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NOAA Workforce Management Office

Serving NOAA's Most Valuable Asset - People

Executive Resources - Information for NOAA Senior Executive Service and Scientific & Professional Positions

Demonstrates commitment to the goals of the DOC Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan and NOAA's Nov 6, 2015
Diversity & Inclusion Policy Statement by shaping, guiding and supporting D&I initiatives within each
organization to include commitment to and success in recruiting, retaining and supporting
a diverse workforce and creating and maintaining an inclusive work environment.

The Executive Resources Program serves as the focal point for recruitment, staffing, position management and policy recommendations regarding Senior Executive Service (SES), Scientific & Professional (ST) and Senior Level (SL) positions
within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

NOAA's Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement - November 2015
          ⇒ Dr. Sullivan Video Message     YouTubeIcon

Significant SES Information Presidential Rank Award
Meet the NOAA Executive Resources Staff
NOAA SES Orientation Handbook
OPM's SES Home Page
Credit Hours, Overtime, and AWS
HR Bulletin #082 - Extending Higher Annual Leave Ceilings for Employees in Senior-Level and Scientific and Professional Positions
OPM Guidance on Presidential Rank Awards
Presidential Rank Award Process - Recognition
Executive Opportunities Scientific and Professional Positions
USAJOBS - Current NOAA Executive Level Opportunities
ST and SL Responsibilities
Scientific or Professional Positions
Senior Level Positions
Performance Appraisal Information Leadership Potential Programs

FY17 SES Performance Plan
FY17 ST/SL Performance Plan
FY17 Performance Appraisal Information

End-of-Year Guidance - FY16
Executive Performance Guidance
Executive Performance Guidance - ST & SL
Executive Performance Agreement - Attachment A
Executive Performance Agreement Instructions - Attachment B
Executive Performance-Progress Review Guidance
Executive Performance- Progress Review Guidance - ST&SL
Executive Development Plan Template - Attachment C
Guide to Writing Executive Development Plans - Attachment D
Executive ST Template - Attachment A-2

NOAA Leadership Competencies Development Program (LCDP)
DOC's SES Candidate Development Program
Other Sites of Interest to SES Staff Salary
NOAA SES Performance Management System Brief - August 2016 - Senior Executive Service eOPF Email
Senior Executive Service Facts & Figures
Training Opportunities
2016 SES Salary Table
Professional Liability Insurance
Form W-4 - Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate
HR Bulletin #142 - Awards to Political Appointees
Application Information
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs)
Guide to SES Qualifications
OPM's Selection Process - Qualifications Review Board (QRB)

Page last edited: September 23, 2016

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