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On Thursday, December 8, 2016, the House of Representatives passed the "Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act" (WIIN). Provisions within the jurisdiction of the House Committee on Natural Resources provide water relief in California and across the West, but also address long-standing water settlement agreements for the benefit of taxpayers and Native Americans, increased recreation and conservation, and improved management of water and other natural resources.

For a summary of the WIIN Act, click HERE.
For legislative text of the WIIN Act, click HERE.

The Scope


Ducks Unlimited

  • "On behalf of our more than one million members and supporters nationwide, DU has worked closely with Senator Feinstein over the past two years to ensure that water and water rights critical to California’s wildlife refuges were not diminished in California Drought Legislation. We believe the drought provisions now included in the WIIN Act safeguard existing water rights and take important steps toward improving the distribution of water to wildlife refuges in the Central Valley." (12/6/16)

California Water Authorities

  • "The language improves dramatically the flexibility to federal and state agencies to operate the water projects in order to maximize the water available to urban and rural water agencies, while at the same time protecting listed fish species." (12/5/16)

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

  • "The final WIIN Act helps electric cooperatives to continue to provide affordable, reliable electricity to rural America by authorizing the promoting infrastructure projects pertaining to hydropower, flood control, water supply and emergency management." (12/5/16)

Power and Electricity Associations

  • "We urge the Senate to pass the WIIN Act before it adjourns." (12/7/16)

Tribal Groups

  • "The WIIN Act contains many provisions that will benefit Indian Country’s water infrastructure, provide access to clean drinking water and improvements to waste water systems, settle several Tribal water rights claims, and provide parity for Tribal Nations in water resources development projects." (12/7/16)

Association of California Water Agencies

  • "ACWA believes the entire state would benefit from passage of the [the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act], including the provisions responding to historic drought conditions in California and the western states. This legislation will help public water agencies provide safe reliable water to all Californians" (12/6/16)

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