Responsive Management

    collage of natural resource and outdoor recreation photos
Responsive Management is an internationally recognized public opinion and attitude survey research firm specializing in natural resource and outdoor recreation issues. Our mission is to help natural resource and outdoor recreation agencies and organizations better understand and work with their constituents, customers, and the public.
Utilizing our in-house, full-service, computer-assisted telephone and mail survey center with 50 professional interviewers, we have conducted more than 500 telephone surveys and mail surveys, in addition to numerous personal interviews, and focus groups, as well as marketing and communication plans, needs assessments, and program evaluations.
Clients include the federal natural resource and land management agencies, most state fish and wildlife agencies, state departments of natural resources, environmental protection agencies, state park agencies, tourism boards, most of the major conservation and sportsmen's organizations, and numerous private businesses.
Responsive Management also collects attitude and opinion data for many of the nation's top universities, including Auburn University, Colorado State University, Duke University, George Mason University, Penn State University, Michigan State University, North Carolina State University, Rutgers University, the University of California-Davis, the University of Florida, the University of Montana, the University of New Hampshire, the University of Southern California, Texas Tech University, Virginia Tech, West Virginia University, and others.
Among the wide range of projects we have completed during the past 18 years are studies on how the general population values natural resources and outdoor recreation and their opinions on and attitudes toward an array of natural resource-related issues.
Responsive Management has conducted dozens of studies of hunters, anglers, wildlife viewers, boaters, landowners, park visitors, historic site visitors, hikers, birdwatchers, campers, and rock climbers. Responsive Management has conducted studies on endangered species, waterfowl and wetlands, and the reintroduction of large predators such as wolves, grizzly bears, and the Florida panther.
Responsive Management has assisted in numerous natural resource ballot initiatives and referenda and helped agencies and organizations find alternative funding and increase their membership and donations. Responsive Management has conducted major organizational and programmatic needs assessments and helped natural resource agencies and organizations develop more effective programs based upon a solid foundation of fact.
Responsive Management conducts training workshops on the human dimensions of natural resources and presents numerous studies in presentations, workshops, and as keynote speakers at major natural resource and outdoor recreation conferences and meetings. Over the past year, Mark Damian Duda, Executive Director of Responsive Management, has had the privilege of speaking at numerous conferences and workshops, including at the opening sessions of the following conferences: the Midwest Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Conference, the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Conference, the International Boating and Water Safety Summit, and the Pennsylvania Governor's Outdoor Conference. He was the featured speaker at the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation's National Assembly of Sportsmen's Caucuses Annual meeting. Mark also recently presented a paper on the role of the private sector in the human dimensions of wildlife management at the International Union of Game Biologists XXVIII Congress in Upsalla, Sweden, in August 2007.
Responsive Management has conducted research on public attitudes toward natural resources and outdoor recreation in almost every state in the United States, as well as in Canada; Australia and New Zealand; the United Kingdom; numerous additional European countries, such as Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden; eleven Asian countries, including India and Japan; eight African countries, and six South American countries. Responsive Management routinely conducts surveys in Spanish and has conducted surveys and focus groups in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese. Responsive Management has also conducted numerous natural resource and outdoor recreation studies with specific target audiences, including Hispanics, African-Americans, Asians, women, children, senior citizens, urban, suburban and rural residents, large landowners, and farmers.
Responsive Management's research has been featured in most of the nation's major media including CNN, Crossfire, The Washington Times, New York Times, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, the front page of USA Today, and the front page of The Washington Post.
Download the Fall 2007 Responsive Management newsletter, which highlights recent research on public opinions on alternative funding for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department as well as species management in Vermont. Best viewed with Adobe Acrobat 6.0 or higher.
Download the Spring 2005 Responsive Management newsletter, which highlights recent research on public attitudes toward fish, wildlife, and natural resources and participation in hunting, fishing, boating, and wildlife viewing. Best viewed with Adobe Acrobat 6.0 or higher.
Download the Summer 2002 Responsive Management newsletter, which discusses public opinion research conducted in Wyoming on several topics, including fish and wildlife management, grizzly bear management, law enforcement activities, license fees, boating, and wildlife management funding.
Download the Spring 2002 Responsive Management newsletter, which discusses Americans' attitudes toward the environment.
Download Responsive Management's 2001 newsletter, which covers a variety of topics including boating, fishing, hunting, alternative funding, and organizational evaluations.
Download an article from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Reference Service Newsletter that stresses the importance of biological and human dimensions research for fish and wildlife agencies and organizations. It describes the characteristics of quality survey methodology and those techniques agencies and organizations should look for when evaluating research firms.
Download an article from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Reference Service Newsletter, which explains the many techniques from literature reviews to telephone surveys that can be used to assess the proper marketing strategies for developing new programs and enhancing existing programs.
Download a brief 4-page overview of the services Responsive Management offers as well as comments from our clients.
RM Conducts:
Telephone Surveys
Mail Surveys
Focus Groups
Personal Interviews
Park/Outdoor Recreation Intercepts
Web-Based Surveys
Needs Assessments
Programmatic Evaluations
Literature Reviews
Data Collection for Universities and Researchers
RM Develops:
Marketing Plans
Communications Plans
Business Plans
Policy Analysis
Public Relations Plans

 130 Franklin Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801    Phone (540) 432-1888    Fax (540) 432-1892
Content © Responsive Management, unless otherwise noted.