Energy & Environmental Science

A journal linking all aspects of the chemical, physical and biotechnological sciences relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science.


Chemical, ultrastructural and supramolecular analysis of tension wood in Populus tremula x alba as a model substrate for reduced recalcitrance

Corresponding authors
BioEnergy Science Center, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Institute of Paper Science and Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, 500 10th St., Atlanta, USA
Fax: +1-404-894-4778
Tel: +1-404-894-9701
BioEnergy Science Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden
BioEnergy Science Center, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge
Energy Environ. Sci., 2011,4, 4962-4971

DOI: 10.1039/C1EE02073K
Received 04 Jul 2011, Accepted 02 Sep 2011
First published online 04 Oct 2011
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