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GO Act Increases Opportunity for Recreation on Federal Lands

WASHINGTON, D.C., November 30, 2016 -

Today, the Subcommittee on Federal Lands held a legislative hearing on three bills, including H.R. 5129 (Rep. Doug LaMalfa), the “Guides and Outfitters Act” (GO Act). The GO Act streamlines the recreation permitting process and allows for increased public access and recreation opportunities on federal lands.

In the years following the 2004 Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, a flood of complex rules, regulations, and court decisions increased the cost of permits for recreational guides and outfitters. Crafted in consultation with recreation groups throughout the country, the GO Act reduces the cost and complexity of applying for and renewing recreation and special use permits.

“While much of the West consists of National Parks, National Forests, and other federal lands, the permitting process and costs have become so cumbersome in recent years that it is harder than ever for Americans to enjoy these areas. I’m proud that the GO Act will help get more Americans outside at a lower cost and with less red tape, goals that I believe everyone can support,” Rep. LaMalfa (R-CA) said.

“This bill would go a long way to righting these wrongs and simplifying the permitting process so that all Americans—not just wealthy ones—can access and hold events on our federal lands,” Subcommittee Chairman Tom McClintock (R-CA) stated.

“This fee determination is confusing and is a significant problem for outfitters,” Executive Director of American Outdoors Association, David Brown said. “H.R. 5129 includes strategies to improve and streamline the permitting process without sacrificing legitimate concerns for environmental protection.”

Click here to view full witness testimony.

Contact: Committee Press Office 202-226-9019

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