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NOAA Fisheries Announces Skate Bait Possession Limit Reduction

NOAA Fisheries announces the reduction of the skate bait commercial possession limit from 25,000 lb to 9,307 lb per trip of whole weight (4,100 lb of skate wings).  

This reduction is effective October 17. Vessels holding federal skate permits and skate bait letters of authorization may not possess or land more than 9,307 lb of skate bait per trip for the remainder of Season 2 (through October 31).  

The possession limit will increase to 25,000 lb per trip on November 1, 2016.  

Vessels that have started a fishing trip before October 17 may retain skate bait under the previous possession limit of 25,000 lb for the remainder of that trip.

Read the notice as filed in the Federal Register today.

Questions? Contact William Whitmore at or 978-281-9182.