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Online Directory
The TRB Online Directory provides access to points of contact and information on TRB’s standing committees, project-based committees and panels, and governing committees, as well as to lists of TRB sponsors, affiliates, and representatives. In addition, the directory provides password-controlled access to contact information on TRB’s more than 7,000 volunteers.
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NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems (D2005)

Mr. Brian Blanchard
Assistant Secretary for Engineering and Operations

Florida Department of Transportation
Committee Membership
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 Chair

TRB Staff Representative
Mr. Christopher J. Hedges
Director, Cooperative Research Programs

Transportation Research Board

Dr. Stuart Anderson
Professor and Holder of the Zachry Chair in Construction Integration

Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Committee Membership
Section - Construction AFH00 Committee Communications Coordinator
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Staffing for Alternative Contracting Methods SN4804 Member

Mr. Malcolm Kerley Committee Membership
Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Committee B0122 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 Member

Dr. John Mason
Vice President for Research & Economic Development

Auburn University
Committee Membership
Standing Committee on Geometric Design AFB10 Emeritus Member
Standing Committee on Tort Liability and Risk Management AL070 Member
Standing Committee on Highway Safety Performance ANB25 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Update to TRB Special Report 214: Designing Safer Roads--Practices for Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation D1550 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Construction and Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements SN4816 Member

Ms. Catherine Nelson Committee Membership
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 Member

Mr. Roger Olson

Committee Membership
Standing Committee on Pavement Rehabilitation AFD70 Emeritus Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Optimization of Tack Coat for HMA Pavements D0940 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Aggregate Quality Requirements for Pavements SN4810 Member

Mr. Benjamin Orsbon
Special Assistant Policy and Legislative Affairs

South Dakota Department of Transportation
Committee Membership
NCHRP Project Panel on Research for AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning: Support for Improved Transportation Planning and Project Development D0836 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Value Capture Toolkit for State Transportation Agencies D1913 AASHTO Monitor
NCHRP Project Panel on Methods for Identifying and Evaluating Transportation Investment Right-Sizing Scenarios D1914 AASHTO Monitor
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Communication and Dissemination Plan for the Results of NCHRP Project 20-83, "Long-Range Strategic Issues Facing the Transportation Industry" D2083B Member

Mr. Randall Park
Director of Project Development

Utah Department of Transportation
Committee Membership
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Research for AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways D2007 Member

Mr. Robert Sack
Deputy Chief Engineer

New York State Department of Transportation
Committee Membership
TRB Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Committee B0135 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Accelerating the Application of NCHRP Research Results D2044 Member

Ms. Francine Shaw Whitson
Transportation Manager

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Committee Membership
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Developing an Asset Management Plan for the Interstate Highway System D2074 Liaison Rep (Not TRB)

TRB Liaison Rep
Mr. Stephen Maher
Associate Division Director - Design Engineer

Transportation Research Board
Committee Membership
NCHRP Project Panel on A Model for Incorporating Slab/Underlying Layer Interaction into the MEPDG Concrete Pavement Analysis Procedures D0151 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on A Mechanistic-Empirical Model for Top-Down Cracking of Asphalt Pavement Layers D0152 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Standard Definitions for Comparable Pavement Cracking Data D0157 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Process for Evaluating the Impacts of Implements of Husbandry on Pavements D0159 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Design Guidance for Interchange Loop Ramps D03105 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Application of MASH Test Criteria to Breakaway Sign and Luminaire Supports and Crashworthy Work Zone Traffic Control Devices D03119 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Citizen's Guide and Discipline-Specific Professionals' Guide for Context-Sensitive Solutions in Transportation D0868 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on New Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals D1080 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Development of an Accelerated Bridge Construction Design and Construction Guide Specification D12102 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Guidelines to Improve the Quality of Element-Level Bridge Inspection Data D12104 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Guide for Proposed AASHTO Seismic Specifications for ABC Column Connections D12105 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Development of Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design D12106 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Proposed AASHTO Guidelines for Use of Stainless Steel in Bridge Girders D12107 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Development of Guidelines for Uniform Service Life Design for Bridges D12108 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Use of 0.7-in. Diameter Strands in Precast Pretensioned Girders D12109 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Development of Live Load Distribution and Impact Factors for the Analysis of Implements of Husbandry Vehicles on Bridges D12110 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Evaluating the Effectiveness of Vibration-Mitigation Devices for Structural D12111 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Update of the AASHTO LRFD Movable Highway Bridge Design Specifications D12112 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Proposed Modification to AASHTO Cross-Frame Analysis and Design D12113 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Bridge System Reliability for Redundancy D1286 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Fracture-Critical Sysem Analysis for Steel Bridges D1287 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Recommended AASHTO LFRD Tunnel Design and Construction Specifications D1289 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Strand Debonding for Pretensioned Girders D1291 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Proposed LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for Light Rail Transit Loads D1292 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Minimum Flexural Reinforcement Laboratory Testing D1294 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Connection Details of Adjacent Precast Concrete Box Beam Bridges D1295 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Precast Full Depth Deck Panel Concept - Possible Next Generation Solution D1296 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Guide Specification for the Design of Concrete Bridge Beams Prestressed with CFRP Systems D1297 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Recommended Guidelines for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems Tolerances and Dynamic Effects of Bridge Moves D1298 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Culvert Rehabilitation to Maximize Service Life While Minimizing Direct Costs and Traffic Disruption D1419 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Culvert and Storm Drain Inspection Manual D1426 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Guidelines for a Comprehensive Preventive Maintenance Plan for Tunnel Owners and Operators D1427 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on The Effectiveness of Compost Amended Vegetated Filter Strips Using a Compost Blanket Application Method for Pollutant Removal from Highway Runoff D1439 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Hydraulic Loss Coefficients for Culverts D1524 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Alternatives to Design Speed for Selection of Roadway Design Criteria D1525 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Quantification of Benefits and Cost Effectiveness of Context Sensitive Design and Solutions in Transportation Facilities D1532 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Procedure for Determination of the Joint Probability of Design Peak Flows at Confluences D1536 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on An Assessment of Geometric Design Policies and Processes D1547 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Developing a More Flexible and Context-Sensitive Functional Classification System for Geometric Design D1552 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Roadwide Design for Conflicts in Proximity to Bridge Ends and Intersection Roadways D1553 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel for Proposed Modifications to AASHTO Culvert Load Rating Specifications D1554 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Guidance to Predict and Mitigate Dynamic Hydroplaning on Roadways D1555 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Guidelines for Selecting Ramp Design Speeds D1556 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Horizontal Sightline Offset Design Criteria, Exceptions, and Mitigation Strategies D1559 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Applying Climate Change Information to Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design of Transportation Infrastructure D1561 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Development of Cost-Effective Treatments of Roadside Ditches to Reduce the Number and Severity of Roadside Crashes D1605 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Development of Clear Recovery Area Guidelines D171102 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Long-Term Roadside Crash Data Collection Program D1743 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Investigation of Contributing Factors Associated with Cross-Median Crashes and Identification of Appropriate Countermeasures D1744 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Consideration of Roadside Design and Roadside Features in the Highway Safety Manual D1754 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Guidelines for Slope Traversability D1755 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Safety Impacts of Intersection Sight Distance D1759 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on A Practical Approach to Fixed Objects Within the Clear Zone D1782 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Design and Construction of Wide-Flange Precast Concrete Deck Girders D1818 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Guidelines for the Selection, Installation, and Maintenance of Highway Safety Features D2212 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Improvement of the Procedures for the Safety-Performance Evaluation of Roadside Features D2214 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Improvement of Procedures for the Safety-Performance Evaluation of Roadside Features D221402 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Design of Roadside Barrier Systems Placed on MSE Retaining Walls D2220 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Guidelines for Verification and Validation of Crash Simulations used in Roadside Safety Applications D2224 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Performance of Longitudinal Barriers on Curves and Super-Elevated Roadway Sections D2229 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Development of Guidelines for the Selection and Placement of Test Levels 2 througth 5 Median Barriers D2231 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Development of Methods to Evaluate Side Impacts with Roadside Safety D2232 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Development of Design Methods for In-stream Flow Control Structures D2433 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Design Hydrology for Stream Restoration and Channel Stability at Stream Crossings D2440 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Evaluation of the Methodologies for Visual Impact Assessments D2533 TRB Liaison Rep
Long-Term Performance and Life-Cycle Costs of Stormwater Best Management Practices D2540 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Limitations of the Infiltration Approach to Stormwater Management in the Highway Environment D2551 TRB Liaison Rep
ACRP Project Panel on Airport Stormwater Management Electronic Resource Library and Training Materials DA0261 TRB Liaison Rep
ACRP Project Panel on Green Stormwater Infrastructure Strategies for Airports DA0262 TRB Liaison Rep
ACRP Project Panel on Risk Assessment for Runway Protection Zones DA0418 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on Practices for Preventing Roadway Departure Crashes SN4801 TRB Liaison Rep
NCHRP Project Panel on The Renewal of Stormwater Systems Using Trenchless SN4805 TRB Liaison Rep

Liaison Rep (Not TRB)
Dr. Jack Jernigan
Team Director, Research and Tech Prog Development

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Committee Membership
Standing Committee on Conduct of Research ABG10 Member
NCHRP Project Panel on Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Problems D2005 Liaison Rep (Not TRB)