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Welcome to the U.S. Department of Energy
Idaho Operations Office

DOE-ID Manager Richard Provencher

Welcome to the U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho Operations Office (DOE-ID). We are pleased that you have chosen to visit our Internet site and encourage you to explore the information provided. You may also contact us directly if you have further information needs or interests that are not covered in this web site.

In partnership with our contractors, local and regional community, businesses, and other stakeholders, we have focused our effort over the past several years on cleaning up the legacy facilities and contamination at the INL site, and creating new missions focused on performing research and development in energy programs and national defense. Our successes have improved the trust and confidence and support of the community in the Department of Energy's activities at the INL site.

Our vision is that the INL site will provide leadership in establishing breakthrough technologies that will improve our National energy supply needs, energy independence, and climate improvement strategy. Specifically, research on new fuel types and materials for the next generation of nuclear reactors, making alternative energy supply more efficient, and improving the security of our energy infrastructure are keys to success. This strategy is outlined in the Nuclear Energy Research and Development Roadmap which will guide our way.

The 890-square-mile DOE site on the desert 38 miles west of Idaho Falls and the expansion of research facilities in town are key National assets that are well suited to providing the infrastructure and capability to achieving our vision.

DOE-ID oversees three major contracts to ensure that operations and research activities are carried out safely, and in compliance with laws, regulations and contract provisions. DOE-ID also performs procurement services for the department, protects and conserves government property, and performs other inherently federal functions including compliance with the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act, and tribal and congressional relations.

We appreciate your interest in our operations, and welcome your comments and suggestions concerning our work, as well as this web site. Please feel free to contact Tim Jackson in our Public Affairs Office at 208-526-8484 with your comments and questions.

Last Updated: 12/19/2016

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