Richland Operations Office
Mission Support

MissionSupportCollageThe Richland Operations Office's Mission Support organization provides both DOE offices and the entire Hanford Site with quality, cost-effective infrastructure and support services to enable the cleanup mission to move forward efficiently and effectively.

A key component of the cleanup mission is safely maintaining roads, water systems, power, and business and safety systems while offering the best in site security, emergency response, and environmental stewardship.

By using a single contractor to provide critical services such as utilities, safety and security, emergency response, and information technology, Hanford cleanup contractors can better focus on their environmental cleanup mission. 

Providing essential services at Hanford is very similar to running a large municipality. The Hanford Site is geographicallylarger than Los Angeles, with a small-city population of about 10,000 worker "residents" who depend these critical services to do their jobs each day.

DOE-RL Mission Support Divisions:

Infrastructure & Support
The Infrastructure & Support Division oversees water, sewer, electrical power, roads, fleet, motor carrier, crane and rigging, maintenance services, janitorial, solid sanitary waste, steam, and laundry services.

Site Stewardship
The Site Stewardship Division oversees land management, long-term stewardship, real and personal property management as well as environmental, seismic, and meteorological monitoring.

Security & Emergency Services, Information Management
The Security & Emergency Services and Information Management Division oversees physical, personnel, and cyber security along with fire and emergency response management. The division also oversees information technology, and content and records management











Last Updated 08/21/2016 2:56 PM