Corrections Network (Palmyra, VA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This revised edition updates the directory, dated October 1995 and lists programs in the United States and Canada.... Read More
    38 p.
    Document 014786
    Environmental Scan: Factors Potentially Affecting the Management and Operation of Corrections Agencies
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Findings from this scan are grouped into three main sections and range from case processing statistics to discussions of legislative activity to snapshots of correctional issues as they affect state and local agencies. Section 1. Corrections in society, includes such topics as crime rates and victims, media coverage, legislation, and criminal filings. Section 2. Corrections Agency Management and Operations, and Section 3. Special Issues in Corrections, cover topics as follows: legal issues, heal... Read More
    38 p.
    Document 014806
    Psychopaths: Their Nature and Impact on Corrections [Videoconference held August 5, 1998]
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This three-hour interactive videoconference addresses both adult and juvenile psychopaths who are incarcerated or under community supervision. It covers the following topics: identification, diagnosis, and classification of psychopathic offenders and detainees; assessing their risk for violence (prediction studies); special considerations with psychopathic sex offenders; costs associated with managing these offenders and detainees; the implications for treatment, management, and release; Hendric... Read More
    1 DVD (180 min.)
    Document 013120
    Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Parolees and Probationers: Advisory Group Report and Recommendations, Phase I
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The Advisory Group, meeting in June 1998,, agreed unanimously that the Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Parolees and Probationers should be amended in the interest of public protection. Key provisions would include the establishment of a nationwide governing commission charged with establishing the policy and practice of the ICS, as well as a mandatory funding mechanism to provide staffing and operation of centralized functions. Authority for rule making, rule enforcement, conflict reso... Read More
    236 p.
    Document 003285
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 1998
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Presentations and discussions at this meeting of 50 administrators of the largest jails in the country focused on two issues: "Generation X" employees and an update of the Prison Litigation Reform Act of 1996. Some of the topics covered are: The future of our workforce; Pre-Employment testing and selection; Use of pre-service or in-service training; Generation X employees and how they challenge our role as leaders; Legal update regarding the PLRA; and Key issues for large jail network considerat... Read More
    85 p.
    Document 003287
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 1997
    National Institute of Corrections Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Attended by about 70 administrators of the largest jail systems in the country, this meeting focused on two topics: 1) the use of technology in the jail setting; and 2) sexual misconduct of staff. The highlights addressed the following issues: 21st century technology and its application to local jail information and operational needs; innovative technology applications for internal problems; benefits of technology for inter-government decision-making; identifying and dealing with staff sexual mi... Read More
    115 p.
    Document 013682
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 1997
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    This meeting focused on two issues: privatization of correctional facilities and the Prison Litigation Reform Act of 1996. Ten presenters provide arguments for and against privatization. Political environment, contract terms, personnel, cost of operation, monitoring, and accountability are highlighted. The Prison Litigation Reform Act is explained and commented upon by two attorneys, Lynn Lund and William Collins. Appendices include the meeting agenda and list of participants.... Read More
    52 p.
    Document 013722
    Supermax Housing: A Survey of Current Practice
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    Results of a nationwide survey of supermax housing practice identify current and planned supermax housing, explore issues in inmate management in supermax, and examine programming provided to inmates in supermax housing. Difficulties in defining supermax housing are discussed, and availability of programs such as mental health care and law library access are summarized. Tables detail characteristics of supermax facilities by state, and a list of DOC contacts on supermax issues is also included. ... Read More
    13 p.
    Document 013760
    Competency Profile of Community Corrections Professional III
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This profile was developed during the "DACUM Facilitator Training" seminar, April 15-16, 1997, in Longmont, CO., for the Community Corrections Professional III.... Read More
    5 p.
    Document 013761
    Competency Profile of Jail Primary Booking Officer
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Developed as a demonstration during the "DACUM Facilitator Training" seminar, April 15-16, 1997 in Longmont, CO, this profile contains in brief form the competencies expected of a jail primary booking officer.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 013762
    Competency Profile of Training Administrator
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Developed as a demonstration during the "DACUM Facilitator Training" session, April 15-16, 1997 in Longmont, CO., this profile contains in brief form the competencies expected of a training administrator.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 013768
    Women in Jail: Classification Issues
    By Brennan, Tim; Austin, James. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The authors examine issues related to classification of female jail inmates by profiling the female inmate population and discussing problems associated with using a single classification system for both male and female inmates or a gender-neutral system. This document also provides guidelines for designing a classification system specifically for women. ... Read More
    23 p.
    Document 013793
    Policy-Driven Responses to Probation and Parole Violations
    By Burke, Peggy B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The author describes the experiences of probation and parole agencies from across the country that worked with NIC on developing innovative approaches to probation and parole violations and revocations. The document identifies critical issues emerging from these experiences, and discusses the impact that some of these approaches had on the jurisdiction or agency involved. ... Read More
    48 p.
    Document 013964
    Prison Medical Care: Special Needs Populations and Cost Control - Special Issues in Corrections
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    Departments of corrections nationwide were surveyed regarding care for populations with specialized medical care needs and also regarding means the departments are using to contain or reduce their overall costs for medical services. The section on specialized needs details state responses concerning medical care for elderly, terminally ill, and chronically ill inmates. Tables identify main facilities housing elderly inmates with special medical needs, responses available for elderly inmates with... Read More
    15 p.
    Document 014209
    Cognitive-Behavioral Programs: A Resource Guide to Existing Services
    By Van Dieten, Marilyn. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Designed to give correctional practitioners an overview of services available for use with their clients, this resources guide lists cognitive-behavioral programs for males, females, youth, adults, and couples. It covers primary need areas as follows: substance abuse, sex offenses, anger, cognitive skills, employment, relapse prevention, domestic abuse, and criminal attitudes.... Read More
    25 p.
    Document 012932
    Community Corrections Approaching the 21st Century
    By O'Leary, Vincent; Clear, Todd R.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This monograph, an update of a similar 1984 paper, describes the directions needed in corrections as we enter the 21st century. The focus is on community corrections, especially intermediate sanctions, electronic monitoring, and intensive supervision with drug testing. The authors define the principles of limited risk management and demonstrate how they may be arranged in correctional practice.... Read More
    60 p.
    Document 014398
    Sexually Violent Offender Legislation
    By Nelson, Keith O.. National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    Results of a survey to determine states which have statutes providing for civil commitment of convicted sex offenders upon their release indicate that 19 have no current, pending, or previously introduced statutes. The remaining respondents report statutes with varying requirements and procedures. The author suggests ways in which the National Institute of Corrections could assist with risk assessment instruments.... Read More
    10 p.
    Document 014689
    Competency Profile of Community Resource Liaison
    By Wolford, Bruce. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This DACUM (Developing a Curriculum) profile was developed for the new area of Community and Restorative Justice. The DACUM technique is based on the premise that expert workers can describe their job better than anyone else, that any job can be described in terms of the tasks that workers in that occupation perform, and that the specific knowledge, skills, attitudes, and tools required for the job can also be described. This profile describes the nature of the job listed as Community Resource L... Read More
    7 p.
    Document 013163
    Update: Correctional Beds Not in Use Due to Lack of Funds; Update: State Prison Beds Not in Use Due to Lack of Funds
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    A survey of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and eight local jurisdictions, identified four jurisdictions in which correctional facility beds that are ready for occupancy are not yet in use due to a lack of funding. Three jurisdictions also reported previously operational bedspace that has been closed due to budgetary shortfalls. The report presents data on the specific facilities involved, their location, size, and security levels.... Read More
    2 p.
    Document 013081
    A National Symposium on Violent Offenders: Summary and Resources
    By Krauth, Barbara. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This document is a summary of an NIC-sponsored symposium addressing issues related to violent offenders, held in Longmont, Colorado in May 1995. Presentations made at this symposium detailed research on causes of violence and on treatment, described agency and professional association initiatives targeted toward violent offenders, and highlighted the perspective of victims.... Read More
    59 p.
    Document 013216
    Managing Staff: Corrections' Most Valuable Resource
    By Camp, George M.; Camp, Camille G.; Fair, Michael V.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Association of State Correctional Administrators (South Salem, NY); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This document presents a comprehensive review of staff retention strategies and an assessment of management strategies that have proven successful. It also details research on retention in four departments of correction and suggests improvements in tracking vital statistics on retention. ... Read More
    121 p.
    Document 013227
    Community Justice: Striving for Safe, Secure, and Just Communities
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Eight authors discuss changes occurring in criminal justice under the general theme of community justice. Topics discussed include restorative justice, acknowledging probation's multiple clients, the role of risk assessment, thinking differently about justice, community involvement, and neighborhood supervision. ... Read More
    45 p.
    Document 013469
    Boot Camp Program Planning and Facility Design: Residential and Community Program Components
    By Swanson, Richard M.. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Developed for NIC Jails Division's Boot Camp Workshop, this document outlines the steps necessary in implementing such a program. It provides lesson plans on planning and staffing issues, as well as overheads and forms used in the workshop.... Read More
    54 p.
    Document 013485
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 1996
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    NIC's Large Jail Network meeting's highlights are presented in this document. The focus of the meeting was the topic of juveniles in adult jails, and among the issues discussed were: effective approaches to handling juveniles in jails; preparing and training staff to manage juvenile offenders; the public health dimension of jail medical services; and community, media, and interagency issues.... Read More
    79 p.
    Document 013551
    Developing/Revising Detention Facility Policies and Procedures
    By Martin, Mark D.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Assists local detention administrators in the development and/or revision of their policy and procedures manuals. Includes discussion of concepts such as direct supervision, objective jail classification, and other advances in correctional practice.... Read More
    23 p.
    Document 013633
    Audits of Podular Direct-Supervision Jails
    By Farbstein, Jay; Liebert, Dennis; Sigurdson, Herbert. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Three facilities varying in size and region were audited to measure the state of the art in podular direct-supervision jails, to test how well direct supervision is performing, and to point out its strengths and challenges. Staff and inmates in facilities in Minnesota, Florida, and Massachusetts were surveyed on issues such as safety and security, effective supervision of inmates, classification, staffing and training, and design and environment. Findings are presented in detail by facility.... Read More
    64 p.
    Document 014690
    Guide to a Criminal Justice System Assessment: A Work in Progress
    By Burke, Peggy; Cushman, Robert; Ney, Becki. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Silver Spring, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    A system assessment is a collaborative effort between a jurisdiction, the National Institute of Corrections, and consultants to develop a shared understanding of how an existing sanctioning system works. This guide defines what a system assessment and its multiple dimensions are, discusses the approach to the system assessment, and describes how a system assessment can be conducted. Jurisdictions taking part in an assessment can expect to: 1. have two, three-day site visits by an assessment team... Read More
    134 p.
    Document 014382
    Volunteer Orientation for Frequent and Regular Volunteers: Trainer's Guide
    By Jacobsen, Vic. National Institute of Corrections Academy. Western Regional Field Coordinators (N.P.).
    Designed to provide volunteers with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful within the institution, this training curriculum covers various topics, including the volunteer code of conduct, contraband and security, Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, personal safety, and facility tour and job orientation. The training runs for approximately eight hours. The curriculum package consists of lesson plans accompanied by some text of overhead transparencies.... Read More
    60 p.
    Document 003016
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 1996
    National Institute of Corrections Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Focusing on issues surrounding deaths in the jail setting, this meeting presented seven seminars, titled: 1. The Dilemma of jail deaths; 2. Overview of dynamics of jail population; 3. Preventing in-custody deaths; 4. Resources available for dying inmates; 5. Community and media relations in the context of in-custody deaths; 6. Coping with staff deaths; and 7. The crime bill and its effect on corrections.... Read More
    44 p.
    Document 003973
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting [January 22-24, 1995, Longmont, Colorado]
    National Institute of Corrections Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Jail administrators, recognizing the serious problems caused by gang members held in local jails, focused exclusively on the issue of gangs in jails at this meeting. Presentations centered on the following issues: identification of gang members; housing policies; relationship of gang activity to inmate services and programs; and how to address gang activity through intergovernmental cooperation. All participants expressed support for a "zero tolerance" policy in dealing with gangs in local jails... Read More
    57 p.
    Document 013524
    Building Partnerships: A Systems Approach to Partnerships in Corrections
    By Jacobsen, Vic. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This document details the lesson plans from a seminar/workshop conducted by the National Institute of Corrections Academy in July 1995. The first part defines "partnerships" and part two focuses on planning and developing partnership.... Read More
    63 p.
    Document 013036
    Managers Guide to Disturbance Control
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This report briefly describes the philosophy and policy of handling disturbances, as well as the command centers, communications, tactics, equipment, and support services needed during a disturbance. Other topics discussed are inmate management, and mutual aid from other facilities and outside agencies.... Read More
    23 p.
    Document 012014
    Distance Techniques for Staff Training [Memorandum]
    By Conway, Eileen G.. National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO).
    This memorandum briefly describes how several correctional agencies are using distance techniques for training staff. These techniques include the utilization of satellite teleconferences and PictureTel technology to provide training for trainers, general staff training, and managerial training.... Read More
    2 p.
    Document 012409
    Communications in Corrections--Supplement
    By Stucker, John J.; Smith, Gretchen M.; Sprecher, Rob. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This supplement describes the communications audits, technical assistance, and small grant projects supported by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) during this communications improvement program. The report summarizes communication issues and effective strategies for improvement. Topics discussed include community relations, media relations, corrections policy, internal communications, and organizational development. Included is a summary of the steps involved in developing a strate... Read More
    16 p.
    Document 012475
    Prison Suicide: An Overview and Guide to Prevention
    By Hayes, Lindsay M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Center on Institutions and Alternatives (Mansfield, MA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This monograph presents a review of the literature and of national and state standards for prison suicide prevention, as well as national data on the incidence and rate of prison suicide, effective prevention programs, and discussion of liability issues. Topics also discussed include staff training, intake screening/assessment, housing, levels of supervision, intervention and administrative review. The document also examines the role of the courts in shaping prison suicide policy. ... Read More
    108 p.
    Document 012722
    Podular Direct Supervision Jails: 1995 Directory
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO).
    This document was developed as a resource for those interested in the direct supervision concept of jail design and management. It will help readers locate direct supervision facilities that they may wish to study or contact, and provides basic information on the design, bedspace, and other aspects of the facilities listed. The three categories of jails covered are: podular direct supervision jails (both planned and operating), jails converted to direct supervision, and jails that have a combina... Read More
    123 p.
    Document 012849
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 1995
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    This report on the proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting includes the following approaches to staffing issues: recruitment, hiring and selection, training and performance appraisals, procedures for discipline, current trends in employee relations and sexual harassment, and dealing with unions.... Read More
    41 p.
    Document 012900
    Directory of Programs Serving Families of Adult Offenders
    By Mustin, James W., ed.; Halfacre, Stephanie, ed.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Family and Corrections Network (Waynesboro, VA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This directory lists programs in the United States and Canada offering services specifically for families of adult offenders.... Read More
    34 p.
    Document 012769
    Prison Security: Security Tips Checklists
    By Milosovich, John T.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    These security tips checklists were compiled from prison security training seminars conducted through the National Institute of Corrections. Topics addressed include: security audits, facility planning, technology, post analysis, staff recruitment, programming, security threat groups, continuum of force, supermax institutions and emergency preparedness. The appendices include lists of crisis indicators, emergency response resources, benefits of good security, and consequences of poor security.... Read More
    47 p.
    Document 015172
    Competency Profile of First-Line Correctional Supervisor
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO). Maine Criminal Justice Academy (Waterville, ME); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The DACUM profile describes the competencies expected of a First-Line Correctional Supervisor. This individual "provides supervision of, and direction to custody staff and other correctional employees in maintaining the custody, control, and care of inmates (p.2)."... Read More
    4 p.
    Document 012121
    Program Review and Internal Audit in Corrections
    By Sechrest, Dale K.; McShane, Marilyn; Haefeli, Lawrence F.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This report addresses the nature of program review/internal audit systems in correctional agencies and facilities. Based on an analysis of review systems and a review of management literature, the report presents a model program review/internal audit system. Included in this analysis are discussions of evaluation procedures, performance measurements, types of program reviews, risk assessment, priority-setting and management information systems.... Read More
    272 p.
    Document 011765
    Bloom's Taxonomy and Performance Objectives [Lesson Plan]
    By Bergeron, Renee. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This lesson plan outlines a course to instruct participants on the development and writing of performance objectives, and on the utilization of Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Behaviors. The lesson plan provides presentation materials including guided activities to direct participants through the processes. Several activity forms are included in this plan.... Read More
    25 p.
    Document 011894
    Competency Profile of Juvenile Probation Director
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    The juvenile probation director is responsible for juvenile probation operations within a local jurisdiction that provide a continuum of interventions for juvenile offenders and at-risk youth and their families, and that provide for public safety. Using a DACUM format, the duties and tasks of the juvenile probation director are listed.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 013095
    Forging New Working Partnerships: Results of a National Working Meeting of Police, Probation and Parole Executives
    By Drake, William R.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). DRAKE Associates (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Police Foundation (Washington, DC).
    This report on the first-ever meeting of fourteen police, probation, and parole executives from throughout the United States, who met in November 1994, focuses on three main themes. They are: cooperation and information sharing, a shared mission of public safety and enforcement, and the recognition that all are searching for ways to prevent and control crime.... Read More
    31 p.
    Document 012934
    Proceedings of a National Forum on Creating Jail Mental Health Services for Tomorrow's Health Care Systems
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Mental Health Services (Washington, DC).
    This report on the proceedings of the first national forum on mental health services in jails contains copies of the remarks made by the speakers and summaries of each session of the meeting. The forum resulted from a strong concern about the numbers of mentally ill persons in correctional facilities. Areas of focus included mental health services in San Francisco Sheriff's Department facilities, and special mental health and substance abuse issues for women.... Read More
    75 p.
    Document 012263
    Competency Profile of Juvenile Facility Administrator
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    Juvenile facility administrators are responsible for all facets of the care custody, and treatment services to committed youth. This document, in the format of a DACUM profile, outlines the duties and related tasks of juvenile facility administrators. It also summarizes the traits and attributes; resources and equipment; and knowledge and skills needed to enter this profession.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 012264
    Competency Profile of Juvenile Detention Director/Superintendent
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    Juvenile detention directors/superintendents are responsible for managing all operations of a juvenile detention facility and its related programs. This document, in the format of a DACUM profile, outlines the duties and related tasks of juvenile detention directors/superintendents. It also summarizes the traits and attributes; equipment and resources; and knowledge and skills needed for this profession.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 012265
    Competency Profile of State Director of Juvenile Correctional Services
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
    The state director of juvenile correctional services is responsible for directing the implementation of the agency's mission and all aspects of state juvenile correctional services. This document, in the format of a DACUM profile, outlines the duties and related tasks of the state director of juvenile correctional services. It also summarizes the traits and attributes; education/experience; equipment; and knowledge and skills needed to enter this profession.... Read More
    4 p.
    Document 011369
    Profiles of Correctional Substance Abuse Treatment Programs: Women and Violent Youthful Offenders
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    This document provides brief overviews of substance abuse treatment programs currently serving women and youthful violent offenders. Eleven programs for women are identified, including OPTIONS, WINGS, Forever Free, Marilyn Baker House, Booneville Treatment Center for Women, Dos Pasos Program, and New Image. The two programs described for youthful violent offenders are the Cook County Day Reporting Center and the substance abuse treatment program at the Lee Arrendale Correctional Institution. Pro... Read More
    98 p.
    Document 011388
    NIC Survey of State Corrections Departments, February, [March, April and May] 1994: Funding for Prison Beds
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    These surveys of state corrections departments examine the planning, construction, and funding of prison beds throughout the United States. This material updates similar information reported in January 1992.... Read More
    12 p.
    Document 011452
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 23-25, 1994, Longmont, Colorado
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    This meeting of the Large Jail Network focused on intergovernmental dimensions of the role of the jail in the criminal justice system. This document presents the highlights and proceedings of the meeting. The Appendices include graphs and tables depicting data on major metropolitan jail administration.... Read More
    71 p.
    Document 013391
    Focus Group Results from Three Focus Group Sessions Held at Three Different Academy Division Seminars
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    In 1994, three focus group sessions were held and all discussed the following open-ended question: What are some specific problems of women offenders and how does facility design facilitate or hinder the resolution of those problems? This document reports the results of these discussions, and lists the participants in the various sessions.... Read More
    9 p.
    Document 003546
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 10-12, 1994, Denver, Colorado
    National Institute of Corrections Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    The focus of this meeting was on inmate programs and on the issues of dealing with juveniles remanded to adult jails. Session #1 dealt with effective inmate programs: What principles formulate the foundation for potential success? Session #2 was titled "Issues in implementing, evaluating, and monitoring inmate programs," while Session #3 was "Revenue-generating inmate programs: What are they and how do they function?" Session #4 was titled "Non-traditional inmate programs and jail industries: Ho... Read More
    57 p.
    Document 003372
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 11-13, 1993, Denver, Colorado
    National Institute of Corrections Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Two main topics were the focus of this meeting: the privatization of corrections and the special needs of women offenders in jails. Presentations on privatization addressed contracting out specific services as well as the issue of full-scale management of correctional facilities. The health care needs of women in jail were addressed by two physicians who direct jail health services. Another major session was devoted to the need for special programming for women in jail.... Read More
    63 p.
    Document 000245
    Bridging the Gap: Winning Administration's Support for Training
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Academy. Northeast Regional Field Coordinators (N.P.).
    Designed specifically for correctional trainers from all areas of corrections, this twenty-four-hour seminar instructs participants in the development of a strategic action plan that will link training with agency needs. Communication styles, individual and organizational change theory, and social marketing are topics discussed. The manual contains lesson plans and a participant's guide. The seminar was held in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, September 14-16, 1993.... Read More
    ca. 100 p.
    Document 000875
    A Communications Audit: Promoting Public Understanding of Corrections
    By Stucker, John J.; Camp, George M.; Smith, Gretchen M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This report examines the issues surrounding the corrections community's communications needs, serving as an aid for developing strategies and methodologies to improve the quality and impact of communications activities. This monograph documents and describes the audit process undertaken in three state departments of corrections as they sought to develop more effective communications plans. States included in the project were Rhode Island, Alabama, and California. ... Read More
    75 p.
    Document 002267
    Competency Profile of Administrator of Substance Abuse Services
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    The administrator of substance abuse services develops, implements, and directs a continuum of substance abuse services in a correctional system. Using a DACUM format, duties and tasks are listed as well as traits & attitudes, knowledge & skills, resources & equipment, and education/licenses requirements of an administrator of substance abuse services.... Read More
    4 p.
    Document 004615
    Competency Profile of Public Information Officer
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    The public information officer represents correctional agencies in disseminating information and establishing positive relations with the public and media. Using a DACUM format, the duties and tasks of the public information officer are listed.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 015527
    Podular, Direct Supervision Jails: Information Packet
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Designed to give the reader an introduction to the concept, this collection of articles discusses the principles of podular, direct supervision and local detention's experience with it. Articles included are: "Direct Supervision of Correctional Institutions"; "Resolution -- Isolation of Staff from Inmates"; Special Focus On -- Comparison of Direct and Indirect Supervision Facilities"; and "New Generation Jails". ... Read More
    57 p.
    Document 011716
    Abstracts of Currently Utilized Substance Abuse Assessment Instruments
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This document briefly describes ten substance abuse assessment instruments in use throughout the United States. Each abstract describes the instrument's purpose, target population, validity and reliability data, administration/scoring, training requirements, source, and cost.... Read More
    10 p.
    Document 010860
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 24-26, 1993, Denver, Colorado
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    The theme of this year's Large Jail Network meeting focuses on the problem of airborne and blood-borne pathogens in jails. The conference opens with a presentation on tuberculosis and infectious diseases, followed by sessions on dealing with blood-borne and airborne pathogens, exposure control plans, training programs, and rising health care costs in jails. Brief findings are provided from NIJ's AIDS survey.... Read More
    36 p.
    Document 000213
    The Intermediate Sanctions Handbook: Experiences and Tools for Policymakers
    By McGarry, Peggy, ed.; Carter, Madeline M., ed.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (Alexandria, VA). Center for Effective Public Policy (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This handbook offers the collective expertise and experience of those who participated in the State Justice Institute and National Institute of Corrections' cosponsored training and technical assistance program, the Intermediate Sanctions Project. The handbook serves as a planning resource for the development of more effective systems of intermediate sanctions. Chapters containing exercises and discussion outlines address key steps in the intermediate sanctions process from getting started to ma... Read More
    155 p.
    Document 010648
    Cultural Diversity: Training for Trainers
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Longmont, CO). National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections. Central and Southern Regional Field Coordinators (N.P.); Eastern Kentucky University. Training Resource Center (Richmond, KY).
    Targeted for criminal justice professionals who train, this curriculum demonstrates communication skills that strengthen positive interaction, evaluates the impact of individual cultural perspectives and personal beliefs on the effectiveness of interacting with others, and identifies positive and negative relationships that are impacted by cultural diversity in the work place. Section topics include creating a common understanding, what it means to be different in your organization, communicati... Read More
    ca. 140 p. + 1 videocassette (9 min.); VHS
    Document 010937
    An Administrative Overview of the Older Inmate
    By Morton, Joann B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    To help correctional administrators meet the needs of an increasing number of older inmates, this document explores primary policy and programmatic issues relevant to this population. It provides a brief overview of existing literature, describes current special unit programs designed for older inmates, and provides an extensive list of resources available for those focusing their efforts on these inmates.... Read More
    40 p.
    Document 010714
    Designing Training for the National Institute of Corrections Academy: Instructional Theory into Practice
    By Welch, Debbie; Berman, Kathy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Used as a resource in development of NIC training programs, this handbook provides techniques and strategies for training that incorporate the Instructional Theory into Practice (ITIP) theories. Components covered include: planning session, task analysis, lesson plan manual, participant manual, training seminar presentation, and seminar evaluation.... Read More
    34 p.
    Document 010786
    Female Offenders in the Community: An Analysis of Innovative Strategies and Programs
    By Austin, James; Bloom, Barbara; Donahue, Trish. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Council on Crime and Delinquency (San Francisco, CA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This report describes various strategies and programs that appear to provide effective community supervision and/or treatment of female offenders. It describes the results of a national survey of public and private community programs that supervise female offenders. Additionally, the report discusses the pertinent issues, needs, and problems of this population. Along with describing various programs, the report assesses positive aspects of these programs from their objectives through follow-up a... Read More
    82 p.
    Document 010348
    Managing Probation with Scarce Resources: Obstacles and Opportunities
    By Cochran, Donald; Corbett, Ronald; Nidorf, Barry; Buck, Gerald S.; Stiles, Don R.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Five papers examine cutback management in probation agencies. Specific topics include: the role classification schemes play in making decisions on priorities for supervision; building an external constituency for probation; impact of downsizing on personnel in terms of morale and career stagnation; methods for generating alternative or additional revenue streams; and, action steps that the probation executive facing scarce resources should undertake. ... Read More
    53 p.
    Document 010552
    Competency Profile of Correctional Officer
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Longmont, CO).
    The correctional officer ensures the public safety by providing for the care, custody, control, and maintenance of inmates. Duties and tasks of the correctional officer are charted, using a DACUM format.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 010553
    Competency Profile of Director of Correctional Industries
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Longmont, CO).
    The director of correctional industries develops and directs business-oriented work and training enterprises for offenders. Duties and tasks of the director of correctional industries are charted, using a DACUM format.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 010591
    Issues in Siting Correctional Facilities: An Information Brief
    By Abrams, Kathleen Shea; Lyons, William. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC); Florida Atlantic University, Florida International University. Government Center for Environmental and Urban Problems (Fort Lauderdale, FL).
    This Information Brief highlights the findings of a study of the impact of correctional facilities on land values and public safety. Documenting the positive and negative impacts of correctional facilities on local communities, the Brief presents strategies for better managing the process of siting correctional facilities. The study concludes that an agency's ability to effectively manage public opposition determines the siting of a correctional facility within that community. ... Read More
    18 p.
    Document 012262
    Competency Profile of Correctional Attorney
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    Correctional attorneys are responsible for advising, counseling, and representing the administrators and employees of correctional agencies in legal matters. This document, in the format of a DACUM profile, outlines the function, duties, and related tasks of correctional attorneys. It also summarizes the traits and attitudes; knowledge and skills; resources and equipment; and education/licenses needed to enter the correctional attorney profession.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 009702
    Presentence Time Served Credits for Sentenced Offenders
    By Scholes, Patricia. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Boulder, CO); LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    An informal survey of corrections personnel in six states found that, in five states, credit for presentence time served is awarded by the county where the prisoner was held, either through the county clerk to the prison or to the sentencing judge. In the sixth state, time is credited by statute. Contacts are provided for additional information.... Read More
    1 p.
    Document 010043
    Briefing Paper: Trends in Jail Privatization
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Boulder, CO); LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    This briefing paper provides an overview of trends in jail privatization as evident in the following models: private management, development of a facility by the private sector, and private sector services provision. The author summarizes pro and con arguments, growth trends and the current extent of privatization in jails. Appendix A presents policy statements on corrections privatization from the American Jail Association, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, t... Read More
    24 p.
    Document 010049
    Briefing Paper: Regional Jails
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Boulder, CO); LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    Based on a national jail survey, this briefing paper identifies 15 regional jails. Authors also describe seven organizational structures for regional jails and discuss issues related to the implementation of a multijurisdictional jail. Among the topics addressed are: implementation obstacles, effective planning strategies, and advantages of regional jails.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 010106
    Inmate Work Programs: A Review of the Literature
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Boulder, CO); LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    In a review of recent literature on inmate work programs, the author describes operational assignments within institutions and community service work programs. An appendix includes sample policies and regulations governing inmate work programs.... Read More
    75 p.
    Document 002074
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, January 12-14, 1992 [Denver, Colorado]
    National Institute of Corrections Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    This meeting featured a series of presentations on: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA); Writing and negotiating contracts for food service and medical care; Use of force; The National Pretrial Reporting Program; and The employee disciplinary process. There are nearly 70 large jail systems in the United States and the Large Jail Network provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information that are relevant to the operation of large jails.... Read More
    32 p.
    Document 003334
    Policies Regarding Searches of Visitors: A Survey
    By Scholes, Patricia. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
    Policies of six western prison facilities and one department of corrections regarding searches of visitors are briefly reported.... Read More
    2 p.
    Document 003367
    Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 26-28, 1992 [Denver, Colorado]
    National Institute of Corrections Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
    Regularly convened meetings of administrators of the seventy-five jurisdictions in the U.S. with populations over 1000 inmates provide an exchange of ideas and information. This meeting dealt primarily with the American With Disabilities Act (ADA) and featured presentations on: An overview of the ADA; Legal issues of ADA; Dealing with employee issues and ADA; Update on the National Pretrial Reporting Program; Update on the National Institute of Mental Health Survey; and Information report on the... Read More
    36 p.
    Document 010046
    Results of Needs Assessment Survey: Media Relations Training
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Boulder, CO); LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    Designed to determine the need for and interest in media relations training, a national survey queried directors of community corrections agencies, large jails, and state corrections departments concerning media relations staffing issues and the extent of national media attention on the agency. Suggestions for seminar topics include the following categories: general media management/awareness, community relations, media techniques, negative media situations, role of agency administration in good... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 010041
    Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the Large Jail Network, January 20-21, 1991, Denver, Colorado
    By MacPhail, Carolyn. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Boulder, CO); LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    The conference opens with a presentation on legal issues, followed by panel and group discussions of internal and external crowding strategies, consent decrees, and new technologies.... Read More
    28 p.
    Document 009018
    The Practical Planning Guide for Community Corrections Managers
    By Mactavish, Marie. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    The different stages of the Planning Model are described. They include: Identifying community interests and offender requirements; Surveying services that are internal and external to the organization; Updating the mission (purpose of the business); Analyzing the gaps: the difference between what is and what ought to be; Creating outcome criteria for evaluation; Planning for and taking action: implementation stage; and Evaluating the action. ... Read More
    41 p.
    Document 009274
    Intervening with Substance-Abusing Offenders: A Framework for Action: Executive Summary
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). National Task Force on Correctional Substance Abuse Strategies (N.P.); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    A brief discussion is provided of the six major goals suggested by the National Task Force on Correctional Substance Abuse Strategies for substance abuse programming.... Read More
    30 p.
    Document 009275
    Intervening with Substance-Abusing Offenders: A Framework for Action
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). National Task Force on Correctional Substance Abuse Strategies (N.P.); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Effective, documented strategies for controlling contraband in institutions, monitoring substance abuse behavior, and therapeutic or educational intervention do exist. This document discusses six major goals for substance abuse programming. They include: assessment, programming, linkages, human resources, environment, and accountability. Strategy briefs are provided for various programs that have been implemented to deal with substance abuse among criminal offenders. These programs include: Co... Read More
    159 p.
    Document 009670
    Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the Large Jail Network, July 21-23, 1991, Denver, Colorado
    By MacPhail, Carolyn. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Boulder, CO). LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Boulder, CO).
    Topic sessions discuss managing jail litigation, intermediate sanctions, linking jail and community programs, NIC/NASA program on corrections technology, and human resource issues.... Read More
    25 p.
    Document 010484
    Setting the Jail Research Agenda for the 1990s: Proceedings from a Special Meeting
    By Mays, G. Larry, ed.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The proceedings summarize a meeting in which eleven practitioners and twelve researchers came together to discuss jail research needs and priorities. Presentations address issues such as special populations, drug use in jails, the need for research on jail assaults, jail litigation trends, computer simulation applications, regional jails, and jail crowding.... Read More
    88 p.
    Document 010550
    Competency Profile of Training Program Manager
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    The training program manager promotes individual and organizational performance through planning, designing, and managing employee development and training programs/services. Duties and tasks of the training program manager are charted using a DACUM format.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 010551
    Competency Profile of Correctional Educator
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    The correctional educator develops, implements, and coordinates education programs (i.e., academic skills, vocational skills, living/social skills) for students in correctional education settings. Duties and tasks of the correctional educator are listed, using a DACUM format.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 010615
    National Institute of Corrections Council on Curriculum Development Proposed 18-Credit Hour CO Certification Curriculum
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). International Association of Correctional Officers (Marquette, MI); National Institute of Corrections. National Council on Curriculum Development (Marquette, MI).
    Areas to be covered are outlined in detail for the following six courses, proposed for correctional officer certification: Corrections in the Criminal Justice System; Correctional Practices; Basic Communications in Corrections; Offender Behavior and Development; Juvenile Justice and Corrections; and, Ethical and Legal Issues in Corrections.... Read More
    20 p.
    Document 009499
    Issues in Residential Community Corrections Policy and Practice
    By Lindsay, Margot C.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute for Sentencing Alternatives (Waltham, MA).
    Directed at policymakers, the first issue of an NIC series outlines an approach for integrating residential community corrections within the available sanctions of a specific jurisdiction. An initial overview describes changes in sentencing purposes and laws, trends in corrections, and the effects of correctional changes on residential community corrections. A framework is presented for integrating residential community corrections into a comprehensive corrections policy. The author reviews se... Read More
    9 p.
    Document 009502
    Issues in Residential Community Corrections Policy and Practice
    By Parent, Dale. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute for Sentencing Alternatives (Wattham, MA).
    With an emphasis on the role of local citizens in residential community corrections, this report examines methods for obtaining community input into program development and operations. Efforts to maintain a good working relationship between community corrections and local residents focus on community acceptance of the correctional facility, achieved by establishing partnerships among correctional administrators, local officials, and area citizens. A discussion of the public climate with respect... Read More
    10 p.
    Document 008501
    Worker Safety in Probation and Parole
    By Parsonage, William H.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    An overview of worker safety among probation and parole personnel in the 1980's is presented. Examples and trends regarding the victimization of probation and parole workers, along with guidelines for their protection, are discussed.... Read More
    74 p.
    Document 008750
    Proceedings of the First Meeting of the Large Jail Network, June 3-5, 1990, Denver, Colorado
    National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Boulder, CO). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Boulder, CO); LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    Titles of Topic Sessions include: Systems Approaches to Jail Crowding and Population Management; Managing the Crowded Jail; Special Programs; and Boot Camps.... Read More
    23 p.
    Document 008835
    Competency Profile of State Director of Correctional Education
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    A DACUM profile is provided of the duties and tasks of the State Director of Correctional Education. Such duties include: manage education program operations; plan correctional education programs; articulate with other agencies; provide staff development; and participate in litigation process.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 008894
    Competency Profile of Education Director, Correctional Facility/Facilities
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    A DACUM profile is provided of the duties and tasks of an education director of a correctional facility. Such duties include designing, managing, and promoting correctional education programs through creative leadership that complies with state and federal laws.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 008919
    Advisory Board Hearings
    National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
    Intended to guide the NIC Advisory Board and Prisons Division for future program planning, this report provides a summary of the views of prison administrators and practitioners on the needs of prisons today and offers recommendations regarding how NIC might assist them.... Read More
    33 p.
    Document 010047
    State Corrections Agencies' Substance Abuse Treatment Programs: Results of an NIC Information Center Survey
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Boulder, CO); LIS, Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    As a follow-up to a national survey of state correctional agencies' substance abuse treatment programs, this paper summarizes methods for identifying inmates with treatment needs, the proportion of these inmates who are receiving treatment, the use of objective screening instruments by state agencies, and the use of inmate profile data in assigning treatment. A summary of types of substance abuse treatment programs includes those designed as therapeutic communities and programs that target speci... Read More
    9 p.
    Document 008078
    Overview of Assessment Centers
    By Barnhart, Richard. National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    Components of an assessment center, which include planning, dimensions, trained assessors, simulations, and structured feedback, are examined. The advantages and disadvantages of assessment centers are identified.... Read More
    25 p.
    Document 007609
    Overview of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in Correctional Settings
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Boulder, CO); L.I.S., Inc. (Boulder, CO).
    This report highlights corrections agencies' efforts to address the supervision and treatment of offenders with substance abuse problems. Section 1 summarizes national surveys on the topic; Section 2 describes treatment programs in the range of correctional settings. (p. 1)... Read More
    13 p.
    Document 007700
    The Effectiveness of the New Intensive Supervision Programs
    By Byrne, James M.; Lurigio, Arthur J.; Baird, Christopher. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Robert J. Kutak Foundation (Omaha, NE).
    "This monograph examines the effectiveness of a variety of intensive supervision programs that function either as front-end intermediate sanctions or back-end early release mechanisms. Although it focuses primarily on intensive supervision, we also briefly highlight research on the effectiveness of house arrest, electronic monitoring, split sentencing, and residential community corrections programs." (p. 1) Observations on the research summary are presented by Greg Markley, Donald Cochran, and G... Read More
    75 p.
    Document 007801
    Emerging Technologies and Community Corrections
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). American Correctional Association (Laurel, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Technologies currently used in community corrections are identified, examined, and described in terms of their applications, focusing, where possible, on cost/benefits, efficacy in controlling offenders, and impact on staff, offenders, and agency operations. Issues surrounding emerging technologies are also discussed along with their implications for community corrections in policy, program development, and management practices. (p.8).... Read More
    123 p.
    Document 007903
    Competency Profile of Institutional Department Head
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    A DACUM profile is provided on the duties and tasks of the Institutional Department Head.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 007217
    The Cost of Corrections: In Search of the Bottom Line
    By McDonald, Douglas C.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Robert J. Kutak Foundation (Omaha, NE).
    The author offers substantive cost information on prisons, jails, probation, and parole, as well as a tutorial on the shortcomings of popular methods of computing corrections costs.... Read More
    40 p.
    Document 007982
    Competency Profile of Correctional Trainer
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    The Correctional Trainer develops, implements, and coordinates training programs for staff within the criminal justice system. This DACUM profile provides a brief outline of the duties and tasks of a Correctional Trainer.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 007983
    Competency Profile of Jail Administrator
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    A DACUM profile is provided on the managerial and operational duties, with accompanying tasks, of the Jail Administrator.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 007984
    Competency Profile of Community Corrections Administrator
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    A DACUM profile is provided of the duties and tasks of the Community Corrections Administrator. Such duties include: manage personnel, administer finances, promote professional competency and awareness, manage information, and manage facilities and equipment.... Read More
    3 p.
    Document 007404
    An Administrator's Overview--Questions and Answers on Issues Related to the Incarcerated Male Sex Offender
    By Krauth, Barbara; Smith, Roger. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Adapted from "A Practitioner's Guide to Treating the Incarcerated Male Sex Offender," this Overview covers the following issues: causes and types of sex offenders, importance of intervention/treatment, approaches to assessment and treatment, planning issues, program management, and legal issues. ... Read More
    25 p.
    Document 007981
    Competency Profile of Warden/Superintendent
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    Duties with corresponding tasks are provided in this DACUM profile of a Warden/Superintendent. Characteristics associated with worker traits and attitudes, and general knowledge and skills are also listed.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 007017
    Current Issues in Parole Decision-making: Understanding the Past; Shaping the Future
    By Burke, Peggy B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). COSMOS Corp. (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The move to abolish parole has subsided because of rising prison populations, which have put more pressure on paroling authorities to take a lead in managing the overcrowding problem. This is the paroling authorities' opportunity to show the opposition that they can manage their responsibilities effectively, and that they have a role in the future of criminal justice. Includes bibliographies.... Read More
    59 p.
    Document 007077
    Pretrial Release: Concepts, Issues, and Strategies for Improvement
    By Clarke, Stevens H.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Robert J. Kutak Foundation (Omaha, NE).
    "After discussing some important concepts and issues and briefly looking at legal developments since the 1960s, this monograph reviews research on opportunity for pretrial release and the risks involved. It then explores the effectiveness of various reform measures in terms of both widening the opportunity for pretrial release and controlling the risks. The concluding section discusses various strategies for improving pretrial release."--Author's abstract. Includes bibliography.... Read More
    57 p.
    Document 004468
    Civil Liabilities of Parole Personnel for Release, Non-Release, Supervision, and Revocation
    By del Carmen, Rolando V.; Louis, Paul T.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Sam Houston State University, Criminal Justice Center (Huntsville, TX); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This document provides a practitioner-oriented discussion of legal liability issues surrounding parole decisionmaking.... Read More
    49 p.
    Document 006438
    Statistical Prediction in Corrections
    By Clear, Todd; Wasson, Billy F.; Rowland, James. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Robert J. Kutak Foundation (Omaha, NE).
    A critical assessment of the uses of statistical prediction in corrections is the focus of this report. Also included are reviews by Billy Wasson and James Rowland.... Read More
    52 p.
    Document 006510
    Staffing Analysis Workbook for Jails
    By Miller, Rod; Liebert, Dennis. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    The process of staffing analysis consists of seven steps: 1- "Profiling" the jail setting; 2- Examining intermittent activities; 3- Determining coverage and assignment; 4- Scheduling; 5- Evaluating and improving initial plans; 6- Preparing the staffing analysis report; and 7- Implementing and monitoring. ... Read More
    Document 006540
    National Study of Jail Suicides: Seven Years Later
    By Hayes, Lindsay M.; Rowan, Joseph R.. National Center on Institutions and Alternatives. Jail Suicide Prevention Information Task Force (Washington, Dc); Juvenile and Criminal Justice International, Inc. (Roseville, MN); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Contents include prior jail suicide research, demographic findings of 1986 jail suicide data that consist of personal characteristics of the victim and characteristics of the suicide act, and a comparison of 1979 and 1986 data. Title of project: Jail Suicide Prevention Information Task Force.... Read More
    Document 006754
    What if Something Happens? A Guide to Risk Management and Insurance Options for Community Service Programs
    By Van Keulen, Crestienne. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Community Service Sentencing Association (San Rafael, CA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Specific examples of risk management techniques used in administering community service programs are provided in this report.... Read More
    Document 006777
    Effects of Diet on Behavior: Implications for Criminology and Corrections
    By Fishbein, Diana; Pease, Susan; Pung, Orville B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Robert J. Kutak Foundation (Omaha, NE).
    ... Read More
    47 p.
    Document 006806
    Cross-Gender Supervision - Denver, CO - August 12-13, 1988 (Draft, participant manual)
    National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    Objectives of this pilot course include: identifying administrative, supervisory, line staff and inmate perspectives on cross-gender supervision; identifying potential barriers to increased cross-gender assignments from other custody staff; identifying inmates' perspective on cross-gender supervision; defining sexual harassment and discrimination; and emphasizing the need for an effective sexual harassment grievance procedure.... Read More
    Document 006901
    Marketing Community Corrections
    By Haller, Sherry; Mullaney, F.G.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Issues discussed in this document include defining products and services, customers and markets, and marketing techniques.... Read More
    19 p.
    Document 006907
    Economic Sanctions in Community Corrections
    By Mullaney, Fahy G.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Development of policy and practice to guide the use of economic sanctions is the main focus of this paper. Economic sanctions will have a dramatic financial impact on offenders, so the establishment of a fair policy to control the use of fees is important.... Read More
    30 p.
    Document 006992
    Correctional Education: A State of the Art Analysis
    By Ryan, T.A.; Woodard, Joseph Clifton. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    "This state of the art survey of adult correctional education was undertaken for the purposes of: (1) describing the extent and nature of correctional education programs for adult offenders, the extent of participation by adult offenders in educational programs, the nature of educational and vocational counseling and testing, and the administrative structures, budgets, and teaching personnel; and (2) comparing adult correctional education in 1983 with adult correctional education in 1973 and 197... Read More
    60 p.
    Document 002969
    Contracting for Community Corrections Services
    By Jensen, Cristy; Lieber, Harley; Scherman, Richard; Thiel, Karen Smith. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Topics discussed include: needs assessment, make or buy decision process, request for proposals, contract development, and contract management and evaluation.... Read More
    47 p.
    Document 005914
    Proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on New Generation Jails
    By Wener, Richard; Farbstein, Jay. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Jail Center (Boulder, CO); Symposium on New Generation Jails : 2nd : 1987 (Clearwater, FL).
    Alternate title: NIC 2nd annual symposium on new generation jails. A major theme occurring in several of the papers is the role of management in direct supervision.... Read More
    Document 006046
    Larimer County Detention Center: A Study of Podular Direct Supervision
    By Sigurdson, Herbert R.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Training Associates, Inc. (La Mesa, CA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Larimer County Sheriff's Dept. (Ft. Collins, CO).
    ... Read More
    Document 005015
    Building on Experience: A Case Study of Advanced Construction and Financing Methods for Corrections
    By Dewitt, Charles B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC ).
    ... Read More
    70 p.
    Document 005425
    Basic Guide to Mental Health Services in Jails: The Workbook
    By Lloyd, Lillis M.. Correctional Management Consultants (Phoenix, AZ); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Areas addressed include history of mental health in jails, major types of mental disorders, personality disorders, suicide awareness/prevention, and liability and negligence. Length of training is sixteen hours. Audience includes correctional professionals such as officers, mental health staff, social workers, counselors, nurses, and intake and classification workers. The training package consists of a one-volume manual.... Read More
    120 p.
    Document 005113
    Model Personnel Selection Process for Podular, Direct-Supervision New Generation Jails
    By Menke, Ben A.; Zupan, Linda L.; Lovrich, Nicholas P.; Manning, Don. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Washington State University (Pullman, WA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    ... Read More
    Document 005291
    Potential Liabilities of Probation and Parole Officers
    By del Carmen, Rolando V.; Axilbund, Melvin T.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Sam Houston State University, Criminal Justice Center (Huntsville, TX); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); South Carolina Dept. of Parole and Community Corrections, Staff Development and Training (Columbia, SC).
    Contents: (Pt. 1) Main text -- (Pt. 2) Study guide. Six months are given to complete the course from the date of receipt. Audience includes all probation and parole agents and administrators. Training package consists of two manuals.... Read More
    2 v. (v.1 - 202 p.)
    Document 004712
    Proceedings of the First Annual Symposium on New Generation Jails
    By Farbstein, Jay; Werner, Richard. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Jail Center (Boulder, CO); Symposium on New Generation Jails : 1st : 1986 (Seattle, WA).
    Topics discussed at the symposium include the design of new generation jails, the transition to new generation operation, the costs and benefits of direct supervision, and the operation of direct new generation jails.... Read More
    Document 004957
    Small Jail Special Issues
    By Kimme, Dennis A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Kimme Planning and Architecture (Champaign, IL); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Issues discussed include: what you should know before you design a jail, lawsuits and liability, modes of supervision in small jails, transition planning for the small jail, and using an architect.... Read More
    54 p.
    Document 010347
    Management Strategies for Probation in an Era of Limits
    By Harlow, Nora; Nelson, E. Kim. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Southern California. School of Public Administration (Los Angeles, CA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Reflecting change in resources, mission, problems, and strategies since the original monograph was written in 1982, this edition addresses: the importance of context; managing the transition to fiscal limits; upgrading information and involving staff; allocating scarce resources; expanding resources; building constituencies and networks; knowledge transfer; and action research.... Read More
    156 p.
    Document 004534
    Liability Issues in Community Service Sanctions
    By del Carmen, Rolando V.; Trook-White, Eve. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections, Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
    ... Read More
    Document 004274
    Fees for Probation Services
    By Baird, S. Christopher; Holien, Douglas A.; Bakke, Audrey J.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Council on Crime and Delinquency (Madison, WI); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    This document discusses issues such as revenue potential, positive and negative impacts of fees, and policy options for fee operations.... Read More
    37 p.
    Document 004194
    Study of Prison Industry: History, Components, and Goals
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). American Correctional Association (College Park, MD); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    ... Read More
    Document 004270
    Victim Offender Mediation: Conflict Resolution and Restitution
    By Umbreit, Mark S.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Pact Institute of Justice, National VORP Resource Center (Valparaiso, IN); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    ... Read More
    Document 004022
    Managing Long-Term Inmates: A Guide for the Correctional Administrator
    By Unger, Cindie A.; Buchanan, Robert A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Correctional Services Group (Kansas City, MO).
    ... Read More
    149 p.
    Document 002853
    Development of Jail Industries
    By Grieser, Robert C.; Crawford, Thomas McCrae; Funke, Gail S.. National Institute of Corrections Jail Center (Boulder, CO). Institute for Economic and Policy Studies (Alexandria, VA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    ... Read More
    22 p.
    Document 003486
    Marketing Strategies for Inmate Programs: A Succinct Review
    By Metts, James R.. National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO). National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
    ... Read More
    Document 004956
    Nature of New Small Jails: Report and Analysis
    By Kimme, Dennis A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Kimme Planning and Architecture (Champaign, IL); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    In 1985, a survey was conducted on 255 small jails (50 beds or less) that had been opened since 1974 throughout the United States, the purpose of the survey was to discover how well the jails were working in relationship to their design and construction.... Read More
    Document 003394
    Developing and Managing Part-time Trainers, Pts. 1 and 2
    By Katsampes, Paul. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections Outreach Program (Boulder, CO).
    Contents: Part 1: The Manager's Role--Part 2: The Trainer's Role.... Read More
    Document 002785
    Offender Needs Assessment: Models and Approaches
    By Clements, Carl B.; McKee, John M.; Jones, Susan E.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Rehabilitation Research Foundation (University, AL); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    ... Read More
    Document 003899
    Workload Measures for Probation and Parole
    By Bemus, Brian; Arling, Gary; Quigley, Peter. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Isthmus Associates (Madison, WI); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    ... Read More
    Document 002225
    Planning and Evaluating Prison and Jail Staffing
    By Benton, F. Warren. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
    Volume one identifies six methods for determining proper staff levels in an institution: task analysis, motion and time study, productivity auditing, outcome analysis, process analysis, and comparative analysis. Then different methods of organizing staff are described, both in terms of hierarchical structure (traditional, project, matrix, and unit management) and in terms of shift patterns. Functional staffing needs are reviewed, and forms and instructions given for using the Multiple Methods A... Read More
    2 v. (v.1 - 94 p., v.2 - 127 p.)
    Document 001595
    Seven Steps To Plan a Better Jail
    By Taylor, James. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Center For Justice Planning (Champaign, IL).
    ... Read More
    14 p.
    Document 016207
    Potential Job Titles: Staff Analysis
    By Milosovich, John T.; Voorhis, David J.. National Institute of Corrections Jail Center (Boulder, CO).
    In order to aid those called upon to conduct staff analyses, this list of potential post titles was prepared. Titles are organized according to the following units: administrative, security, support service, and program.... Read More
    6 p.
    Document 016125
    The Seven-Step Planning Cycle
    National Institute of Corrections Jail Center (Boulder, CO).
    The following seven steps are described in this document: identify the problem; clarify the problem; identify and analyze the cause; identify alternative solutions to the problem; select one or more alternatives for action; plan for implementation; clarify the contract; implement the action plan; and provide a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan.... Read More
    8 p.
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