Richland Operations Office
River Corridor

The River Corridor includes the former fuel fabrication facilities at Hanford’s 300 Area, just north of the city
of Richland, and nine former plutonium production reactors along the Columbia River. The reactor areas are
also known as the 100 Areas. In addition, considerable land area not directly involved in plutonium production,300Area2013
must be cleaned up, preserved, or protected in some way. The 220-square-mile River Corridor region sits adjacent to a 50-plus mile stretch of the Columbia River.

The cleanup of the River Corridor mainly involves the decontamination, decommissioning, and demolition of contaminatedfacilities, clean up and load out of contaminated soil and debris from waste sites, and groundwater contamination. Workers have been cleaning up the hazards that most directly threaten the nearby Columbia River, with tremendous progress being made to clean up the reactor areas since 2005.

Links to facilities and burial grounds that are part of Hanford's River Corridor:

300 Area
324 Building
325 Building
618-10 Burial Ground
618-11 Burial Ground
H Reactor
F Reactor
D and DR Reactors
N Reactor
K East Reactor
K West Reactor
K West Basin Sludge Treatment Project
B Reactor
C Reactor






















Last Updated 08/21/2016 2:56 PM