Southwestern Power Administration
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Integrated Systems Approach

Southwestern uses an integrated systems approach, which is the process of achieving effective security management by incorporating several security processes and systems under an organization and management framework. The integrated systems approach includes:

  • Cyber security
  • Emergency planning and response
  • Information protection
  • Personnel security
  • Program management and support
  • Unclassified visits and assignments by foreign nationals

Security Program Objectives

The Southwestern Security Program seeks to establish a level of security sufficient to protect personnel, facilities, and information by:

  • Addressing unique threat requirements (e.g., influenza outbreak)
  • Providing critical infrastructure protection
  • Planning for continuity of essential functions and services
  • Preventing and mitigating losses
  • Protecting information
  • Providing a safe and secure work environment

Emergency Response Planning

Southwestern has developed Continuity of Operations (COOP) plans and Occupant Emergency Plans for each site to ensure the safety and security of employees and visitors, to protect assets, and to provide for the continued availability of essential functions and services in the event of a threatening or emergency situation. The key areas of Southwestern’s emergency response planning program are:

  • Business continuity planning
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Maintenance
  • Planning
  • Emergency response
  • Building emergency response teams
  • Training and awareness
  • Drills and exercises

Controlled Access Protection of Southwestern Facilities

All employees, contractors, and visitors to Southwestern sites are required to wear identification badges while in Southwestern facilities. If an employee, contractor, or visitor does not have a badge, he or she must sign in order to be issued a temporary badge. Failure to comply with these access control provisions violates U.S. Government regulations, and violators may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing. Additionally, all vehicles and hand carried items of persons entering or exiting Southwestern facilities may be subject to random inspections. The carrying of firearms and other deadly weapons or explosives is prohibited without obtaining prior approval, and violators will be subject to a fine and/or imprisonment. Entry into Southwestern facilities while under the influence of alcoholic beverages is also prohibited, as is the unauthorized use or abuse of controlled substances (e.g., illegal drugs or paraphernalia, but not prescription medication). Southwestern’s facilities are monitored by surveillance equipment.


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