RSC Publishing



Open Access at the RSC

Information on Open Access and RSC Policy

Open Access at the RSC

Open Access

There are two routes to Open Access at the RSC:

1. Author pays to make their article Open Access (Gold Open Access)

We give journal authors the choice of making their article Open Access. If you choose this publication route, you will pay an 'article processing fee' after peer-review and acceptance. The final 'article of record' is made available to all, immediately, via our website without any barriers to access.

Please note RSC Gold subscribers receive OA voucher codes to publish Gold OA articles, free of charge, without paying the Article Publication Fee. This is part of the RSC's Gold for Gold initiative. For more information, click on the Gold for Gold link below

2. Author deposits accepted article in a non-commercial repository (Green Open Access)

If we have published your article, you can deposit the accepted author form of it in a non-commercial repository. This includes pre-submission (eg ArXiV) and post-acceptance repositories, such as that of your institution or your funding body, plus your organisation's intranet. You can also use your article in your thesis, both in print and online. Green Open Access is also known as Self-Archiving. It complies with the requirements of most of the major funding agencies, such as NIH, RCUK and Wellcome Trust.

An embargo period of 12 months from acceptance applies to the deposition of non-Open Access articles in repositories that are available to the public. 

Full details on all options for deposition, with associated Licence to Publish forms, can be found on our website under the Author Deposition section.


Fees for RSC Open Access are dependent on the article type published.

Author Deposition

When the author accepts the Licence to Publish for a journal article, he/she retains certain rights where he/she can deposit the article.

Gold for Gold

An innovative initiative that allows researchers to publish Gold OA articles free of charge

Recent News

Dr James Milne

RSC adopts CC BY licence for Gold open access papers

07 March 2013

The RSC is making a change to copyright arrangements for open access papers published in RSC journals

Dr James Milne

RSC Gold for Gold goes global

10 December 2012

Following a successful pilot in the UK, the RSC's groundbreaking open access initiative is being rolled out worldwide

Dr James Milne

RSC ahead of the game in supporting transition to Open Access

11 September 2012

The RSC responds to the government's announcement that it will invest £10 million to support the transition to Open Access.

Dr James Milne

RSC launches £1 million Gold for Gold initiative as Open Access transition begins

18 July 2012

The RSC has announced a groundbreaking £1 million initiative to support British researchers as they begin the transition to Gold Open Access (OA).

Robert Parker

RSC chief executive welcomes Finch Group findings on Open Access in publishing

19 June 2012

Dr Robert Parker on the independent study commissioned by the government and led by Professor Dame Janet Finch