
The Grants Management Division sponsors workshops and training sessions for recipients and program officials to keep the NOAA grants community current on procedures and requirements relating to grants and cooperative agreements.

  1. Budget Narrative Guidance – Guidance for developing a proper budget justification
  2. Commerce Learning Center (CLC): Cost Principles - Grants Management
  3. Grants Online Training
  4. Automated Standard Application for Payment (ASAP) - Grantee organizations receiving federal funds use ASAP to draw grant payments and reimbursements from accounts pre-authorized by federal agencies.
  5. Grants Management Division Financial Assistance Brown Bag Series
  6. OMB Super Circular 2 CFR Part 200 Training
GMD Workshops

2014 - Changing Times: Financial Assistance Today Workshop

2015 - INTO THE CURRENT: What's New in Financial Assistance

2016 - Connecting the Channels: Partnership in Grants Management