Exchange-traded products (ETPs), which include exchange-traded funds (ETFs), exchange-traded notes (ETNs) and exchange-traded vehicles (ETVs), are one of the fastest growing investment products in the world. Their ability to combine the simplicity of stocks with the diversified risk of mutual funds continues to make them attractive to investors. So attractive, in fact, that in 2016 nearly half of the 250+ new ETFs1 listed were listed on NYSE Arca.

NYSE Arca is the #1 exchange in ETF volume and listings, offering unparalleled market quality, liquidity and execution from one of the world's most recognizable financial brands. For issuers, we provide end-to-end service from idea inception, to index development and calculation services, to product listing and trading. For liquidity providers, we offer a robust trading platform and enhanced market making programs that support our exchange position as the deepest source of ETF liquidity.

1 ETFs include all exchange traded products

Ready to List an ETF With NYSE Arca?

Let's Talk

Today's ETF Landscape

NYSE Arca has become the leading U.S. exchange for ETFs. We listed our first ETF in 2000 and, since then, we've launched the world's first ETV and the first ever commodity-based ETF, and were the first exchange to enhance our generic ETF listings standards to include international and fixed income products.

We are proud to be the #1 exchange in ETF Volume and Listings

Download the Arca Market Quality Infographic

Supporting details include:

  • NYSE Arca is ranked #1 in the listing and trading of ETFs with more than 1,510 ETFs listed on our exchange
  • NYSE Arca has the greatest number of lead market makers (LMMs) of all U.S. exchanges
  • NYSE Arca operates fully automated, transparent opening and closing auctions in all ETFs
  • NYSE Arca’s fully electronic trading platform delivers the benefits of deep liquidity, transparency and tremendous speed and efficiency
  • NYSE Arca offers significant price improvement opportunities at the midpoint in all securities

NYSE Arca has the most market share in trading volume with nearly 2.5 times more liquidity than the next largest exchange.
NYSE Arca has over 3 times more listings than all other U.S. exchanges combined.
Over 92% of all U.S. ETF AUM is listed on NYSE Arca.

Why More ETFs List on NYSE

As of December 31, 2016, NYSE Arca's listed ETFs had nearly $2.4 trillion in assets under management (AUM), representing nearly 92% of all U.S. listed ETFs. And they list with us for a reason. We provide ETF issuers with:

  • Guidance through the complete listings process, including expert consultations and round-the-clock, expert legal support, particularly with 19b-4 filings
  • Trusted experience in listing more than 2,500 ETFs across a wide range of asset classes and investment strategies over the past decade
  • Best-in-class customer service from experienced ETF professionals
  • The highest liquidity of any exchange and some of the narrowest quoted bid / ask spreads
  • Industry-leading Lead Market Maker (LMM) and Incentive programs

NYSE Arca By the Numbers

NYSE Arca has the narrowest quoted bid / ask spreads.

NYSE Arca is at the best price (NBBO) 36% more often than any other exchange throughout the day.

NYSE Arca is at the best price with the greatest size over 2 times longer than any other exchange throughout the day.

Our Family of ETP Issuers


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NYSE Priorities to Strengthen Markets During Extreme Volatility (Jan 2016)
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The Premier Exchange for ETFs (Dec 2016)
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A snapshot of ETF market share and performance.

ETF Market Leadership (Sept 2016)
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NYSE Arca Auctions (2014)
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Erroneous & Aberrant Trades (2015)
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Market Making Programs
See the benefits of NYSE Arca's market making programs and how you can get started.

Contact Us
Contact information for Exchange Traded Products and indexes.

NYSE Press Releases
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