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      Partners on the Cyber Frontier

AFRL Information Directorate (RI)

  Information Directorate collage photo   With headquarters at Rome, NY, the Information Directorate (RI) research vector develops novel and affordable Command, Control, Communications, Computing, Cyber, and Intelligence (C4I) technologies. RI is recognized as a national asset and leader in C4I. Refining data into information and knowledge for decision makers to command and control forces is what we do. This knowledge gives our air, space, and cyberspace forces the competitive advantage needed to protect and defend this great nation.

Our Mission: To explore, prototype and demonstrate high-impact, game changing technologies that enable the Air Force and Nation to maintain its superior technical advantage. 

AFRL/RI Director

Mr. Daniel S. GoddardMr. Daniel S. Goddard, a member of the Senior Executive Service, is Director, Information Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, New York.

Site Operation Status

  The AFRL/RI Site Operation Status is available by calling (315) 330-3100.

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FOIA Information

  FOIA requests for records located at AFRL/RI can be accomplished via e-mail to, or by sending a written request to AFRL/FOIA, 26 Electronic Parkway, Rome NY 13441-4514.

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