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Fishery Information Sheets

Unless otherwise noted, the regulations described in the Fishery Information sheets apply to fishing vessels issued valid Federal fishing permits or any vessel fishing in Federal waters. (See 50 CFR § 648.4 and 50 CFR § 697.4 for Federal fishing permit requirements).  These information sheets are only a summary of applicable fishing regulations and are not a substitute for the actual regulations which can be found at 50 CFR § 648 and 50 CFR Part § 697.

General Fisheries Information Sheets

Northeast Multispecies

Sea Scallops

Spiny Dogfish


Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass

Atlantic Bluefish

Northeast Skate Complex

American Lobster


Atlantic Herring

Atlantic Mackerel, Squid (Illex and Longfin), and Butterfish

Surfclam/Ocean Quahog

Golden Tilefish

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)