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NOAA Workforce Management Office

Serving NOAA's Most Valuable Asset - People

NOAA Hiring Process - This site is intended to help NOAA managers understand the NOAA hiring process and the important role hiring officials have in every phase. The information below lays out the essential steps of the hiring process after the hiring official has identified a need to fill a vacant position and has contacted the budget office of the Line Office (LO) or the Staff Office (SO) to confirm the availability of funds. For more information on NOAA Hiring, please see the Commerce Learning Center (CLC):

NOAA's 80-Calendar Day Hiring Model - effective November 1, 2011 (in PDF format)

Sample Reference Check Questions Interview Do's & Don't Checklist
Legal and Policy Requirements Appointments
Federal Civil Service Recruitment Sources
Sample Interview Questions Hiring Process, Roles and Responsibilities
Classification Glossary of Terms Used in the Hiring Process

WFMO Enterprise Services Information Point of Contact

WFMO Contact Lists

Page last edited: October 12, 2016

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